Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 379 The King of Eternal Night Appears

The fierce battle was still going on. The powerful demigods had no external elements to use and could only use their own reserves of magical energy. In addition, each had their own agenda. Even if they fought six against one for half an hour, they still failed to achieve a breakthrough result.

Obviously, in a special plane full of earth elements, it is very unwise to engage in a war of attrition against the earth elements with demigod combat power.

The status of all the demigods has declined, the magic power of the mage has dropped, and the warriors are panting, with the exception of the Mermaid King.

The Mermaid Emperor possesses the [Heart of the Ocean], which contains inexhaustible water elemental energy. Once the elemental energy in her body drops to a certain level, she will immediately absorb the [Heart of the Ocean] and return to its peak state.

It is precisely because the Mermaid Emperor is too strong that the giant earth element keeps a close eye on the Mermaid Emperor, and she can withstand most of the pressure.

Not only were they attacked by giant earth elements, but they also had to guard against attacks from comrades in arms. Even the powerful Mermaid Emperor found it a bit overwhelming.

Once again absorbing the elemental energy in [Heart of the Ocean], the demonic energy in Mermaid King Situya's body was restored, but the mental power consumed by absorbing elements and casting spells was not recovered so quickly.

The Mermaid Emperor gritted his teeth: Everyone! If you still want [Heart of the Earth], don't hold back, otherwise I won't accompany you!

Moulin responded: Your Excellency Situya, it's not that we are paddling, but that we really have no choice. We don't have an infinite source of magic power like [Heart of the Ocean] like you.

Hmph! Why are you pretending! Do you, the guardian of the Pompeii Empire, still lack a trump card? If you continue like this, just play by yourself, said the Mermaid King as if to leave the battlefield.

I think Your Excellency Situa is right.

The Orc Sword Master spoke out to support the Mermaid Emperor: Everyone wants [Heart of the Earth], but they don't want to contribute. How can it be so cheap?

The golden elf king, Cecil, said: We are all not fools. If we continue to waste time like this, it will be meaningless except a waste of time. I have a suggestion. Why don't we all show some real skills and defeat this bastard? The elements have been resolved, and as for who gets the [Heart of the Earth] in the end, let everyone rely on their own abilities!

Agree! But I have to correct you on one thing, [Heart of the Earth] must be mine! The Red Nest Matron sprayed out cone-shaped dragon flames, and the raging dragon flames attacked the earth element.

Not one to be indecisive among the demigods, a consensus was quickly reached.

Endless water elemental magic gushes out from the [Heart of the Ocean],

A large water elemental energy area formed around the Mermaid King, forming an energy tide in the sky, and the turbulent water elemental waves hit the giant earth elemental.

The voice of the giant earth element buzzed, and it echoed: Solid as a rock!

While roaring, a large amount of earth elemental energy arrogantly gathered towards his body, forming a thick layer of earth elemental armor on his body surface, which was hard to resist the erosion of the water elemental energy tide, and was submerged by the water elemental wave.

The Mermaid Emperor's strategy is a good one. It uses the tide of water elemental energy to surround the giant earth elemental, so that it is isolated from the external earth elemental energy and cannot use the external earth elemental energy.

The ideas are rich and the reality is skinny.

The tide of water element energy separates the giant earth element and the earth element energy in the air, but the giant earth element steps on the earth and continuously draws energy from the earth.

The collision of two elemental energies with different attributes seems extremely dangerous, but in fact it is like waves hitting the rocks on the shore. Although the waves are powerful, they cannot pose any threat to the rocks.

But the Mermaid King's attacks are not completely ineffective.

On the other side, the demigods seized the opportunity created by the Mermaid Emperor and used various means to replenish energy.

Moulin and the Golden Elf King conjured a potion from nowhere, deftly pulled out the stopper that sealed the entrance of the bottle, poured the fragrant golden potion into their mouths, and swallowed it.

The moment he swallowed the potion, the potion took effect, releasing elemental magic power in the body, quickly replenishing the consumption of the previous battle between the two, and returned to full strength in the blink of an eye.

The orc swordmaster also had his own method. He took out a strange wooden mask from his pocket. The mask was in the style of a primitive tribal witch doctor. The eye sockets were rectangular and there were colorful horizontal bars painted on the mask.

Jose didn't know what the mask was, but he knew its function.

The aura of the orc sword master has not become stronger, but has become weaker. It has no sense of existence. It is like a sharp weapon hidden in the sleeve, which is more dangerous than being exposed in the open.

The methods of the two dragons, Red Nest Matron and Catastrophe Wings, were much simpler and cruder. The two directly launched the red dragon clan's innate ability - the Burning Domain, and a raging flame frenzy erupted from the bodies of the two dragons.

