Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 443 Finding Time Dragon

The biggest difficulty in offering sacrifices to the Dragon Ancestor is how to contact the Dragon Ancestor. So far, there is only one way to contact the Dragon Ancestor.

The Mistress of the Red Nest paused, and then said: There is a magical place in the multiverse. It transcends time and space, connects the past, present and future, and cannot be touched or directly seen, but it is everywhere.

Jose's face was solemn, and he said in unison with the Mistress of the Red Nest: Yuanhai!


The emperor asked the Mistress of the Red Nest about the detailed records of the three methods, and then said goodbye to the Mistress of the Red Nest and returned to Longteng City.

Jose was sitting in the exclusive office, sitting on a chair, thinking with his eyes closed, thinking about the bloodline purification ceremony.

The Mistress of the Red Nest gave three options, but in fact there were only two. One was to make a deal with other powerful beings other than the Dragon God, and the other was to launch a magic ceremony to pray to the ancestor of all dragons, Io.

The first method is that there are not many powerful beings who are willing to offend Tiamat for the red dragon. Even if they are found, the strength gap between the two parties is too large, and the identities and strengths are not equal, and they have to take a very large risk.

It is undoubtedly safer to hold a magic ceremony and pray to Io, and the effect of the ceremony is better, but in contrast, the difficulty of the magic ceremony is very high.

If you want to summon Io, who has long since fallen, through Yuanhai, the first problem you need to solve is to gather the three evil-level magic materials: Sands of Time, Dust of Soul, and Dimensional Fragments.

The first god-level material - the sand of time, the sand of time is only born in the long river of time, and among the existences known to be able to enter the long river of time, except for a few top gods, only the time dragons are left up.

The second god-level material, if the soul of the existence above the legendary powerhouse is destroyed, there is a small possibility that a strange substance will be born-soul dust, which is the residue of the soul of the powerhouse, but what the red dragon needs It's not ordinary soul dust, but the soul dust born from the fall of a god-level powerhouse.

The third piece of god-level material - dimensional fragments, the origin of dimensional fragments is not small, only when the plane is destroyed, the dimensional wall explodes, and under the violent energy riot, it is possible to produce dimensional fragments.

Any one of the three major god-level materials is a rare treasure, and it is already great luck for a demigod powerhouse to get one of them, let alone gather them together.

No matter what, if you don't try, you won't know it can't be done, Jose gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and went all out to find the three major evil-level materials.

Of course, at the same time, he also decided to look for a powerful existence willing to trade as a backup option.

The Sands of Time is the most precious of the three major god-level materials, but it may be the easiest one for me to obtain. It is also of the blood of Io. Even if the time dragon does not recognize the five-color dragon as the same family, it will not wantonly kill it. The biggest difficulty is finding the residence of Time Dragon.

The time dragons have strange abilities. They often dive into the long river of time and travel. The dragons can't see the end. It's not easy to find them...

bang bang bang!

While the red dragon was thinking, there was a knock on the door.

Come in.

The consul of Dragon City—Kokelin Ironscale walked in quickly with a piece of information, his face was a bit ugly.

Your Majesty! Bad news! The devil... the devil has slaughtered seven devil cities on the battlefield!

Jose frowned. He had expected that the red-clothed devil would not hide his strength after failing to kill the three of Tedanol, but he did not expect the red-clothed devil to be so fierce, killing seven devil cities in a row .

Where's the abyss lord? What is the abyss lord on the devil's side doing?!

Look here, Kirklin Ironscale presented the information with both hands.

The invisible mental force seized the information, and the information was suspended in front of the red dragon.

Jose read the content of the information with a glance and ten lines, and his brows furrowed deeper. The content of the information made him chill.

The red-clothed devil——Cecilia used some means to sneak into the demonic main city where the abyss lord was located, attacking and severely injuring the abyss lord.

The abyss lord was wounded and escaped, and the devil in red led all the demigods to slaughter the main city of the devil.

Immediately afterwards, the six demon cities under the command of the abyss lord were slaughtered.

In this battle alone, the points gained by the devil exceeded the sum of the points accumulated by the three major forces of Tidanol for many years.

Jose felt a strong sense of urgency. If the situation continued, even if he stepped into the gods, he would not be able to close the point gap with the devil.

And the price of failure is to hand over Tidanol, and the four-element gems, the Forsyth Empire, the magic tower, and all the family properties that have been saved through hard work are destroyed.

