Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4632: Solving doubts

The cheerful voice transmission was eloquent, and he took the trouble to explain for a long time. Only then did he give a general explanation of Riyu Temple. Gege Dang # Xiao @said

Although Qin Fengming had previously known that the Wanxiang Palace was controlled by the Nether Slayer Saint, he still didn't know much about this force.

Wanxiang means numerous things. As for what kind of multitude, when Qin Fengming thought about it, it definitely meant more than talking about numerous techniques and treasures.

In the world of immortality, the skills are strong and weak, but the skills are not so secret. As long as there are spiritual stones, it can be said that even top-notch Mahayana techniques such as Chi Youzhen Demon Jue can be redeemed.

As a person who cultivates immortality, he naturally knows that it is not the most advanced and precious skills that can make him improve his cultivation and reach a higher level.

Only exercises that are consistent with one's own cultivation qualifications can allow monks to benefit from cultivation. Cultivation can be continuously improved more easily.

There are so many treasures in the world that any sect with a long history can accumulate thousands of treasures.

Therefore, Qin Fengming is not sure of the true meaning of the name of Wanxiang Palace.

But at this moment, when he heard the message, his heart moved, and he seemed to grasp the true meaning of the word Wanxiang.

The Wanxiang Palace selects disciples regardless of their origins, as long as they have strength, can reach the foundation of the Wanxiang Palace, and pass the tests of the three halls, no matter which realm they are monks, the Wanxiang Palace will treat them as their own disciples and treat them equally with the disciples of the true demon world. .

Moreover, all kinds of precious treasures in the palace, or strange places that can enhance monks, are open to all disciples who are qualified to enter.

For such a sect that is open to all cultivators regardless of origin, and has such generous and fair selection rules, the word "all things" is quite appropriate.

However, Qin Fengming still had many questions in his mind.

"Thank you, senior, for your guidance and giving me a general understanding of the Riyu Palace. However, there are still some things that I am not sure about. I would like to ask my senior to give me some advice." Qin Fengming bowed in the direction of the voice and saluted, although the severe pain in his body did not stop. But while he secretly gritted his teeth and endured, his face still showed an extremely respectful look.

"As a guidance being, I am naturally obliged to answer your questions. As long as you have questions about the secret realm of the Sun and the Universe, you can ask them." The voice sounded, and he knew everything.

As the guides of various halls, all of them seemed to be very talkative.

If Qin Fengming hadn't wanted to get his hands on the Xihun Pearl on the altar before, the Chenhuang Palace's voice transmission presence would not have turned against him.

"Thank you, senior. I would like to know how big the Sun Palace is? And are there multiple directions for monks to enter the Sun Palace?" Qin Fengming opened his mouth and directly asked two questions that in his opinion had nothing to hide.

He was not sure whether Yu Changtian and Liyang Zhenren were killed by the backlash forbidden by the statue. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm whether there are other places where monks can settle down.

"Hahaha, you don't have to worry about the monk who attacked you appearing here. There are sixty-four reception islands in Sunyu Palace. As long as there are no more than sixty-four people entering, there won't be two. The monk appeared on the same reception island.

As for the specific area of ​​the Riyu Secret Realm, it's really hard to say. This is a Sumeru space. The entire space covers a large amount of water. Except for the areas that have been developed by our Vientiane Palace, there should be a large area that no one has ever visited.

And the area developed by the Holy Lord in my Vientiane Palace is already tens of millions of miles wide. In other undeveloped places, there is a terrifying mist. Even Xuan-level monks who enter them will lose their way and find it difficult to identify the path.

The area that I have developed in the Vientiane Palace is an area where the terrifying fog has been removed through the use of special means by the Holy Lord. If you want to patrol this area, I'm afraid it will take you decades.

However, any monk who enters the secret realm of Sun Yu,

Time is only ten years. Therefore, if you want to patrol the entire Sun Universe Secret Realm, you'd better not think about it.

After you leave this island, no matter which direction you go, it can be said that no one will answer your questions anymore, because I am only responsible for the affairs of this island, and you cannot take care of it if you leave this island. "

Qin Fengming only asked a few questions, but Chuanyin spoke in great detail again.

After hearing the words, Qin Fengming was suddenly shocked.

This place called Riyu Secret Realm is so vast in area. It is tens of millions of miles wide, and it is only a part of this Sumeru space. Qin Fengming was shocked just thinking about it.

After hearing the explanation, Qin Fengming felt relieved.

Since there are sixty-four connecting islands here, it is naturally impossible to encounter Yu Changtian and Liyang Zhenren immediately.

Even if they don't die, as long as he doesn't leave this island, they won't be able to land here. This gave him enough time to recover from his injuries.

"I heard that you can refer to the cultivation experience of the Holy Master in the Riyu Palace, but I don't know about such a large area. Where can I find it?"

Qin Fengming was thinking in his heart and asked again.

What he said was actually to ask where those cherished things were roughly located in this vast area.

"You are only in the realm of Demon Lord. At most, you can only check the cultivation experience of Xuan Lord. If you want to check the cultivation experience of Holy Lord, you can only pass the Riyu Palace test and obtain the Sunyu Order. As for where those experiences are stored, you can get The Riyu Order is naturally marked on it."

What Chuanyin said did not give Qin Fengming the result he wanted to know.

However, he also knew in his heart that this Sun Universe Secret Realm was a reward specially prepared for those monks who had broken through Chenhuang Palace, Xinghong Palace or Yuezhou Palace. Only by obtaining the corresponding token can we know the specific location of the existence of those cherished things.

Those who did not get the token can only enter the vast area to try their luck.

"Senior, I don't know what the test of the Riyu Palace is this time? Are you going to be attacked and killed by a powerful being?" Qin Fengming's eyes flashed, and he thought for a moment before asking again.

"The Riyu Palace test is of course not the same as the Xinghong Palace test. It only accepts the test of attack and killing techniques. Since you have passed the attack and kill test, you will not repeat it again. The test here is mainly to test your aptitude and understanding of the way of heaven.

But what I want to tell you is that to accept this kind of test, you may only need to spend a cup of tea to pass it; or you may be immersed in it and find it difficult to escape even for hundreds or thousands of years.

As long as you enter it, you will lose the power of action and will lose control of your own consciousness. There are three thousand Tao and Dharma. Only when you fully understand the Tao and Dharma that belongs to you can you be able to enter samadhi and wake up. Otherwise, you will remain immersed in it until Sunyu Temple excludes you.

If you can't pass it, you can still get a great opportunity after understanding the artistic conception of Riyundian. Because that place of artistic conception is extremely beneficial for monks to understand the way of heaven. It will be of great help in breaking through the bottleneck of your cultivation.

Those who passed through Yuezhou Palace and entered Sunyu Palace came to test the artistic conception of Sunyu Palace, hoping to get opportunities from it, break through their own bottlenecks, and advance to a higher realm. "

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