Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 11 The War in the Solar System

The solar system was originally a galaxy that was considered barren and backward. Lok Man Novels

But this galaxy is no longer what it used to be.

In this starry sky, spaceships come and go. Although the number cannot be compared with the prosperous galaxy, it is not like there is no one flying in the starry sky.

Moreover, these flying spaceships are large and small, some are simple, and some are relatively advanced. They all come and go in the galaxy, constantly transporting personnel and collecting resources.

But something extraordinary is that each of these spaceships actually looks a little injured, and some even seem to be barely moving. If there is an accident, they may explode directly. You must know that the technological content of these spaceships is really very different from the technology of the Centaur Arm, and the reliability of the spacecraft is also very different.

"Everyone, be careful. Don't be discovered by that damn exploration ship team. If you are chased, don't go back to the team gathering place. Be glorious. The people of the earth will remember you!"

A middle-aged man shouted loudly at the outside spacecraft in a dilapidated battleship with some turrets.

This is a place near the edge of the solar system, and there are some good resources here. People on earth come and go here to collect the necessary resources here.

But their ships showed that collecting here was not a good option, but these ships had no other choice.

"Damn exploration ships, if it weren't for the war between these two exploration ships of the starry sky empire, we earthlings might have already been on the road to true starry sky civilization!"

Several pale men were looking at the surrounding starry sky with great vigilance. The simple spacecraft did not even have an advanced detection system. They could only use their eyes and a simple earth heat detection system to be vigilant.

"Who says it's not the case? In the wars launched by the two star empires against our earth, if it weren't for the help of the Assassin again and again, we Earthlings might have perished long ago. The Assassin disappeared ten years ago with Osto During the Battle of Jupiter on the Imperial Exploration Ship, if he was still there, we people on Earth would never have been so miserable."

"Who says it's not the case? Fortunately, Lord Wanxin left behind a few masters of technological creatures and continued to help us develop many battleships, allowing us to block the first wave of small attacks from the Rulan Empire two years ago. But recently I heard about the other party's attack. The mothership, which is the semi-combat aircraft carrier of the Rulan Empire, will come to the solar system from space navigation, and I don’t know if the earth can stop it.”

"Don't worry, it is said that Lord Assassin's Earth Fleet is coming soon. As long as we Earthlings block it for a year... no, half a year!"

"Block? Haha, you didn't participate in the Battle of Jupiter that year, and you haven't seen the horror of a real semi-combat aircraft carrier. You must know that even the legendary Assassin of the Giant Mosquito Clan at the stellar level felt uncomfortable with the semi-combat aircraft carrier. It’s a headache. How can we fight against a semi-combat aircraft carrier? What’s more, even if we block it for a year? Do you really think that the reinforcements from Lord Assassin can deal with this army?”

"What's more, what are the reactions of these two empires? They may have already formed a real army and are preparing to attack us earthlings."

In the chatting warship, one Earth soldier after another finished their conversation, they felt a huge pressure on their bodies. An unspeakable heaviness invaded their whole bodies, making them almost speechless.

But even if they are desperate, in this dark universe, they will not make any retreat.

And in the starry sky not far from the solar system, an extremely large ship, a full ten kilometers in size, shuttled rapidly in the vacuum environment.

"Master Commander, the first forward team we sent was actually wiped out. The technology of this earthling has actually improved even more in ten years."

In this huge ship, there are several beings as leaders, and at this moment, a monster that looks like a spider is spinning silk thread while saying to the other spider monster above it with a "silk silk" sound. .

"This is not unexpected. The people on earth must have received the support of certain technological civilizations or forces. Otherwise, the previous semi-combat aircraft carrier of the Osto Empire would not have failed directly. You know, I received this news At that time, we quickly stopped the fleet to rest for a long time. Thanks to this rest, the combat effectiveness of our fleet has improved a lot. I think no matter how powerful the people on earth are, they can't fight with us!"

The spider monster above analyzed it somewhat solemnly.

These monsters were talking together, and it was obvious from their words that they were members of the Rulan Empire, and this huge semi-combat aircraft carrier was built by Jia Yan before he left the solar system. Another Rulan Empire semi-combat aircraft carrier that I have been worried about is coming to the solar system soon.

