Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 1340 The figure appears

.In Ziyou Pavilion, within the past two months, that extremely powerful aura will appear once every ten days.

Qin Fengming was no longer surprised by such a powerful aura.

Standing within the Nine-turn Ice Array, Qin Fengming's figure did not change at all. He stared straight ahead and made no other movements.

After standing for more than half an hour, Qin Fengming suddenly raised his right hand. The ripples on the wall of the nine-turn ice array moved slightly. Two white lights flashed. The two beetles had returned to his palm.

As soon as the magic formula in the body moved, two rays of spiritual thoughts shot back and were taken back into Qin Fengming's body.

"Ah. That powerful aura was not caused by any monster. It was actually emitted by several buildings." After standing for a moment, Qin Fengming's expression changed greatly, and he said to himself in shock.

Qin Fengming finally discovered the source of the powerful aura based on the information transmitted back by the spiritual thoughts carried by the two beetles. But what surprised him was that the source of the aura was actually nearly a thousand miles away from here. A group of tall buildings.

Qin Fengming can conclude from the two rays of spiritual energy that this is not a deceitful trick of some monster. It is indeed coming from the tall building. Because the closer the two beetles are to the building, the stronger the aura becomes. And its The frequency emitted is also denser.

Although the two beetles did not enter the buildings to explore, they were both thirty or forty miles away from the buildings. With the powerful spiritual thoughts of the silver sheath beetles, they were able to judge the reality of the buildings.

And when they were so close to the building, the interval between the occurrence of that powerful aura had become less than half an hour, and the aura had become even more powerful. Even if the Silver Sheath Worm moved a little further, it would have already stopped. It was no longer possible to withstand the impact of that powerful aura.

Therefore, the two beetles quickly returned.

Holding the Silver Sheath Insect in his hand, Qin Fengming was thinking a lot. It seemed that this strange place, like the Tianyan Mountain Range, was a huge trial place. It was just the target, but it must be practicing ghost techniques. Just a monk.

Because if a righteous monk enters this place, even if his cultivation level is high, he will definitely not be able to hold on for long just by absorbing the energy of spiritual stones. Then his mana will be exhausted and he will fall under the cross-effect of the hot and cold atmosphere.

From the information carried back by the beetle, Qin Fengming could roughly judge that there must be an extremely powerful magic circle in each building to gather the hot and cold energy around it and then stimulate it out.

It's just that when it is stimulated, it follows a certain law. Some can be stimulated thousands of miles away, while others are only dozens or hundreds of miles away.

"It seems that that building will be the key to this area. If you want to leave this place, the exit must be within that tall building."

Qin Fengming shook his hands and put away the two beetles. He pointed and put the formation flag into his arms. Then he took out the ancient treasure shield again. Then a group of emerald green flames with a little black light appeared. In a flash, It covers the large shield wall that is about ten feet tall and is transformed into a shield.

With his figure moving, Qin Fengming ran towards the tall building without hesitation.

The further we move forward, the more powerful the power contained in that sudden powerful aura becomes.

Under the deliberate resistance of the Soul-Eating Ghost Fire, it was difficult to cause any damage to Qin Fengming. However, Qin Fengming's own mana consumption continued to increase at an extremely obvious speed.

When Qin Fengming had traveled five to six hundred miles, it was no longer possible to offset his own consumption by simply absorbing the cold energy in the air and the medium-grade spiritual stone in his hand.

Even so, Qin Fengming had no intention of stopping at all. His body was still walking through the sea of ​​fire that covered the mountains and plains.

As we got closer to the building, the frequency of that powerful energy aura suddenly increased. By this time, the original once every ten days had been shortened to once every one or two days.

Although the number of times of that powerful energy aura has increased, the energy pressure contained in it has not increased much. Under the double protection of the soul-devouring ghost fire and ancient treasures, Qin Fengming can still deal with it extremely easily.

Two days later, a cluster of nine tall buildings suddenly appeared in Qin Fengming's consciousness.

Standing on a small mountain peak fifty or sixty miles away from the tall building, Qin Fengming looked extremely solemn and did not move forward.

His consciousness focused on the tall building in front of him. After a while, his expression became extremely ugly.

With a powerful spiritual consciousness comparable to that of a monk in the middle stage of infant transformation, Qin Fengming was able to clearly sense the tall building dozens of miles away in his mind.

The tall buildings, each one nearly ten feet tall and covering an area of ​​thirty or forty feet, look like huge fire domes. They are located in a semicircle on a vast, extremely flat mountain peak.

The layout of the entire building complex is extremely orderly. With Qin Fengming's magic formation, it can be seen at a glance that the nine tall buildings are built according to the layout of the Nine Li Fire Formation.

Moreover, there are many portals on each tall building. If you count them carefully, there are actually as many as seventy-two.

Looking from the many portals, one can see that the interior of the tall building is extremely dazzling. It is as if the building is a huge charcoal brazier. There are raging yellow flames everywhere.

Just as Qin Fengming stood on the mountain peak and looked carefully, a very tall figure suddenly appeared above the tall buildings in the distance.

The figure was extremely tall. It was thirty to forty feet tall. It was covered in red and yellow. The surface of the tall body was even more covered with yellow flames. It stood on two feet and waved a pair of huge arms. It kept beating its chest, making a deafening sound.

Suddenly, the tall figure looked up to the sky and let out a loud roar. A burst of ear-splitting sound suddenly reached Qin Fengming's ears, threatening to make him deaf.

Following the roar of the tall figure, an extremely powerful energy suddenly swept across Qin Fengming's body. The ancient treasure shield outside his body immediately made an extremely frightening creaking sound and almost shattered. On the spot.

Qin Fengming was frightened. He quickly waved his hands and fired several spiritual slashes forward. He slightly resisted the huge energy rushing towards him and finally stabilized the protective shield in front of him.

Sensing the hot property and cold aura contained in that powerful energy, Qin Fengming couldn't help but frown sharply, even though he had many people to rely on.

If an ordinary Chengdan monk encountered such a powerful energy, he would undoubtedly be torn to pieces on the spot in an instant. From that huge energy, Qin Fengming felt the hot attribute and cold breath. Compared with the infant fire of the Infant Transformation monk, .No doubt it will be even better by several points.

That extremely powerful energy aura came and went very quickly. In just an instant, it disappeared without a trace.

As the powerful aura disappeared, the huge figure on the tall building in the distance also disappeared. The nine buildings immediately returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

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