(First of all, I would like to thank Teacher Mao, anonymous 17K2755963 for the gift, and all the book friends for their strong support. Today is the last day of 2020. In this extremely unusual leap year, we have experienced many sad things. No matter what, This year is finally coming to an end, and the bell of the new year is about to ring. Here, Xu Zhen wishes all book friends all the best in the coming year, a happy life, reading with gusto, and making money happily! Wishes May every book lover be healthy and happy every day in the new year!)

Qin Fengming's response to the encirclement and attack by more than a dozen monks from Youfu Palace this time was far less relaxed than when he faced the monks from the Seventh Place. Although the monks from the Seventh Land may not be weaker than the monks from Youfu Palace in front of them, those monks are not of the same mind.

It can be said that everyone has their own Xiao Jiujiu.

Faced with the benefits at their fingertips, everyone eagerly stepped forward and tried their best to seize it. But if faced with danger, the first thing that everyone thinks of must be how to save their lives or preserve their strength.

But the monks of Youfu Palace are different. Although everyone has selfish motives, if they don't obey the commander's orders, they will be punished, which may be worse than losing their lives.

With an order, the monks from Youfu Palace could forget about life and death and step forward desperately. If one of them is attacked, the other monks will attack with all their strength without hesitation.

This alone made Qin Fengming have to worry more.

I was thinking in my heart, so I sent the ghost-eating mist to cover the temple. I wanted to make myself invincible first.

Qin Fengming rarely sacrifices in the temple now. This is related to Qin Fengming's own strong growth. In the past, when his strength was insufficient, he could kill even a Xuan-level monk when he encountered him. You need to use the power of the temple to defeat powerful enemies.

But now, after his strength has greatly increased, there are not many Xuan-level monks of the same level who can easily kill him.

Of course, if Fairy Yao Xi wants to help, Qin Fengming also needs to make some efforts.

Although Fairy Yao Xi did not help Qin Fengming much, every time Fairy Yao Xi appeared to take action, it could be said that Qin Fengming was helpless.

It was the same when facing Shu Xuanchun, it was the same when facing Juyang, and it was the same when facing Miao Lin.

If Fairy Yao Xi hadn't appeared to help several times, Qin Fengming would have died countless times.

This time Qin Fengming believed that although he was not in danger of death, if he wanted to kill all the monks of Youfu Palace here, it would be impossible for him to do it with his current methods.

Therefore, he needs to use the power of the temple to plot against these Youfu Palace monks. Whether it works or not can only be known by trying it.

As the sudden roar of the wolf beast resounded, a ferocious beast with a body reaching three feet in size and a pair of sharp wings on its back suddenly flew out of the thick mist.

As soon as the body appeared, a violent and ferocious aura immediately filled the scene.

"Qiongqi! Impossible, how could you have a strange beast like Qiongqi?" As soon as Shi saw the ferocious beast leaping out of the mist, a cry of surprise rang out.

Just as the exclamations resounded, four beastly roars with obviously different roars also sounded from the thick mist.

The sound resounded, and four ferocious beasts of different shapes immediately leaped out of the mist.

"This is not a ferocious beast, this is a ferocious beast transformed by the Divine Emperor's Seal. He actually has a powerful imitation of the Divine Emperor's Seal that can transform into four ferocious beasts."

Just as four ferocious beasts of different shapes rushed out of the thick fog, a cry was heard.

The mountain sao (shan sao) is more than ten feet tall and strong, like a demonic monkey; it is shaped like a powerful bison,

The rhinoceros qu (xi qu) covered with tough black fur; the roe owl (pao xiao), who is like a strong antelope and sneaks into the ferocious tiger; the over-foot-long figure with red scales on its belly, shaped like a vicious dog huo dou (huo dou) ) is actually extremely recognizable.

As soon as Shi Shi appeared, the names of the four ferocious beasts were immediately known to the well-informed people in Youfu Palace.

