Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 176 Practice

Trash! They're all trash! How can I explain this to the master?! The voice of the wild boar's family was angrily, and several things were swept to the ground.

Outside the door, Jose couldn't help frowning. The reaction of the wild boar family members seemed to be in some trouble, and the trouble was not small.

What's going on? He pushed the door open.

Seeing a dragon man push the door in, the wild boar family members in fancy clothes were taken aback for a moment, then sensed the familiar aura of the dragon man, and reacted: Master?!

What happened?

The wild boar-Hulk shrank his neck, and stammered: Master...Master, our ship to the south of the mainland is in distress, and the elven artwork on board was...robbed.

Huh?! Jose frowned, with anger in his eyes.

You must know that the elven artwork obtained from the Mirkwood is the biggest annual income, accounting for almost one-third of the total income of the Mordo Peak Forest. Such a batch of precious commodities have been robbed.

Although he was angry in his heart, Jose's face was calm, so calm that the wild boar man felt depressed: Tell me specifically, what's going on?

Swallowing his saliva, Hulk replied: A week ago, the trade office reported that the cargo ship - the Saint Sophia lost contact. I hurriedly sent people to search, and found the wreck of the Saint Sophia on the coast. There are traces of fighting, and this is the only news that comes back for the time being.

So, you don't even know who the looters are?!

The wild boar trembled, and then said: I'm sorry! Master! Please give me some time! I will definitely find the murderer!

Well, I hope you will do what you say.

After a pause, Jose couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Elven artwork is a high-value commodity, and the transaction process is extremely confidential. It is transported in a dimensional bag, and the cargo ship has a high defense force. However, such a well-prepared cargo ship was attacked. Here comes the looting.

Is it a coincidence, or a man-made disaster?

Is there anyone you suspect?

The Saint Sophia's guards are not weak, and there are only a handful of pirate forces at sea that prevent them from even issuing an alarm, but...

Gritting his teeth, Hulk continued, Master, I have some doubts whether it was done by pirates.

Huh?! Jose glanced at the wild boar: Just talk!

It's like this. A few years ago, according to your instructions, I divided the elf art into two parts. One part was self-operated, and the other part was sold to the Northland Kingdom and the Chamber of Commerce of Sunsail Port, especially the Chamber of Commerce of Sunsail Port. 70% of the art share will be transported to the prosperous areas of the south, and resold at a high price.

And last year, the Red Maple Chamber of Commerce and the Bichao Chamber of Commerce in the Yangfan Port Chamber of Commerce actually joined forces to put pressure on me to lower the price. Of course I would not agree, so I canceled their share.

As they said that, the wild boar family members secretly raised their heads and glanced at the red dragon: After recovering part of the Chamber of Commerce share, I thought about pursuing higher returns, and included this part of the share in the scope of self-employment. I didn't expect it to be less than three months. That's what happened.

The wild boar man's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared. Although he didn't finish his sentence, Jose could understand what he meant: he suspected that the caravan that had lost its share was deliberately targeting the Mordo Peak Forest merchant ship. The information obtained from the merchant ship told the pirates, and they even hacked the Saint Sophia by themselves.

Regarding this, the red dragon was annoyed, not because of the wrecked merchant ship, but because of the wild boar family members.

As for the commodity with huge profit margins such as elf art, Moduofenglin can't eat it alone without a navy. Only by cooperating with other chambers of commerce and selling the goods to all parts of the world can the profit be maximized. For this reason, he has carried out careful deduction ,

And based on the results of the deduction, the shares of all parties were formulated to achieve a balance among all parties.

But the wild boar family members changed his plan without authorization, breaking this balance.

You bastard! Who told you to change my decision without authorization?!

I'm sorry, Master!

Seeing the trembling look of the wild boar family members, Jose took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart.

It is certainly wrong for the wild boar to change the distribution share without authorization, but it is the fault of some chambers of commerce in Yangfan Port to jointly pressure the price.

Forget it, if those guys really did it, then they should have follow-up plans, you continue to stare at this matter.


After learning some other things from the wild boar, Jose left Thorn City and walked towards Sands City.

If Thorn City is a commercial city with the main race of wild boars, Jinsha City is a farming, animal husbandry and fishing city where multiple races live together, with fish ponds along the river, farmland, and pastures with lush water and grass.

