Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 175 Trash! It's all rubbish!

Seeing Red Dragon's appearance that you have made a lot of money, Munch Yanhao's eyelids twitched: Your Excellency Jose, is this the sincerity of your cooperation?

Seeing the dissatisfaction on the orc's face, Jose spread his hands: Okay, then how do you divide it? There is only one golden-feathered crow. Could it be possible to chop it up?

The mage frowned, lowered his head in thought, Red Dragon was right, it was indeed not easy to allocate.

Although the Golden Feather Crow is powerful, it is just an extraordinary beast in the final analysis. It is still unknown how many valuable items are in its lair, and it is still a problem whether it can capture the Golden Feather Crow alive and find its lair smoothly.

The legendary orc warrior bent down, put his mouth next to Fa Ye's ear and whispered: My lord, if there is a strong guardian in Howling City, then you can escape.

Munch Yanhowl's eyes lit up, and he looked up at the red dragon: Your Excellency Jose, it's up to you to divide it in half, but it's not dividing the body in half, but time.

If the plan is successful, then the Golden Feather Crow will be co-contracted and let it sit in Yanhao City on weekdays. If you need it, you can call it there.

Jose frowned, thoughts running through his mind.

This is a good way, the orc mage gets a powerful city guard beast to help defend the Howling City, and his goal of finding a powerful summoned beast is also achieved, the best of both worlds.

As for whether Golden Feather Crow agrees to work two jobs, this is not within the scope of Red Dragon's consideration.

I agree with this plan. As for the spoils, they will be shared equally.

The orc mage didn't care about a little loot, and nodded: Yes, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the cooperation, we need to sign a contract.

That's what I wanted to say as well, Jose agreed.

There is no basis for trust between the two parties. A contract is the easiest and most effective way to achieve mutual trust.

The legendary orc mage took out a piece of contract paper from his cloth bag, and the quill pen on the table behind him flew over and scribbled on the paper automatically.

After writing, the paper floated to the red dragon.

Jose took over the contract paper with written terms, and instead of looking at the contract terms on the paper, he checked the contract paper for any problems at the first time.

But the moment he touched it, he was relieved a lot. He felt a peaceful but majestic power in the contract paper, which was the divine power of the God of Justice.


He believed in his own judgment, this contract paper was produced by the God of Justice, there is no problem.

But he still opened it secretly, and carefully looked at the patterns on the paper. After all, there was a bloody lesson in the multiverse.

The devil in Baator Hell forged the contract of the God of Justice, disguised the small characters as patterns, and then spread the forged contract secretly. As a result, some people were fooled and both became slaves of the devil.

Although things were revealed later and the daring devil died of divine punishment, the loss of the two innocent people was irreparable.

After carefully checking the contract paper, he confirmed that it was a genuine contract produced by the Church of the God of Justice, and then he checked the terms on the contract paper.

There are ten lines at a glance, and there is no problem with the terms. Not only does it clearly record the distribution of spoils between the two parties, but it also adds a clause that they must not intentionally harm each other before the end of the cooperation.

Jose signed his name, and also returned the contract paper with mental power.

Monk Yanhowl signed, the contract came into effect, and spontaneously ignited in the air without fire.

With the guarantee of the God of Justice contract, the atmosphere of the conversation between the two parties was much more harmonious, and the details of the cooperation were discussed in the office.

After ten minutes of discussion, the two sides decided to set the battlefield around Yanhao City and wait for the Golden Feather Crow to come, because Yanhao City's home field advantage can greatly increase the probability of victory for one side.

Munch Yanhowl carefully put away the scales sent by the red dragon,

He opened the mouth and said, Your Excellency Jose, if the Golden Feather Crow comes, I will call you, and then you please do what you want.

Okay, then I'll wait for your good news.

After finishing speaking, the red dragon contacted the fire element ally who maintained the summoning: Thank you for your help, my friend, the magic circle can be lifted now.

In the distance, on a bare island on a lava lake, in a cave, the sleeping fire elemental lord, Hornasd, woke up: Goodbye, my friend.

Lord Fire Elemental looked towards the innermost side of the cave. There was a working altar in the innermost corner of the cave. There was a small pile of rubies piled up on the altar. The color of the rubies faded a lot due to the energy extracted by the altar.

This is the magical device that summons the red dragon to the Fire Elemental Plane and maintains its actions!