The Burning Field is not only as simple as damaging the enemy, it can also spontaneously gather the surrounding fire element energy.

There is very little fire element energy in this plane, but it is not non-existent. The two dragons quickly collected considerable fire element energy.

All the demigods showed some real skills and launched a counterattack, and the pressure on the giant earth element suddenly doubled.

Jose saw through the [Mystical Eye] that the giant earth element suffered more injuries in just one minute than in the previous half hour, and the recovery speed could not keep up with the appearance of the wounds.

The injuries accumulated little by little. If the giant earth element had no other trump card, even if it was consumed, it would be consumed by the demigods.

Feel the power of the earth! The earth element stomped on the ground hard, and the earth shook.

At the same time, a strange force field erupted from the giant earth element, spreading in all directions, and the dust in the air fell rapidly.

Jose recognized the magic.

Gravity field!

As the name suggests, the gravity field can cause gravity to increase within a certain range, dragging down the enemy's speed. As long as it is not a ghost and has no entity, it cannot be exempted from the influence of the gravity field. The size and scope of the impact caused by the gravity field depends on the strength of the caster. related.

With the demigod strength of the giant earth element, coupled with the increase in earth magic by [Heart of the Earth], Jose has no doubt that the master-level powerhouse is no longer able to stand in the field of gravity, but is crushed to the ground by gravity. His internal organs ruptured and he vomited blood and died.

The moment they were affected by the gravity field, the bodies of the demigods sank involuntarily, and their flight speeds were greatly reduced.

The Red Nest Matron rushed for too long and was attacked by a giant earth element. The hill-like rock fist was wrapped in thick earth element energy armor and slammed into the Red Nest Matron who was forced to slow down.

Savannah's body surface erupted with intense flames, and she sped away instantly like a rocket, narrowly escaping the attack of the giant earth element.

Seeing the Rednest Mistress fleeing, Jose, who was hiding deep underground, couldn't help but sweat for her.

After watching the battle for another two minutes, Jose saw that the giant earth element was inevitably at a disadvantage and understood that there was no suspense in this battle.

The six demigods are determined to kill the giant earth element. No matter how powerful the giant earth element occupies the location, it is not an opponent of the demigods. Moreover, among the six demigods, there are demigods like the Mermaid Emperor who have the highest combat power, and There are outstanding demigods like the Rednest Matron and Morlin.

Of course, the defeat of the giant earth element is based on the premise that no unexpected circumstances occur.

Jose is still hiding underground, betting that something unexpected will happen.

King of Eternal Night - How could Silverson miss such an event? !

You must know that the direct goal of all the demigods is the [Heart of the Earth], and the ultimate goal is to control the four-element gems with the four-element gems as the core to control the plane of Tydanor and embark on the road to godhood.

But King Eternal Night is different. King Eternal Night is a lunatic who wants to destroy the world. His ultimate goal is to destroy the plane of Tydanor.

From this point of view, the King of Eternal Night is the common enemy of all demigods, and is a being that attracts more hatred than the Mermaid King who possesses the [Heart of the Ocean].

A series of purple arcane rings that were as solid as substance imprisoned the giant earth element, unable to move. The demigods took the opportunity to pour out firepower, and all kinds of magical energy submerged the giant earth element. The aura of the giant earth element inevitably dropped a lot. .

The orc sword master swung his long sword, and a qi slash emitted bright white light, attacking the giant earth element. The target was the location where the [Heart of the Earth] was hidden on the back of the giant earth element.

When the situation was good, sudden changes occurred.

Thousands of meters behind the battlefield, the King of Eternal Night appeared from the void. He was wearing an unknown heavy armor covered with frost, exuding an unknown black mist. The cursed sword in his hand was pointed at the battlefield, and the target corresponding to the tip of the sword was exactly the same. It's the orc swordmaster.

The twisted runes on the cursed sword lit up one after another, from the hilt to the tip of the sword, and a cold blue sword energy shot out. There was also an unknown black mist surrounding the ice blue sword energy, and the black smoke seemed to be full. A tortured wraith.

After issuing this blow, the runes on the unknown heavy armor on King Yongye dimmed, as if a large amount of energy was consumed.

All this happened in an instant, so fast that no one could react. The ice-blue sword energy wrapped in the unknown black mist instantly crossed a distance of 10,000 meters, struck at the back of the orc sword master, and penetrated straight into the heart.

In an instant, the eyes of the demigods suddenly shrank, and Jose tensed up, feeling worried.

Obviously, King Yongye wants to kill the orc sword master. As for the purpose of killing the orc sword master, no one knows, it is not a good thing anyway.

