boom! ! !

After receiving the call, Jabs and the other three were trembling as if they were struck by thunder! ! !

Just now, Jobs was mocking Chen Mo for his lack of wisdom, but before he could even finish his words, he publicly announced that he was going to launch a new product! ! !

And this new product is a great gimmick!

The first purely Daxia domestic operating system! ! !

Pure Daxia domestic mobile phone! ! !

From production parts, to foundries, to technology, both hardware and software are all Daxia's own, without any foreign technology!

what does that mean?

Daxia has completely gotten rid of the current situation of lack of core and soul! ! !

Soar directly into the high-tech field and no longer have to endure the restrictions of foreign technology! ! !

Jabs can predict that as long as Chen Mo's product is not too difficult to use, given the tolerance of Daxia people for domestic products, it will definitely sell out!

At the very least, a lot of fruits and ancient songs may be lost in Daxia Market!

As for the foreign market, it depends on the strength of Chen Mo's product.

"Damn it, why did we choose this time when our brand new product is about to be launched?!"

Jabs said angrily.

"What should we do?" Riley Page said sweating.

"Don't panic! How can the operating system be so easy to develop? The system Chen Mo developed in such a hurry is definitely not easy to use!

At most, it is a modification made using Kaiyuan's Linux system, which is incomparable to the system we have optimized for hundreds of versions! "

Jabs said firmly: "Go and urge the foundry to speed up production!"

"The largest foundry in the world is Chen Mo's Hongxing Electronics. Because we have a grudge against him, we don't dare to place an order with him. Other foundries, both in terms of technology and scale, are more than ten times worse than Hongxing Electronics... …This time, I’m afraid we won’t be able to make it in time…”


Page said awkwardly.

Jabs took a deep breath and felt a splitting headache.

Because he has been working with Chen Mo for so long, he has almost forgotten the strength of the White Dragon King!

In the past, if Pingguo Company wanted to produce any product, it only needed to say hello, and Moyuan Capital could get the best parts and components and the best OEM to complete the task with the fastest production speed and the highest quality.

Recently, the foundries that Pingguo Company has contacted have technologies that Hongxing Electronics has eliminated by two or even three generations.

Not to mention those foreign workers, they are a lazy bunch!

Not to mention working overtime, there are only a handful of workers who can complete the 8-hour working day every day, and from time to time they go on strike to demand higher wages!

Without Chen Mo's help and Daxia's resources, Jabs realized how difficult it was to create a product!

"That's all, it's too late anyway."

Jabs waved his hand and said: "Hurry up and find the people in the foundation to discuss countermeasures. We must severely sanction Xia Wei's mobile phone! We must not let it come in to steal our market!!!"

The other side.

When they learned that Chen Mo had developed a purely domestic operating system and a purely domestic smartphone, the whole of Daxia became excited! ! !

Everyone posted messages online to celebrate, and the number of views on related topics exceeded 30 billion!

Even more lively than the Chinese New Year!

"I can actually see the birth of a purely domestic operating system in my lifetime!!!"

"Mr. Chen deserves to enjoy the Imperial Ancestral Temple!!!"

"Finally, I no longer have to be scorned by foreigners. From now on, I will firmly support domestic products!"

"Take the money and give me the goods!!!"


999 make a friend? "

"You're upstairs, you're definitely here to cause trouble!"

"It is said that there will be domestic tablets, domestic notebooks and domestic smart wearable devices this time?"

"Fuck Guge, fuck Pingguo, I only use Xia Wei!!!"


In the midst of a boiling sound.

The official websites of Xia Wei and Moxun released a picture at the same time, with a refined picture of a mobile phone and four large characters that almost filled the entire screen - far ahead!

When seeing this mobile phone picture, not only Daxia people, but also all digital enthusiasts around the world were shocked!


It’s actually a full-screen phone! ! !

In the previous life, the most classic iPhone 4 didn’t come out until 2009, and it wasn’t until November 2017 that Apple’s first full-screen phone came out.

In this life, due to the butterfly effect brought about by Chen Mo’s rebirth, Apple’s iPhone 5s was released in 2007.

It is already much ahead of the previous life.

There are two shocking major upgrades in the history of mobile phones, one is the launch of iPhone4, and the other is the launch of full-screen mobile phones!

Chen Mo knows very well that if he wants to win over loyal fruit fans, he can't play according to the routine!

You have to come up and do some hard work! ! !

as expected!

The advanced design that transcends the times will impress all digital enthusiasts!

“This phone doesn’t have physical buttons?”

"Oh my god, I'm completely integrated when I'm breathing down the screen!"

“It really looks like a product from a science fiction movie!”

“It’s much better than Apple’s big-bezel phone!”

"I'm not bragging, I'm really far ahead!"

"You have the ability to produce pictures, but you should sell the goods! If you fucking dare to sell, I will dare to buy like crazy!!!"

"When will the press conference be held?"

"That's right, I can't wait to see what this full-screen phone looks like."

"There are also domestic tablets and notebooks, as well as operating systems. I hope they won't stretch your hips too much."

"This is the first purely domestic product. As long as it is not too difficult to use, I can accept it. I hope everyone can give domestic products some time and tolerance."

"Yeah, I don't want to be treated differently by foreign manufacturers anymore."

"I get angry when I mention this!!! Pingguo and ancient songs compensate foreigners, but they don't compensate us Daxia people!!! Even if they refuse in every possible way, they actually falsely accuse us and say that we used an induction cooker to do it. You just broke your phone, and you still want to sue us!"

"Only with the rise of domestic products can foreign manufacturers lower their heads and be like grandsons and serve our users seriously. Therefore, even if I don't buy it, I sincerely wish the rise of domestic products!"


While everyone was having a heated discussion.

Abruptly, Xia Wei posted a post simultaneously on the official website of Moxin Group and Moxin Weibo:

" # Xiawei Mate10 # series is on sale today!

The Xiawei Mate10 Pioneer Program will be launched at Xiawei Mall and Xiawei Taobao store at 12 o’clock today!

Sales of mate10 series authorized stores with a deposit of 1,000 yuan start simultaneously! "

There was no press conference, no explanation, and there were no specific parameters on the official website. It was suddenly put on the shelves without any warm-up!

This wave of operations immediately confused everyone!

How confident do you have to be in your own products to dare to do this?

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