"Hundred Refiners Ascension Record ()"

After watching the small round bowl in the sky above his head absorbing the blue light for a long time, Qin Fengming withdrew his gaze and looked at his body.

At this moment, he could no longer feel any feeling of coldness encroaching on his body, and the feeling that made his body feel extremely smooth and comfortable had been filling his body.

Qin Fengming can be sure that this filled blue light contains an extremely majestic aura of vitality.

And the runes in the aura must be full of space power. Otherwise, it would be impossible to avoid the intrusion of lake water in the deep lake bottom.

Qin Fengming has already judged what this blue light is.

This lake contains a strange aura that robs the vitality of any living thing, and the aura of vitality has not disappeared, but has gathered in the blue light at the bottom of the lake.

Qin Fengming didn't know exactly what kind of thing caused this situation.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Fengming moved, intending to continue walking down to the lake bed at the foot of the river. He wanted to see what secrets this place had.

At this time, with the round bowl above his head, he felt at peace. He knows that if he encounters any danger, he will definitely not ignore items like the round bowl.

However, Qin Fengming raised his steps, but was unable to step forward. It seemed as if there was an invisible force that imprisoned him on the spot, unable to move.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming frowned slightly, but was not shocked.

He was certain that the reason why his body was in such a state was related to the round bowl above his head. Because he could feel that there was a strong prehistoric aura lingering around him.

Although there was blue light scattered around, the blue light did not give him any hindrance. Only the prehistoric aura made him feel trapped.

Qin Fengming was decisive and did not try to use any means to resist the force of imprisonment. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the lake bed and stopped trying to move.

This blue light was filled with the aura of runes, which also interested Qin Fengming.

The breath of runes is a strange breath. In fact, not everyone can identify this kind of breath clearly. Only when one has a certain understanding of heaven and earth can one clearly identify it.

In fact, to be precise, there is a difference between the breath of runes and the breath of forbidden magic circle.

Although the restraining array relies on some kind of obstruction formed by the energy of heaven and earth and the power of runes and spells, it has obvious characteristics of the array, that is, the array requires a base or center to coordinate the runes and spells. It operates according to certain rules.

But the pure heaven and earth talisman is different. It does not have a formation base. It does not need a formation hub to drive it. It exists alone and can only emit a certain aura.

If it is the runes and spells in the forbidden magic circle, if the magic circle is broken, those runes and spells cannot exist for a long time, and they will definitely be obliterated by the energy of heaven and earth.

But the runes of heaven and earth are different. It is independent. As long as the energy of heaven and earth is not missing, it can always exist.

Now this blue light is filled with runes that carry the energy of heaven and earth. When Qin Fengming faced these runes that were obviously not restricted by the magic circle, he naturally had to study them.

Qin Fengming could sense the breath of life that seemed to have a nourishing effect on the physical body, but could not control it, so he could only let it fill the physical body.

Qin Fengming was convinced that this kind of life breath that could only be encountered but not sought was definitely not an ordinary existence and would definitely have benefits.

It's just that he doesn't know how to use it, nor does he know the details.

Qin Fengming's mind slowly calmed down, his body and mind relaxed, and he began to retreat without any precautions.

Being in this unknown place, Qin Fengming was quite courageous. He didn't use any defensive means and just sat cross-legged on the spot so carelessly.

Qin Fengming felt relieved because of the existence of the round bowl in the sky.

If even Yuanbo couldn't resist, Qin Fengming was convinced that no matter how many methods he resorted to, he would never be able to resist the danger with his own strength.

Rixue, who was in the Xumi Cave Space, was already lying on the ground at this time, enjoying with all his heart Qin Fengming's breath of life as he entered the Xumi Space without any defense.

That blue light is extremely penetrating. Whether it is mana or divine soul energy, it cannot be blocked at all. Even the prehistoric aura can be penetrated by it.

Although the covering wall of Xumi Cave Mansion resisted it because it was a world of its own, without Qin Fengming's defense, the vitality carried by the blue light easily filled the Xumi space.

Under the spell of the Second Mysterious Soul Spirit Body, the spirit beasts and insects raised by Qin Fengming all stopped quietly in the Sumeru space. Junyan, who was in seclusion, also opened his eyes at this moment. Feeling the presence of the surrounding breath with surprise.

Everything seemed very quiet and comfortable, as if the whole world had become calmer.

The kind of feeling that makes the whole body comfortable and comfortable can make people become silent and lose their due vigilance. It seems that they will fall into a deep sleep and be unable to wake up.

Not only those spirit beasts and spirit insects, but also Junyan and Ruixue have also submerged themselves into that comfortable feeling at this moment, without any thoughts.

Only Qin Fengming was not captured by this comfortable feeling, because he had already fallen silent once when he entered the blue light.

It's just that he didn't fall into it for long, and he recovered quickly.

What Qin Fengming wants to do most now is to study the runes filled with blue light.

The runes that can create such a mysterious scene are absolutely mysterious. He really wanted to know what kind of runes could produce a cold breath and have the effect of robbing others of their lives.

