Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2001 20 years later

Jian'an Mansion has an extremely vast territory. There are only three first-class sects. If you count those cultivating families or gangs with one or several great monks, there are more than ten. And there are even more forces below the second-rate sects.

With so many sects living together in Jian'an Mansion, it is inevitable that they would attack each other for their resources in cultivating immortals.

Those big forces are so powerful that it would be difficult for both sides to completely destroy each other. Therefore, they rarely fight with each other, but those sects or powerful families below the third or fourth level often fight with each other because of a mine or the place where spiritual herbs and monsters exist.

At this time, in a stretch of green mountains, there were thirty or forty monks fighting endlessly with each other.

Judging by their attire, these monks belong to two sects, but among so many monks, there is no one in the realm of the Ghost King. The ones with the highest cultivation levels on both sides were two early-stage Ghost Commander monks. The remaining people have varying levels of cultivation, and those at the peak of their Qi gathering stage also exist.

You don't need to ask to know that the monks from these two parties are from unconventional sects.

Just when everyone was fighting endlessly and it was difficult to tell the winner, suddenly a vague energy wave appeared in the distance. The speed of this fluctuation was extremely fast. It only took two or three flashes to reach the scene of the battle.

The dark light flashed, revealing a young man wearing a light blue gown. This was none other than Qin Fengming, who had been in seclusion for more than 20 years.

"Everyone, please stop, Qin has something to ask." As the young man appeared, a faint voice resounded throughout the area.

Suddenly seeing a monk appear, the people fighting on both sides showed vigilance and activated their respective treasures to protect themselves.

"Ah!~~Senior, I would like to pay my respects to you." A handsome female cultivator in her thirties wearing an apricot red embroidered robe was extremely clever. When she saw Qin Fengming appear, she immediately scanned her consciousness and her complexion suddenly changed. Without hesitation, he put away the two magic weapons, hugged them with both fists and said a blessing.

However, a dark-faced middle-aged man who was fighting with him glanced at Qin Fengming, but did not reveal anything strange. Instead, while the female cultivator took back the magic weapon, he rushed for his own treasure and actually planned to kill the female cultivator. Died on the spot.

Two powerful magic weapons of more than ten feet were spread out in the air, and then they quickly struck at the female cultivator's back. The speed was so fast that the female cultivator who had already put away the magic weapon had no way to dodge. Her appearance suddenly changed, and her look of fear was revealed.

The black-faced monk dared to sneak attack the female cultivator, probably because he did not see how Qin Fengming came here, and thought that she was just a helper invited by the other party. Even if the opponent's cultivation level is at the Ghost Lord level, they will still have someone to deal with it.

Because at this time, he had already seen an escaping light appearing in the distance. It was the early-stage casual cultivator of the Ghost Lord that they had spent a lot of money to invite. Moreover, this person is also an extremely powerful casual cultivator within a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

"Hmph, you dare to make a sneak attack in front of Qin. You really don't know how to live or die."

Qin Fengming is not easy to kill, but he is not a gentleman. Now in the ghost world, even if he kills everyone in front of him, he will not feel uneasy at all.

As his cold snort sounded, a huge coercion suddenly appeared, his spiritual thoughts came out, and an invisible arrow transformed from his divine thoughts shot out lifelessly.

"Ah!" A scream suddenly followed Qin Fengming's cold words. Without any energy fluctuations being revealed, a hole as thick as a thumb suddenly appeared on the chest of the dark-faced middle-aged man. . The middle-aged man wailed and fell to the stone ground below. Even the soul could not escape, and was strangled in his body by the invisible divine thought.

At this time, Qin Fengming's methods were no longer predictable by the low-level monks in front of him.

Everyone present only snorted coldly when they saw the young monk who had just appeared. Without resorting to any means, a handsome ghostly monk fell on the spot.

In such a situation, even if everyone present did not know the specific cultivation level of the young man in front of them, they could already understand that the methods of this young man who appeared were difficult to predict.

He is definitely someone above the Ghost King realm.

A monk from the same sect as the fallen monk had a sudden change in expression at this time, his whole body was trembling, and it was extremely difficult for him to stand still in the air. Under the leadership of a ghostly handsome old man, they all knelt down in the air, and their mouths continued to apologize.

At this moment, the escaping light in the distance, which had not yet reached the front, actually circled and returned to its original path without stopping at all.

"Humph, it's so easy to leave there." Looking at the escaping light in the distance, Qin Fengming couldn't help but snorted. Following his words, a figure flashed, and Rong Qing had already shot out...

Half an hour later, Qin Fengming suddenly released a huge coercion, and with a surge of spiritual power in his body, a ball of gray light swept away towards everyone present. After wrapping around everyone's body, it returned to others again. in vivo.

Qin Fengming just used the power of his soul to erase some of the memories of everyone present.

As soon as the light escaped, it disappeared on the spot without any trace. Only dozens of monks were left standing there.

Appearing here this time was something Qin Fengming had no choice but to do.

For more than twenty years, he had been practicing in seclusion in that temporary cave. It first took six years to successfully cultivate the secret technique of Wind Wind Phantom. It took another four years to refine the magic eyes of the two phantom nightmare demons into his own body, and perfectly integrated with his own eyes.

Qin Fengming had been preparing for this practice for more than three years.

He carefully reviewed all the classics related to cultivating divine eyes and supernatural powers, and even consulted with Sang Tai who was stationed in the Consciousness Sea. He also talked with Bing'er for a long time.

Although Qin Bing'er has just advanced to transform into an infant, her memory is many times stronger than Qin Fengming's.

After a lot of effort, a relatively complete plan was finally made.

Although there were not many spells required to refine the Lingqing Divine Eye, Qin Fengming still used the methods of the ancestor Daoyan to break down the spells one by one, and carefully studied their origins to ensure that they were foolproof.

With so much preparation, when it finally came time to officially practice the Lingqing Divine Eyes, it was surprisingly easy, as if it came naturally, and the two magic eyes were successful at the same time.

At this time, Qin Fengming was running the magic formula in his body, and a blue light flashed out of his eyes. As this blue light flashes, a strange light without the slightest energy fluctuation will shoot out from his eyes.

Under the irradiation of this strange light, whether it is illusion or secret magic, they will all shatter and dissipate like clay and paper.

Since he cultivated Ling Qing Shen Yu, Qin Fengming suddenly felt that his vision had also increased significantly. Originally, he could only see dozens of miles. Now, as long as there are no mountain peaks to block him, he can still see clearly and abnormally from more than a hundred miles away. Even a place two hundred miles away can still have some sense.

The successful cultivation of Lingqing Divine Eye gave Qin Fengming an extra layer of protection.

But for the rest of the day, Qin Fengming was extremely speechless. The difficulty of cultivating Chi You's True Demonic Art was far beyond his expectations.

After spending nearly twenty years, Qin Fengming failed to successfully cultivate the Chi You True Demon Art that made all the great Yuanshi Saints in the demon world extremely jealous. Qin Fengming was already very familiar with the various spells and runes in the magic formula, but every time he practiced, he would be a little bit behind.

Such a difficult and difficult method to cultivate really left him speechless to the extreme.

[This book was first published from, see the genuine content for the first time! ]



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