|.|Standing on the spot, Qin Fengming almost fell into a daze.

Although the huge figure with a height of tens of feet just stopped for a few breaths, Qin Fengming still saw it clearly in his eyes.

The tall figure has a head like a porcupine, with strong tusks exposed. The hair on the head is straight and the hair is strong. The hands have four strong fingers. The feet are upright. The back is majestic. The whole body is covered with solid red-yellow scales.

That tall figure actually has the same form as the legendary Fire Fox Beast.

The fire raccoon beast is at the very top of the list of spiritual beasts. It lives in the same era as the four auspicious beasts and the four evil beasts. It is a wild and alien species born from heaven and earth.

According to legend, the place where it was born was at the bottom of an extremely old volcano. The volcano was located in an extremely cold body. Therefore, when the fire beast was born, it possessed two extreme energies, hot and cold.

These are only records in classics. They are definitely not true. How the fire beast came from. No one in the human world here can know. But one thing Qin Fengming can be sure of. That is the tall figure that just appeared in front of him. It is an illusory image of a fire beast.

No matter how powerful the fire raccoon beast is, it is absolutely impossible to reach a height of dozens of feet.

Just as Qin Fengming was scanning the tall buildings in the distance again, he discovered another building that was only two or three feet high in the center of the nine tall buildings.

And inside that building, an extremely gentle energy wave was sensed.

"Ah. There...there is actually a teleportation array."

Qin Fengming was suddenly shocked when he suddenly sensed energy fluctuations in the building. That fluctuation was very familiar to him. It was the unique aura of the teleportation array.

Qin Fengming didn't need to think about it carefully to know that the teleportation array was undoubtedly the exit from this land of wild demonic flames.

Standing on the same spot, Qin Fengming did not dare to go to the tall building.

Since the phantom of the fire beast can appear there, it means that there must be an extremely powerful restriction in that place. In this strange area, if you make the slightest mistake, your death will be right in front of you.

Just when Qin Fengming wanted to take another look at the tall building, a powerful energy came to him again.

The power of this attack was obviously much weaker than the one just now. Under the surge of mana in Qin Fengming's body, he was able to resist it very easily.

Seeing this wave of attacks, the look in Qin Fengming's eyes couldn't help but move.

There is no doubt that the tall building is a formation that gathers fire energy. But it is just a dead object, and its attack is extremely simple. It only stimulates the powerful energy it condenses, causing it to spread around.

Although this attack was extremely powerful, it was not a fatal attack for Qin Fengming. The only thing that made him fearful was the huge energy attack when the fire raccoon beast appeared.

This was what he was thinking in his heart, but Qin Fengming did not leave here. Instead, he stayed where he was for more than a month.

After experiencing the powerful impact of the fire beast three times, Qin Fengming finally understood the pattern of the fire beast's appearance. Every eleven days, the fire beast will appear and attack. The rest of the time, every other time. In half an hour, there will be a powerful energy impact.

And the energy shocks that appear frequently are not irregular. Instead, they also have differences in strength and weakness.

Under the concentration of Qin Fengming's consciousness, he discovered that some of the powerful energy impacts pouring out from the tall building could not reach where he was standing at this time, and some even just passed where he stopped. Then it disappeared into the vast sea of ​​fire.

A powerful impact that can surge far away, but the interval is extremely long.

The powerful energy aura gushing out from the tall building was like a wave. It surged forward in waves. Some disappeared not far away, and some could surge into the distance.

This situation also left a period of time for Qin Fengming. Although the time was very short, if Qin Fengming fully used Biyun's Lost Tracing Body Technique, he might not be able to use a short gap to invade the teleportation formation.

After confirming the attack patterns of distant buildings again, Qin Fengming no longer hesitated at all. He spread out his body and galloped towards the tall building in the distance.

It's fifty or sixty miles away. Normally, it can be reached in almost the blink of an eye. But in this area where there are powerful air restrictions and mountains of demonic flames, it's easy to imagine how difficult it is to run with just two legs.

Therefore, Qin Fengming marched for half an hour and had only traveled nearly forty miles.

Staying on a gentle slope, Qin Fengming stabilized his mind and stopped again.

At this time, the powerful energy aura attacks are extremely intensive. They will only appear once in less than half an hour. Therefore, Qin Fengming needs to stabilize his mind again and adjust himself to an excellent state again.

After only staying for a cup of tea, Qin Fengming turned around again and ran forward.

As we got closer to the tall building, the number of powerful energy impacts suddenly increased. They would occur almost every tea time.

When Qin Fengming stood at the foot of that high mountain, the number of powerful impacts had become extremely intensive. They would occur almost every two or three blinks of an eye.

Faced with such a dense attack, Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

But at this time, it was impossible for him to have other thoughts. With his teeth clenched, Qin Fengming did not stop. He walked straight towards the stone steps under the mountain peak.

Just when Qin Fengming had just climbed a few steps onto the stone steps, he suddenly heard an extremely dull roar of beasts coming from the tall building directly above his head. Following this huge sound Roaring, several monster beasts appeared and flew towards Qin Fengming who was climbing upwards.

Seeing the seven monster beasts flying towards him, Qin Fengming immediately froze on the stone steps.

These seven monster beasts are actually seven fire beasts that have solidified their bodies. Although it can be seen at a glance from the monster beast's body, they are condensed pure fire energy. But looking at it The body shape is no different from the real body.

Looking at their levels, they all have reached level nine.

Watching seven fire beasts that were equivalent to the middle stage of human infant transformation flying towards him from above his head, Qin Fengming secretly thought something bad and his whole body became extremely tense.

This encounter will be the most severe situation in Qin Fengming's life.

The fire raccoon beast was not afraid of the air restriction. It flew quickly in the air and arrived in front of Qin Fengming in almost the blink of an eye.

Looking at the fire beast covered in yellow magic flames, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed with a fierce look. His hands were already waving out quickly. Immediately, dozens of mountain-breaking talismans shot out from his hands, turning into powerful powers. Powerful attack. Blasts away at the flying fire beast.

"Boom. Boom. Boom.~~~" Suddenly, a series of huge roaring sounds suddenly sounded.

After launching dozens of attack talismans in succession, Qin Fengming did not stand still. He turned around and retreated back the way he came from. This action had already used Biyun's Disappearance Technique to its extreme. .Shaped like a light blue light and shadow, it retreated away from the original stone steps.

As the huge roaring sound disappeared, the seven fire beasts appeared again. Although there were some scars on each body, there was absolutely no danger of life.

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