After Jinsha City is the orc city - Stone Hammer City. The predecessor of Stone Hammer City is the super large orc tribe - Stone Hammer Tribe.

Speaking of the Stone Hammer Tribe, the former Stone Hammer Tribe was still an enemy of the Red Dragon, and later surrendered to the Red Dragon due to the situation.

Afterwards, the Stonehammer orcs went further and further on the road to fall, and finally the whole family moved to the Triangle Plain to establish Stonehammer City, and now they have completely become a part of the Red Dragon Chariot, serving in the army, border patrol, nomadic and other fields play an important role.

While inspecting the city, Red Dragon also observed some key towns, such as Stonehoof Town, the main gathering place of the tauren.

In the past, the tauren blacksmith Hebul was tricked into going to the Bloodtooth Mine, where he was half-forced and half-baited to serve the Red Dragon. In the end, he completely surrendered to the Red Dragon.

This wise move not only brought huge benefits to Hebul himself, but also brought huge benefits to his clan, completely getting rid of the days of suffering from cold and starvation.

Later, the Stone-hoofed Tauren clan took refuge in the Red Dragon, settled down in the Triangle Plain, and found their own place under the rule of the Red Dragon, and continued to engage in the traditional craft of the tribe - blacksmithing. 80% of the agricultural tools in the entire Triangle Plain came from the Stone-hoof Tauren .

After the economic conditions improved, more and more grassland tauren natives came to seek refuge, and the stone hoof village with more than 100 people gradually turned into a stone hoof town headed by the stone hoof tauren.

Finally, Jose flew to the Triangle Plain border.

On the border of the triangular plain, there is a sentry tower at a certain distance. These sentry towers bear the heavy burden of resisting foreign enemies and preventing the invasion of grassland robbers.

However, in recent years, the power of Moduo Peak Forest has become stronger and stronger, and no grassland robbers dare to invade. Therefore, the main task of the sentry tower and the border guards in the sentry tower is to prevent the grassland natives from illegally immigrating to the Triangle Plain.

Flying around the border, Jose saw a lot of changes.

The border guards were of various races, including wild boars, jackals, orcs, and wargs. The heavily armed people led the wargs along the border to patrol.

On the bustling commercial road paved with stones, you can see caravans coming and going from time to time. The merchants bring in the goods from the outside world and take away the special goods of the grassland. The golden mountain of the heart becomes more and more tired.

After making a circle, Jose returned to Mordo Peak Forest, and took a look at the small town and Moskin City established due to trade with the elves. These two places were managed by the Green Dragon of the Three Dragon Alliance.

Afterwards, Jose came to Bailong, Cassie's territory.

In the sky, the red dragon looked at the scene below.

This place belongs to the Modo Peak Forest, but it is a bit different from most Modo Peak Forest areas because it is a wetland.

The river water from the tributaries of the Volga River flows into the low-lying areas, forming patches of wetlands submerged by the river water, as well as several large and small lakes. There are a large number of murlocs living along the lakes and at the bottom of the mangrove forest.

This is the territory of the White Dragon——Cassie.

Shortly after awakening the magic, the white dragon, Cassie, found the red dragon and bid farewell, planning to leave the crypt and go to the outside world to build his own territory.

For the positive plan of little brother Bailong, Jose fully agrees and fully supports it, no matter it is spiritual or material.

After a joint discussion, the wetland of Moduo Peak Forest became the territory of Bailong. Red Dragon also helped the little brother to make suggestions, subdue a large number of murlocs, and established a special amphibious force.

Later, time proved how wise Red Dragon's decision was.

The water and red dragon forces of the white dragon and the murlocs complement each other perfectly. The fish and turtles raised by the murlocs are traded with the people of the red dragon, which greatly enriches the material life of both parties. In addition, the murlocs breed Pearls have also become an important part of Moduofenglin's foreign trade.

This is in terms of life, business, and military. The addition of the murloc-based water army has further consolidated the defense of Modo Peak Forest, played an important role in the battles initiated by the Dana people, and guarded Modo in peacetime. Many waters in the peak forest.

hold head high!

Jose let out a passionate dragon cry, announcing his arrival, and then fell towards the largest lake.


Gululu bubbles appeared on the calm lake surface, and a huge white figure emerged from under the water surface, becoming more and more obvious.


