Suddenly, Qin Fengming, who was shocked and clueless by the scene in front of him, suddenly thought of something, something related to his life and death at this time.

At this moment, his physical body has entered this mist, so how can he get out of this mist?

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, Qin Fengming's back suddenly felt cold.

He had already used his spiritual consciousness to explore this place, and the surrounding scene was almost the same as the real scene. Underfoot is hard earth and stone. When the spiritual consciousness penetrates into it, it is no different from the land and rocks in the world of immortality. Everything shows that this is a world.

But he was convinced that this was not the Sumeru space. If it wasn't in the Sumeru space, how could he get out of here? This question was immediately placed in front of him.

If he couldn't leave from here, wouldn't he want to die in this place where there is not much vitality of heaven and earth?

Thinking of this, Qin Fengming's calm mind suddenly jumped, his eyes suddenly became solemn, and his consciousness looked around again.

However, what he saw made his expression become more solemn.

He used several techniques to escape from the Sumeru space, but could not sense the slightest sign of leaving. And his body was suspended in mid-air, unable to move at all.

By this time, he no longer worried about whether the three Zixiao Sect monks had escaped from the restriction and found their way into the main hall. What he needs to consider is how to get out of this weird space.

Time passed slowly, and Qin Fengming still seemed like a scarecrow fixed in mid-air, with his body not moving at all.

He didn't find a way to leave here, but Qin Fengming's expression was no longer solemn.

At this time, Qin Fengming's expression was calm, and his eyes were shining brightly, showing that he no longer had any worries or distractions in his heart.

Qin Fengming can be considered a person with rich experience and has faced many dangerous scenes.

Just before, he was still trapped in the terrifying Sumeru magic circle that even his physical body could not control. At this moment, he just stayed in this place, his body was still under his control, and there was no hindrance in using various runes. For Qin Fengming, this is no longer so dangerous.

In this place, Qin Fengming seemed very calm except that he could not move his body. There is no attack coming, no pressure to suppress.

Qin Fengming can be absolutely sure that the cause of this situation is the runes here that are invisible to the naked eye.

As long as he can understand and decipher the talismans around him,

Qin Fengming was certain that he would be able to relieve the current crisis and relieve his own imprisonment.

He suspended in the air and began to try to touch the runes floating around him little by little.

If you want to understand those talismans and sort them out. Qin Fengming must imprison those runes, understand their changes, and let him control them.

And this is also the process that monks must do to understand the runes.

Qin Fengming understood the runes and gained a lot of insights. Naturally, there is no worry or fear. Sensing the first talisman that he guided to stay in front of him, he quickly entered into enlightenment.

The empty main hall of Duming Palace seemed even more deserted at this moment. In the huge hall, there was only one wooden couch placed alone.

On the wooden couch, a scroll was placed. It's just that the scroll at this time has been closed and no longer looks open.

If anyone enters here, they will see this scroll immediately. I will also come to check this scroll as soon as possible.

Because in this hall, apart from this scroll, there is really nothing worth paying attention to.

What Qin Fengming was worried about did not happen. The three powerful masters from the Xuanling Peak of Zixiao Sect did not leave the confinement of the side hall when he was trapped in the mist.

And as time slowly passed, the scattered forbidden aura in the main hall of Duming Palace, which seemed to be dissipating, seemed to slowly become regular.

As time passed, the forbidden aura slowly condensed, as if an invisible hand was gathering the aura again.

If Qin Fengming were in this hall at this moment, his expression would immediately change and he would look frightened. Because the restrictions in this hall are slowly being re-formed.

He would definitely not want to try that kind of terrifying restriction that could easily freeze Qin Fengming's body and imprison him in two seas.

The last time he used the terrifying chaotic aura of Xuan Zi Sword and his four powerful crystal talismans to shake the ban on this hall, Qin Fengming would not enter again.

Without the Xuan Zi Sword and the powerful spar formation, even if he had the confidence to break through the Sumeru space restrictions in the main hall, it would probably take a long time.

He himself would not know whether it would be ten years, a hundred years or hundreds of years.

However, Qin Fengming was not in the main hall at this moment, and he was not in the mood to care whether the ban on the main hall would be revived.

At this time, Qin Fengming was completely immersed in the vast and empty starry sky.

What kind of place this is, he has no idea.

After Qin Fengming controlled the first rune, he entered this place. This is an extremely empty place, surrounded by nothingness, which is somewhat similar to the scene when Qin Fengming entered the test talisman formation of Ancestor Daoyan.

Just as soon as he entered here, he felt a strange feeling wrapped around his body, making him feel like he was about to fall asleep.

