Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 442: The Emperor of the Empire Visits the Mistress of the Red Nest

Jose ended the call with the guardian spirit, and informed the dragon tooth clone to transport the [Pillar of Dominion] back to Tedanore, put it in the depths of the magic tower, and store it carefully.

The red dragon then went back to the office in the core castle of Dragon City, and asked the dragon tooth soldiers to invite Prince Cassie.

Boss, are you looking for me? Cassie pushed the door open, and saw that the red dragon was sitting on a chair in the form of a dragon man, fingers crossed, and a cold box was placed on the desk in front of him.

Bailong's eyes were immediately attracted by the box, his eyes became blurred, his throat rolled, as if a lustful hungry ghost who had been imprisoned for five hundred years saw a peerless girl, his body involuntarily walked towards the box step by step.

After walking three steps, Cassie suddenly became sober, and shook his head to regain his sanity.

Bailong raised his head in shock, looking at the cold box: Boss, what kind of evil thing is this? Why is my blood so eager?!

Behind the table, Jose saw that Bailong quickly woke up from the state of temptation, and was satisfied in his heart, which proved that Bailong's willpower was very firm.

The red dragon made a gesture of invitation, and said, Since you are eager, then you can open it yourself and see if you know.

For me?

Nonsense! Otherwise, why call you here, miss you?!

Smiling, Bai Long walked quickly to the table, opened the lid of the box, looked at the three pieces of [Frost Essence] in the box, then shifted his gaze to the scroll, picked up the scroll, unfolded it, and began to read without moving.

Seeing this, Jose said, You are really lucky, this time I beat my life and almost fell, and I just got this [Winter's Son], which is just right for you.

Son of Winter? The white dragon looked away from the scroll, with a slightly embarrassed face, and handed the scroll to the red dragon.

Boss, please translate for the translator, my ancient elf vocabulary is too small.

Jose almost choked, and said angrily, Then you were so engrossed just now?!

The text is so beautiful.


Not long after, Bailong happily left the room and went straight to the portal in the core castle compound. He planned to return to Tedanore to learn about [Son of Winter].

Jose watched the white dragon leave, then quickly uttered the spell in his mouth, and started the teleportation, teleporting to the Fire Elemental Realm.

He planned to visit the Red Nest Matriarch himself.

After escaping from the devil, the Red Dragon, Merlin, and the Mermaid King immediately notified the combatants on Tidanol's side of the news about the devil in red, so as to avoid any accidents to their demigods.

At this time, the Mistress of the Red Nest, Silver Flash, Wings of Havoc and other dragons and a group of demigod powerhouses all evacuated from the abyss, went back to their homes, and waited for news.

In the Fire Elemental Realm, the majestic and magnificent crimson mountains are rolling continuously, and countless characteristics of the Fire Elemental Realm live in it, absorbing the endless fire element energy in this world.

Under the highest mountain peak, a stalwart red dragon appeared in the teleportation light.

Jose went straight to the cave not far away. This inconspicuous cave was the lair of the peerless dragon in the world of Tydanole—the Mistress of the Red Nest.

Having said that, the Mistress of the Red Nest is an invincible existence in Tedanor, but she really cannot be ranked in the star realm, abyss, and four-element realm where masters gather.

It is precisely because of this that the entrance to the residence of the Red Nest Mistress on the Fire Elemental Plane is quite low-key.

Jose walked towards the entrance of what appeared to be an ordinary cave.

The moment he stepped into the entrance of the cave, the red dragon felt as if he had passed through a layer of membrane, and then the scene in front of him blurred, revealing the reality of the magic barrier cover.

From the outside, there is no abnormal cave, but there is another world inside.

Eight legendary Dragon Tooth Soldiers guard the entrance of the cave, and inside the cave is a huge empty space, where the family of the Red Nest Mistress lives.

These dependents were all subdued by the Red Nest Mistress on the Fire Elemental Plane, including human and beast types, and even slime-like lava worms.

Master Jose, the leader of the Dragon Tooth Soldier walked quickly to the Red Dragon, bowing and saluting.

These Dragon Tooth Soldiers all followed the Mistress of the Red Nest to the Fire Elemental Plane from Tedanor, so they naturally knew the Emperor of the Empire.

Master Jose, is there anything I can do for you?

Take me to see Savannah.

This way, please. As early as the moment the teleportation brilliance appeared, the Dragon Tooth Soldiers discovered the Red Dragon and notified the Red Nest Mistress.

When the red dragon arrives, the mistress of the red nest will naturally want to see her, after all, the emperor of the empire is now her big benefactor!

