Qin Fengming did not expect that in this scroll, in addition to a path map marked, there was also a very mysterious spell that he could not understand immediately.

He did not look at this technique carefully because he found that this technique was inscribed with a very ancient origin rune.

Even if he already has a solid foundation in rune patterns at this moment, it is difficult to easily figure out the spell when faced with the original rune runes.

However, Qin Fengming felt excited when he saw the technique.

The technique that can be specially recorded in this scroll by a powerful Taoist Master, and left to those who are destined to do so, will definitely not be an ordinary technique.

Qin Fengming did not explore the magic runes, but slowly locked his mind on the mist inside the scroll.

There is a hazy mist filled with space aura in the scroll, and runes are moving slowly in the mist. The runes exude a space aura, although it is not strong, but it is very obvious.

The whole mist looked very mysterious.

Through the scroll introduction, Qin Fengming was already convinced that this mass of mist was the map path mentioned by the Lord Crossing the Underworld. It's just that this is the first time he has encountered such a marked map path.

After watching carefully for a long time, Qin Fengming slowly released his consciousness to touch the mist.

The moment his consciousness touched the mist, a huge force of space suddenly surged out from the mist. Under the surge, Qin Fengming's consciousness was directly involved. Got into it.

Qin Fengming only felt a huge pulling force, like lightning, acting directly on his body along his spiritual consciousness.

Before he could react, his vision went dark and everything in front of him had changed.

When Qin Fengming's eyes were clear and he looked intently at the surrounding areas, the sight in front of him stunned Qin Fengming on the spot.

What you see in front of you is a very mysterious picture. It's mysterious because Qin Fengming has seen such a map for the first time since he has been cultivating immortality for so long.

Although there are some map slips, in order to mark the entire picture clearly, some people will use mystical magic to make the real picture appear in the scroll according to a certain proportion.

But the map picture Qin Fengming saw at this moment was even more surprising than the illusory picture carved in the scroll.

Because of the scenery that appeared in front of him,

It is an extremely real picture.

Everything you see is a real scene, and you don't feel the slightest illusion. The grass is lush, the mountains and forests are green, the mountains are vast, the rocks are solid, the mountain breeze caresses, and when he touches the branches and leaves of the trees around him, an incomparable sense of reality immediately spreads throughout his body.

Here, it seems that it is not a map scenery at all, but a real scene with mountains and water.

Looking into the distance through the not-thick fog, Qin Fengming could clearly sense the scene tens of thousands of miles away. Mountain birds and beasts shuttled between the mountains and forests, and each monster beast with a huge demonic aura was dormant in a secret place, sleeping soundly with its eyes closed. Everything seemed so real.

And tens of thousands of miles away, there should be a wider area, but the scope of his spiritual consciousness's exploration at the moment is only tens of thousands of miles in radius. No matter how far it is, his spiritual consciousness can no longer detect it.

What he saw was certain in his heart that it was the path on the map mentioned by God Crossing the Underworld. But this path was beyond his imagination, making him feel like he was in an illusion.

Qin Fengming stood among the mountains, looking at the scenery that suddenly appeared in front of him, his heart was filled with excitement.

Since the Lord Crossing the Underworld said he left a path map, it would naturally not be in this area, because this place is only tens of thousands of miles in radius, and it cannot be a wild place where the two gods went.

Faced with such a situation, it is possible for Qin Fengming not to be surprised.

Based on his experience, he could certainly tell that this picture contained powerful spatial aura runes. But how such a real scene was sealed in this mist was difficult for Qin Fengming to figure out at the moment.

Feeling the gentle breeze blowing on his face and the breath of vegetation filling it, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly widened.

After carefully examining it with his spiritual consciousness, he discovered that there was actually a pure energy of heaven and earth in this place. The vitality energy was not thick, but it made him feel very pure.

But when Qin Fengming felt it with his heart, it was difficult to find the source of the energy aura.

Standing on the spot, what reassured him was that except for the strong atmosphere of space, this misty place had no other effects. The detection range of his spiritual consciousness is complementary to his current state. The mist here hinders his spiritual consciousness somewhat, but it still allows him to easily detect tens of thousands of miles away.

It's just that his body is suspended in mid-air, and the tall trees at his feet are gently swaying in the mountain wind, but he can't move his body, only his arms can shake slightly.

It was as if he was fixed here at this time. He continued to use his magic power and performed several escape techniques, but his figure only moved forward a few feet.

Such a place made Qin Fengming speechless on the spot.

"Such a path situation is really unheard of. It seems that the correct understanding of the path map left by the God of Crossing the Underworld is to land on the space runes in the mist."

