Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 427 O'Neill, you traitor!

However, Laknancy changed his voice: I found another dragon, and he most likely knows about O'Neill.

Then hurry up and say it.

Jose spewed out two streams of white air from his nostrils: Have you spoken halfway, are you trying to whet my appetite, Laknancy, you are getting worse and worse.

Thank you for the compliment, Faye Sao Bao was not ashamed, but proud, showing a smug smile.

He accepted it as soon as he saw it, and then said: The problem is that my people can't get in where the dragon is.

The name of that place is Evilscale Fortress!

Jose was silent, feeling a bit of a headache.

Evil Scale Fortress, the Five-Headed Dragon Queen—the entrance to the Divine Kingdom of Tiamat, the base camp of all the five-color dragons in the multiverse, going to the lair of the Five-Headed Dragon Queen to seek news of her dragon blood, this is simply dying The fringes are frantically probing.

The trouble of going to the evil scale fortress is far more than that simple as the five-headed dragon queen, and you have to guard against the devil.

The Evil Scale Fortress is located on the first floor of Bator Hell. With José's current status, entering Bator Hell is like throwing himself into a trap.

The dragon you're talking about, is it the green dragon—Isabelle, or the blue dragon—Isaac?

It's the green dragon—Isabelle, Laknancy said with a calm face, and he wasn't surprised that the red dragon guessed the identity of the dragon.

After all, according to the information he received, the poisonous emerald - Isabelle, the blue tooth - Isaac, and the black blood tyrant - O'Neill left the plane of Tedanore together, and lived together for a short time.

The Red Dragon was also from Tidanol, so it's not surprising to know these things.

I didn't provide accurate information this time, so I won't charge your consulting fee. Good luck to you, my friend.

Thank you, my friend, Jose nodded, remembering Raknancy's favor in his heart.

Although Laknancy failed to provide accurate information about the black dragon, he found clues related to the black dragon, so that Jose would not be at a loss.

The two ended the call, the half-body projection of Faye Saobao disappeared, and Jose stayed in the room alone, lost in thought.

A chance to obtain the dragon's blood of Tiamat,

If you give up, you may not be able to wait for a second chance in this life.

Never give up, Hong Long slapped the desk, stood up, and walked back and forth in the room.

After walking back and forth twice, the red dragon stopped suddenly, his eyes were uncertain.

There is a way!


He only confessed to the white dragon—Cassie, and Jose did not alarm anyone, and teleported to Black Blood City.

The Black Blood City does not prohibit the devil from entering, and similarly, the Devil does not prohibit the Black Blood City's teleportation array. He intends to use the Black Blood City's teleportation array to teleport to the entrance of the first floor of Bator Hell.

The devils are all masters of deception, and when they see more deceptions, they are good at seeing through disguises.

Jose didn't put on too much camouflage, he only changed into the dragon form, and adjusted the appearance of the dragon form. There was an extra mark on his face, which made him look extremely fierce.

Tiamat's Kingdom of God is located on the first floor of Baator Hell. Five-color dragons often come to the devil's territory on the bloody battlefield through the teleportation array, and then go to the evil scale fortress through the teleportation array. Therefore, five-color dragons are not rare creatures in the devil's territory.

The dragon-man form is the most commonly used form of giant dragons, and the appearance changes freely. Even if the devils see that the red dragon has changed its size, they will not suspect other aspects. This is why the red dragon dares to change into the dragon-man form and go to the devil's territory.

Sitting on the teleportation array, after a burst of teleportation, the red dragon transformed into a dragon man came to another city.

Glancing around, the devil city's buildings are made of black bricks and stones. The buildings are exquisite, but they are filled with a dark and depressing atmosphere.

As in the city, the streets are very quiet, although there is a lot of magic, and the sound of conversation is almost inaudible.

With his head held high and his chest held high, Jose swaggered down from the transmission platform, with an arrogant look of looking at people with his nostrils.

The devils around the red dragon all looked sideways, but they were not surprised that the red dragon clan had this kind of virtue.

Get out of the way! Don't get in the way! The red dragon slapped the devil in front of him with his back turned to him, knocked him down, and swaggered forward.

The demon civilians around showed fearful eyes and spontaneously made way for the red dragon.

The beaten devil's head buzzed, and he looked at the back of the dragon man angrily, but he didn't dare to retaliate. Even in the devil society, the dragon is synonymous with power.