Of course, with the ability of Lord Fire Elemental, it is impossible to obtain such an exquisite magic altar. This altar was sent by the Red Dragon, and it was sent at the beginning of the contract between the two parties.

This is a backhand arranged by the red dragon. The purpose is that when the strength of the enemy and the enemy is at a disadvantage, the fire elemental lord can initiate the call, so as to temporarily avoid the edge.

Lord Fire Elemental waved his hand, and the sad ruby ​​was swept off the altar, and the altar stopped working due to the loss of energy supply.

At the same time that the altar stopped operating, the red dragon in Yanhao City suddenly became blurred and was forcibly repatriated by the law of summoning.

Returning to the Mordo Peak Forest, Jose stepped on the familiar golden mountain, and the gold coins flowed down.

With nothing to do, Jose walked through the deep and exclusive tunnel and walked out of the crypt.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and insects were buzzing in the forest of Moduo Peak.

hold head high!

With a passionate dragon chant, Jose kicked his feet on the ground, and flew up into the sky with relay flapping wings, until he flew under the white clouds, and then he identified the direction and flew into the distance.

He wants to inspect his territory, and the first stop is the new capital under construction.

Flying in the sky, he saw the construction site of Xindu City in full swing from a distance.

At this time, most of the construction of the new capital city has been completed.

A circle of towering megalithic city walls surrounds the foot of the mountain, protecting the entire city. These megaliths carried by strong men such as ogres are enough to make the teeth of any besieger feel sour.

Outside the city, the moat is 100 meters wide, and the river runs through a tributary of the Volga River in the distance.

In the city, there are circles of buildings like stairs, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. There is no doubt that this is a mountain city.

Apart from the King's Castle being built on the top of the mountain, the most eye-catching thing in the city is a staircase, which is wide enough for hundreds of ogres to pass side by side, from the gate of the city all the way up to the gate of the King's Castle.

In the city, the construction monsters stopped what they were doing and cheered loudly when they saw the dragon shadow flying in the sky.

In terms of the sense of belonging and the degree of loyalty to the three dragons, the monsters living in the Mordo Peak Forest are undoubtedly the highest.

Jose did not stay long at the construction site of the new capital city, and after observing for a while, he flew to the distant triangular plain.

The forest passed by quickly, and the red dragon under the white clouds saw the plains in the distance. On the plains were patches of farmland. The crops in the farmland were growing vigorously, and green waves were blowing under the blowing of the wind.

With the help of Red Dragon's aqueduct project, the former Triangle Plain has become a well-known land of fish and rice in the Northland.

The wild boar farmer working in the field felt a shadow passing by quickly, looked up and squinted, but only saw a blurred red shadow quickly disappearing at the end of his sight.

After a while, the Red Dragon saw the most prosperous city in the Triangle Plain - Thorn City.

As the core hub of trade in the central part of the prairie, Thorn City gathered caravans from all regions of Tedanore.

The only thing that is a little unpleasant is the shack area built next to the city. The shack area is also called a slum area. The living conditions in the slum area are poor and emit an unpleasant smell of feces.

It is worth mentioning that most of the residents in the slums are not the people of the Red Dragon, but dream chasers wandering from all over the grassland, and the prefix of lost must be added before the dream chasers.

Jose glanced at the slums with complicated eyes. The residents of these slums were pitiful and hateful.

It is pitiful because of the poor living environment in the slums, the chaotic law and order, and the gangster forces that squeeze out the bones, but it is hateful because many people in the slums are stowaways.

Compared with other places in the prairie, the prosperous Triangle Plain is simply a paradise, which has caused a large number of grassland natives to drag their families into the Triangle Plain to pursue their dreams.

However, the Triangle Plain has limited resources and cannot accommodate too many outsiders. These outsiders have become the most unstable factor for the prosperity of the Sanjiang Plain.

The ruler of Thorn City, the three giants of the wild boar clan discovered this problem, and after consulting the Red Dragon, they strengthened border patrols in an attempt to limit the inflow of outsiders.

But the boundary line of the triangular plain is too long, and there is no danger to defend, and there are always some fish that slip through the net. These people cannot be killed directly, and it is too troublesome to drive them away. The red dragon and the wild boar high-level officials will just let it go .

