Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2351 Ruan Qingling was frightened

Today's Southern Monkey Country is very much like what it was like in the 1990s. In order to ensure industrial power supply, many places are facing power cuts.

South Monkey's top management often worries about this.

The Southern Monkey Country is a big country that wants to undertake high-end manufacturing!

The electricity demand of Taiji Electric, Pingguo, Sansang, Moyuan Capital, etc. is growing at an average annual rate of about 10%.

What if I get an order but can't make it without electricity?

An important factor in whether you can reap the dividends of high-end manufacturing is whether you have electricity!

What is very interesting is that the developed Western countries have tried their best to suppress manufacturing in Daxia and used all kinds of tricks to shift the industrial chain.

But I didn't expect that it would backfire on the Southern Monkey Kingdom.

Previously, the World Environmental Protection Conference was held in Shanghai. After the conference, Daxia announced that it would no longer export coal power projects, demonstrating its status as a major country and encouraging the country to pursue carbon neutrality to the end.

When Western countries saw this, they were all delighted.

Everyone knows what environmental protection and carbon neutrality are about.

Daxia is tantamount to being fooled!

The Western countries are very happy, but the Southern Monkey Country is very unhappy.

Because the Daxia Kingdom is the Southern Monkey Kingdom’s last hope for obtaining electricity.

Other foreign power technologies had to withdraw from the South Monkey Country market because of the carbon neutrality agreement, with all employees laid off and even assets and equipment sold.

In such a situation of power shortage, the Southern Monkey Kingdom hopes that Daxia can provide some support.

However, Daxia revealed the climate agreement signed with the overlord, which clearly prohibits the export of generating units and technology.

However, Daxia still came up with a solution for the Southern Monkey Country: power grid alignment, and all your Southern Monkey Country's power grids were replaced with our lines.

The senior officials of the Southern Monkey Kingdom took a look...

I go!

How can this happen?

Isn't this equivalent to controlling the country's lifeline in your hands?

So the Southern Monkey Kingdom did not dare to agree immediately.

Just like this, the Southern Monkey Country has never found a good way to generate electricity.

The reason...

That’s carbon neutral!

Remember, never underestimate the use of carbon neutrality by developed countries to morally kidnap developing countries to stop thermal power generation!

This basically blocks the rise of developing countries!

This principle is even reflected in the game "Red Alert": the construction speed will slow down if there is no power.

Developing countries with no industrial base want to generate thermal power, but developed countries do not allow it because of carbon neutrality restrictions.

You must know that Western developed countries have completed the industrial process long ago and have the confidence to carry out carbon neutrality. They have the technology, but the labor cost is high before they transfer the industrial chain.

Cheap electricity prices mean cheap production costs, and the products produced are naturally cheap.

On the contrary, products with increased costs are basically unsaleable.

But if the Southern Monkey Country wants cheap electricity prices, it can only use thermal power generation, but coal power generation has long been locked up by technology, which means that industrialization has stagnated at the current level and cannot be upgraded.

In desperation, the Southern Monkey Kingdom finally had no choice but to accept Daxia's conditions and merge the power grid to purchase Daxia's cheap electricity.

As soon as Chen Mo said power outage, Feng Hongyang immediately understood the meaning.

"Wonderful! Once the power is cut off, more than 10,000 companies in the Southern Monkey Country will be left flat. The export indicators for the whole year will plummet, causing immeasurable economic losses!"

Feng Hongyang praised.

"Don't cut it off now. Won't the Sakura Country's processing plant start working at Nanhou tomorrow? We'll cut it off after it's open.

At that time, Nanhou Country had no idea how much it would have to pay in terms of liquidated damages! "

Chen Mo said with a smile.

Feng Hongyang couldn't help but complain: "Fortunately, you are from Daxia. If you were an enemy, I can't imagine how miserable Daxia would be!"

A night of silence.

The next morning.

The seafood processing factory cooperated by Sakura Country and Southern Monkey Country has opened!

Sakura Country is responsible for transporting nuclear island seafood, and Southern Monkey Country is responsible for processing and exporting.

Ruan Qingling and Sakurai Hiroshi smiled and took photos in front of the camera, shook hands, delivered speeches, and finally cut the ribbon.

"I announce that the Nanying joint venture seafood processing plant is officially launched!"

Following Ruan Qingling's order, the workers enthusiastically transported hundreds of thousands of tons of seafood to the processing plant one after another.

The product line machines and workers started moving at the same time.

Looking at the neatly packaged processed seafood, Sakurai Hiroshi couldn't help but admire: "Nanhou's processing plant is much better than Lao Mo's!"

Ruan Qingling said proudly: "These factories are the top seafood processing plants in our Southern Monkey Kingdom! As long as there is enough power, we can process hundreds of thousands of tons of seafood for you in minutes!"

Zizizi~~~~~ta da da~~~~

However, at this moment, the lights in the factory began to flash crazily.



The next moment, all the machines in the factory stopped running and all the lights went out.

The workers didn't pay much attention at first.

It is already the beginning of summer, and once summer comes, there will be a power shortage in the Southern Monkey Country, and frequent power outages are already commonplace.

The factory is actually pretty good. The power goes out every few days and the power comes back quickly, so it doesn't delay things.

Electricity for civilians is in dire straits, with power outages occurring three to five times a day, and in some places power may even come on once every few days.

"Why is there a power outage?" Sakurai Hiroshi asked with a frown.

"It should be that the electricity consumption is too large in summer and it is overloaded. It doesn't matter, I will go and hurry up."

Ruan Qingling didn't care too much. He smiled and called the power department, asking them to give priority to sending electricity to the seafood processing plant, so as not to embarrass the Southern Monkey Kingdom.

However, Ruan Dafu, the head of the Power Department, said with a cold sweat: "Ren Representative, I'm afraid I can't meet your request."

Ruan Qingling was stunned: "Why?"

Ruan Dafu said in a trembling voice: "Now many foundries such as Sansang, Pingguo, and Moyuan Capital have lost power, and they are also asking us to restore power immediately!

Seafood foundries are just secondary industries, these are the real gods of wealth!"

Ruan Qingling heard it, and his mouth twitched: "What? All these foundries have lost power? What's going on?"

Ruan Dafu: "We are also investigating, and we haven't found out what happened."

Ruan Qingling squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and said to Sakurai Hiro: "Sakurai Representative, there was a small accident, I need to deal with it, please do as you please!"

After that, Ruan Qingling hurriedly ran to the car.

"Driver, go to the power department!!!"

On the way to the power department, all the places Ruan Qingling passed by had power outages, and countless cars were stuck on the road because the traffic lights were out of power.

Ruan Qingling's uneasiness became more and more obvious.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the power department.

When Ruan Qingling saw Ruan Dafu, he asked him bluntly: "What's going on? Have you found the cause? Is there a line broken somewhere?!"

It must be this reason!!!


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