(Thank you to Bailian Book Friends: Novel Silence, Chouguo, Reincarnation and Heaven, 1862954, and other book friends for their support and encouragement.)

Although Xuan Luo's words are guesswork, they are extremely likely.

The ice-spine beast was originally in seclusion in the Qiyuan Snowfield to recover from its injuries. It suddenly woke up and then left the Qiyuan Snowfield and went to another land of ice and snow. This was very strange.

Logically speaking, if a seriously injured Ice Ridge Beast had not been harassed or expelled by some powerful being, it would not have been possible for him to waste his energy and go away before his body recovered.

But at this moment, everyone unexpectedly encountered an even more ferocious and terrifying wild beast in the Qiyuan Snowfield. Not only Xuan Luo, but also Qin Fengming and Mo Ye had the same general thoughts.

The possibility of this matter is extremely high. Although the ice-ridged beast is injured, it is definitely not something that one or two Mahayana monks can disturb.

But it is very reasonable for Zhu Da to come and scare him away.

"What Fellow Taoist Xuan said is absolutely true. The Zhulu is a wild and exotic beast. Although the ice-ridged beast is also a wild and ferocious beast, the Zhulu is a wild and exotic species, and the ice-ridged beast is only a ferocious beast that reproduced in the wilderness. . There is hierarchical suppression on both sides. Sensing the aura of Zhu Niao, the Ice Ridge Beast cannot have the courage to fight with Zhu Niao other than running away.

It seems that more than a thousand years ago, the Zhulu appeared in the snow of Qiyuan and awakened the Ice Ridge Beast. It’s just that for some unknown reason, the ice-ridged beast has only gone away in recent years. Fairy Yaoluo, think about it, when the surveillance circle was set up, was there anything strange in the rift valley? "

Mo Ye nodded, agreeing very much with what Xuan Luo said. He spoke and finally asked Fairy Yaoluo again.

Hearing Mo Ye's question, Fairy Yaoluo's expression suddenly changed.

Mo Ye's words suddenly gave her a cold feeling all over her body. Because she suddenly thought that if Zhu Niao had stopped in the rift valley when she came to set up the restriction, then...

She didn't dare to think about it, because if it really happened, she might no longer be alive.

Seeing the beautiful female cultivator's sudden change in appearance and the look of fear in her eyes, everyone present understood that this beautiful female cultivator must have thought of the terrible consequences.

"When I went to the rift valley, there was absolutely no chance of that vicious creature existing. Because there were no swarms of Frost Hidden Winged Insects gathering at that time, and there was nothing strange about the rift valley."

In the midst of the frightened expression, Fairy Yaoluo calmed down, and after thinking for a moment, she answered firmly.

She had carefully inspected the surroundings, and although she did not get close to the habitat of the Frost Hidden Pterus, she had carefully considered the restrictions placed in the rift valley.

Fairy Yaoluo arranged a surveillance ban and had no intention of actually monitoring the Frost Hidden Winged Insect.

Because this place is still more than ten thousand miles away from where the demonic insects gather. It is simply impossible to monitor monsters and insects. She set up this surveillance circle just because she thought that when she brought people here, there was no swarm of Frost Hidden Wings in this direction.

She didn't expect that such a situation would be monitored this time, which made her feel both happy and frightened.

Fortunately, those frost-hiding insects that everyone was extremely afraid of were eliminated by the ferocious beasts. But what scares me is whether the ferocious beast will wake up. If it wakes up and locks everyone in, the chance of them escaping is really not high.

"If it is true as the fairy said, it means that the ferocious red beast should have started to move in the Qiyuan Snow Land more than ten years ago, and the Ice Ridge Beast also escaped from the Qiyuan Snow Land at that time. It's just that Zhu Yan appeared here more than a thousand years ago and woke up the Ice Ridge Beast, so why did the Ice Ridge Beast flee away more than ten years ago?"

Hearing Fairy Yaoluo's affirmative answer, Mo Ye made a solemn judgment and at the same time asked another question.

