Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6043 The vicious bones appear

"Hey, that round bowl is actually moving!"

After a long time, Qin Fengming, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly discovered that his figure was not staying in one place, but was floating slowly, but not very fast.

Qin Fengming was not too surprised by this situation.

Both Yuanbo and Baijiehuazun are absorbing the surrounding aura, which will inevitably consume the surrounding aura. Since the round bowl can move on its own, it will naturally move towards a place with dense aura.

Qin Fengming ignored it. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't.

Under the aura of prehistoric times, he had no way to resist. The prehistoric aura did not suppress or infringe on him, but he could not disobey the prehistoric aura that could release the power of heaven and earth.

Fortunately, the prehistoric aura released by Yuanbo did not attack the magic weapons around him, so Qin Fengming was happy to relax and let the prehistoric aura carry him around.

Qin Fengming had a feeling in his heart that although he could not control this round bowl object and could not sense where it was hiding in his body, he and the round bowl object had become one.

Only this explanation can explain that the round bowl invaded and hid in his body without causing even a trace of damage to his body.

Not only was he not injured, but he was able to suddenly appear at the critical moment of his death and resolve the irresistible danger for Qin Fengming.

In such a situation, even the natal magic weapon cannot do it, but Yuanbo did it.

It's just that Qin Fengming is curious, as the classics say that once the Mihuang Mysterious Treasure is recognized as its owner, it will be extremely difficult to remove the mark on it.

Although he got five fragments, he didn't do much to refine them.

Such a situation made Qin Fengming very curious and puzzled. However, Qin Fengming would not be really suspicious about this kind of thing, but would just let nature take its course.

Even he didn't know how long Qin Fengming had been wandering here.

Because surrounded by the prehistoric aura, Qin Fengming had a feeling that he could not sense the passage of time.

Feeling this way, Qin Fengming felt relieved. Because he has long known that among the laws of this round bowl, there is the law of time.

Back then, in the Black Mist Island in Tianhong Realm,

He once had a deep understanding of the effect of the time law of Ichiban Bowl.

Now that time feels strange, Qin Fengming will certainly not be surprised.

Time passed slowly, Qin Fengming felt at ease, immersed in the feeling of comfort, and forgot about the way home. Suddenly, Qin Fengming, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes suddenly showed a sense of vigilance.

Qin Fengming suddenly looked like this because he suddenly felt an inexplicable strange feeling in his heart. The feeling was hard to understand, as if there was some kind of danger approaching.

Just when Qin Fengming felt something strange in his heart and looked around quickly, a burst of dragon roar suddenly resounded from above his head.

Amid the roar of the dragon, a dazzling multicolored glow suddenly appeared.

In the shining rays of light, the small floating round bowl suddenly expanded. In an instant, Qin Fengming's entire body was immediately covered by a huge round bowl.

Faced with the sudden change, Qin Fengming's body suddenly jumped up. With a grab, all the magic weapons floating around him were immediately put into his arms.

Although he didn't know what happened, Qin Fengming suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Yuanbo couldn't have changed like this for no reason, which meant that he must have sensed some threat to suddenly become so strange.

Being able to make Yuanbo produce strange things will naturally not be a simple situation.

Qin Fengming's heart was tense and his expression became more solemn than ever. He knew that this time he might encounter unspeakable danger again.

To be able to cause such a strange change to a Mihuang Xuanbao was enough to show that the danger he encountered this time was more severe than any other time before.

Although his heart suddenly became tense and alert, Qin Fengming still felt calm.

Being in the lower interface, he really didn't believe that above the Mastiff Vine interface, even a Mihuang Xuanbao couldn't resist any attack.

In an instant, Qin Fengming had put away all kinds of magic weapons, and at the same time connected with his mind, wanting to tell Lu Xue.

However, after Qin Fengming contacted the second mysterious soul spirit body, his expression darkened. At this moment, the ruthless blood actually fell into a deep sleep and could not be awakened.

Without the help of Ruxue, the peace that had just surged in Qin Fengming's heart was shaken again.

But just for a moment, Qin Fengming's uneasiness was suppressed again. A strong sense of fighting emerged from Qin Fengming.

Just as Qin Fengming's eyes were sharp and his body was bursting with energy, the huge round bowl suddenly made a buzzing sound, the sound resounded, and then a ball of yellow light suddenly spread out from the huge round bowl.

Qin Fengming was wrapped in the round bowl. Apart from his ears being filled with a huge buzzing sound, he could not feel the power of this sudden yellow light.

However, just as the yellow light appeared, the blue light around the huge disk suddenly became surging like boiling water.

Amid the violent turmoil, a terrifying aura that would have shocked Qin Fengming immediately if he probed with his spiritual consciousness crashed onto the spot.

It was a surge of terrifying energy that was like a thunderbolt from the sky, as if a catastrophe suddenly appeared, and the sky was turned upside down.

The buzzing sound gradually weakened, and the dazzling yellow light gradually subsided. When Qin Fengming was able to look ahead through the glow around him, what he saw in front of him immediately made his calmed mood surge again.

It was a scene he could never imagine.

The land in front of you is a land of extremely wide mountains. The mountains are rolling and stretching into the distance, and your spiritual consciousness cannot detect the end.

There is no blue light flashing here anymore, and the whole area seems to exist in a world.

Qin Fengming was suddenly shocked to find such an area at the bottom of an extremely deep lake. However, when he carefully examined it, his eyes suddenly showed a stunned look.

Because when Qin Fengming's gaze shrouded him and he carefully identified it, he suddenly discovered that these rolling mountains looked like the remains of a huge corpse that was unknown for how many miles.

Those huge bones formed rolling mountain peaks. If you look closely at the mountain peaks, you can see huge black holes embedded in them.

"No, this is not a mountain range formed by peaks, but the skeleton of a huge ferocious beast."

In an instant, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly trembled, and a low cry suddenly came from his throat. The voice was low and hoarse, as if it was not what Qin Fengming said.

Qin Fengming was shocked and stood on the spot in a daze, his eyes full of shock.

The size of this skeleton exceeded Qin Fengming's imagination. This skeletal beast was much larger than the red beast we saw before.

Because it was just a skeleton, it was already several times larger than the body of the Zhu Ngan.

Facing such a huge skeleton, it was impossible for Qin Fengming not to be shocked.

In Qin Fengming's impression, Kunpeng was already regarded as a transcendent, huge and ferocious thing recorded in the classics. But it is hard to say that the Kunpeng in the classics can compare with the vicious beast with only skeletons left in front of him.

Facing the skeleton of this huge ferocious beast, even though Qin Fengming had reached the peak of the Xuan level and was extremely determined, he immediately fell into horror.

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