Jose followed the Dragon Tooth Soldiers, passed through the guarded caves, and walked all the way down. After walking for a few minutes, he finally arrived at the destination, and saw the Red Nest Mistress who had been waiting for a long time.

Ou~, Red Nest welcomes you, my generous partner. On the golden throne inlaid with a large number of rubies, Savannah smiled all over her face and spread her wings enthusiastically in a virtual embrace.

The enthusiasm of the Mistress of the Red Nest is not fake at all, she has made a lot of money from the emperor, and seeing the emperor is closer than seeing her own mother.

Of course, the value of a biological mother in the heart of the Red Nest Mistress may not be as valuable as a copper plate.

I'm also very honored to visit you, my outstanding partner, Jose said, raising his chin at the Red Nest Mistress's family members in the hall.

The Mistress of the Red Nest understood and waved her paws casually: You all go down.


All the family members withdrew, and the last one who quit was very considerate and closed the door.


In the vast throne hall, there are only two strong red dragons left.

The mistress of the red nest leaned on the throne seat: Okay, there are only you and me left here, so we can speak directly if we have anything to say.

Jose first set up a magic barrier to block conversation information, and then condensed a magic chair on his own, sitting on an equal footing with the Red Nest Mistress.

From the perspective of secular etiquette, the behavior of the red dragon is very impolite, but it is not so particular in the dragon clan.

The Mistress of the Red Nest didn't care at all. In her heart, the emperor who had defeated her was qualified to sit on an equal footing with herself. Of course, if the emperor's chair was higher than her, the Mistress of the Red Nest would also feel slighted and ridiculed.

Savannah looked at the Emperor curiously, waiting for an explanation from the Emperor.

Jose changed into a comfortable sitting position, facing the Mistress of the Red Nest: Your Majesty, I came to visit you this time to ask a question. You are an elder of the Dragon Worship Sect, how much do you know about the purification of my dragon blood?

The mistress of the Red Nest knew in her heart that the appearance of the devil in red made the strength of all the demigods of Tidanol become insufficient. The red dragon desperately wanted to improve the purity of the blood and increase its strength to fight against the devil in red. This is nothing but normal .

Well, the IQ of pure blood is very precious, the Red Nest Mistress stared at the Emperor, her eyes were like a big fat sheep.

Jose didn't care too much about this. For him, the problems that money could solve were not a problem, especially after getting the treasures accumulated by the Floggers for thousands of years, the wealth of the Red Dragon was comparable to that of ordinary god-level powerhouses.

The red dragon calmly took out three dimensional bags, opened the rope of one of the dimensional bags with mental power, and poured out the contents of the dimensional bag.


Dazzling gold flowed out of the dimension bag, flooding into the hall like a tide, and the melodious sound of gold coins jumping on the slate made the eyes of the Red Nest Mistress shine.

In a short while, the entire throne hall was covered with a layer of gold coins, and the bases of the two thrones were submerged in gold coins. The sea of ​​gold coins was also mixed with pearls and gemstones of various colors, reflecting the entire hall in a colorful manner.

Even though the Mistress of the Red Nest was already very rich, she still couldn't help her greed for wealth, and her breathing rhythm accelerated.

after awhile.

What a shiny little cutie, the mistress of the red nest suppressed the idea of ​​diving into the sea of ​​gold coins and stared at the red dragon.

Purification of dragon veins is a very advanced knowledge. There is not enough money here, so we need to add money!

Jose raised his brows: Your Majesty, you are not the only elder of the Dragon Worship Cult. You are just the one I am most familiar with. That's why I came to you for a deal. Do you understand what I mean!

Saying that, a gold coin in the ground flew up and jumped into the dimensional bag again.

The mistress of the red nest clenched the dragon claws on the armrest of the throne for an instant, and glared at the emperor. In her eyes, the gold coins on the ground belonged to her, so how could she bear the lovely gold slipping away from her hands.

If she hadn't been unable to defeat the Emperor of the Empire, she would have already started to rob.

It was precisely because she couldn't beat her that the Red Nest Mistress quickly suppressed her anger and put on a smile: Look at what you said, my dear Jose, the friendship between us...

The atmosphere returned to harmony.

After some haggling, Jose added some symbolic remuneration within the bottom line, and reached an agreement with the Red Nest Mistress.

The transaction contract of the God of Justice spontaneously ignited, and the two red dragon powerhouses breathed a sigh of relief.

The Mistress of the Red Nest was able to reap so much wealth just by talking about it, so she was naturally very happy.

And Jose also solved a big problem.

