Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 380: King Yongye’s plan!

It's a pity that Jose has gone somewhere, otherwise we could have blackmailed him, the Red Nest Mistress said with some regret in her heart as she fought against King Yongye.

The Orc Sword Master took the opportunity to get rid of the Evernight King and rejoined the siege of the giant earth elemental.

Deep underground, Jose observed the battlefield and analyzed the situation.

Without the Red Nest Matron, the five demigods still had a numerical advantage over the giant earth elementals and continued to move towards victory, but the speed inevitably slowed down.

The King of Eternal Night is restrained by the Red Nest Mistress and cannot make any waves.

The final result will not change, and the giant earth element will surely fall.

Jose hesitated to go out and participate in the siege of the giant earth element to fight for the glimmer of hope of obtaining the [Heart of the Earth].

However, the speculation about Medusa made him a little apprehensive.

The Medusa family disappeared in Tydanor for thousands of years, more than three thousand years to be precise.

When I thought about it, King Yongye happened to be defeated by the Moon Elf King and the Golden Elf King more than three thousand years ago.

Is there a connection between the King of Eternal Night and the Medusa family?

If there is a connection, there is much to ponder.

When did the Medusa clan discover this demiplane?

Since this demiplane has been discovered long ago, why didn't King Eternal Night take away the [Heart of the Earth]?

Where is the Medusa family now? What role did they play in this incident? In what way will it affect the ownership of [Heart of the Earth]?

With this thought in mind, Jose decided to observe for a while.

Now that King Yongye has died in person, if the Medusa family is really related to King Yongye, it won't be long before the Medusa family will emerge on their own.

On the edge of the demigod battlefield where landslides and landslides occurred, an invisible magic eyeball observed the battlefield and looked for any suspicious signs around the battlefield.

found it!

Jose was overjoyed. He saw an abnormality a thousand meters away from him through his secret eyes.

In the dusky wind and sand that filled the sky, the wind and sand outlined a silhouette of a human figure standing up from the ground. Apparently, there was an invisible person in the wind and sand.

He was so well hidden that the demigods in the fierce battle were completely unaware of him. If Jose hadn't been alert to his surroundings, he would most likely not have discovered his presence.

No! is her!

The emperor saw the outline of his figure from the side. The outline had obviously raised secondary sexual characteristics, and his height was more than double that of an ordinary person.


Jose slowly raised his arm when he saw the outline outlined by the wind and sand. The shape of a bow appeared in the flying yellow sand, and the direction of the bow and arrow was the giant earth element battlefield, and the target was the orc swordmaster.

He understood many things at once.

This Medusa and King Eternal Night are in the same group, and King Eternal Night discovered the [Heart of the Earth] before the Kingdom of Fusei existed.

As for why he didn’t acquire [Heart of the Earth] earlier.

It may be that when King Yongye discovered the demiplane, the giant earth element was already very powerful and beyond the scope of King Yongye's ability, so it was delayed until the demiplane earth element exploded, attracting everyone's attention.

Taking this opportunity, King Eternal Night plotted against the demigods of Tydanor to let the unknown subordinates of Medusa hide in the dark, while he jumped out to attract everyone's attention.

It's a pity that King Yongye failed to calculate the emperor in his calculations.

Jose no longer hesitated and detonated the Secret Eye.

Demigods are extremely sensitive to fluctuations in magic elements. The self-exploding Mystical Eye will definitely attract everyone's attention and make them vigilant, preventing Medusa from ambushing her.

The next moment after he exploded the Mystic Eye, Jose teleported to the surface.

When he came to the surface, he immediately noticed the arrows attacking the orc sword master. The arrows were wrapped with khaki energy, like a huge khaki rail gun streaking across the sky, hitting the people who turned around to check because the Mystic Eye exploded. Orc swordmaster.

Due to the self-destruction of the Mystic Eye, the orc swordmaster noticed the incoming energy arrows in advance and evaded them in time.

The earth elemental arrow flew past the orc sword master and hit the giant earth elemental. A massive amount of earth elemental energy exploded. At the location where the arrow was hit by the giant earth elemental, a thick shell of rock spread to all sides.

The innate ability of the Medusa family - petrification!

I almost got there! The orc sword master suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Being petrified during a fierce battle with a giant earth element, the consequences can be imagined. Even if he is not killed on the spot, he will die at the hands of the giant earth element.