All the way without incident, Jose came to the portal leading to Bator Hell in the city.

There was a long queue in front of the portal, surrounded by devil soldiers maintaining order, and legendary high-ranking devils who charged for teleportation.

Under the watchful eyes of the guards, the dragonman swaggered forward and jumped into the portal.

Of course, he didn't give the fee for using the portal, and the legendary-level high-level devils didn't ask him for it.

This is the result of Tiamat's struggle against the Lord of the Nine Hells. If the portal to the first floor of Baator's Hell was charged, no dragon would go to the Evilscale Fortress.

Through the portal, Jose came to the first floor of Baator Hell - the portal of Avernas - the Bronze Fortress.

The red dragon looked around, looking at this devil fortress known throughout the multiverse.

The Bronze Fortress is not a fortress made of bronze, but is made of a special magic metal that is a specialty of Nine Prisons, but the color of this magic metal is the same as that of bronze, hence the name Bronze Fortress.

The Bronze Fortress is the gate of the Nine Hells, and it is also the first line of defense for the Nine Hells to stop the devil. It is guarded by the elite army of devils directly under the Lord of the Nine Hells.

At a glance, the Red Dragon found five legendary high-ranking devils. These five legendary high-ranking devils were wearing the same style of battle uniforms, and they each led an elite team composed of master-level devils, guarding the traffic in front of the portal. Beside the main road.

Jose even sensed that there were several demigod auras in the city.

As for the god-level strongman, there are naturally bronze fortresses, and Jose still knows his name—Bayer.

Bayer is a powerful evil-level purgatory devil, and also the first layer of the Nine Hells - the lord of Avernas. He has guarded the Bronze Fortress for many years, and has repelled the attacks of demon frenzy many times. His combat effectiveness is beyond doubt.

Jose couldn't help but be attracted by a pillar. This pillar standing in the bronze fortress is made of unique materials. It is made of demon skulls of different races. These demon skulls are melted together by the power of magic, regardless of each other.

This is the iconic building of the Bronze Fortress - the Pillar of Skulls!

These demon skulls were left by the demons who dared to attack the Bronze Fortress for countless years. All of them are powerful demons above the legend, and there are no fewer demigods.

At the very top of the pillar, there was a huge abyss bull demon skull burning, it was the last trace left in this world of an abyss lord whose name was so ancient that it had been forgotten.

Jose lowered his head, in the bronze fortress where the strong are like clouds, even the giant dragon has to restrain himself.

He walked out of the gate of the bronze fortress and flew straight to the west. There was a hidden will in the west calling him. He knew that this will was Tiamat's means, and it was specially for the five-color dragons who went to the evil scale fortress to guide them. direction.

After flying over the scorched and rubble-filled wasteland for more than an hour, Jose was tired of aesthetics. Finally, a colorful dot appeared at the end of his sight.

Jose's spirit shook: It's finally here! The Evilscale Fortress!

After flying a short distance, the red dragon could clearly see the appearance of the evil scale fortress.

It has to be said that this is a strange city.

The outer wall of the city is made of red, blue, green, black, and white dragon scales, most of which are green dragons. These scales come from the dedication of the five-color dragon clans since ancient times.

In the multiverse, when many sincere believers of Tiamat are near the end of their lives, in order for their souls to enter the kingdom of Tiamat more smoothly, they cross endless space and come to the Evilscale Fortress, where they wait for life end of

After the end of life, the soul does not go through the Styx, but directly enters the kingdom of the five-headed dragon queen, while the body becomes a part of the evil scale fortress.

hold head high! hold head high!

Thousands of giant dragons flew above the evil scale fortress, making excited dragon chants.

There are not only five-color dragons in the group of dragons, but also some other dragons that believe in Tiamat, such as steel dragons, shadow dragons, and double-color dragons. Jose also saw several rare legendary dragon species.

It was the first time for Jose to see so many of the same kind, and he also let out an excited dragon cry.

After flying close, Jose was able to clearly see the interior of the Evilscale Fortress. There are large and small spherical buildings distributed inside the Evilscale Fortress. The spherical buildings have different colors and have circular openings at the top. The dragons passed through the circular openings. In and out.

A scale is inlaid around each circular opening, which is equivalent to the house number of the dragon family, and the identity of the owner of the house is indicated by the breath of the dragon scale.

The size of the house represents the strength of the dragon's owner, and the larger the house, the stronger the owner's strength.