Based on everyone's knowledge, it is impossible to imagine the connection between Qiongqi and the four ferocious beasts.

At this time, Qiongqi and the four ferocious beasts had been re-refined and sacrificed by Qin Fengming after being damaged in the last robbery.

Not only was it repaired, but some runes that Qin Fengming understood were added, and the original materials were replaced with some more precious materials that contained more powerful energy.

Although it cannot be said that an imitation of the God Emperor's Seal has been re-refined, the imitation has been given a new look, and its power has been greatly improved compared to the original.

If it could be said that the God Emperor's Seal Lingbao could exert 10% or 20% of the power of the God Emperor's Seal Lingbao with all his strength before, then now, with Qin Fengming's full mobilization, this God Emperor's Seal imitation Lingbao can exert half of the power of the real Lingbao.

Although it is only equivalent to half of the power of the Lingbao, this power is no longer something that ordinary Xuan-level peak monks can easily resist.

The real God Emperor's Seal is not an ordinary spiritual treasure, it is a chaotic spiritual treasure that has been sacrificed and refined by several ancestors of the true demon world. After being refined by several ancestors of the true demon world, the real God Emperor's Seal is no longer the one ranked fifty-sixth on the Chaos Spiritual Treasure List.

Because the real God Emperor's Seal has been listed as a powerful object that controls the entire interface of the True Demon Realm.

Although it is not the Mihuang Xuanbao, its power is not much worse than the real Mihuang Xuanbao.

Of course, Qin Fengming's imitation cannot achieve half of the power of the real God Emperor's Seal. To say that it has half of the power of a spiritual treasure is only for ordinary spiritual treasures.

But even so, it is enough to compete with the late Xuan level and peak cultivators without falling behind.

After recognizing that they were not the real five great beasts, the monks of Youfu Palace felt relieved. Facing an imitation of a Chaos Spiritual Treasure is naturally easier than facing a real wild beast.

However, just when everyone felt relieved, the vast mist did not stop. It was still raging violently. As the mist rolled, a ball of purple light suddenly flew out of the thick mist.

Amidst the shining purple light, a huge black wine cup flew out. The wine cup was suspended, and streaks of purple light suddenly danced out of the wine cup.

At the same time, a sudden burst of ice appeared, and a black lotus with an icy aura also appeared on the spot.

Following the ice lotus was a burst of crimson color, and a foot-long red blade showing an extremely hot aura. The blade light shot out, and the air wherever it passed was instantly burned away.

The huge wine cup is naturally a cup of chaotic purple energy. And the ice-cold lotus is the Nine Nether Ice Lotus. And the hundreds of crimson blade lights are exactly blood-winged feathers.

These four treasures can be said to be Qin Fengming's most treasured possessions. I won't use it easily because I'm worried about being damaged. But now they are sacrificed together.

Qin Fengming currently has many magical weapons that can be called treasures. Some were refined by himself, and some were obtained from other monks. The number was no less than dozens.

But Qin Fengming thought that those treasures could not be used in this situation.

The opponent he faced at this time could be said to be the most powerful being in the Xuan Order. Any one of them was strong enough for Qin Fengming to handle with caution. Even if he is a mid-level monk, he naturally has some unknown terrifying methods.

Faced with such a wave of monks, Qin Fengming naturally had no intention of capturing and killing them with just a few magic weapons.

But after sacrificing these magic weapons, Qin Fengming can be sure that it is no longer possible for these monks to join forces to surround him.

Suddenly seeing pieces of magic weapons appearing, the expressions of the monks in Youfu Palace immediately changed again.

What shocked everyone was not how powerful Qin Fengming's magic weapon was, but that two of these magic weapons actually contained the aura of chaos.

It's just that those chaotic auras are very rare, and they are not the vast auras of real chaotic spiritual treasures.

