Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2016 Beast Disaster

With a flick of his hand, a sharp sword with a cold light appeared in his hand. This sword was given to Qin Fengming by his master Hall Master Zhang when he was practicing martial arts in Luoxia Valley.

Although Qin Fengming later entered the world of immortality, he has always carefully treasured this only thing left by his master. I never thought that it would be used at this time.

As his body swayed, Qin Fengming headed towards the direction of the beasts at the bottom of the hill.

Of course, he would not be stupid enough to use his current strength to fight against the dozens of ferocious monsters with huge bodies.

As the body swayed, the distance between the two parties shortened rapidly. Facing the roar of the beast, which was as ferocious as the size of a house, it was absolutely impossible for Qin Fengming not to be frightened.

As the two sides got closer and closer, only seven or eight of the more than twenty riders who escaped from the herd were left. The girl was also dancing a long black whip in her hand at this time, constantly hitting the monster that was chasing behind her.

The yellow giant beast under him is obviously more powerful than the other things that everyone is riding. As long as a monster swoops towards it, the yellow giant beast will swing its four claws rapidly. As long as it touches it, the skin will be torn apart. reveal.

Relying on the ferocity of the monster behind her and the power of the whip in the girl's hand, she was able to withstand the constant attacks of the monster behind her.

However, this situation can only be temporarily relieved. As long as it continues for a period of time, it will no longer be sustainable.

Before he could get close, a strong wind hit Qin Fengming's body. The rapid attack of dozens of huge monster beasts caused the gravel and gravel they carried to fly around, like flying stones that shot out, hitting the body and causing endless pain.

Like a light blue horse, Qin Fengming passed the girl who was still running ahead and the huge mount she was sitting on. With a show of his body, he flew towards a tall monster.

Suddenly, I saw a thin figure appearing in front of me. The tall monster would not be polite.

With the roar, a giant palm like a cattail leaf fan rushed towards Qin Fengming. The nails on its giant palms were extremely sharp, and it suddenly came from above with a frightening sound of breaking through the air.

But what made the giant beast stunned was that when its huge palm was covered, the figure that just appeared in front of it had disappeared. With the giant palm covered, one step was missed, and the huge body couldn't help but rush forward. .

"Puff! Puff!" Just as the huge monster lunged forward, a human figure suddenly appeared on its huge head. Before the monster beast could react and swung its body to avoid it, two cold rays of light appeared in front of its eyes. Two popping sounds were heard, and two jets of black juice suddenly spurted out.

As Qin Fengming's body jumped towards another huge monster, the previous monster was already going crazy, and its huge body began to sweep aimlessly on the spot.

The girl who was previously attacked by a huge monster and was wearing animal skin could now clearly see that the monster that attacked her had eyes that were bloody and bloody. Just now, the outsider who had just appeared had already blinded his eyes.

As the beasts roared, a light blue figure bounced and shot among the huge group of monsters. In just the time it took to drink tea, twenty or thirty monsters were already blinded on the spot. Although the monster is huge and ferocious, in terms of agility, it is no match for Qin Fengming blessed by Biyun's Lost Body.

These monsters had no intelligence at all. With their eyes injured, they became even more brutal and began to rush and bite at the scene in an extremely crazy manner.

Dozens of huge monster beasts that were rushing towards them were intercepted and blocked by the mad attacks and bites of twenty or thirty huge monster beasts that had lost their eyes.

The seven huge monsters carried twelve natives of the land of the louse dragon wearing animal skins. After the monsters were blocked, they finally fled.

"Thank you sir for your rescue. If it hadn't been for your righteousness, we would not have been able to survive this time. If Princess Lingyi had been injured, we would have died and we would not be able to absolve ourselves of the blame."

The crowd flew for thirty or forty miles before stopping in a secret valley.

Qin Fengming flew up to the crowd, and an old man who looked to be in his fifties or sixties came out of the crowd, cupped his fists and cupped his hands, and spoke politely.

"My father-in-law said something serious, it's just the right time for me to meet you."

Qin Fengming raised his fists at everyone and said with a chuckle. At the same time, his eyes flashed and he looked at the people in front of him.

The eleven people in front of him were surrounding the girl. Although they all showed politeness to Qin Fengming, they did not relax their vigilance at all. He even had no intention of letting Qin Fengming come forward. Everyone sat down and stared at Qin Fengming with ferocious eyes.

At this time, the look on the woman's face had recovered, and the previous look of panic was gone, replaced by a look of tranquility and peace. If it weren't for the grateful look in his eyes, Qin Fengming would have thought that the other party was not the girl he had just rescued.

And the girl just nodded to him and didn't say anything else.

Just when Qin Fengming was slightly surprised, the girl moved, jumped off the back of the tall monster, and landed safely on the stone ground. As she stood firm, an extremely strange-looking object appeared in the girl's hand.

This item is only about a foot in size, and has several branches like branches on it. At the end of each branch, there is a black bead the size of a date stone embedded in it.

The girl's expression was solemn, and her eyes sparkled. Her delicate body bent and she sat cross-legged among the crowd.

With a solemn look on his face, he raised his hand, and a large fist stone with a looming black light appeared in his hand. As soon as he pressed it, it was embedded in the strange object. With his eyes narrowed, he began to mutter something.

At this time, the expressions of the dozen or so people wearing animal skins also changed and became serious after the girl sat down cross-legged. The old man nodded slightly to Qin Fengming and said nothing more.

Following the girl's movements, the large object that looked like a tree branch suddenly flashed with black light, and a ball of black fluorescence suddenly appeared, completely covering the area about ten feet around the girl's body. .

Seeing such a situation suddenly appeared in front of him, Qin Fengming, who was standing on the spot, couldn't help but change his expression suddenly.

Under the detection of his spiritual sense, he actually sensed an extremely strange energy fluctuation in the black light. This energy fluctuation was different from the attributes of the five elements, but he was also very familiar with it. It turned out to be a powerful spiritual force. .

Seeing this, his heart was filled with excitement.

The power of the soul is different from the five elements attribute energy, but a more advanced energy existence. Its main form of expression is the power of spiritual thoughts that monks often talk about. The more powerful the monk's soul is, the more solid and powerful the power of divine thoughts it can offer will be.

As a great monk, Qin Fengming knew this.

But in this land of louse dragons, the girl in front of him actually had a strange thing that could emit spiritual energy, which he never expected. And the person who inspired it turned out to be a mortal with no magic power in his body.

Qin Fengming watched the girl in front of him perform the spell without blinking. Divine consciousness has already shrouded the black light in front of him.

Qin Fengming had never seen this kind of strange treasure that could release the power of soul before. How powerful it was, made him very curious at this time.

With full concentration, Qin Fengming was already prepared for defense. As long as there was the slightest movement, he could use Biyun's Disappearance Technique.

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