"Little guy, how come you have such a strong real ghost aura, but very little real demon aura. The # little @from the Gege Party said that you shouldn't be from my holy world,"

The space energy swept across, and the dim state in front of Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly became clear. His body seemed to be thrown out of a ball of quilt, and was thrown directly to the wall of a tall mountain.

Qin Fengming, who was in pain all over his body, suddenly his eyes lit up, and the magic power in his body surged. He endured the unspeakable pain, and when he was about to touch the stone wall, he suddenly turned over and stood on the stone ground. superior.

The body had just stood up, but a sharp pain still caused Qin Fengming, who was at the peak of spirituality, to squat down holding his body.

No matter how tough Qin Fengming's mind was, it was difficult to resist the severe pain emanating from the alchemy sea in his body. Severe pain swept through his body, like a gushing torrent, rapidly passing along the meridians in the body and permeating the whole body.

He never expected that the backlash of the magic circle arranged on the statue could directly enter the transmission channel.

That aura was terrifying. Qin Fengming only felt it for a moment, but his soul was already going crazy.

Not to mention that Qin Fengming had no means to resist at that time. Even if he thought of a method of resisting, under the circumstances, he did not have any time to use it.

Fortunately, the transmission channel was not without restricted guards. Amidst the sweeping space energy, the backlash aura of the magic circle that suddenly appeared only briefly hit Qin Fengming and was blocked.

But with this gentle sweep, Qin Fengming's left arm and ribs were already bloody.

A terrifying force swept through him, and an equally powerful teleportation force also acted on Qin Fengming's body.

Qin Fengming's eyes dimmed and he was teleported away.

Crouching on the ground, Qin Fengming quickly swallowed several pills, and the magic power in his body surged rapidly. His left arm and ribs, which could no longer move, were suddenly wrapped in a blue mist.

When the backlash aura suddenly appeared, Qin Fengming had no time to activate the immortal magic armor and the magic treasure ghost refining magic power, and he had no time to use the silver spirit shield or the temple to resist.

Yu Changtian and Liyang Zhenren were able to withstand the backlash with their bodies because they were still more than a hundred feet away from the statue.

And when Yu Changtian launched his attack, the two of them had already dodged under the altar.

Qin Fengming was under the statue. Although he entered the cave without hesitation, he was too close to where the backlash force exploded.

Thinking back to the situation just now, Qin Fengming's scalp felt numb. He was convinced that if his body was really caught up in the backlash, he and his soul might no longer be alive at this moment.

That terrifying backlash seems to be a bit more powerful in terms of power than the sonic attack triggered by the sound transmission that controlled Chenhuang Palace earlier.

Although the physical body is damaged at this moment, fortunately, the alchemy sea and the sea of ​​consciousness in the body are not too affected.

Thinking back to himself, Qin Fengming also understood to some extent that the backlash of the magic circle on the statue was not targeting him, Yu Changtian, and Liyang Zhenren, but the attack launched by Yu Changtian and the attack he had inspired. The self-explosion energy displayed by the black stone talisman array.

Thinking of this, Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel a chill, and cold sweat suddenly rose up on his back.

If the counterattack power of the statue can trace the person who sacrificed it through the aura of the attack, then he and Yu Changtian will definitely fall on the altar this time.

The statue's prohibition was activated previously, but it did not show any attack effect, which caused Qin Fengming to have a major deviation in his judgment. If he knew that there would be such a terrifying backlash attack within the statue's ban, he would not dare to trigger the talisman array to self-destruct in front of the statue.

"Greetings to senior, I am not a cultivator of the real demon world, so there is not much real demonic aura in my body. Excuse me, senior, is this the Riyu Palace?"

After quickly stabilizing his injuries, Qin Fengming stood up again despite the severe pain.

As his body stood up,

The Silver Spirit Shield has appeared in his hand, and the Liuying Sword has also been sacrificed by him. At the same time, the three talismans in his hand were also tightly held in the palm of his hand.

No matter where he is, he must take necessary protection.

He didn't know whether Yu Changtian and Liyang Zhenren were killed by the backlash. If not, the two of them might appear here immediately.

Qin Fengming was cautious and naturally had to prepare for a fight.

At this time, he had the opportunity to carefully look at the place around him.

This is a stone road in the mountains. Although it is not repaired with stone slabs, you can see a very obvious path that continues through the mountains and forests and disappears among the tall trees.

The person speaking is not visible, which is the same as Chenhuang Palace. It is only the controlling existence of Sunyu Palace.

"Yes, this is the Riyu Palace. Judging from your condition, it seems that you have withstood an attack from others before arriving. It seems that you did not get the token, which is related to this attack." The sound transmission voice sounded as if he was not new. Big, his tone seems to be more easy-going than that of the person in Chenhuang Palace, and there is no emotion at all.

There is also no displeasure at all about him not being a true demon monk.

What made Qin Fengming most curious was that this voice transmission being seemed not to be curious about the fact that no one had broken into the Sun Palace for so long, and did not ask about it as soon as he came up.

"What the senior said is absolutely true, but I don't know what kind of tests are needed in order to obtain the Riyu Order from the Riyu Palace?"

Qin Fengming didn't want to say anything about these beings who controlled a palace, so he nodded, which was regarded as acknowledging the meaning of the message.

Although he failed to obtain the Chenhuang Order, to enter the Riyu Palace, he naturally needed to obtain the Riyu Order first. Without the Riyu Ling, it would be difficult to move freely in the Sumeru Space of the Riyu Palace.

"Riyu Ling, do you want to get the Riyu Ling? Of course, this is not impossible. However, given that you are at the pinnacle of Demon Lord, it is extremely difficult to get the Riyu Ling. Do you know that the Riyu Ling is aimed at? He is the most talented disciple in my Wanxiang Palace.

Although the Riyu Ling is not judged by the realm of monks, obtaining the Riyu Ling requires going through some special talent tests.

From here, there are two paths to take. One is to leave this island without any obstacles, and then you can go find your own opportunities. Another path is to accept the Riyu Palace test and finally obtain the Riyu Order.

How to choose is naturally up to you. However, I need to remind you that you do not have the token with you. You may not be able to enter many locations in the Riyu Secret Realm because there are powerful restrictions in those locations. If you touch it at will, you will surely fall into it.

Although there is no token, you are not without benefits. Some people who have made great contributions to our Vientiane Palace can enter the Sunyu Palace without a token, but to get the benefits, some luck is needed. However, in those good places that do not require token guidance, some of the treasures stored in them are even more outrageous.

Of course, if you can pass the test and get the Riyu Token, then you can use the map guidance on the Riyu Token to know all the locations in the Riyu Secret Realm at a glance. However, even if you have the Riyu Ling, the places you can enter are limited, because your realm is only Xuanzun. "

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