A huge white dragon head rose from the lake. It was Cassie, one of the three dragon alliances. When Cassie saw the red dragon descending from the sky, he expressed joy: Boss Jose?! How do you coming!

I'll come and see you. In the sky, Jose flapped his wings and fell slowly. The strong wind blowing from the wide dragon wings caused the trees by the lake to sway from side to side.

He landed on the clearing by the lake, looked around, and saw the murloc town on the other side of the lake.

Dense murloc houses cover the lakeside. These murloc houses are very simple. They are almost a platform made up of wooden boards supported by several pillars. On the platform are simple straw houses. Only the wind chimes made of fish bones and shells are visible to the eye. one light.

In fact, in terms of population size alone, the number of murlocs surrounding the lake has already reached the level of a city, but because the city walls, gates and other facilities are not enough, it cannot be called a city.

Of course, it is not bad for a murloc with low intelligence to reach the current level.

Not bad! Cassie! You've made great progress! Jose looked at Bailong with surprise and approval in his eyes.

On Bailong's body, he clearly felt the enriched ice element, which far exceeds the ice element of Bailong itself, and is the result of a special profession——from the perspective of energy fluctuations, Bailong's professional level has already stepped into the rank of master class.

Even though the difficulty of a warrior's practice is relatively small, the talent and hard work of Bailong cannot be ignored.

Hee hee hee!

Bailong smiled, a little smugly: I gained a lot from the battle in the Underdark a few days ago, and I broke through naturally after I came back to sleep, Boss Jose, you are right, actual combat is the best teacher.

That's right, actual combat is the best teacher, come on, let's practice both hands, Jose said enthusiastically, planning to practice hands with little brother Bailong, and take a look at the difference between master-level ones by the way.

No way! Boss! Bai Long's face turned bitter. Although the professional level broke through the master level, he still had no confidence to fight against the red dragon.

Judging from the fight between the Red Dragon and the Legendary Spider a few days ago, the two are not opponents of the same level at all. Fighting the Red Dragon will only seek abuse, and the White Dragon naturally does not like seeking abuse.

What are you afraid of! Jose stared.

As a glorious dragon, Bailong actually retreated before fighting, how could this be possible.

It's better to practice with me than to bleed on the battlefield!

After being told by the red dragon, Cassie couldn't help but look at his forelimbs. In the past in the Underdark, if he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been disembowelled by the legendary drow thief.

Okay! A flash of determination flashed in Bai Long's eyes, and he agreed to Red Dragon's suggestion of hand training.

hold head high!

The twin dragons flapped their wings and flew into the sky, suspended in the air 20 meters above the lake, facing each other in the air.

By the lake, the murlocs had been paying attention to the two real dragons, and they couldn't help but feel excited when they saw the two dragons flying into the air. More and more murlocs came out of the house to watch the two dragons.

The white dragon——Cassie had no confidence at all, looked at the red dragon with a wry smile and said, Boss Jose, be gentle with your attack later.

Come on! Let you attack first!

Cassie nodded, and said no more, a wing rushed up, and as soon as it came up, it was the white dragon's specialty - Frost Breath!

The ice-blue dragon's breath sprayed out, and the water vapor in the sprayed air instantly condensed into frost, and the temperature dropped rapidly.

Good guy! Jose sensed the temperature of the white dragon's breath, and the temperature of the white dragon's breath, Wendy, was at least twice as low as that of ordinary white dragons.

This is the addition of the ice system.

However, Cassie was not weak, but Jose was stronger, and he also opened his mouth to breathe out dragon's breath.

A flaming breath several times larger than the white dragon's frost breath spewed out, and the air around Longyan was illusory and distorted, like a steaming summer day.

The two dragon breaths with completely opposite attributes collided, forming a collision line with clear boundaries. The extreme low temperature and the extreme high temperature offset each other, annihilated each other, and a steady stream of backup forces poured in.

Once in contact, the white dragon's dragon breath was directly defeated, retreating quickly, and the junction line where the dragon's breath collided quickly moved to the white dragon's side.

Jose was aware of this problem. The talent gap between the red dragon and the white dragon clan was too great. In addition, he was stronger, so the collision of the dragon's breath could not see the progress of the white dragon at all.

The two sides looked at each other tacitly, ended the dragon breath collision, and rushed towards each other.

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