At this time, the girl also showed a faint fluctuation of soul power. This kind of fluctuation appears extremely weak in Qin Fengming's eyes. He is only a monk equivalent to the third or fourth level of the Qi Gathering Stage.

Invisible in the black light package, mysterious words spewed out from the girl's mouth, and the black light began to expand rapidly under the curses that she kept saying with some soul power.

At the beginning, the black light expanded very slowly, and Qin Fengming was not afraid of it. But after just a few breaths, the air suddenly spread faster. If a mortal saw this kind of speed, there would be no reaction time.

Even Qin Fengming was shocked when he saw him suddenly. The figure turned into an afterimage and shot away into the distance.

"Sir, don't worry. This is the treasure of our Huwang tribe. Its defense is amazing. It can prevent those soul beasts from harming us, and it can also cover our bodies. As long as you enter the black light, sir, you can Don’t worry about being discovered and attacked by those difficult soul beasts again.”

Just as Qin Fengming's figure flickered and moved, a soft voice came from the black light. As he spoke, he saw a hole as big as ten feet appearing under the rolling black light that had expanded to thirty or forty feet in diameter.

Listening to the girl's words, the flashing Qin Fengming's eyes flashed, and his figure suddenly stopped.

Although he didn't know anything about the item in the girl's hand with extremely powerful soul power fluctuations, judging from the aura emitted by the soul power, this item was really just a defensive object as the girl said.

With thoughts in his mind, Qin Fengming flashed and dived towards the hole.

"This year is the year when the soul path is opened and the soul beasts are at their most violent. Beast disasters are inevitable. It is really our Huwang Tribe's luck to have you land in the area of ​​our Huwang Tribe. With your previous methods, Sir, I think Mr. Lai must be a person with great powers in the outside world. If he can get help from him this time, Lingyi will definitely tell his father and treat him courteously. But I don’t know what your name is? Can you tell Lingyi? "

Facing Qin Fengming, the girl sitting on the stone ground raised her eyebrows and said with a slight smile on her face. Qin Fengming was very surprised when he heard what she said.

The other party seemed to have no doubt about his identity at all, and was even more delighted that he appeared here.

"Haha, you seem to have known Qin's origins for a long time. Isn't it possible that Qin was sent by someone who is an enemy of your Huwang tribe?"

Qin Fengming had already done some research on the land of Louse Dragon and knew that there were many tribes in this place, but the tribes were not without gaps, but often conquered each other because of some hunting areas. So he couldn't help but speak like this.

"It seems that Sir knows a lot about our Land of Louse Dragon, and knows that various tribes have many feuds. But Sir, there is no need to worry about anything. For outsiders like Sir, our Huwang Tribe has already registered them. .

What's more important is that in the areas surrounding my Huwang tribe, all tribes are controlled by my father. Even if there were outsiders a hundred years ago, they have already been recruited by my Huwang tribe.

And in this land of louse dragons, even if the gentleman is a cultivator from the outside world, his appearance has become old after a hundred years. He will definitely not be as young as Mr. Based on this combination, if Lingyi cannot determine the origin of her husband, it will be too useless.

However, Lingyi is also extremely curious about her husband. Generally, outsiders who are involved in this place are extremely frightened and have solemn expressions. But my husband's calmness was extraordinary, as if he was extremely happy to enter this place. "

The girl's thinking was extremely clear and she analyzed Qin Fengming's origins very thoroughly. Qin Fengming couldn't help but admire him a little.

In this land of louse dragons, the girl in front of her who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old was actually so smart. What she said was logical and logical, and it seemed like there was nothing she could not control. Qin Fengming had to wonder whether all the natives in the Land of the Locust Dragon were so smart.

"Well, what the girl said is absolutely correct. My surname is Qin and my name is Fengming. I am a cultivator who was dragged here by the eclipse wind. Although this place is extremely dangerous, Qin has some knowledge of this place before, so he is not afraid of it. . Mr. Qin heard that outsiders who enter this place must join a tribe in order to survive. I wonder what kind of treatment Qin will receive if he joins the Huwang tribe? "

Since you have to join a tribe to enter the place of inheritance, it makes no difference to Qin Fengming which tribe you join.

"It turned out to be Mr. Qin. This time, Mr. Qin took action and Lingyi survived. Only because of Mr. Qin's kindness to Lingyi, from now on Mr. Qin can enjoy the honorary position of elder in our Huwang tribe. As long as Mr. Qin follows Lingyi When Yi returns to the tribe, my father will definitely appoint you as an elder."

When she heard Qin Fengming agreed to join the Huwang tribe, Ling Yi's already bright and charming face became even more radiant.

"Okay, anyway, Qin came here for the first time. Faced with the ferocious spirit beast, he couldn't find a place to stay, so I'll accompany you back to visit the tribe. But Qin is very curious about the so-called beast disaster. And why? Could it be that every time there is an eclipse wind, a beastly disaster will happen?"

Those monster beasts, Qin Fengming already knew from the mouth of the girl in front of him, although they have different shapes, they are all called soul beasts. In terms of their ferocity, they are no different from those extremely ferocious beasts in the human world.

If he hadn't been armed with sharp blades and blessed with rapid and strange movements, he would have been hard-pressed to deal with those powerful, heavy, ferocious and ferocious spirit beasts calmly.

"Mr. Qin doesn't know that the soul beasts are not species within our tribe's area. The place where they exist is the deepest part of the dangerous area around the tribe's gathering place. That's where we live. No one from the tribes of the Dragon Land dared to go deep into it.

Normally, those ferocious soul beasts would never appear and enter the sphere of influence of our clansmen. Only when the soul path to the outside world appears in a hundred years, the soul beasts living in the dangerous area will It is possible to appear where our tribe is.

Those soul beasts are easy to kill by nature. Every time a soul beast appears, it is a big disaster for each of my tribes. This beast disaster actually happened in the territory of our Huwang tribe. I originally thought it was a small wave of soul beasts, but after receiving A tribe under the Huwang tribe called for help, so I led Elder Bagan and many tribesmen to come here for help.

I never thought that I would encounter an army of soul beasts, but in order to rescue the Huyi tribe, I ordered a strong attack. I never thought that although the soul beast defense line was broken and the rescued tribesmen entered the Huyi tribe, dozens of people like me would fall into the soul beasts. Under siege by beasts.

Dozens of warriors sacrificed their lives to fight a bloody path. If Mr. Qin hadn't taken action, dozens of people like me would have died at the mouth of the soul beast. "

When the girl said this, her face showed a sad look, and she seemed to be unable to let go of the death of her clan members.

"Well, that's it, but I don't know when the soul beast will retreat? It's difficult to kill all the soul beasts."

"It is not easy to kill those thousands of spirit beasts. As long as we hold on to the foundation of the tribe, usually for a few days, the spirit beasts will automatically retreat. Now that many tribesmen have entered the Huyi tribe, then I All you have to do is wait here for a few days, and then you will be safe."

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