“Ding, the novice commander gift pack has been successfully received. Commander, please choose one of the following 3 rewards:”

【1, 10,000 points】

【2. Primary bomber targeting device (after use, it will summon a bomber to carry out a conventional bombing on any target location within 1,000 kilometers of the base. The bomber model can be selected from all the bombers currently in service in the world.)】

【3. Primary rocket target (after use, it will summon five rocket launchers within the range to launch a round of attacks on any target location centered on the base. The rocket launcher model can be selected from all the rocket launchers currently in service in the world.)

The three rewards of the novice gift package all look good.


If Li Wu wants to develop quickly, he can only choose the first reward.

After all, the second and third are one-time, and they will be gone after they are used up. With the 10,000 points of the first one, Li Wu can develop quietly.

He has just seen that the construction price of the base building is the same as in the Red Alert game.

For example, in the game, the cost of building an Allied power plant is 800 funds, while in reality it is 800 points.

“By the way, speaking of the base, where do the points come from? Is it also converted through various precious metals?”

Li Wu suddenly asked

“The first way is to obtain points by refining various minerals in the ore refinery. The second way is to obtain points by causing a strong sensation among people all over the world. The greater the sensation caused by you and the power of the base, the more points you can get.”

As soon as the answer of the base intelligent system fell, Li Wu’s eyes lit up:”The greater the sensation caused, the more points you get!”

He muttered to himself, and his eyes were uncontrollably cast on the three options on the holographic projection panel in front of him.

“The bigger the sensation, the more points you can get.——”

Li Wu’s eyes suddenly flickered:

“If I choose the second reward, and then select an American bomber, such as the famous B-52H, the Stratofortress bomber, and launch a bombing on an important military base of the Kingdom of Judah, it will definitely cause quite a stir, right?”

B-The 52H Stratofortress bomber is one of the three major bombers in active service in America, and is also one of the key elements of America’s nuclear triad.

As we all know, Judah and America are in the same group. The two sides have an all-round partnership covering all aspects of politics, economy, culture and military.

Just imagine.

Now, one of America’s strongest heavy bombers in active service suddenly launched a bombing on an important military base of Judah. Let’s ask… once this incident comes out, can it cause an uproar around the world?



One hundred percent!

“Although the 10,000 points of the first option are not few, but – as the saying goes, the brave will die of overeating, and the timid will die of starvation, I believe that the second option can bring me definitely more points!”

Let’s do it!

Gamblers, gamblers, and you will get everything in the end!

Li Wu suddenly clenched his fist and said,”Base, I choose the second option!”

“Ding, the reward has been issued. Congratulations to the commander for obtaining a primary bomber targeting device. Do you want to use it immediately?”


As Li Wu finished speaking, a three-dimensional projection map was quickly projected out by the base.

This holographic projection map, with the base as the center, has a radius of one thousand kilometers.

Any location within this circle can be selected as a bombing target.

What place should be bombed to cause a sensation and cause heavy damage to the Kingdom of Judah?

The answer is of course a military base, and it must be an air force base.

Although the Kingdom of Judah is small in area, its air force is still very strong, ranking ninth in the world’s air force, with a total of seven air force bases.

Among these seven air force bases, the lucky one chosen by Li Wu is their Nevasam Air Force Base. Military base.

This air force base is the largest air force base in the Kingdom of Judah, with seven flight squadrons stationed there. Three of the squadrons are equipped with F35 fighter jets, and three of the remaining four squadrons are F16 fighter squadrons, and one is an F15 fighter squadron.

One flight squadron has 24 fighter jets.

Seven squadrons, that’s a total of 168 aircraft.

Whether it’s the latest F35, or F16 or F15, the cost is very expensive.

Any one of them costs tens of millions of US dollars, especially the F35, which costs nearly 100 million US dollars.

Bombing a dozen of them casually is enough to make the Kingdom of Judah feel painful, and it is also enough to cause an uproar around the world.


New author, new book, please give me free flowers, free evaluation tickets, monthly tickets and rewards!

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