However, as soon as Qin Fengming calmed down and merged into the runes surrounding him, his calm expression suddenly turned into one of shock.

At the same time, a cry of surprise suddenly came out of his mouth: "These rune patterns are all innate spirit patterns!"

Qin Fengming exclaimed in surprise. His eyes that he had just closed immediately opened them again, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The innate spirit pattern is the talisman that contains the avenue of heaven and earth.

However, the talismans filled here did not show the aura of the great avenue of heaven and earth, but Qin Fengming exclaimed the words of innate spiritual patterns in his mouth.

Based on Qin Fengming's understanding of rune patterns, he would definitely not make a mistake in his identification.

Qin Fengming was stunned, his eyes flickering dullly. After a long time, he recovered again. Because he thought about why these innate spirit patterns did not show the aura of the great avenue of heaven and earth, because these spirit patterns may all be incomplete.

The reason why Qin Fengming is convinced that these runes are innate spiritual runes is because these runes are different from ordinary runes. They are not acquired runes, nor are they original runes of heaven and earth. There is only one possibility, and that is innate spiritual runes. , just incomplete.

This place was filled with incomplete spiritual patterns, which shocked Qin Fengming and at the same time, his heart was suddenly filled with excitement.

A place with innate spiritual patterns is absolutely impossible to be ordinary.

The incomplete spiritual patterns were difficult for Qin Fengming to comprehend, leaving him at a loss as to how to act.

Confined by the prehistoric aura released by Yuanbo, he could not move his position, and naturally he could not explore anything forward. The vital aura filled his body, and he could not perform any spells on it.

Thinking in his heart, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly brightened, and he stretched out his hand, and suddenly a ball of emerald green fire steamed up from his palm.

As the emerald green fire ball shone, a burst of dragon roars, beast roars, and bird songs suddenly resounded.

Qin Fengming suddenly used the soul-eating ghost fire.

There are six fire spirits in the ghost-eating ghost fire, namely the green dragon, the sun bird, the fire raccoon beast, the fire crow, the miasma bird and the fire phoenix.

These six fire spirits all have certain spiritual intelligence and can naturally be nourished by the abundant life breath here.

As the six fire spirits appeared on the scene, excited roars of beasts and birds chirped loudly throughout the scene.

Obviously, Qin Fengming did not expect that these fire spirits were very happy with the atmosphere here.

At this time, Qin Fengming kept doing nothing, and while dancing with his hands, he sacrificed all the magic weapons and ancient treasures on his body beside him.

This place is full of life, and there is a strange power that nourishes the soul. Although these magic weapons have no weapon spirit, at least there will be no harm in staying in this environment.

Qin Fengming was not too surprised. No matter the natal magic weapon, the Chaos Purple Qi Cup, the Nine Nether Ice Lotus and other objects, they had no response to the life breath here. Even the Taotie Qiankun Gui and the Green Gourd did not show any abnormalities.

But there was something that shocked Qin Fengming.

That item is the Baijiehuazun.

The Baijie Huajun is a special thing for cultivating spirit beasts. Spirit beasts and spirit insects are kept in captivity in it, which can increase their cultivation speed.

It is also because of the Baijie Hua Zun that the spiritual beasts and insects around Qin Fengming can advance far faster than similar ones.

Qin Fengming did not expect that as soon as he took out the Baijie Bottle, the surrounding blue light poured into the small Baijie Bottle like wind and residual clouds.

The speed at which the blue light was injected was actually comparable to the speed at which the round bowl above the head absorbed it.

This situation was beyond Qin Fengming's expectation. When Qin Fengming thought about it, if he could absorb the life breath here, it should be the Taotie Qiankun Gui. Who would have thought that it would be the Baijie Huajun that keeps spirit beasts in captivity.

Although it was a bit unexpected, Qin Fengming was greatly excited by what he saw when Baijie dissolved the bottle.

No matter which magic weapon can produce strange effects, it means that it has benefited from this place. This is a very good thing for Qin Fengming.

Qin Fengming's eyes flickered, looking at the broken small bowl in front of him, feeling slightly surprised in his heart. The Taotie Qiankun Gui is definitely a mysterious treasure from ancient times. The round bowl can absorb the life breath here, but the small bowl has no movement.

They were both once broken objects. The appearance of the two great ancient mystical treasures really puzzled Qin Fengming.

The only explanation is that the small bowl is damaged and cannot be repaired.

Looking at the small bowl, Qin Fengming showed a hint of disappointment. He originally wanted to repair this desolate thing that could swallow up the heaven and the earth, but it seemed that it was impossible at the moment.

The disappointment was only momentary. Although this incomplete mysterious treasure could not be repaired, it was still powerful.

As for the green gourd that was extremely important to him, Qin Fengming was not surprised. The little gourd absorbs the energy of heaven and earth, so it is understandable that he is not interested in soul energy and life breath.

Qin Fengming was extremely happy to be able to have Yuanbo and Baijiehuazun to absorb the life breath here.

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