I can't wait any longer! Jose thought in his heart.

Even though he started to feel anxious, there was no change on Red Dragon's face, because he was the leader and the backbone of Longteng City, once Red Dragon showed a flustered expression, it would deal a greater blow to Longteng City's morale.

The red dragon waved his hand, making Kirklin Ironscale back out.

After the consul left, the red dragon had a thought, and his will was transferred to the clone of the dragon tooth that was still in Tidanor. He was going to see the basic material for blood purification—the blood of Tiamat.

Taidanol, Forsyth Empire, and in the underground magic tower of Oka City, the dragon tooth avatar of the emperor froze for a moment, and then his aura changed.

At this time, this clone is already controlled by the emperor Benlong.

With a thought, Jose teleported to the room where [Blood of Tiamat] was stored.

In a huge room surrounded by a giant magic circle, the advanced half-god eight-armed snake demon - Bianza was working, with four pairs of arms aimed at [Blood of Tiamat], with abyssal energy gushing out from his hands, absorbing The abyssal demon energy in the blood of Yamat.

How's the progress? Jose asked lightly.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Bianza stopped working and turned to face the red dragon; Going back to the master, it's not going well.

The further back [Blood of Tiamat] is, the more difficult it is to purify. So far I have extracted 99% of the abyssal devil energy, but the remaining 1% cannot be absorbed anyway. come out.

The wrecked ship was hit by a headwind again, and Jose's mood became more and more depressed. He took a few steps forward, walked up to [Blood of Tiamat], and turned on [Data Visualization] for a closer look.

Compared with the time when the [Blood of Tiamat] was first obtained, the [Blood of Tiamat] at this time is much purer, but as the eight-armed snake demon said, there is still a little bit of abyssal demon The qi pierced deeply into the blood of the gods and could not be eradicated.

[Blood of Tiamat] is the main material for purifying blood, and Jose would not dare to mix even a little bit of abyssal magic into it. If you fail due to qi, or become infected by demonic qi, then there is no place to cry.

Jose thought for a while, and thought of the golden diamond he had obtained before. The golden diamond contained rich divine power of the God of Justice, and the divine power of the God of Justice was the nemesis of the abyssal demon energy.

The Church of Justice should have stock, maybe we can exchange it with them, thinking about it, the emperor immediately contacted the archbishop of the Church of Justice in Tedanore and explained his purpose.

I'm sorry, His Majesty Jose, according to the will of my lord, we cannot make any transactions with you.

Okay, I understand. I'm sorry to bother you, Your Excellency the Archbishop, Jose sighed inwardly. According to the competition contract, the God of Justice and the Lord of the Nine Prisons are not allowed to give any help to their own contestants in any way.

The Emperor is about to end the call.

Wait, Your Majesty Jose, although I cannot trade items related to my lord's divine power with you, there is a place where I can.

The Archbishop of the God of Justice said with a smile: That place is the battlefield of bloody battles.

Jose was taken aback for a moment, and then realized: Thank you Archbishop for reminding...

At the end of the conversation with the archbishop of the Justice Church, Jose was overjoyed, but also a little annoyed: That's right! How could I forget this!

The Alliance of Gods on the battlefield of the bloody battle is not just a decoration, the military merits obtained on the battlefield of the bloody battle are also of great use. Military merits can be used as a common currency to trade items within the Alliance of the Gods.

The rewards within the League of Gods are quite rich. If you have enough points, you can even exchange for artifacts.

Jose has killed a large number of demigod demons with rewards on the bloody battlefield for many years, and conquered two demon cities. The military exploits he has gained have not been used yet, and the military exploits obtained on the bloody battlefield are not subject to competition rules. limited.

It's not just the divine power diamond, maybe even the three major god-level treasures can be harvested.

The emperor's consciousness returned to his body, and he was about to teleport to the headquarters of the Alliance of Gods on the battlefield of bloody battles.

Just as he was about to chant the mantra, he stopped again: Although I have accumulated a lot of military achievements, I'm afraid it's not enough to exchange for god-level materials, and it's even difficult to exchange for relevant information. Before leaving, I'd better ask my friends , so as not to waste money.”

With this in mind, Jose contacted friends from all walks of life.

Many cronies, without exception, know nothing about the three major god-level materials. Maybe they really don't know anything, or maybe they don't reveal their wealth.

