Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5871 The Land of Demonic Insects

After hearing Mo Ye's words, Qin Fengming was freed from the deep thoughts in his heart: "Since all fellow Taoists still plan to go to the place where monsters and insects gather ahead, then Qin should also accompany you."

The location where everyone is at this moment is nearly two thousand miles away from the rift valley. Although it is not far from the rift valley, Qin Fengming is convinced that even if the beast wakes up, it should not be able to detect where everyone is at this moment.

In this harsh environment, even Qin Fengming's spiritual consciousness can only detect a distance of four to five hundred miles at most. No matter how powerful the beast's consciousness is, it is absolutely impossible to detect the location of everyone at this time.

Until now, the ferocious beast has not appeared, and the fear in everyone's hearts has slowly subsided.

It can be said that everyone present has experienced a lot of life and death crises. Although everyone may not have encountered a huge wild beast with a body that is hundreds of miles long, everyone has a judgment in their hearts to deal with such dangers and knows how to choose.

"Okay, then let's go to the place where the Frost Hidden Winged Insects live together to see if there is any Sky Lotion left." Mo Ye nodded and said as he flew out.

The distance of thousands of miles did not take everyone long.

"It seems that there has been a battle here." Qu Yuan said in a deep voice as soon as Shi Shi stopped.

What you see in front of you are tall icebergs. The icebergs are densely packed with countless holes. None of the holes are big, only about the thickness of an arm.

But the tall icebergs are covered entirely with holes. It seems that every mountain peak is a huge beehive.

At this time, the high mountain peaks seemed to have experienced some kind of terrifying force, and most of them had become incomplete and collapsed. Although it was incomplete, each hole was still clearly visible in front of everyone.

The incomplete parts of some mountain peaks even revealed huge caverns.

"Since the ferocious beast has led all the Frost Hidden Winged Insects to that rift valley, this place has naturally been attacked by that ferocious beast. The aura here is messy, and I don't know if there are still powerful demonic insects. Fellow Taoists, you should be careful. "Fairy Yaoluo's eyes flashed brightly, and she reminded everyone.

No one needs to remind them, everyone knows how to deal with the situation in front of them.

"If the lotion from that day exists here, it must be in the heart of the iceberg. I wonder how many days of lotion it takes for a fairy to practice?" Qin Fengming looked at the surrounding mountains and asked with a sudden flash of light in his eyes.

"Well, heavenly lotion is an extremely cold and yin substance.

In addition to practicing, it can also be used as medicine. Of course, the more the merrier. But I only need three jade bottles, which is enough. If there is excess heavenly lotion, as long as fellow Taoists find it, it will naturally belong to all fellow Taoists. "

Fairy Yaoluo looked at Qin Fengming with her beautiful eyes and spoke without any hesitation.

Although the natural lotion is something she urgently needs, the female cultivator knows how to make everyone try their best to find it.

This is the habitat of an unknown number of Frost Hidden Winged Insects. Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miles in radius are occupied by demonic insects. There is no way of knowing exactly how many peaks there are. If there are not ten thousand, there may be thousands.

If you want to search every mountain here, it will take only a few months for only seven people to do it.

If it were before, when everyone was looking for the swarm of Frost Hidden Winged Insects, they could only choose a few mountain peaks as the main exploration targets. If you can get the best and don't get it, it can only be considered bad luck.

But now there is no longer the threat of monsters, and everyone can search at will without any scruples.

It's just that everyone can't stay here for a long time. Going to the Arctic land and snatching the Chaos Order is the main task. Therefore, everyone had already negotiated and could stay for three days.

Unable to find it at this time, Fairy Yaoluo could only lament that there was no heavenly lotion in her life.

Fairy Yaoluo stated the conditions very well, so it was naturally a far-sighted move.

Of course, three bottles of heavenly lotion cannot be exchanged for six demonic beast elixirs at the top of the Xuan level. But if everyone doesn't come with her, even if Fairy Yaoluo looks for a few monks of the same level, not many will dare to agree.