As time went by, the feeling of lethargy became more intense.

Finally, Qin Fengming couldn't bear the drowsiness and closed his eyes.

Although he fell asleep, Qin Fengming still felt a cloud of yellow mist surrounding his body. His whole body was warm and he felt very comfortable.

He felt like he was sleeping, with wisps of yellow mist floating around him, and he was suspended in it. He didn't use any spells, but his body was as light as a goose feather.

He just felt comfortable all over, and he seemed to like this state very much.

Qin Fengming closed his eyes and seemed unwilling to think about the problem. It seems that he doesn't want to think about the problem at all. I just want to be so comfortable in it, thinking about nothing and doing nothing.

He forgot where he was, what was important at the moment, and that he was a monk.

He felt like he had become a piece of fallen leaves drifting slowly with the current. The fallen leaves fell into a clear river and flowed slowly along the direction of the river.

The surroundings were quiet, with only a small breeze blowing across the river, allowing the fallen leaves to drift into the distance.

Suddenly, a not that big river stone appeared on the wide river surface. If you didn't look carefully, the stone with only a palm-sized corner sticking out of the river would not have been discovered at all.

And the position of the river stone happened to be in the direction in which the fallen leaves moved with the waves.

There was no accident, and the fallen leaves happened to touch the rock above the river. The fallen leaves, which were originally motionless, suddenly started to spin the moment they touched the river stone.

The fallen leaves, which were originally calm, suddenly began to rise and fall with this rotation.

As soon as the fallen leaves sank, they were swept up by a current and fell directly to the river surface...

As the fallen leaves floated in the river in Qin Fengming's sleepy consciousness, Qin Fengming's body, which was originally suspended in a cloud of yellow mist, also trembled, and a mist-like gas suddenly appeared.

If anyone saw Qin Fengming at this moment, they would find that the mist that suddenly emerged around him was very strange. It looked transparent, but there were some stars in it that were shining like stars in the distant starry sky.

The mist's energy fluctuations are not obvious, and even Mahayana beings cannot sense its specific breath attributes.

But as the mist emerged, Qin Fengming, who was originally stiff and suspended in the air with his eyes closed, suddenly felt something strange.

The originally upright body slowly sat cross-legged in the void.

It's just that Qin Fengming is still in a drowsy state at this moment, with his eyes closed and his expression calm, as if he is stuck in some kind of dream and cannot wake up.

As time slowly passed, the fog surrounding Qin Fengming expanded more and more.

It's just that the star points within it don't seem to increase. It's just that as time goes by, those star points become a little brighter.

Outsiders cannot detect the properties of this gradually expanding mist, because this mist has a blocking effect on spiritual consciousness. Divine consciousness cannot contact it at all. When the spiritual consciousness touches it, it will be immediately bounced away.

Outsiders cannot touch this mass of gas, but Qin Fengming, who is inside, can sense the mysterious aura filled in this mass of mist.

This mist is cold and clear, like a transparent viscous juice. Only when you are in it can you feel its strangeness.

If Qin Fengming was awake at this moment, he would naturally be able to identify the properties of this mist, that is, this mist is filled with a spiritual aura. And this divine soul aura is different from the ordinary. Its divine soul aura is obvious, but it contains a strong power of runes.

It seems that the entire mist is condensed from the soul runes.

At this time, Qin Fengming was still asleep, but he felt in his dream at this time, and then the fallen leaves drifting with the current touched the river rocks. Suddenly the scenery changed, the fallen leaves disappeared, and an ignorant child replaced him.

This child is only one or two years old, with a rosy complexion and pink and white skin. If you look closely at his face, you will see that he looks somewhat similar to Qin Fengming when he was a child.

The children seemed to have just gained intelligence, started babbling, and were interested in any real object.

He walked unsteadily around the mountains and forests, looking here and there, babbling and not knowing what to say.

The children walked along, sometimes touching the flowers and plants, and sometimes moving a few small stones, looking energetic.

At the beginning, children just walked around aimlessly, grabbing and throwing away everything they encountered. Everything seemed very disorderly.

But slowly, the children seemed to have a purpose.

He began to purposefully pick the beautiful wild flowers that were growing in the mountains. Those flowers are very beautiful. As long as a child touches them, he will stretch out his chubby little hands and grab them, seemingly effortlessly.

Soon, a bouquet of colorful flowers was held in the child's little hands.

Children never tire of it. As long as they see flowers blooming around them, they will crawl there and pick the flowers in their hands. After each handful was picked and could no longer be held in the hand, the children threw it aside and went to pick other flowers.

As time slowly passed, the flowers picked by the children changed again...

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