But it doesn't matter, the red dragon didn't expect too much from the wine and meat friends, it just made a mistake and didn't let it go.

Jose contacted Faye Saobao again, and Faye Saobao didn't know about the materials of the three great evils, but he promised Red Dragon to ask his god father for information.

Immediately afterwards, Jose contacted the Guardian Spirit.

The guardian spirit has followed Emperor Hasilei for many years, and has seen a lot, so he may be able to know some news.

Sands of Time, Dust of Soul, Fragments of Dimensions? These are all very precious treasures. Even Emperor Hasira would have difficulty obtaining them. Why do you ask these, Jose? the guardian spirit was a little puzzled.

Jose sighed and told the truth. After all, [Blood of Tiamat] was snatched by the guardian spirit and the rock of fortitude.

After listening to the red dragon's words, the guardian spirit nodded in understanding.

At such an extraordinary moment, it is very normal for the red dragon to desperately want to improve its strength to fight against the devil.

I have no news about the Sands of Time and the Dust of Soul. As for the dimensional fragments... the Guardian Spirit looked at the Rock of Toughness behind him.

The voice of the rock of tenacity sounded loudly: I have a dimensional fragment in my hand, and I can give it to you.

Jose was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic. He broke through the iron shoes and found nowhere to find it, and it took no effort to get it.

The rock of tenacity went on to say in a low voice: This time, the Yuan fragment was obtained by chance when our plane was swallowed by the abyss. Since you need it, Jose, I will give it to you.

God-level treasures such as Dimensional Shards and Rocks of Perseverance were donated free of charge. Apart from gratitude, the Red Dragon had nothing else in his heart.

But Red Dragon didn't say thank you. There is no need to say too much about this kind of friendship, just remember it in your heart and repay it when you have a chance in the future.

Not long after, Jose received the dimensional fragments of one of the three great evil materials.

The dimensional shard looks like an extremely thin piece of glass, colorless and transparent, but the surrounding space can't bear the power of the dimensional shard, and becomes slightly distorted.

According to the instructions of the guardian spirit, the red dragon sealed the dimensional fragments with a magic barrier, and sent them back to the magic tower of Tidanol for storage.

A quarter of the problem was solved in one fell swoop. Jose was in a good mood and was about to teleport to the headquarters of the Alliance of Gods.

Suddenly, Lord Saobao - Laknancy sent a communication request, and the Red Dragon immediately connected.

Haha! Jose! You have to thank me this time!

Laknancy looked smug and didn't show off, and then said: I asked my father about the news of Time Dragon...

Jose sent three pieces of secret magic in the inheritance of Emperor Hasilei, and ended the call with Master Sao Bao. He was excited and read the teleportation spell. He decided to look for the Time Dragon first, and then go to the headquarters of the Alliance of Gods .

Anyway, the headquarters of the Alliance of Gods is on the battlefield of the bloody battle, and they cannot escape, but Shiguanglong is not necessarily the case.

If the multiverse dragons are divided into three, six, and nine classes.

Then there is no doubt that the five-headed dragon queen, the platinum dragon god, the gemstone dragon king, and the three-tailed dragon mother are the first echelon. They are all created by the ancestor of all dragons—Io, and they are unique and powerful dragons in the world. , which cannot be copied.

The third echelon is five-color dragons, metal dragons, gem dragons, color dragons and other dragon species created by the dragon gods.

The second echelon consists of many legendary dragon species, such as Time Dragon, Power Dragon, Rainbow Dragon, Ring Dragon and so on.

The weakest existence among the legendary dragon species can also become a legendary dragon after adulthood, with a high probability of stepping into the demigod level.

And the strongest race recognized among the legendary dragon species - the time dragon is even more terrifying. Even the time dragon in its infancy state is enough to compete against the demigod powerhouse, because they hold the most mysterious and powerful dragon in the multiverse. power - time.

Time Dragon, like many dragon gods, is also a product created by Ai Ou himself, and Ai Ou also gave Time Dragon the authority to manipulate time.

In fact, with the fighting power of Shiguanglong, it is not impossible to divide them into the first echelon.

The power of time is so weird that there is a slang word in the multiverse: Time Dragons are never alone.

When the time dragon is fighting, it will often summon its past self and future self to assist in the battle.

The three time dragons join forces, and the ordinary gods can only flee.

Fortunately, Jose is not looking for faults with Shi Guanglong.

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