At this time, if we want everyone to go all out to search, naturally we can't do without benefits to everyone.

Everyone had not thought that they would search separately before, so there was no setting on how to distribute the Heavenly Emulsion. Because as long as it is found, it will naturally be handed over to the female cultivator.

But now everyone can search for natural lotion on their own, but there are certain conditions.

And the female cultivator's words naturally gave everyone a lot of room to benefit. Everyone is a human spirit, so they naturally know how to do it.

Everyone was speechless, each body flashed, and then flew away towards the peaks.

If you want to find the Heavenly Emulsion, you can only break open the hard ice peak and enter the huge cave inside to search. It's impossible to sense it just by detecting it from the outside.

Because the ice peaks here are filled with icy cold aura, it is impossible for spiritual consciousness to penetrate them.

Everyone fled, each found an obviously tall mountain peak and began to use their own methods to break through the ice and rocks below.

Suddenly, bursts of huge roars sounded among the vast peaks.

The roar was loud and the ice shards flew, making this land of peaks, which had no other sounds except the roaring mountain wind, become very lively for a while.

The peaks chosen by the six Yuheng monks were similar, and they were all extremely tall.

Because according to everyone's judgment, only those tall mountain peaks can have high-level frost hidden insects, and can also give birth to celestial emulsion.

Heavenly Emulsion is an internal excretion substance secreted by the Frost Hidden Pterus itself.

However, not all Frost Hidden Wings can produce this strange juice, only some special Frost Hidden Wings can produce this substance.

The specific kind of frost hidden winged insect that gives birth to the heavenly lotion is not recorded in the classics at all.

There is no record of heavenly lotion in the spiritual world's classics.

It is precisely because of this that if everyone wants to find the Heavenly Emulsion, they can only search wildly, without an established search pattern and direction.

For the six Yuheng land monks, searching for peaks like this is clumsy, but it is undoubtedly the most effective.

However, for Qin Fengming, he would not use this method.

The figure slowly flew among the mountains, like a huge purposeless bird, not stopping on any mountain peak it passed.

Seeing Qin Fengming flying away so aimlessly, the six monks who were using their own methods to break open the tall ice peak cave and Yuheng were all surprised.

Just as everyone was astonished, Qin Fengming's figure had disappeared from everyone's consciousness.

Three days, of course, is nothing to everyone, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a white horse passing by. Because compared to the thousands or even tens of thousands of years that people have been cultivating immortality, three days really seems like a blink of an eye.

But even during these three days, everyone was both happy and worried.

Because among the dozens of peaks that the six monks from the Yuheng Land searched with all their strength, they only found the Heavenly Emulsion in a mere seven peaks, and the quantity was extremely rare. Taken together, they could only find half a bottle.

Such a quantity left Fairy Yaoluo speechless.

The Yuheng Land's classics only record that the Frost Hidden Winged Insect can give birth to Heavenly Emulsion, but there is no mention of how Heavenly Emulsion is born, and it is so rare that it is difficult to find.

Facing only half a bottle of heavenly lotion in their palms, the six Yuheng cultivators were speechless.

Everyone was convinced that if it weren't for the ferocious beast that lured the Frost Hidden Winged Insect away, they could search freely in the place where the demonic insect inhabited. Instead, they came to plot this lotion according to what everyone had imagined before. They were afraid that there would be nothing this time. After all the efforts, I couldn't get even a little bit of heavenly lotion.

Because under the siege of swarms of insects, it is impossible to search so many mountain peaks like everyone is doing now.

"Fairy Yao, here are three bottles of heavenly lotion, which can just meet the fairy's stated goal." However, when everyone was speechless, a figure flashed out from a distance and came to everyone in a flash. Before he could stop, a voice sounded on the spot.

Following the words, three jade bottles were seen flying out and hovering in front of Fairy Yaoluo.

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