Qin Fengming did not give any more gifts to Fairy Cailian and Shang Lingxi. Based on the background of Biyou Valley, Qingyou Sect's family fortune may be even richer than his at this time. ⊥,

However, before leaving Fairy Cailian's cave, he still told Fairy Cailian to make arrangements for the Qingyou Sect within a year, and then help her achieve the realm of aggregation.

Seeing Qin Fengming's precise words, Fairy Cailian nodded solemnly without doubting his presence.

After asking Li Ning to return to his training place to study the Ant Control Technique carefully, and ask himself if there was anything he didn't understand, Qin Fengming went directly to Kangkai Cave Mansion.

After more than a hundred years of separation, it would be unjustifiable if we did not fulfill our responsibilities as a master. Moreover, Qin Fengming still has many items to hand over to several disciples.

With several disciples, Qin Fengming naturally felt much more relaxed.

After some research, Qin Fengming found out that Sima Hao had an extremely high talent for refining talismans, which made him very happy.

After thinking about it for a while, he made a copy of the many classics and spells he had on which he had used to refine talismans, and gave them to his disciple. Of course, the several kinds of talismans and spells handed over by Patriarch Dao Shen were not taught to Sima Hao.

It was from Manghuang Mountain. Although he was a disciple of Manghuang Mountain, Sima Hao was not. Qin Fengming knew this clearly. Naturally, he would not teach it privately without the sect's permission.

Back then, he had issued a blood curse in front of the five masters, not to do anything that would harm Manghuang Mountain.

Even without the spells taught by his master, he had collected many offensive or defensive talismans over the years. It was only later that as his cultivation increased greatly, the power of the talismans was no longer effective, so he stopped refining the talismans.

This does not mean that the power of the talisman will lose its effectiveness as his realm increases.

It's just that he hasn't found a more powerful talisman until now. If he can get the thunder talisman or the transposition talisman, he will definitely refine it immediately.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are even more powerful talismans, even talismans that can threaten the power of the realm of gods and even the mysterious spirit. They definitely exist, but they do not exist in this low-level interface.

In the remaining time, Qin Fengming exchanged some cultivation methods with the disciples.

Speaking of communication, Qin Fengming mainly explained and a few disciples listened. Of course, at this time, the Qingyou Sect had already formed a rule that high-priced monks would teach the low-level disciples the way of cultivation at a fixed time every month.

Several disciples had questions and they were answered quickly.

But since Qin Fengming is a master, he must fulfill his duties. He has covered a wide range of subjects, so he can answer some of the most difficult questions. This has also benefited Kangkai and the others a lot.

This time, Qin Fengming did not give too many spiritual stones and treasures to his disciples. If a monk develops attachment, it will be difficult to progress further. Only when you get treasures and training resources yourself will you cherish them more and have a greater sense of accomplishment.

However, Qin Fengming was naturally not stingy with a few people. He handed over several ancient treasures prepared for each person. In addition, he also handed over several kinds of ancient treasures specially designed for a few people to maximize their physiques. Powerful and mysterious book.

At the same time, several precious materials have been specially selected for each person's natal magic weapon, allowing everyone to refining their own natal magic weapon.

Although he did not give his disciples precious spiritual herbs, Qin Fengming was still able to spare some effort to increase the self-protection power of a few people.

After checking the individual realms of several people one by one, Qin Fengming found that the magic formula and the foundations of several people were also solid. Even if they did not take the pill to consolidate the realm, there would be no serious problems.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Qin Fengming decided to refine the elixir and let a few people take it. When leaving a few people, he specifically called Sima Hao aside and handed him a magic pill.

Sima Hao was overjoyed when he heard Qin Fengming said that this elixir could make his body better.

A month later, Qin Fengming walked out of his retreat holding two bottles of magic pills. Although his face was slightly tired, his eyes showed joy.

The magic pill,

It is an auxiliary elixir. When a monk takes it, it will not improve the monk's status, but it has an important effect, that is, it can stabilize his soul and soul, temper his own realm, and make the monk's current realm more stable. stable.

To refine this elixir, it is difficult to find precious materials, and the spiritual herbs are needed for tens of thousands of years. Even a first-rate sect would be extremely reluctant to cherish spiritual grass so much to refine a pill that is useless for cultivation.

Of course, not many monks in the world of immortality use this elixir, because after a monk advances once, he needs to practice for a long time before he can advance again. After such a long time, he has naturally laid a solid foundation. Therefore, there are very few rumors about this kind of auxiliary elixir in the world of immortality. Qin Fengming had already thought of this when he left three breakthrough and advanced elixirs to each of his disciples. Therefore, he has prepared measures to deal with the unstable state of several of his disciples.

He directly handed the Divine Pill to his eldest disciple Kang Kai, told him how to take it, and then entered the retreat place again.

As for Kang Kai's assignment to several junior brothers, Li Ning, Jiao Zhanshan and others, he naturally does not need to do it himself.

This time, Qin Fengming went into seclusion for two months before coming out again. This time, he mainly refined the Fenyuan Pill and the Infant Training Pill.

These two kinds of elixirs are what Qin Fengming is most good at. Fen Yuan Dan is taken by Cheng Dan monks, while Pei Ying Dan is effective for the realm of Huaying monks.

Of course, in terms of efficacy, the Fen Yuan Pill and the Infant Training Pill he refined are definitely many times more powerful than those circulated in the world of immortality, because the spiritual herbs used in their refining are tens of thousands or even thousands of years old. Thousands of years old.

Spiritual grass that is hundreds of thousands of years old is used to refine and assemble the elixirs used by monks. If other people in the world of immortal cultivation knew that he was using it to refine the food for the monks to eat, they would definitely curse him in their hearts.

Of course, Rong Qing and others do not need to take the Baby Training Pill. There is Yinjing Zhilan. As long as Rong Qing and others refine even a small branch and leaf, it is very possible for them to advance to the next level.

These pills were given to several disciples, Li Ning, Shang Lingxi and Jiao Zhanshan.

Everyone is not a person who practices ghost ways, and Yinjing Zhilan is not very effective for everyone. If you want to break through, you can only take a large amount of pills.

Qin Fengming can only do so much to everyone. Whether everyone can successfully advance to a higher realm depends on everyone's transformation.

After distributing the elixirs, he did not go into seclusion again. Instead, after meeting his two sisters, he escaped from Qingyou Sect together with Tu Guang.

Five months later, he returned to Manzhou again.

The reason for being away for so long this time was not for other reasons, but specifically to search for materials for refining the Xuanyin Blood Transformation Formation. After traveling to the ghost world, he truly understood the power of the Xuanyin Blood Formation.

Within the realm of infant transformation, even if the monk does not fall into the magic circle, it is still possible to kill the opponent.

In the next few decades, he will definitely not return to Qingyou Sect. If he can refine more sets of this kind of magic circle, the lives of his disciples will be more protected.

Of course, as for the refining of the Transformation Infant Realm puppet, he will naturally not forget it.

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