"This is not difficult to explain. Zhu Nang awakened the Ice-ridged Beast more than a thousand years ago, and he may have just passed through here. And it is normal for Zhu Nang to come here again more than ten years ago, and occupied the magpie's nest and drove away the Ice-ridged Beast. "

Hearing Mo Ye's question, Xuan Luo's expression changed and he explained.

"Fellow Daoist Xuan's explanation is very reasonable..." After hearing Xuan Luo's explanation, Mo Ye nodded.

He spoke, but not completely. It seemed that he still had something to say in his heart, but he was silenced.

Qin Fengming listened to the answers of several people, his eyes flickered, and the thoughts in his heart were much more detailed than what they said.

He can be sure that this red beast is the one he encountered in the Nightmare Moon Realm.

And he was even more certain that the injuries on the body of this ferocious beast must be due to the injuries sustained during the fight with that ferocious bird.

Looking back on what happened back then, it was Qin Fengming’s first post not long after he advanced to become a god.

That time must have been less than a thousand years from now. It is not impossible to say that the ferocious red beast once appeared in the snow of Qiyuan more than a thousand years ago.

At that time, Qin Fengming could not tell whether Zhu Yan had already met Yi Yu and had a fight, but it should be certain that Zhu Yan had not left the Mastiff Vine interface at that time.

Later, after Zhu Nu and Yi Yu fought, the two evil creatures directly fought into the virtual space.

After fighting all the way, they went directly to the spirit world, and then appeared in the Nightmare Moon Realm. Later, he was re-exiled to the virtual space by the two Mahayana from the Nightmare Moon Realm.

But the two ferocious beasts still fight endlessly.

Until the two evil creatures appeared in the Ghost Moon Realm again, and then entered the space channel and returned to the Mastiff Vine interface. This time was exactly ten years ago.

As for whether the two evil creatures had been to other realms or interfaces after being re-exiled to the virtual space, Qin Fengming was naturally unable to trace them at this moment.

However, this time clue was very consistent with the situation he encountered.

Now Qin Fengming's fear of Zhu Ni has been intrigued by the reason why Zhu Ni had a fight with Yi Yu.

When I was in the Nightmare Moon Realm, the Xuanhuang soil fell from the fight between two evil creatures. And Qin Fengming also got Xuanhuang soil.

At that time, he imagined that the fight between the two fierce creatures might be due to those mysterious wastelands.

But now that I think about it carefully, if it was just because of those mysterious wastelands, the two evil creatures should have stopped fighting long ago. Because the fallen mysterious wasteland is long gone.

Naturally, the two ferocious beasts will not be entangled for the sake of items that are no longer possible.

The two ferocious beasts were fighting to the death for reasons that Qin Fengming could not imagine. He didn't know much about the two ferocious beasts. Even if he now knew that Zhu Nang might be the spiritual pet of a powerful person in the Miluo world, and that the mastiff vine interface was where Zhu Nang's meat was eaten, he couldn't think of the real details.

As for the Mastiff Vine interface, Qin Fengming is convinced that the situations he knows are definitely not all of the Mastiff Vine interface. There are a lot of situations that he doesn't know about.

And even for the monks from the seventh place of the Mastiff Vine Interface, there must be many things about the Mastiff Vine Interface that no one has ever heard of.

This interface seems to be just a vassal of the real ghost world, but it has its own laws of heaven and earth, which makes this interface different. Although Qin Fengming was not a meddlesome person, at this time, he was full of expectations, hoping to see the real reason for the fight between Zhu Nu and Yi Yu.

The things that that kind of level is plotting are beyond the reach of heaven without even thinking about it. If you are lucky enough to see it, even if you don't get it, you will gain some knowledge.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, since the evil creature has not yet awakened, we plan to go to the place where the Frost Hidden Winged Insect lives while it is sleeping to see if we can get some heavenly lotion for Fairy Yaoluo. What do you think of your friendship? "While Qin Fengming was thinking about it, everyone in Mo Ye had already reached an agreement.

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