These are ancient customs preserved in ancient times.

In the ancient times when time lost its meaning, whether it was five-color dragons, metal dragons, or other dragons, they all lived in the astral world, and the giant dragons at that time lived in such spherical buildings.

It was only later that due to the energy decay of the multiverse, the bloodlines of the giant dragons degenerated and they could no longer adapt to the harsh environment of the astral world, so they had no choice but to migrate to the material plane, where there were natural weather phenomena such as rain and snow, and the habits of spherical houses and the like also changed. was eliminated.

Jose flew close to the Evilscale Fortress, but was stopped by the patrolling dragon guards.



This is the first time you've come to the Evil Scale Fortress?


What are you here for?

Looking for the dragon...


It was relatively easy for the five-colored dragons to enter the Evilscale Fortress. After some routine interrogation, Jose was let in, and he found out from the mouth of the dragon guard that the poisonous emerald, Isabelle's residence.

After leaving Tydanor, Isabelle did well. She not only broke through to the ancient dragon stage, but also came to the Evil Scale Fortress. With the status of the five-headed dragon queen priest, she gained a certain status inside the Evil Scale Fortress. She can be regarded as a rising star .

When Jose came to the door, Isabelle was very surprised, but still warmly received the red dragon.


After reminiscing about the past, Jose went straight to the point: Isabel, I came to you this time mainly to inquire about that bastard O'Neal.

Jose, why are you looking for O'Neill? Have you not let go of the past grievances?

The green dragon kindly persuaded: We are both of the five-color dragon clan, and we are all subjects of His Majesty the Dragon Queen. The past grievances are like withered vines, gone, let it go with time.

The red dragon didn't even open his mouth, just took out a dimensional bag, and pushed the dimensional bag towards the green dragon.

The green dragon took the dimensional bag, curiously poked the spiritual power into it, and immediately took a breath, the shiny gems dazzled her eyes.

Isabelle's face suddenly became as cold as ice, and she gritted her teeth and said, I just remembered, that bastard O'Neill and I also have a score to settle. That bastard promised me to follow His Majesty the Dragon Queen, but he let me dove!

Damn! Can I bear this?!

I can't! I can't bear it! How could this bastard let your pigeons go! It's clearly the pigeons of His Majesty the Dragon Queen! Jose then responded loudly: He dared to release the pigeons of His Majesty the Dragon Queen yesterday! He dared to betray the five-color dragon clan tomorrow! He A traitor!

That's right! Traitor! Green Dragon echoed.

The red and green dragons looked at each other, and they both saw the burning anger in each other's eyes. They nodded and reached an agreement to deal with O'Neill.

The green dragon wanted to quietly accept the dimensional bag containing the gems, but the red dragon held down its paws.

The green dragon immediately said righteously: Jose, what do you need me to do? I declare in advance that as a sincere believer of His Majesty the Dragon Queen, I must serve Her Majesty the Dragon Queen and cannot leave the Evil Scale Fortress.

She immediately changed her words: However, if you need it, for the sake of our friendship, I can make an exception for you, as long as you give me a small appearance fee.

The corner of Jose's mouth twitched slightly: You don't need to leave the Evil Scale Fortress, as long as you tell me the whereabouts of that guy O'Neal.

The whereabouts of O'Neal? The green dragon dodged his eyes.

After a pause, she said, Well...Actually, O'Neill and I came to the abyss together. He promised me to go to the Evilscale Fortress together, but on the way, he sneaked away.

Later I went to find him, and I found out some unfortunate news. That guy was captured by Nahum, the lord of the eighty-first floor of the abyss, the Flogger. Poor O'Neill, said the green dragon, squeezed out a few drop tears.

In my opinion, it's obvious that you left O'Neill and ran away alone, Jose complained in his heart.

After listening to Isabelle's words, the red dragon finally knew how the scars on the black dragon's body came from.

The lord of the eighty-first floor of the abyss, the whipper—Nahum, is famous for his fondness for whipping others. Whether it is his own demon subordinates or enemies who fall into his hands, they cannot escape the fate of being whipped.

Green Dragon continued: However, not long ago, I heard that guy O'Neill escaped from the whipper.

Oh~ Priest Isabel, so you don't know the whereabouts of O'Neill, Jose put his hand on the dimension bag and gestured to withdraw it.

However, I have this, the green dragon took out a black scale.

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