Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2197 Li Ning Overcomes Tribulation

After another four months of retreat, Qin Fengming stepped out of the retreat. With a wave of his hand, two transmission notes were shot out. ☆→,

After a meal, six figures shot out from a distance on the mountain peak where he was.

"Miss Li, after these few months of refining the Divine Pill, your own realm must have been fine. Today, I wish you to break through to the realm of infant transformation." Seeing Li Ning and Kang Kai arriving, Qin Fengming said with a slight smile. . It seems that breaking through the transformation of the infant is extremely simple in his opinion.

"What? It's too fast for Master Li to break through to the realm of Transforming Infants today, isn't it? Master, are you sure? The Heavenly Tribulation of Transforming Infants is not as good as Cheng Dan. It is difficult to resist the calamity thunder alone, and there is also the mind tempering Refining is even more terrifying."

When Du Wanqing heard this, she exclaimed.

"Well, with me here, I am very sure that you can advance to the realm of infant transformation."

Qin Fengming didn't say much, and together with Dunguang, he led everyone to leave Qingyou Sect.

When monks overcome tribulations, the denser the spiritual energy in a place, the easier it is to communicate with the vitality of heaven and earth to form tribulation clouds. But in Qin Fengming's opinion, there is no need. As long as a few pills are taken into his stomach, there is no need to worry about triggering a catastrophe.

Moreover, Li Ning, Kang Kai, and Du Wanqing, who have reached the peak of elixir cultivation at this time, already have extremely abundant energy in their bodies. As long as they have the elixir with huge energy in hand, it is definitely not difficult to gather enough energy to communicate with the heavenly tribulation.

Two thousand miles away from Qingyou Sect, everyone stopped.

"Bing'er, take Kang Kai and others several dozen miles away and don't let nearby monsters come to cause trouble."

Although the spiritual energy concentration here is slightly different from that in Qingyou Sect, it is still a good choice. It is absolutely possible to survive the Transformation Infant Heavenly Tribulation. With a flash of figure, Qin Bing'er agreed and led everyone away.

"Miss Li, you hang this piece of material around your neck now, and then take these three Yuan Fen Dan together and work hard to condense the cyclone. I will help you communicate with the Infant Transformation Heavenly Tribulation." He waved a jade bottle with Nourishing Yin Handing the wood to Li Ning, Qin Fengming said without any doubt.

"Okay!" Li Ning didn't hesitate at all. He stretched out his jade hand to take a piece of purple-black wood and hung it directly on his chest. Then he took the jade bottle and placed the three pills inside directly. mouth, and then sat cross-legged on the clearing in the valley.

Li Ning never had the slightest doubt about Qin Fengming's words.

Although she was not prepared for any method of overcoming the Huaying Heavenly Tribulation, and she had no idea how to fight against that terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, she still listened to Qin Fengming's words without hesitation.

Li Ning knew that if there was anyone in the world who would not have the slightest evil intention towards him, then that person would be the young monk in front of him. Because her life was saved by the young man in front of her.

Seeing Li Ning acting so well, Qin Fengming was also happy.

As the elixir entered, Li Ning felt that the three elixirs melted in his mouth, and at the same time, a majestic pure energy suddenly surged down his throat and into his belly. It was in the belly almost instantly.

Li Ning didn't dare to neglect, and worked hard to gather energy to bring the six energies together. At the same time, he used the magic formula to wrap it up, and then ran the magic formula to slowly release the majestic energy contained therein.

When one's cultivation reaches the level of elixir creation, one's own meridians become stronger and the control of elixir energy becomes more stable. It can self-seal the energy of the elixir and then slowly release it. It is no longer like the Qi gathering stage or the foundation building stage. When swallowing the pill, the majestic energy will be released without restraint. How much it can be refined can only be determined by each individual.

As the majestic energy entered the body and was refined with all his strength, Li Ning felt as if there were thousands of streams of pure energy flowing rapidly through the body along the meridians throughout the body.

It was as if there was an energy source in his belly, with endless pure energy emerging from it.

Li Ning sat cross-legged on the stone ground, gathered her mind, and without any distractions, she began to run the Xuanji Transformation Yin Jue** with all her strength, trying her best to refine the majestic energy surging in her body, and compress it crazily towards her dantian.

In the already overflowing dantian, after the breakthrough and the infusion of majestic energy,

There was a sudden excitement.

