Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2042 No one will buy this phone!

It's not over yet!

The moment I saw the price, the whole internet went crazy again! ! !

Xiawei mate10Pro mobile phone starts at 6999 yuan!

The top version is 10,999 yuan!

There is also a pure gold version with a global limit of 9,999 units priced at 100,000 yuan! ! !

You know, this is 2007! ! !

Even with the economic boom brought about by Chen Mo's rebirth, the per capita annual disposable income of urban residents in Daxia is only 30,000 yuan, and that of rural residents is even less, only 8,000 yuan!

The starting price of a Xiawei mate10Pro mobile phone is almost as much as the per capita disposable income in rural areas for a year!

The limited edition even exceeds 3 years of urban disposable income!

This price directly caused countless people to complain and spray on the Internet!

"No, Chen Mo, how dare he? Why don't you grab it at this price?"

“We don’t even dare to set this price for Apple mobile phones per capita!”

“Shouldn’t it be cheaper to make domestic products?”

"It's not that Xia Wei can't afford a mobile phone, it's that Apple phones are more cost-effective!"

"Chen Mo is so crazy. He dares to directly price the first-generation mobile phone in the high-end market?"

"When this phone comes out, it will definitely die! Unless the price is lowered! I'll leave it at that. If you don't believe me, let's look back!"

"6999 for the lowest priced Xiawei? Isn't it delicious to buy apples at this price?"

“We don’t need domestic sentiment, we need mobile phones that are really cheap and easy to use!”


Many digital evaluation media have also come out to express doubts:

"Xia Wei dares to sell his phone at a high price without putting any parameters on it? Doesn't he treat consumers as human beings?"

"Domestic mobile phones still have a long way to go!"

"We have repeatedly asked Mocent and Xiawei companies for review phones, but they were arrogant and asked us to buy them ourselves. Regarding the system, CPU,

All data such as screen, camera, software, etc. are not disclosed. In this regard, the editor has reason to suspect that Xiawei mate10 series mobile phones are a leek phone! "


But some netizens refuted:

"Why do you think that domestic products have to be cheap and imported products have to be expensive? Isn't the price of Ping Guo about the same?"

"That's right, our independent chips, independent research and development systems, production chains, foundries, etc., don't we need research and development expenses? Don't you know that it is more expensive to manufacture everything yourself?"

"If there were no Xiawei mobile phones, the price of Pingguo would probably increase year after year, making it more and more expensive. In order for you to buy cheap Pingguo, please also hope that Xiawei mobile phones are better!"

"You can't afford it. No one has to ask you to buy it. They have marked it as a mobile phone suitable for business people! Are you a business person?"


A popular digital blogger initiated a poll:

1. Xiawei mate10 series mobile phones are too expensive and cannot be bought.

2. Why can’t domestic mobile phones take the high-end route? I will support domestic products with practical actions

3. Passing by, I am a soy sauce maker.

As soon as this vote came out, millions of netizens immediately participated in the vote.


89% of netizens chose option 1! ! !

As soon as the voting results came out, many Xia Wei and Chen Mo's anti-fans became excited again!

"Hey, what did I say? Netizens' eyes are bright!"

"As expected, there are so many people who are stupid enough to buy such expensive domestic mobile phones!"

"Let's break up, it's just a farce!"

"Still have to

The latest Apple or Android phone. "


However, just when many people were happily mocking Xia Wei on the Internet for overestimating his own abilities with his mobile phone...

There is a group of people who silently opened Xiawei Mall or Taobao store and chose to buy the Xiawei mate10pro mobile phone at full price.

One characteristic of this group is that they don’t like to speak out online. They are older and have particularly high financial strength. Most of them are white-collar workers, senior executives, corporate bosses, and people in the system.

Many people have a misunderstanding. They always think that if the voice on the Internet is louder, the result will be as stated on the Internet.

That voting result was regarded as truth by many netizens, who felt that Xia Wei would not sell well.

However, the real result is exactly the opposite! ! !

Wang Jun is the owner of a foreign trade company. Since the advent of Mobile Phones, he has been using the most expensive business mobile phones.

He is also a big fan of the White Dragon King.

He is very familiar with the business battles that Chen Mo led and won.

After learning that Chen Mo led Xia Wei's company to develop the first purely domestic mobile phone, Wang Jun was attracted by the phone almost immediately without even thinking about it.

However, Wang Jun is a bit old and does not know how to use the Internet. After tinkering for a long time, he failed to make an online purchase.

At this time, his daughter Wang Yu, who was still in college, came home.

"Dad, I'm back!"

Wang Yu is a typical young man who is deeply brainwashed by Western culture, and he is very dismissive of the latest Xiawei mobile phone.

She always feels that Apple mobile phone is the best mobile phone in the world.

"My dear daughter, you came just in time. Please help dad find out how he bought this mobile phone. Dad is old and can't tinker with it."

Wang Jun smiled and asked his daughter to come to the computer


When Wang Yu saw that his father actually wanted to buy Xia Wei's mobile phone, he couldn't help frowning and said: "Dad, why are you buying it? It's so expensive. Apple will release a new phone in a few months. Why don't you buy it when the time comes?"

"Pingguo? You can pull it down! Those foreigners are rotten! My mobile phone is broken. Foreigners can get a refund or replace it with a new one for free, but what about us Daxia people? Nothing!

From now on, even if I throw my money to beggars on the roadside, I won’t buy pingguo! "

Wang Jun cursed.

Wang Yu argued directly: "The Pingguo Company has its own policies and has been maliciously used by many of us Daxia people to harvest wool. That's why they are like this. We should reflect on it."

"Reflect on your uncle? If you want to reflect on it, you should reflect on it. I won't reflect on you!" Wang Jun scolded.

Wang Yu wanted to continue arguing, but after thinking about it, there was no need to make his father angry because of a mobile phone.

And, as the saying goes, facts speak louder than words.

Dad will definitely regret it when he buys the phone, knowing how difficult it is to use.

"Hurry up, don't get robbed!"

Wang Jun urged.

"Hey, how can it be sold out? Nearly 90% of the people who voted online said they would not buy it. It has only been on sale for a few hours?"

Wang Yuman opened the treasure and started to operate it without any care.

"Which one do you want to buy?"

Wang Yu asked.

"The gold version. It's the one with a global limited edition of 9999. Oh, my dear, hurry up!"

Wang Jun said with expectation.

"Dad, no one will buy a mobile phone worth 100,000 yuan. Why are you so anxious?"

Wang Yu said disdainfully.

However, the next moment, when she opened the gold version's rush purchase page, an embarrassed expression appeared on her face...

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