Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 426: Tiamat was injured and devoured the snake of the abyss

Five-headed Dragon Queen—Tiamat? Jose was startled.

Red Dragon immediately suppressed the surprise in his heart, and said, Tell me.

On the other end of the magic link, another demigod saw that the seller had a transaction intention, and said: This news is my exclusive news, and I also learned about it by chance. A few days ago, in a certain abyss void, five The queen of the first dragon started a fierce battle with an abyss lord, and both sides suffered losses.

Well, even if the news is true, Jose continued, but the question is, what benefits can I gain from it?

During that battle, both Tiamat and the abyss lord were injured and bled. I know that some existence got the blood. I can tell you what I know.

The red dragon was startled. Tiamat's dragon blood is an invaluable treasure for five-color dragons. Low-level dragons can use the blood of high-level dragons to increase the concentration of their own dragon veins.

The importance of the concentration of dragon veins to the dragon family is self-evident. As long as the concentration of dragon veins is high enough, bottlenecks such as ancient dragons and ancient dragons will not be a problem at all, just like those ancient dragons in the ancient times who do not know how long ago.

You know, in ancient times, whether it was five-color dragons, metal dragons, or other dragon races, they all had strong veins, and there was no bottleneck. As long as they lived to a certain age, they could naturally advance to ancient dragons and ancient giant dragons, and become existences comparable to gods. .

It was only later that the energy concentration of the multiverse became lower and lower, and it became more and more difficult for the powerful dragon family to reproduce. The dragon gods had no choice but to exchange for strong fertility at the cost of reducing the blood concentration of their offspring.

Not counting individual outstanding individuals such as the Red Nest Mistress, the Dragon Clan as a whole, the lower the algebra, the lower the blood concentration.

Until now, many dragons have been unable to advance to legendary dragons throughout their lives, let alone demigod-level ancient dragons, and god-level ancient dragons.

Obviously, the body that Jose passed through was an ordinary red dragon with mediocre aptitude. If it wasn't for Goldfinger and Jose's hard work in learning magic, he would definitely not have achieved what he is today.

Therefore, when an opportunity to obtain the dragon blood of Tiamat, the source of the five-color dragon blood, was presented, Qiang Hesai was also excited.

Excited in his heart, Red Dragon's tone on the surface was suspicious, and he said tentatively: Your Excellency, you are not fooling me with fake news!

Although the five-headed dragon queen is only a weak divine power, but as the descendant of the thousand-faced dragon god-Io, the source of the blood of the five-color dragon, it does not count as stripping off the position of the [Dragon God].

Its body strength is also comparable to that of medium divine power.

Also, many years ago, the five-headed dragon queen was even tied with the high-level divine power Lady Storm, which abyss lord can hurt her?!

Seeing that he couldn't win the trust of the seller, the strange demigod said, I swear in the name of Yuan Hai, what I say is true.

It's just the specific details of the battle. As long as you give me three demigod demon hearts, I will tell you.

Jose raised his brows, Yuan Hai's oath is more binding than the God of Justice, as long as the other party wants to advance to the gods, they will not make fun of Yuan Hai.

The news is probably true.

It's just three demigod demon hearts in exchange for just one illusory news, but it's a little expensive.


After some bargaining, Jose paid a demigod demon heart, and exchanged the other two demigod demon hearts with the strange demigod at equal value, and a deal was reached.

Your Excellency, if I dictate the news, you may still have doubts, so let me show you that memory directly, the strange demigod responded.

Jose naturally has no objection to this: Okay, let's do as you say.

The next moment, the red dragon saw a picture of the memory of the strange demigod.

In a dark void, the energy in the distance is chaotic, and the aftermath of the fierce battle shakes the void. Even if you just watch the memory and don't visit the scene in person, you can still feel the terrifying feeling of destroying the world.

The line of sight continues to draw closer, this is the strange demigod who is closely observing curiously.

As the strange demigod approached, Jose saw some pictures inside the battlefield. In the terrifying tide of five-color energy, the five dragon heads of red, blue, green, black, and white appeared and disappeared, spouting flames, lightning, and poisonous gas respectively. , acid and cold.

