The strange terror of the cold mist has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of the monks from Youfu Palace present. In everyone's opinion, the mist should not be inspired and manipulated by the peak Xuan-level monks.

The self-destruction bombardment of dozens of magic weapons belonging to Xuan-level monks could not disperse the mist.

What kind of situation this is, it is difficult for all the powerful men of Youfu Palace to imagine. Although no one said it in their minds, everyone had an unconfirmed idea, that is, could the mist be sacrificed by a Mahayana monk?

It's just that everyone can't sense the slightest breath of Mahayana from the mist breath.

The mist does not contain the breath of Mahayana, but its power is comparable to the mist sacrificed by Mahayana monks. This really puzzles everyone, and they are more and more afraid of the mist.

At this time, they suddenly saw that they were surrounded by thick fog, and everyone's minds were roaring.

It can be said that the Youfu Palace monks present at this time have experienced countless battles. Even in the face of danger, he never shows any fear.

Because everyone knows in their hearts that showing fear in the face of danger will not do them any good at all.

Only by firming up your faith and working hard to resolve dangers is the right choice for survival.

Even though they suddenly saw the death of several fellow monks just now, although there was fear in everyone's hearts, the most intense feeling was the feeling of raging struggle.

But now, when everyone saw that they were surrounded by mist, even Wan Yuan suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Although these mists form an encirclement, they are so large that it is impossible to completely cover us. We don't need to pay attention to the mist. We only need to use powerful spells to bind those attacking things. I don't think that junior can't either." For a long time, it prompted such an attack."

Chills ran down everyone's backs, and Jueyin's words suddenly echoed amid the violent surge of energy.

As soon as he said these words, everyone's expressions became determined again. This is not something that everyone has not thought of. However, this idea in everyone's mind did not become solidified because they were shocked by the powerful power displayed by the mist.

Now stimulated by Jueyin's words, everyone's hearts became filled with fighting spirit again.

"Who says Qin can't unleash the Yin Mist in a big way? I'll let you experience it later." The sword lotuses were still firing, but Qin Fengming's words rang out again.

As he spoke, the roar of a monstrous beast suddenly came from above the gusts of wind.

The wind howled, and streams of thick mist suddenly spewed out from the mist that vaguely concealed the tall mountain peaks. The mist swept across and quickly swept towards the nearest monk from Youfu Palace.

The Youfu Palace monk who was fighting with the two wind dragons sacrificed by Qiong Qi suddenly noticed it and immediately waved several cyan palm prints. When the palm print appeared, it immediately swelled and solidified, like several small mountain peaks, suddenly slapping towards the surging thick mist.

The monk thought that even if his palm prints couldn't disperse the mist, he would certainly be able to block it for a moment.

However, what made his expression suddenly change drastically was that as several huge solid palms slapped away, the rolling mist suddenly parted and directly involved several palm prints.

As the mist swept across, the giant palm that was connected to his mind was suddenly struck by some huge force and disintegrated into the mist.

From the moment the monk offered his giant palm to being swept away by the mist, it can be described as lightning and flint.

In such a short period of time, several solid palm prints were cut off from his spiritual thoughts. This sudden change caused a sudden roar in the mind of the late Xuan-level monk.

And just when his mind suddenly lost concentration, a vast mist immediately enveloped his body.

"Ah!~~" A shrill and horrifying scream suddenly reminded me of being there.

"No, there is a powerful person hiding in the mist.


As soon as the screams started, everyone at the scene naturally quickly explored the place where the fog was sweeping. A shout also echoed loudly.

This shout made the fear that had just been subdued in everyone's hearts reappear.

Everyone's consciousness soon saw a broken body of Danhai suddenly appearing in the violent energy sweep.

As soon as the corpse appeared, it was immediately swept away by the violent energy. Blood splattered and the corpse's flesh and blood shattered. In the violent energy swept away, it disappeared between heaven and earth.

"This mist is the aura of the person named Qin. There can be no other monks. Let's not get confused. This mist is weird. Let's rush out of this mist." However, the exclamation just sounded. Then immediately there was another voice.

The monks of Youfu Palace had rich fighting experience. Although they saw a late-level Xuan-level modifier who fell instantly, they still made the right choice.

This cry is the most appropriate method to deal with the dangerous situation at this time. As long as you can break out of the fog, you can naturally take great initiative.

Even if they are defeated, everyone is sure to escape quickly.

It can be said that everyone's thinking is extremely correct. When anyone faces this situation, the first thing that comes to mind is this rescue plan. However, what no one expected was that just when the first monk approached a dark fog, a roar suddenly sounded in the fog.

The energy of the explosion swept across and enveloped the approaching monk in an instant.

"No, there is something powerful and self-destructive in the mist." There was a roar and explosion, and the monk's body disappeared. At the same time, everyone screamed again.

With this shout, the fear in everyone's hearts was already irrepressible.

The energy of the explosion was so huge that no one of the Youfu Palace monks present dared to say that they could easily resist it when it suddenly came upon them.

Because everyone can sense the vast and violent divine soul energy raging from the explosive energy, and even the peak Xuan-level monks may not be able to easily resist that kind of raging power.

Seeing the body of the monk who had been swept away by the violent energy reappear, everyone's expressions instantly turned pale.

At this time, the monk's flesh and blood had become torn to pieces, and his bones were exposed, as if his body had been washed away by a rain of sharp swords.

Seeing such a scene, no one present could maintain a stable mentality. Even Wan Yuan, the leader, had a sudden change in expression, and his heart was suddenly filled with fear that was hard to get rid of.

Being able to create such a terrifying scene has made Wan Yuan feel unable to resist.

He has never felt this way about a monk's attack. Even if he had encountered two alien Mahayana who had taken action against him, he had the confidence to fight them.

But now, he actually felt powerless. It seemed that no matter what kind of attack he used, he could not shake the strange and unpredictable fog.


Suddenly, just when Wan Yuan was horrified by the tragic situation revealed by the explosive object in the terrifying fog, two shrill howls sounded on the spot again.

Amid the miserable howls, the surging mist had already covered nearly half of the place where the battle had just taken place.

Although the remaining six monks were horrified in their hearts, they all saw clearly that as long as people were shrouded in the mist, no one could stay in the mist for two breaths.

Almost as soon as it was shrouded in mist, screams of agony could be heard.

No one knows what kind of situation this is. Because those who understand the situation have become corpses.

"The existence in the mist is definitely not something we can resist. Junior Brother Jueyin, hurry up and take action, otherwise we will all perish here."

Suddenly, Wan Yuan suddenly shouted out a word in a hurry.

These words seemed urgent and sudden, but these words resounded on the spot, and the expressions of the remaining Youfu Palace monks immediately became excited.

The fluorescent light of the attacks exploded, and in an instant, it became even more powerful than when there were dozens of monks just now. The attack was overwhelming, intercepting five fierce beasts, purple light strips and blossoming ice lotuses.

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