"Everyone, I will go out quickly and with all my strength. Don't let this child return to the thick fog again." The shock in everyone's hearts only happened in an instant, just when all the magic weapons showed their bodies and stagnated in the air for a moment. , Wan Yuan’s words also echoed on the spot.

Wan Yuan's words were actually the first decision that came to everyone's mind when they were about to besiege Qin Fengming.

If Qin Fengming is allowed to return to the mist and calm the mist's weirdness, they will have to face the mist again if they want to seriously injure each other.

Without any slowness, Wan Yuan and the two peak Xuan-level monks flew out and approached Qin Fengming directly. The other remaining Youfu Palace monks, under the leadership of Jueyin, took action one after another to attack the five ferocious beasts, the Chaos Purple Qi Cup, and the Nine Nether Ice Lotus.

In an instant, the magic weapon and secret technique shone on the spot, and they attacked the five ferocious beasts, blossoming ice lotus and purple light belts that flew towards them.

The roar of the beast shook the sky, and the fluorescent light shone on the ground. The surrounding area was immediately filled with monstrous energy fluctuations again.

The red blades of light did not attack forward, but suddenly moved away. Jueyin, who had avoided the attack, launched a ball of green and black fluorescence and suddenly shot towards both sides.

In the flash of red light, the two places were suspended in the void and no longer attacked the Youfu Palace monks who were already fighting together.

The ball of green and black fluorescence that Jueyin sacrificed was suspended in the air, and the two groups of blade lights wrapped in red fluorescence actually faced each other in mid-air for a moment.

Facing the scorching red blade light, Jueyin felt uneasy in his heart. He could sense a great threat from the aura of Blade Light.

Since the blade light did not have the power to attack, he temporarily stopped his hand and did not dare to attack the red blade light directly.

"The three of you are still unable to stop Qin." Just when Wan Yuan led the two monks to attack Qin Fengming like horns, Qin Fengming, who was standing still, suddenly said something very calm.

As soon as the words were spoken, a red and blue sword blade appeared in Qin Fengming's hand.

As soon as Xuanwei Qingyan Sword was revealed, it immediately danced away. Before he could finish his words, hundreds or even thousands of long sword blades appeared around him.

The hot and cold atmosphere of the sword intertwined, and the slender electric light manifested by the power of thunder and lightning flashed in the fluorescence of the sword. At first sight, people suddenly felt a dangerous atmosphere coming.

The sword blades suddenly shot away, suddenly manifested and merged in the air, and suddenly formed huge sword lotuses that were rotating rapidly.

Just as Qin Fengming finished speaking, the expressions of the three monks at the top of the Mysterious Order of Youfu Palace who had just stood up suddenly changed, because the three of them suddenly discovered that they had been surrounded by huge sword lotuses.

Although their hearts were shocked, Wan Yuan and the others did not lose their resistance. Without a trace of hesitation, they attacked one after another and the three men's rapidly dancing arms appeared on the spot.

The sound of banging was riveted, and the majestic collision energy suddenly impacted the surroundings.

Although the power of Xuanwei Qingyan Sword has been greatly increased, it is not within the scope of Qin Fengming's consideration to kill or injure three peak Xuan-level experts from Youfu Palace with just his sword skills.

Qin Fengming's original intention was definitely not to use these magic weapons to kill such a powerful person.

The sword blade never stopped firing, as if Qin Fengming had infinite magic power that allowed him to continue to carry out such powerful attacks.

"Ah, no, the mist has already surrounded us."

Suddenly, an urgent cry from someone unknown rang out amidst the thundering thuds. The sound was loud and soft, and was intermittently impacted by the strong wind. It was extremely incoherent.

Everyone quickly released their spiritual consciousness, and after powerfully passing through the raging winds of various attributes in the sky, they finally saw a scene that made everyone suddenly frightened.

I saw that within a radius of several thousand feet, a thick layer of mist suddenly filled the air. The mist was stirring and rolling. Just looking at it made people suddenly feel a cold feeling that penetrated the whole body.

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