The identity of the Mistress of the Red Nest is not simple. Due to her strong blood, the Mistress of the Red Nest was invited by the Dragon Worship Sect at the beginning of her advancement to the ancient dragon, and became the elder of the Dragon Worship Sect headquarters.

The Dragon Worship Cult is the organization that has the most thorough research on the dragon race among the forces in the multiverse. The precious knowledge accumulated since the establishment of the organization is exactly what the emperor of the empire desires, especially the knowledge about blood purification.

The reason why the Mistress of the Red Nest traded with the Mistress of the Red Nest was that, on the one hand, as the Emperor said, the Mistress of the Red Nest was the top Dragon Worship Cult he was most familiar with; Benlong is well aware of this, and will not be as confident as a strange dragon.

The mistress of the red nest took the money and started to work.

You have found the right dragon, said the Mistress of the Red Nest, leaning against the throne seat.

The topic of bloodline purification is a long-standing research project within the Dragon Worship Cult, and I happen to be very interested in it, and I have read a lot of materials such as bloodline purification, Red Nest's mistress recalled when she learned that After the news of [Madunken's Bloodline Purification Magic Table], I went to the Dragon Worship Cult to find out the relevant news.

There is a [Magic Table for Purifying the Bloodline of Mordencan] under the Red Nest, you know it?

Well, you sure do.

The mistress of the Red Nest smashed her mouth, showing a disdainful expression: Only those few idiots with low bloodlines would treat that stone platform as a treasure.

Sure enough, Jose understood in his heart.

At the beginning, he did not participate in the competition against [Magic Table for Purification of Mordencan's Bloodline]. On the one hand, he was not strong enough at the beginning, and another important reason was doubts in his heart.

As the leader of the Red Nest, how could the Mistress of the Red Nest not know that there is such a treasure in her territory!

In addition, the strongest of the four legendary dragons in the Red Nest Crypt, and the Wing of Havoc who is closest to the Mistress of the Red Nest, did not desire the [Magic Table for Purifying the Bloodline of Mordencan], which made people even more suspicious.

Now listening to what the Mistress of the Red Nest said, Jose's original thoughts have been confirmed.

[Madunken Bloodline Purification Magic Table] can increase the concentration of bloodlines, but it has a serious sequelae. If you use it, you will never be able to step into the level of the ancient dragon, and step into the level of evil.

I have a better choice here than [Magic Table for Purification of Mordencan's Bloodline]. Of course, the premise is that you can find the blood of a high-level dragon, and the blood essence has the best effect.

The Emperor of the Empire listened.

The Red Nest Mistress went on to say: There are three methods.

Let me talk about the best solution first. This solution is to find the blood of the high-level dragon clan, and then prepare sacrifices, initiate a sacrifice to the dragon god, and use the divine power to achieve the perfect fusion of oneself and the blood.

The Emperor of the Empire shook his head. He was crazy to offer sacrifices to Tiamat, begging Tiamat to help him fuse the divine blood: This plan is skipped.

The Mistress of the Red Nest persuaded: Jose, this plan is the simplest, the most commonly used, and the one with the highest success rate. As long as enough sacrifices are prepared, the dragon gods are often willing to help. I hope that there will be more strong dragons.

The sacrifice problem for ordinary dragons is not a problem for you at all, said the mistress of the Red Nest, sweeping away the brutality that filled the hall. She had never heard of a dragon as powerful as the Emperor of the Empire in history. So generous.

Jose rolled his eyes in his heart, if the higher level dragon blood was the blood of the Dragon God, would the Dragon God still be so magnanimous!

The Emperor of the Empire did not explain the reason, but he did not continue to refute. He listened carefully to the plan given by the Red Nest Mistress. He would definitely not need this plan, but it would be good to have more knowledge.

Compared to the first one, the remaining two are more troublesome.

The red nest mistress then introduced: Second, I don't recommend you to use it, the risk is too high.

It's still based on a higher level of dragon blood, but it's not a sacrifice to the dragon god, but a deal with other existences, such as those ancient creatures in the void and the astral world that are comparable to gods. You can find those who are willing to sell So can the gods.

As for the third method, this method has the best effect, but the difficulty is too high, and the risk is also the greatest.

Jose was aroused curiosity: Tell me.

as you wish.

The mistress of the red nest tidied up her mood, and said with great anticipation: The third method is to pray to the ancestor of all dragons, the nine-faced dragon god—Io.

The emperor of the empire was surprised: Didn't the Dragon Ancestor fall?!

That's right, Long Zu's old man has indeed fallen long ago, but with the level of Long Zu's strength, even if he falls, he can do some incredible things.

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