At this moment, even Moore Lin, who had a grudge against the orc sword master, did not want to see the sword master die in front of him and let King Yongye succeed in his conspiracy.

But it all happened so fast. Even the demigods, including the emperor, had no time to take action. They could only look at the orc swordmaster himself.

The moment he was about to be hit by the ice-blue sword energy, the body of the orc sword master suddenly became illusory, and a blurry shadow seemed to be leaving his body.

The secret skill of the Juggernaut—Mirror Image!

Compared with multiple mirrors, mirroring can only release one image, but the release speed is much faster.

The orc sword master's instinctive fighting consciousness saved his life. The main body instantly moved sideways, and the mirror image stayed in place to bear the blow of the ice blue sword energy.

The moment the ice blue sword energy hit the mirror image, a powerful and unknown energy burst out, submerging the mirror image, and the mirror image collapsed instantly.

The orc sword master swung his sword to create a sword wall to block the aftermath of the unknown energy. At the same time, he turned to look at King Yongye behind him who was still emitting sword energy, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Humph! I've been guarding against you for a long time!

King Eternal Night, one of the six demigods in the Tydanor plane, did not show up. How could everyone not be vigilant at all? Therefore, while besieging the giant earth element, everyone kept an eye on it, guarding against the disappearance of a certain red dragon and The King of Eternal Night who never appeared.

It was precisely because of his vigilance that the orc sword master saved a life.

Seeing that the target had been dodged, King Yongye was not discouraged and charged towards the battlefield. The dark vengeful spirit with red eyes drilled in and out of the cracks in the armor, surrounding him like a poisonous snake swimming around. The target was still the orc swordmaster. .

Orc Sword Master - Mugaro gritted his teeth, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes: Silverson! Do you think I'm easy to bully?!


King Yongye laughed and said: Mugaro, you seem to be a little confused about your position.


With anger in his eyes, the orc sword master turned around, broke away from the giant earth elemental battle circle, and greeted King Yongye.

King Yongye didn't waste any words. He stabbed out the cursed sword in his hand, but it was deflected by the inherited holy sword of the orc sword master.

The two were fighting in the air. They were both martial arts masters who were good at using weapons. Their long swords danced around them like large afterimages, and they fought hundreds of times in the blink of an eye.

In terms of combat skills, King Eternal Night is weaker than the Orc Sword Master, but King Eternal Night not only has martial arts, but also controls the energy of death and massive resentful spirits, and his overall strength is far superior to that of the Orc Sword Master.

The orc sword master was soon at a disadvantage. He could only parry and was surrounded by dangers.

All this is seen by the demigods. Naturally, the demigods cannot let King Yongye succeed. Otherwise, the orc sword master will fall and the demigod quota will be vacant. The giant earth element suppressed by the plane will immediately be promoted to demigod. It will be more difficult to deal with then.

Savanna! Go help Mugaro!

Without saying a word, the Mistress of the Red Nest sprayed a breath of dragon's breath towards the Mermaid Emperor not far away: Who do you think you are? Commanding me?!

The dragon's breath was blocked by the water curtain around the Mermaid Emperor. The Mermaid Emperor was not annoyed and responded directly: One hundred million gold coins, as long as you block Silverson, no matter who gets the [Heart of the Earth] in the end, I will give it to you. One hundred million gold coins as reward.”

The Red Nest Mistress was stunned, and weighed [Heart of the Earth] and 100 million gold coins in her mind, which one was more valuable.

Obviously, [Heart of the Earth] is much more valuable than 100 million gold coins.

But she may not be able to get the [Heart of the Earth], and if she blocks the Eternal Night King, 100 million gold coins will not be able to escape. Besides, the earth attribute [Heart of the Earth] she wants is of little use and will eventually be sold. of.

At this thought, the Red Nest Mistress was a little moved.

I want to exchange 100 million gold coins for my [Heart of the Earth]! There is no way! You have to pay more!

Two hundred million!

The Mermaid Emperor responded calmly: Each family will give you 100 million.

This is better, the Red Nest Matron agreed immediately, looking at Moulin and the Golden Elf King.

Okay! One hundred million, one hundred million! The Pompeii Empire was rich and powerful, and Moulin agreed directly.

The Misty Forest has been inherited for more than 8,000 years, and the family is rich. It is nothing to spend 100 million gold coins. The Golden Elf King also agreed.

Only the orc swordmaster remained.

The orc sword master withstood the attack of the possessor king and shouted angrily: No money!

Ha! Poor guy! The Red Nest Mistress also knew that there was nothing to be gained from the poor orcs, so she rushed towards King Yongye.

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