There is no doubt that this special dragon is the well-known five-headed dragon queen in the multiverse, the mother of evil dragons, the dragon god of colors, and the blood of all five-color dragons-Tiamat!

Just by looking at the image of Tiamat, Jose also felt the pressure from the depths of his blood, which was the pressure of the inferiors facing the higher creatures.

On the other side, facing Tiamat, there is a seething abyssal demonic energy. In the abyssal demonic energy, a terrifying giant snake with one horn, black background and red stripes is slithering. This giant snake is huge and powerful. Like Tiamat, it is not as big as an eyeball of a giant snake.

The legend turned out to be true! Jose was extremely shocked.

It's shocking, isn't it! The strange demigod couldn't help sighing: I never thought that I would meet the dragon god who is famous in the multiverse in a simple trip, and even see the legendary creature—— Swallowing Serpent of the Abyss!

In the bottomless abyss, there is such a legend that in the deepest part of the bottomless abyss, where even demons cannot penetrate, there is a kind of demon born with the will of the abyss—the snake that devours the abyss.

The snake that devours the abyss is very powerful, even the weakest of them is comparable to a god.

Jose, like many people, has heard of this legend, and like the vast majority of people, he is skeptical about this legend, because no one has ever seen the snake that swallowed the abyss with his own eyes, and there is no information about the snake that devours the abyss. The image of the snake flows out.

After approaching a certain distance, the strange demigod did not dare to approach any further and stopped to observe.

According to my observation, this snake that devours the abyss is the lord of an unknown abyss plane. For some reason, he fought with the five-headed dragon queen.

The plane of the unknown abyss? Is it the bottom abyss?

Well, that's right, the battlefield where these two beings are fighting is located on the outskirts of the Chaos Demon Realm on the 752nd floor of the abyss.

I see, Jose said suddenly.

The reason why the bottomless abyss is called the bottomless abyss is because no one knows exactly how many layers the bottomless abyss has. Every once in a while, a new abyss plane will be discovered, and occasionally there will be an abyss plane due to various reasons. destroyed for a reason.

In general, there are more newly born abyss planes than destroyed abyss planes, that is to say, the number of layers of the bottomless abyss is actually growing all the time.

It is also worth mentioning that although the bottomless abyss is based on the number of layers, the planes are not simply superimposed in the arhat style, but arranged in the order in which the abyss planes were discovered.

So far, the bottomless abyss has reached the 1254th floor.

Congratulations, Jose congratulated the strange demigod, because there are rewards for discovering the newly born abyss plane, and it can go down in history.

In the internal records of the Alliance of Gods, there will be such a record: at such and such a time, such and such person discovered such and such abyss plane.

It's too early for you to congratulate, the strange half-god said with a wry smile, You can continue watching.

In the picture, the two supernatural powerhouses continue to fight fiercely.

Although the five-headed dragon queen is small in size, her combat power is stronger than that of the snake that devours the abyss, firmly gaining the upper hand. The ocean-like wave of demonic energy gradually recedes, and an eggshell-like plane barrier appears in the sight of the red dragon. The shell of this egg is an ominous blood red.

Huh? The color of this face barrier doesn't seem to be deep enough. The normal abyss plane's plane barriers are all blood red. Could it be a demi-plane?

That's right, the strange demigod confirmed the Red Dragon's thoughts: This is a top half-plane that is about to transform into an abyss plane.

A flash of doubt flashed in Jose's heart, wondering why the strange demigod would exchange this news so easily, the value of a demiplane that had never been developed was much higher than the hearts of three demigod demons.

In the unique environment of the abyss, a large number of unique abyss magic materials will be formed, and a demi-plane that has never been developed still maintains a complete ecology. If you can sneak into it, it is like going in to pick up money. It doesn't feel too good , maybe you can pick up the value of one or even several artifacts.

The battle between the two god-level powerful men did not know how long it lasted, and the red dragon knew the reason why the strange demigod was so generous.

This demiplane, which is about to form a new abyss, exploded!

The fragile demiplane barrier couldn't withstand the twisting of the two god-level gods, and exploded loudly.

In the earth-shattering explosion, the five-headed dragon queen and the snake that devoured the abyss were both injured, blood splashing in all directions.

The strange demigod wanted to grab a ball of blood, but failed because the blood splashed too fast.

