Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2352 The seafood is smelly and the factory breaches the contract

Ruan Dafu's answer disappointed Ruan Qingling.

Ruan Dafu: "After our careful investigation, there are no problems with the lines across the country."

Ruan Qingling: "..."

If there is no problem with the line...

That means the problem is at the source...

This is what Ruan Qingling least wants to see and face.

"Go and check the power source to see if you have asked...forget it, don't check."

Ruan Qingling waved her hands and sighed: "You report directly to Emperor Ruan and tell him that Daxia has cut off our electricity."

Ruan Dafu suddenly opened his eyes in disbelief: "Isn't this... impossible?"

The Southern Monkey Country is located in the tropics, and summer is particularly unbearable.

The heat is not the most unbearable thing for Southern Monkeys, but the humidity is the most uncomfortable.

In hot and humid weather, if you move even a little, your whole body will be covered with beads of sweat. However, because the air humidity is too high, the sweat cannot escape, and people will feel sticky all over their bodies.

In this case, people's energy and energy feel as if they have been drained. Let alone doing work, they feel uncomfortable even when they are lying down.

Needless to say, people with air conditioners have built-in dehumidification functions. When turned on, a small amount of cold air blows, and the whole family's groggy minds are instantly awakened. When they go to bed at night, they won't be all sticky just after taking a shower. Moreover, the low temperature of the air conditioner even has a certain repellent effect. Mosquitoes in the Southern Monkey do not like rooms that are too low or too dry.

However, most Nanmon people did not have air conditioning in 2008, so they relied on fans.

There is a fan, which can at least make the sweat on your body evaporate faster, so it won't be so uncomfortable.

But if there is nothing, it will be miserable.

When there was no electricity in the past, summer in the Southern Monkey Kingdom was called "Ghost Gate".

It means that if you can't get through, you will die.

In previous summers, countless people among the Southern Monkeys died of heatstroke and heat stroke, and some died of malaria after being bitten by mosquitoes.

Everything has changed a lot because of modern society and the introduction of electricity. The Southern Monkey people are no longer afraid of summer, and the word "Ghost Gate" is rarely mentioned anymore.

Nowadays, the first thing people in the Southern Monkey Country, especially the people at the bottom, do after saving a certain amount of money is to install an air conditioner.

The reason why Ruan Dafu couldn't believe it was because he felt that once the power was cut off in Daxia, people would really die in the Southern Monkey Kingdom! ! !

Daxia Kingdom has always treated Nanhou well, so there is no reason to take the initiative to cut off the power?

"Just report it as I say!"

Ruan Qingling scolded with a sullen face.

Ruan Dafu nodded and left in a bad mood.

Not long after.

Ruan Qingling came to the palace.

Ruan Qingying asked with a sad face: "Have you heard about the power outage?"

Ruan Qingling nodded silently: "I heard about it."

Ruan Qingying: "Hey, I didn't agree with the power grid merger at first, but those old guys forced me to agree. Now it's okay. Once the interests come into conflict, people can do whatever they want!"

Ruan Qingling asked cautiously: "Then...will Ke Guo continue?"

Ruan Qingying gritted his teeth and said: "Continue!!! Must continue!!! This is the only chance for our Southern Monkey Kingdom to stand up. I don't want to be a coward like King Xiang!!!"

Ruan Qingling pursed her lips and continued: "But what about the power outage?"

Ruan Qingying: "Wouldn't it kill some people because of the heat? The place where we live has priority for power supply. If the heat doesn't reach us, what are we afraid of?"

Ruan Qingling shook his head: "I'm not afraid of being overheated to death. I'm afraid that major foundries will have default problems."

Ruan Qingying fell silent for a moment.

Without electricity, the factory cannot operate normally.

If the factory cannot operate normally, the orders received will not be completed, and there will be a breach of contract.

The liquidated damages are an astronomical sum for the Southern Monkey Kingdom!

It's so hot that Ruan Qingling and Ruan Qingying are not afraid at all. The Southern Monkey Country does not have any power generation capacity. The annual 50 million tons of coal plus old power generation equipment are more than enough to supply these high-level and wealthy people with electricity.

But industrial electricity consumption is so terrible that they have no way to supply it.

“Especially from Sakura Country, they have just shipped hundreds of thousands of tons of seafood waiting to be processed.

If there is no electricity, even the cold storage cannot work, and the seafood will stink after being stored for a few days.

At that time, Sakura Country can directly ask us to compensate for all losses, which means that we have spent money to buy all the seafood on the nuclear island. "

"Those seafoods are pretty good, and I can delay the orders from Pingguo and Sansang.

But don’t forget, the largest foreign-funded foundry in the Southern Monkey Kingdom is Hongxing Electronics of Moyuan Capital!

Our power outage this time was because of the conflict with Chen Mo.

How could Chen Mo give up? "

Ruan Qingling lamented with a headache.

Ruan Qingying couldn't help but roll a homemade cigarette with newspapers and tobacco, lit it and took a few puffs. After a long time, he said:

"What is the liquidated damages from Moyuan Capital?"

Ruan Qingling said: "Total all the miscellaneous things, it must be hundreds of billions."

Ruan Qingying was stunned: "Why so many?"

Ruan Qingling: "When we signed the order, we made sure to complete it without considering the issue of breach of contract, so the other party demanded sky-high liquidated damages. In order to secure the order, we agreed."

Ruan Qingying said angrily: "No, we must make it clear to Daxia! This is Daxia's company, and it was Daxia himself who intentionally cut off the power. We will never pay the liquidated damages!"

Ruan Qingling smiled bitterly.

Can you just not pay if you want to?

Do you think you are the third brother?

Ruan Qingying immediately took out a brand new Apple phone and dialed a number.

However, he couldn't get through after dialing several times.

"What's going on? Why can't I get through?"

Ruan Qingying said angrily.

"Emperor, we are in the rainforest area, the signal is very poor, and Apple phones basically have no signal.

Why don't you try Xia Wei?"

Ruan Qingling suggested weakly.

Ruan Qingying was full of resentment, and finally he could only change to the old Xia Wei phone, and then he got through.

Soon Feng Hongyang's voice came over: "Hey, Emperor Ruan, do you have something to talk to me about?"

Ruan Qingying said angrily: "Old Feng, why did Daxia cut off the power supply to the Southern Monkey Kingdom without authorization? Don't forget, we signed a contract!!!

You cut off the power without authorization, which is a breach of contract!!! You must compensate us 200 billion!!!"

Feng Hongyang said calmly: "Emperor Ruan, don't be anxious! I was just about to explain this to you!

Recently, with the arrival of summer, we have a large-scale power shortage in Daxia, so the power supply is seriously insufficient.

We have evidence for all this!"

"We signed a contract, but didn't it also say in the contract that if there are force majeure factors, Daxia will give priority to supplying electricity to our country, followed by the Southern Monkey?"

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