The most assured attack failed, and Medusa was furious. She turned around and stared at the emperor who suddenly appeared. Her hair was full of snakes dancing wildly in the air. Each snake head let out a hissing roar, revealing its scalp-numbing sharp claws. Teeth, murderous aura erupted in all directions.

The moment Medusa turned her head, Jose closed his eyes.

Medusa is also known as the Gorgon. Every adult individual has master-level strength. In addition, their eyes have the innate ability - petrification rays. They have the ability to petrify anyone who looks into their eyes. This is a strange ability. Medusa has become one of the most difficult races among the legendary species, making adventurers in the multiverse change their minds.

Of course, Medusa's petrification is not invincible.

First, petrification is triggered by visual contact, and the target must look into Medusa's eyes.

Secondly, beings who are stronger than Medusa have a certain chance of being exempted from petrification. The greater the power disparity, the lower the success rate of petrification.

The Medusa in front of him was just the pinnacle of the legend, and its aura was not as powerful as the Emperor's. However, the Emperor did not dare to take risks, so he closed his eyes and charged towards Medusa.

As long as the opponent's Medusa is known in advance, the threat of Medusa is reduced by at least half.

In this fantasy world with countless spells, you can get sight without opening your eyes.

Elemental vision!

Jose turned on elemental vision, and at a glance, the entire world was filled with earthy yellow light spots, even Medusa was no exception.

Medusa's natural ability is petrification, and they are natural users of the earth element.

At this thought, Jose frowned slightly.

In this special demiplane where the earth element has an absolute advantage, the combat effectiveness of earth element users will be greatly improved, while the strength of users of other elements will decrease.

Medusa, who was already exposed, had no scruples. She quickly drew her bow and fired an arrow. Several arrows emitting rich earth element energy lined up to attack the red dragon.

Burning Domain!


Raging fire erupted from the Emperor's body and quickly spread throughout his body. The fierce fire element quickly destroyed the earth element attached to the arrow, and finally turned into an ordinary arrow, which was neither painful nor itchy when shot on the body.

It is true that this demiplane is very special. The demigods lack external elemental energy and their strength is greatly reduced.

But Jose is a special case.

[Phoenix Heart] stores a massive amount of fire element energy, which is enough to support him in a fight without any worries without external fire element supplements.

Having said that, Jose did not act recklessly. Instead, he imitated the Red Nest Matron and used the Ember Domain to gather the pitiful fire element energy in the air, accumulating a small amount into a large amount. He also gave up using powerful magic to kill the enemy and launched Charge, planning to kill the enemy in melee combat in order to save magic power.

After all, Medusa is not his only opponent. A battle for the [Heart of the Earth] is very likely to break out later, and he has to guard against it.

Facing the charge of the red dragon, Medusa was very afraid.

Although the Medusa clan is also an extraordinary race with strong physical strength, in front of the Red Dragon clan, there is no difference between Medusa and humans. They are all just a slap in the face.

She never dared to let the red dragon get close, so she quickly used the gravity technique to slow down the red dragon's charging speed, and at the same time quickly retreated, not forgetting to fire arrows to block it.

Jose charged against Medusa's attack, but Medusa occupied an absolutely favorable geographical environment and her magic power was greatly enhanced, which caused him some trouble.

The trouble must be solved as soon as possible! With this thought, Jose no longer stingy with magic power, and chanted the spell quickly.

Multiple clone techniques!

Taking the emperor's body as the starting point, phantoms separated from the main body. In the process of breaking away from the main body, each phantom quickly solidified, flapped its wings as if alive, and flew towards Medusa from all directions. Surround it.

Medusa's vision was filled with red, and there were flying dragon shadows everywhere. She was horrified in her heart, and she launched a counterattack. Every arrow would defeat a dragon shadow, or even kill two birds with one stone.

But only a few dragon shadows were eliminated, which was not worth mentioning compared to the total number of red dragon clones.

After a while, Medusa was surrounded by dense red dragon clones, with nowhere to escape. The clones either waved their dragon tail whips to smash down, or slapped her down.

However, the clones appear to be menacing, their bodies are very solid, and there are no flaws in their appearance. However, in fact, the clones have no ability to attack. If you want to attack the enemy, you must first turn the clones into the main body.

The magical thing about the multiple clone technique is that any one of the clones can turn into the main body at any time as long as the technique is used. It is actually a necessary weapon for killing people and escaping.