However, for the problem of the slums, Jose and the wild boars are willing to solve it, and they are also capable of solving it, but the consequences of solving the problem of the slums are unbearable.

If the slum incident is resolved and the incident spreads, it will definitely attract the grassland natives who are still in the wait-and-see period on the Sanjiang Plain, and the trouble will be even greater then.

Therefore, the best way is to maintain the status quo and let development solve all troubles, but this will take time.

Jose didn't want to cause too much noise in Thorn City, so he cast his invisibility technique from a distance, and fell towards Thorn City. He wanted to see the internal situation of Thorn City.

As a ruler, he was very familiar with the defense of Thorn City, so he directly bypassed the detection of the high-level mage in charge of defense and successfully sneaked into the city.

According to previous cognition, the society of Thorn City is divided into four levels.

The bottom is naturally the poor living in shacks outside the city. They are engaged in jobs that local people are unwilling to do, such as transporting coolies, handling urban garbage, etc., and a considerable number of people have no jobs and are precarious.

The third layer is the main group in the city—ordinary local residents. As officially recognized Red Dragon subjects, local residents have a better living environment and policy convenience. Most of them live in civilian areas in the city and engage in some grassroots social work. Such as soldiers, peddlers, shop assistants.

This class is far from being wealthy, but it also has no worries about food and clothing.

The second layer is the petty bourgeoisie. This class is often engaged in relatively decent jobs, such as tavern owners, shop managers, and a small number of foreign small businessmen with fixed properties, as well as powerful adventurers.

At the top are the wild boar nobles represented by the Big Three, and the top chamber forces represented by the Blackwater Chamber of Commerce and the Conch Chamber of Commerce. Most of these absolute rulers live in the noble area of ​​Thorn City, except for many foreign ambassadors.

Because Mordo Peaks refused outsiders, Northland Kingdoms such as Sunsail Port, the Barbarian Clan, and Dana Kingdom all placed embassies in Thorn City, and most of them were concentrated in the commercial street.

Of course, there is an undisputed top class above the four classes, and that is the Three Dragons Alliance headed by the Red Dragon.

Jose turned into a dragon man form, standing incognito on the roof of a three-story luxury store, overlooking the busy streets below.

On the bustling commercial street, there are fat businessmen in gorgeous clothes, monster civilians in a hurry, poor people who are bypassed, and the majestic and steady-footed wild boar patrols...

A world of fireworks.

After not watching for a long time, Jose flew towards the most eye-catching building in the center of the city, landed directly in the yard of the building, and walked towards the door.

While walking, he lifted the invisibility technique on his body.

Seeing a dragonman suddenly appear in the administrative center, the guarding wild boar guard opened his mouth and was about to shout, and stretched his hand to the handle of the knife at his waist.

Monster hold technique!

For a moment, the guard was frozen.

Frizzled, the red dragon said calmly, releasing the dragon's power, and dispelling the magic on the guard at the same time.

Hearing the familiar voice, feeling the faint but extremely pure Longwei, and then thinking of the crimson scales on the dragonman, the wild boar guard who regained his mobility still didn't know who the calm dragonman in front of him was.

Salute to you, great true dragon!

Jose nodded slightly, stepped into the gate opened by the wild boar, and entered the administrative center of Thorn City.

As soon as he entered the interior, he saw the busy staff. These staff were responsible for the daily management of Thorn City, such as taxation, city management and so on.

In addition, Jose also knew that on the basement floor, there was a magic circle responsible for city security and defense, as well as a team of spellcasters led by high-ranking mages.

Seeing the red dragon man entering, the staff all stared at them with surprise and reverence, but they thought they were the envoys sent by the red dragon, and they just paid attention.

Familiar with the road, Jose followed the stairs to the third floor, and came to an area where four mid-level fighters stood guarding the entrance. This is the area where Hulk, a member of the wild boar family, is located. Hulk is also the direct manager of Thorn City. By.

No need to report, Jose directly released a faint dragon power, and the guards immediately understood the identity of the red dragon, because the leader was the red dragon's family with dragon scales.

I salute you! Great master! The wild boar's family quickly bowed and saluted, as did the non-family guards.

Jose stepped on the carpet and walked towards the location of the wild boar family.

Beep beep!

Before he got close, he heard the sound of a broken vase coming from the room, followed by the angry roar of the wild boar family: Trash! It's all trash!

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