Where the golden elixir is located, the majestic energy is the hardest hit area. Under the squeeze of the majestic energy, the golden elixir finally changed. Suddenly, with a muffled sound, the golden elixir that had been cultivated for hundreds of years shattered.

As the golden elixir shattered, majestic energy suddenly surged in Li Ning's dantian...

At this time, Li Ning, who was sitting cross-legged, was trembling all over. His originally pretty face had become a bit ferocious. His eyes were closed tightly and his brows were raised suddenly, as if he was undergoing some kind of torture.

Under the shroud of spiritual consciousness, Qin Fengming's expression became tense.

Although he had helped Rong Qing and Kuang Feng survive the Heavenly Transformation Tribulation, the two of them could not be compared with Li Ning. Both of them had special physiques and were not real bodies. And Li Ning is indeed a human monk.

Although Qin Bing'er also survived the catastrophe of transforming into an infant, she did not show much pain at all during the tribulation.

Seeing Li Ning's expression, Qin Fengming's heart tightened, and he moved to Li Ning's side. With a move of his hand, he directly injected a burst of energy into Li Ning's body.

If someone else does this, it will undoubtedly cause changes in the body of the person who is breaking the golden elixir and trying to condense the energy cyclone. It is very possible that the body will explode, but Qin Fengming is convinced that it will never cause any harm to Li Ning. damage.

Because the energy he sacrificed was only the power of the soul to protect Li Ning's mind.

This power of the soul only made Li Ning feel more comfortable, so that he would not be knocked unconscious by the huge changes in his dantian.

Qin Fengming knew that Li Ning was in the most danger at this time, but no one else could help her and she could only rely on herself.

More than an hour later, when Qin Fengming's face was full of solemn expression, a vortex suddenly swirled around Li Ning's body. As the sound of whooshing sounded, the vortex grew from small to large, spreading rapidly to the surrounding areas. go.

In just a moment, a huge energy vortex that stretched up to the sky and the earth suddenly appeared around Li Ning.

"Well, the energy cyclone has finally been condensed, and now is the beginning of the real catastrophe."

Seeing this, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face.

Following his whisper, thick clouds suddenly rose in the sky, as if there was a crack in the sky, and thick clouds rushed out from it. The layers of thick clouds quickly spread towards the surrounding areas.

Looking into the air, Qin Fengming moved and quickly retreated. At the same time, with a wave of his hand, five furry little beasts jumped out. With a flash in the air, he suddenly let out a shout of joy, and without waiting for Qin Fengming's instructions, he shot directly towards Li Ning's place in the distance...

More than half an hour later, the dense calamity cloud finally slowly dissipated.

Waving his hand to recall a cloud of white insects, Qin Fengming calmly looked at the beautiful female cultivator in the distance who had put away her majestic pressure, and there seemed to be joy in her eyes.

Li Ning's journey through the Heavenly Tribulation of Transformation into an Infant was a success without any danger.

With the help of Qin Fengming's Five Elements Beast and Nourishing Yin Wood, the energy filling and mental tempering were completed with great ease. The power of the tribulation thunder and lightning contained in the huge energy was greatly reduced under the filter of the shield provided by the Silver Sheath Insect and the Five Elements Beast.

The three most terrifying stages when other monks were going through the tribulation seemed to be less of a threat under Qin Fengming's action.

"Ah, it's really surprising to Ran Qing'er that Senior Aunt Li has survived the Heavenly Tribulation of Transformation into an Infant in this way. Master, would you like to try to protect me as well?" Several figures shot towards her, and Qin Bing'er led several disciples back. Arriving next to Qin Fengming. Du Wanqing said with a look of surprise on her face.

His expression was one of eagerness to try. Although everyone was initially surprised that Qin Fengming dared to stay in the midst of the catastrophe, after Bing'er explained it, everyone was both surprised and happy. No wonder Master said that he could help everyone overcome the calamity.

"Well, after Miss Li is completely consolidated, I will take you to find another place to survive the tribulation."

The monks overcome the tribulation and cause great damage to the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth. It is extremely inappropriate to go through the tribulation again in the same place.

Two hours later, Li Ning closed her eyes and opened her beautiful eyes. On top of her young and beautiful face, there is an extremely heart-warming expression.

"Thank you young master, Li Ning has finally advanced to the realm of infant transformation."

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