Jose chose a clone that was smashed by the dragon's tail in the air. The clone quickly solidified into its true form, and at the same time, the dragon shadow in the sky disappeared.

Medusa saw the sky that she had not seen for a long time, but she was not happy at all. The dragon's tail smashed down from the sky with a roaring sound. Once hit by the dragon's tail, Medusa's fragile body and being crushed by a truck The fate of the eggs was no different.

She wanted to escape, but it was too late. The emperor chose the clone closest to her. The dragon's tail was already less than five meters away from her, and there was also a restraining force preventing her from escaping.

Medusa felt sad and angry in her heart. The dragon clan, a race with strong body and strong spellcasting ability, was so enviable and jealous. Comparing magic with heavy armored warriors, and competing with crispy professions in melee combat, this fighting method was too shameless. There is simply no solution.


The dragon's tail slammed down hard, hitting Medusa, and the remaining force hit the ground, leaving a deep mark on the ground.

It doesn't feel right! Jose moved his tail and saw the gray and white stone powder at the bottom of the pit.


No, it's obviously a hit, it's an unknown scapegoat magic!

Jose looked around and saw no sign of Medusa, but he knew that Medusa was still alive.

However, it doesn't matter whether Medusa is still alive or where she is now.

The emperor looked at other battlefields.

The giant earth element was hit by Medusa's charged attack, and the area hit was petrified, but it was made of rock itself, so petrification would naturally have no effect.

The Mistress of the Red Nest is still fighting fiercely with King Yongye, and both sides are evenly matched.

Without any hesitation, Jose suddenly flapped his wings and flew directly towards King Yongye.

Without the help of the legendary Medusa, King Eternal Night is alone. As long as he is eliminated, without external interference, the demigods can concentrate on dealing with the giant earth element, and then kill the giant earth element, and finally compete for each other based on their own abilities. [Heart of the Earth].

The moment Medusa failed to attack the Orc Sword Master, King Yongye knew that this operation failed, but he never expected that Medusa's defeat would come so quickly.

The legendary Medusa is the leader of Medusa under his command. She has a special profession, and with the blessing of the special environment of this demiplane, Medusa, as a user of the earth element, is not much weaker than ordinary demigods.

However, Medusa failed to survive three rounds in the hands of the red dragon.

King Yong Ye silently glanced at the flying Emperor. His ice-blue ominous eyes seemed to imprint the Emperor's figure into his soul. Then he exchanged injuries for injuries and forced the Red Nest Matron to retreat.

We will meet again! The ruthless voice had no warmth, like eternal ice.

As soon as he finished speaking, King Yongye disappeared from where he was.

There is no doubt that this is a wise choice.

The Mistress of the Red Nest can fight on equal footing with Lord Eternal Night on her own, and with the addition of Jose, Lord Eternal Night will only be beaten if he stays.

Seeing King Yongye disappear, Jose breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is not afraid of King Yongye, King Yongye can retreat despite the difficulties and save him a lot of trouble.

Hmph! You can run fast! The Red Nest Mistress snorted coldly, then turned to look at the Emperor.

Just as he was about to speak, suddenly, the ground shook in the direction of the giant earth elemental battlefield, and a violent tide of earth elemental energy rippled in all directions, sweeping in all directions and pushing the demigods away.

Jose sensed that the aura on the giant earth element was suddenly rising, rapidly breaking through to the critical point of demigods, and was still improving. He was horrified: What's going on?!

The sudden changes also caught the demigods off guard.

He...he is breaking through!

The demigod spot is available!

Everyone thought of King Yong Ye who had just disappeared, and couldn't help but grit their teeth: How cruel!

In order to create trouble for everyone, King Eternal Night withdrew from the plane of Tydanor himself, freeing up a demigod spot for the giant earth element.

The giant earth element, which was originally restricted by quotas, immediately broke through and became a new demigod.

I have to admit that the behavior of King Yongye has caused great trouble to everyone. A giant earth element with legendary strength has made it impossible for the demigods to attack it for a long time. Now that it has broken through to the demigods, it will definitely be more difficult to deal with, or even impossible to deal with.

Feel the anger of the earth! The giant earth element completed the breakthrough and waved his hand, causing stone cones to fall from the sky, blocking the sky tightly, as if it were raining.

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