Qin Fengming frowned slightly, his consciousness patrolling the scenery around him, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

He had never seen the methods of Taoist Lord Tongtian in the upper realm, and he couldn't even imagine it. That kind of existence is not something Qin Fengming can guess at will at this moment.

But one thing he can be sure of is that the Lord Crossing the Underworld is a person who has mastered the laws of space.

The restrictions on the mountain peak and the main hall where Duming Palace is located can be said to be extremely profound. Qin Fengming has never seen the Sumeru Space Array before.

Qin Fengming was convinced that such a formation could not be arranged by the Mahayana in the spiritual world.

A great master of heaven who has mastered the power of the law of space, and the map scroll he left behind, it is naturally impossible for others to understand it.

Qin Fengming withdrew his consciousness, the excitement on his expression did not fade away, but his eyes became silent.

If other spiritual monks sensed the aura runes of space laws in the mist of the scroll, no one would think of comprehending them.

The laws of space, as the original existence among thousands of laws, are the most difficult to study and understand.

Although even monks on the low-level interface can use space spells to refine space storage items such as storage rings and spirit beast bags, when it comes to the origin of space runes, no one can understand it even if they are Mahayana. A simple space rune appears.

Unless someone has made some achievements in understanding the laws of space and has a heaven-defying talent for runes.

And Qin Fengming is such a existence. Although he has only just touched upon the laws of space, his attainments in rune patterns are more talented than all the monks of the same level or even the entire spiritual world, the real ghost world, and the real demon world. I am afraid that most of the Golden Immortal monks in Miluo Realm would not be able to comprehend the runes as well as him.

Facing the scroll left by the God of Crossing the Underworld, Qin Fengming was extremely excited.

Maybe just by understanding the spatial runes in this path map, he can gain something in understanding the laws of space.

Qin Fengming has a very good mentality and has never been discouraged when faced with situations where he had no idea what to do. At this moment, facing this strange path scroll, my heart is also full of confidence.

Suddenly, Qin Fengming's originally calm and composed expression suddenly showed a hint of dullness.

The dull expression only appeared briefly, and was immediately replaced by a look of shock.

He slowly retracted his gaze forward, and finally fell completely on the palm of his raised arm. His eyes showed an unspeakable strange look, and his mouth could not help but open slightly.

For Qin Fengming to have such an expression, he knew without asking that he must have been shocked by something happening to him at this moment.

In fact, what shocked him was not that something strange appeared on his palm. But he suddenly discovered that the body he was in this vast space at this time was not an illusory body.

In other words, what he entered into the animal skin scroll was not just his spiritual thoughts. But his actual physical body.

As soon as the physical body entered this world, this matter appeared in Qin Fengming's mind, which immediately made him dizzy, and a blank filled his thoughts.

No wonder Qin Fengming is timid, this matter is really weird.

Here, Qin Fengming was absolutely convinced that it was in the not-so-dense mist in the scroll. And it was precisely because his spiritual consciousness touched the fog that he was attracted to this place.

Qin Fengming would not be surprised at all if the mist could absorb his spiritual energy here and allow him to sense the situation here.

But now it is his physical body that enters this strange place.

This animal skin scroll has a written description inside. Regarding the mist, the description says that it is the specific path that the two gods and kings of Crossing the Underworld went.

Therefore, Qin Fengming explored the mist after reading the spell.

But the result really made him feel uncomfortable. Who would have thought that there would be such a scene inside a mist that didn't emit much energy.

Although there is space aura emanating from the mist, it is far different from the dense aura emitted by the Sumeru Space Cave.

Qin Fengming can be absolutely sure that the mist is not a rift in the Sumeru space or a space restriction formation. Qin Fengming doesn't know what kind of existence it is because he has never experienced it and has not seen such a situation in the classics. introduction.

The reality of the situation left Qin Fengming speechless. Although this should not be the place of Sumeru Space, and the surrounding scenery at this moment is very similar to Sumeru Space, Qin Fengming is convinced that this place is definitely not a real entity.

He did not believe that a vast area could be sealed within just the mist in a scroll. Thereby luring the monks into it.

It is impossible for the Lord Crossing the Underworld to lie to a junior about this matter. If God Crossing the Underworld wanted to kill any monks, there would be no need to go to such great lengths.

With the ability of the God Crossing the Underworld, even in the Miluo Realm, there are not many monks who can match him.

If the mist is not the Sumeru space, then the God of Crossing the Underworld can only use the most mysterious space magic to directly copy the path he walked in the mist through some means.

Although this kind of thing seems mysterious and beyond Qin Fengming's knowledge, Qin Fengming does not think it is impossible.

When he first entered the world of immortality, he felt extremely mysterious about the teleportation array. Later, when I learned how to arrange it, I was no longer surprised.

At this moment, facing this mist that could convey the true scenery, Qin Fengming was shocked again.

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