【Ding, Commander, please confirm the bombing target!】

【Ding, the bombing target has been confirmed. Commander, please select the bomber to carry out this mission. 】

The next moment,

Li Wu suddenly saw holographic projections of different bombers one after another.

B-2 Ghost bombers, Tu-160 White Swan bombers, B-1B Lancer bombers and so on. There was a dazzling array of everything.

Li Wu was almost dazzled. To be honest, when he saw the Tu-160 White Swan, Li Wu was once moved.

He had the idea of using the White Swan to bomb the Judean Air Force base.

But this idea was rejected by him the next second.

Because once the Stratofortress is replaced with the White Swan, the Judean Kingdom will definitely intercept it as soon as it finds it entering its airspace, or when it finds it is quickly attacking its airspace, it will not be able to achieve the purpose of bombing the Judean airport.

“It’s not a big problem. There will be a chance in the future. There will be a chance to send out the White Swan!”

Thinking of this, Li Wu silently selected the B-52H Stratofortress bomber in front of him.

The entire bomber was equipped with a total of 35 JDAM·Mk-84 precision-guided bombs.

Each Mk84 bomb was 2,000 pounds!

2,000 pounds is approximately equal to 0.907 tons.

【Ding, Commander, please confirm the bomber model. 】

Looking at the button that popped up in front of him, Li Wu took a deep breath.

“Don’t let me down, B-52H!”

While muttering, Li Wu silently pressed the [OK] button on the holographic projection screen.

【Ding, the bomber targeting device was used successfully, and the B-52H”Stratofortress” bomber was summoned successfully. 】

As the prompt fell, a white dot suddenly appeared on the holographic projection map in front of Li Wu.

The white dot was flying rapidly from the west of the map, that is, the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, towards the direction of the Kingdom of Judah on the map.

Time passed by minute by minute.

About half an hour later.

When it was only more than 300 kilometers away from the Kingdom of Judah, the radar center on the Kingdom of Judah finally noticed the arrival of this uninvited guest.

At the beginning.

The soldiers at the radar center of the Kingdom of Judah didn’t take it seriously at all.

Because according to the radar echo signal sent back, the bomber flying rapidly from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea was a B-52H.

It was a fighter plane of America, their absolute ally of the Kingdom of Judah.

They subconsciously thought that they had reached some kind of cooperation with America, so the other party suddenly sent such a big killer.

But gradually.

When they tried to get in touch with the crew on the B-52H and communicate, they found a big problem.

That is, no matter how they called, the other party simply did not respond.

Seeing that the other party was still flying straight on the radar table, the radar center and the air command center of the Kingdom of Judah were in chaos.

Emergency messages were sent out quickly, and planes at major airports had to suspend takeoff. Planes on the B-52H flight route and all planes that might enter that route all temporarily adjusted their routes.

At the same time.

Several fighter planes of the Kingdom of Judah took off urgently and headed towards the B-52H that was flying rapidly from the Mediterranean.

Just when the entire Kingdom of Judah was in chaos because of the arrival of the B-52H.

America’s headquarters in the Middle East also received an emergency call from the Kingdom of Judah.

“What? A B-52H bomber is approaching your country of Judah from the Mediterranean? And that B-52H cannot be contacted?”

Michael Kuraly, the commander of the America Middle East region, was stunned when he heard the news.

Because as the commander of the America Central Command and the commander of the Middle East region, he had never received any news about his own B-52H being dispatched.

After a while, he came to his senses and quickly called the Air Force Command.

“Hello, is this the Air Force Command? I’m Kulari, I want to know what’s going on with your Air Force! ? What are you planning to do with the Air Force? Why didn’t you report to me before you took action!”

“Report…? Commander Kurali, what report? Our air force has no special operations recently?”

“Stop pretending, the Kingdom of Judah called me and said that one of our B-52H bombers is approaching them quickly and is expected to reach the airspace of the Kingdom of Judah in five minutes at most.”

American Air Force Command:”?????”

American Air Force Command:”Watfa?”


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