Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2002 Purple Light Dragon Soul Sorrow

There is absolutely no problem with Chi You's True Demonic Art, it is absolutely authentic. Qin Fengming was completely sure of this point, so he was extremely confused as to why he had not succeeded in practicing it for more than ten years.

Even Sangtai was shocked when he heard this.

After he first obtained this technique, he didn't practice it himself, so it was sealed in the ice.

In the last year, Qin Fengming did not continue to practice Chi You's True Demonic Art, but carefully reviewed and analyzed the more than ten years of practice. As he kept thinking about it, he finally came to a conclusion.

That is, if you want to successfully practice Chiyou's True Demonic Art, you need to practice it based on the energy of heaven and earth. But at this time, although his own magic power is profound, it is no different from the gathering monks, and even far exceeds it. But this mana energy is not the more pure energy of heaven and earth.

Being able to mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth can only be achieved when one reaches the state of aggregation.

The reason why the aggregation monks crushed the ghost king monks was probably due to the difference in the mana they condensed. Of course, Qin Fengming would not know to what extent the energy of heaven and earth that the aggregation monk could control could be achieved. But he had fought with the Supreme Ancestor of the Jiaolong clan once before, and he had some understanding of the power of controlling the vitality of heaven and earth.

This is also the most essential difference between the peak cultivators of Huaying and the cultivators of Convergence.

It is precisely because of the slight gap between the purity of the energy in his body and the purity of the energy of heaven and earth at this time that whenever he reaches a critical point in cultivation, although his own mana can be supplied in a majestic manner, it is still difficult to achieve the final step of successfully completing the Chiyou True Demonic Art. The pure energy required, but in the end the work was a waste.

After thinking about this section, Qin Fengming's gloomy mood finally felt better.

Although nearly twenty years have been wasted, Qin Fengming has not lost the slightest bit.

In the past ten years or so, he has gained something that others can only dream of. After more than ten years of using the first level of Chi You's True Demonic Technique countless times, Qin Fengming's magic power is now two points purer than when he just left the secret realm of Huangquan Palace.

This was not the happiest thing for him. There was another thing that he had never thought of.

In the past ten years or so, after practicing Chi You Zhen Demon Jue's first technique countless times, Qin Fengming failed to successfully practice this technique, but his induction of the vitality of heaven and earth has been significantly enhanced.

Although this kind of induction is difficult to compare with the real aggregation monk's skillful manipulation of the vitality of heaven and earth, the magic weapon and secret technique it uses can already absorb some of the vitality of heaven and earth around it.

This kind of harvest was something Qin Fengming had never imagined in his dreams. It is also the most coveted dream of many monks who have reached the late stage of transforming into infants. It only took less than twenty years for him to be able to bring some vitality of heaven and earth with his secret technique. Of course he was very happy for such a good thing.

Just by relying on this method, he can already crush most people of the same level.

Just when Qin Fengming was about to leave seclusion, suddenly there was another good news from the Second Danying. There were two good news. No matter which one, Qin Fengming had been longing for it for a long time.

One is that the pipe-like magic weapon that Qin Fengming took into his body's Dantian. After decades of continuous refining, he finally erased the mark on it and re-refined it.

He opened his mouth, and a small pipe-like magic weapon wrapped in a layer of gleaming purple light appeared in his hand.

This small pipe has spiritual patterns slowly moving around in the purple halo, making it look extremely mysterious.

Looking at the pipe-like magic weapon in his hand, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed with blue light, and a strange energy instantly enveloped the small pipe.

But what surprised Qin Fengming was that the layer of purple fluorescence on the pipe completely shielded Lingqing's eyes, making it difficult to penetrate at all.

This magic weapon was originally obtained from the hands of a monk at the peak of Chengdan. At that time, the monk said that this magic weapon had been refined by him for a hundred or two hundred years. Qin Fengming obtained it and used more powerful divine thoughts and elixir fire to refine it for decades. Until now,

Only then will it be completed.

It took such a long time to see how extraordinary this magic weapon is.

After concentrating his eyes, the blue light in his eyes disappeared, and after a moment of meditation, the magic power in his body surged out, and he poured it towards the small pipe in front of him.

The majestic mana in Qin Fengming's body is no less than that of a monk in the early stage of aggregation. However, under such a majestic surge of mana, the small pipe only emitted purple light, as if it was a bottomless pit, and the mana that was poured into it was crazy. It was sucked away wildly, but the volume did not change at all.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming couldn't help being shocked. The magic power in the body spurted out.

After dozens of breaths, just when most of the mana in his body was absorbed by the small pipe, and it was about to be unsustainable, a majestic dragon's roar suddenly resounded, and a huge sound wave echoed through the hole several feet away. The excitement in the room was going back and forth, which was extremely shocking.

This pipe-like magic weapon is actually an object with sonic attacks.

If it weren't for the fact that Qin Fengming's own mark was already on the pipe, it would have been difficult for him to resist just this sound wave attack. Even so, the spirit in his body was still agitated and difficult to calm down at this time. If the power of his soul was not comparable to the aggregation, he might have fallen into a coma.

Following the sound of the dragon's roar, the magic power in Qin Fengming's body stopped.

"Purple Light Dragon Soul Sorrow." In an instant, the purple pipe swelled into a size several feet, and five energy-formed fonts were revealed on the pipe, followed by a spell-like handwriting.

Qin Fengming was immediately pleasantly surprised when he saw the 'Treasure Control Technique'.

Magic weapons generally only need to be refined, and do not require any control techniques at all. As long as the magic power is injected into them, they can be sacrificed. According to Qin Fengming's experience, only those powerful things that are called Chaos Spiritual Treasures by the great powers of the upper world will have corresponding treasure control techniques. Even if the Lingbao is imitated, there will be no treasure-controlling techniques.

The temple of the Horned Man Clan contains the Treasure Control Technique. That is because Fairy Yao Xi originally refined it according to the Chaos Spirit Treasure. Although it is not a real Spirit Treasure, it is comparable to the Chaos Spirit Treasure.

This Purple Light Dragon Soul Shang turned out to be a real Chaos Spiritual Treasure.

Seeing the ancient written spell revealed in front of him, Qin Fengming was stunned on the spot.

Chaos spirit treasures are extremely rare in all low-level interfaces, whether it is the human world, the ghost world, or the demon world. Even if there are only a handful of them, they are not out of the frame. And even the remaining Chaos Spiritual Treasures are ranked extremely low on the Spiritual Treasure List, undoubtedly one or two thousand places away.

For every super sect in the interface to have an imitation of the Chaos Spiritual Treasure, it is considered a matter of high incense, and they are all enshrined and preserved as the treasure of the sect.

At this time, Qin Fengming had five fragments of the Chaos Spiritual Treasure called Hunyuan Cymbal on his body. At this moment, a real Chaos Spiritual Treasure appeared in front of him. How could he not be shocked.

He stared closely at the manifested spell without blinking.

After a cup of tea, the spell finally dissipated, and the Purple Light Dragon Soul Shang shrank into a small purple pipe again, suspended in the air, motionless.

Qin Fengming closed his eyes as the written spell disappeared. The spell appeared in his mind, and his hands began to dance accordingly.

This sitting cross-legged lasted four or five months.

Until one day, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly opened, his hands danced, and runes spit out from his mouth. Ten breaths later, as the finger pointed out, the small pipe suspended in the air suddenly emitted purple light, and under the surge of majestic magic power, it suddenly turned into a giant one-foot-long...

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