On the other side, a lucky black dragon received a cloud of divine blood and quickly fled the scene. The rest of the blood fell into the void and disappeared.

The strange demigod originally wanted to chase the black dragon, but the demiplane exploded and set off a violent energy storm. The violent energy storm made it difficult for him to move, so he had to give up.

When the energy storm subsided, the black dragon disappeared, and the injured five-headed dragon queen also disappeared, and the snake that devoured the abyss plunged into the depths of the void. The strange demigod was also afraid, and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

Memory sharing ends here.

Jose feels that this trip is worthwhile, not to mention other things, just watching a battle record of Tiamat is enough to be worth the heart of a demigod and demon.

As the source of the blood of the five-color dragons, Tiamat's fighting style with the head of the red dragon is very worthy of reference and even emulation.

Jose took advantage of it, and said, Although there is nothing to gain, it is not a loss to watch a battle of a god-level powerhouse.

Hahaha, as long as you think it's worth it, the strange demigod thought he had taken advantage of it. After all, Tiamat's fighting style didn't mean much to other races except the five-color dragons.

As for the news that the black dragon got the dragon's blood, the news is of little significance, the abyss is so big, finding a black dragon is like finding a needle in a haystack, otherwise the strange demigod would not have traded the news.

But how did he know that his trading partner was the Dragon Clan.

Both parties felt that they had made a profit, and the transaction ended happily.

Jose made several other deals at the exchange meeting and got the treasures he needed.

After the exchange meeting was over, Jose quickly returned to Dragon City, and immediately contacted the information dealer, Saobao Magistrate—Krananxi.

Kranansi, help me find a dragon, the faster the better, hurry up! As he said, Jose sent the image of the black dragon to him.

This black dragon's body is covered with terrifying scars, even one of its horns is broken, and it exudes a fierce aura from top to bottom. It is very ugly, and it can be said to be vivid.

Wow! Krananxi exaggeratedly exclaimed when she saw the image of the black dragon, Jose! Where did you find this kind of top quality? Even if I'm not a dragon, I still think he's ugly! It's so ugly!

Jose said with a serious face, My friend, thank you for helping me find him!

Seeing the serious look of the Red Dragon, Master Sao Bao knew that the Red Dragon attached great importance to this matter, so he stopped smiling: No problem, such a character with such a distinctive image, it is not difficult to inquire about it, just wait for my good news.

In terms of intelligence capabilities, you are top-notch, I can rest assured.

Then Jose realized he was wrong.

He can't rest assured that Cranancy is doing business.

The red dragon said with a black face: You are a second-rate intelligence dealer!

Three days passed, and Cranansi failed to find any news about the black dragon.

Faye Sao Bao admitted defeat: It's strange! There is no record of a character with such a distinctive image!

Jose, there are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that this black dragon has never appeared in the outside world, so no one knows it. The second is that the image of this black dragon was originally normal. Disfigured.

He continued: The first case is unlikely. A black dragon with at least legendary strength cannot have no historical records. Therefore, I am more inclined to the second point.

I have already ordered my professionals to analyze the wounds on the black dragon, and try to restore his appearance map, and the results will be available later.

Not long after, the restoration image of the black dragon came out.

Jose couldn't help being shocked when he saw the restored image of the black dragon: It's him!

This ugly black dragon with an extremely miserable appearance is actually a black dragon that came out of Tidanol - O'Neill!

Why, you know this black dragon?!

Klaranxi squinted at the red dragon: You guy, even a familiar dragon can't recognize you, so you have the nerve to call me a second-rate intelligence dealer.

The red dragon was thick-skinned, without red face, without heartbeat, and directly passed Faye Saobao's complaint: I do know him, he is from the same plane as me, and his name is O'Neill.

What did this guy go through later, and he became like this!

Krananxi shrugged: It's no problem if you know the name. I can't find any information about the black dragon this time, so I'll take off the head and give it to you.

An hour later, José saw... the head of Claransi.

Of course, the head is fake.

The red dragon's face was dark, and Master Sao Bao's face was also dark, looking at each other speechlessly.

Faye Saobao roared: I can't find any records about this guy, it's as if he evaporated after leaving the Tedanol plane! But...

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