It is not difficult to analyze from the words of these monsters. It is actually ten years after Jia Yan left the solar system. It seems that although the passage of the gravitational wave system is magical, it is a huge waste of time. Jia Yan went to the Centaur Arm. Bian Ye only felt that it took two or three years at most, but the actual time was about ten years.

"Okay, we deliberately delayed the attack on the solar system to increase our own force value. At this moment, the combat effectiveness of our fleet is absolutely unprecedented. Don't hesitate, let's head towards the solar system!"

The leader-like presence in the semi-combat aircraft carrier shouted loudly.

And while he was speaking, the fleet's detector suddenly let out a sharp scream!

"Extremely high space distortion source discovered! Warning!" A system alarm sounded loudly throughout the entire semi-combat aircraft carrier.

But no matter how they checked, they couldn't figure out where this highly distorted space source came from.

Moreover, this distortion source just flashed beside the aircraft carrier. Compared with their speed, which was only about the speed of light, it was countless times faster and passed directly by!

"What? What is it?" The leader-like spider monster was nervous and shocked.

"Master Commander, this should be an unsolved phenomenon in the universe. It is actually a twisted way of traveling that is more than ten thousand times faster than the speed of light. It is estimated that apart from the weird phenomena of the universe itself, it is impossible for such a high-level civilization to be able to do such a thing. Yes. Sir, we don’t need to worry about it.”

The report from his subordinates made the commander feel a little relieved. You must know that they are just a technological warship that can only exceed the speed of light, and if they want to accelerate to the speed of light, the previous acceleration and engine must be fully turned on. It takes more than a year of operation to slowly accelerate to this speed. The opponent directly exceeds the speed of light by ten thousand times. Although it also uses the technology of distorting space, it is estimated that the actual speed cannot exceed the speed of light, but in his opinion, this terrible technology is definitely a miracle.

If they are enemies, there is no need to fight. If they use technology that is ten thousand times faster than the speed of light to make such a cannonball, let alone them, even the capital star of Rulan Civilization will disappear from the universe if it is hit!

Fortunately, this should be just a strange phenomenon in the universe.

This is not surprising, the closer you get to the universe. The more we discover similar phenomena, such as aliens that surpass existing civilizations, and urban legends that superpowers passed through the Immortal Arms tens of thousands of years ago, but when we actually observe them, we feel that they are all Fake stuff.

Fortunately, it has no impact on their strategy.

But in reality?

This extremely fast moving space-distorting object quickly crossed the distance between the stars.

He was like a terrifying thing traveling in a straight line. From his point of view, the semi-combat aircraft carrier was no different than if it was not moving. The other party still had to walk for a while, but this extremely fast object arrived in the blink of an eye. !

"The solar system...has it arrived?"

Boo! Boo!

The soft and crisp sounds sounded extremely clear to Jia Yan.

With the appearance of this sound, the entire space capsule slowly showed signs of slowing down.

The distorted space showed signs of recovery. The distorted space that had been moving back and forth in front of the eyes for three months slowly became normal.

At the edge of the galaxy, an ultra-small aircraft, only about ten meters in size, somehow emerged from the vacuum, as if it were out of the flat sky, and appeared directly in the vacuum!

This is an aircraft that looks extremely high-end. The materials used on its surface are definitely advanced materials that this immortal arm cannot have. Not only that, but also its propulsion system and the front end that slightly distorts space. The space distortion system is definitely not something that Yingxian Arm's starry sky technology can do.

When this small aircraft first appeared, its speed was extremely terrifying, about half the speed of light. But just fifteen minutes later, its speed was stopped. You must know that that is the speed of light. Such a small aircraft can travel within ten seconds. How to stop the speed of light in a few minutes without disintegrating due to the strong overload force? Find Shuyuan www. These are scientific research issues that scientists need to study for a long time.

But the aircraft stopped very simply, and then the door of the top space cabin opened directly.

The space for this crew member is even smaller, and can only barely accommodate an Earthling.

And the people inside really looked like people from Earth.

This is a person with black hair and yellow skin. Although his face is not handsome, his demeanor is completely different from that of a young earthling that ordinary humans can have.

That's right, he is Jia Yan!

After three months of space-distorting travel, even Jia Yan's clone felt a little unbearable at this moment. As soon as the space capsule stopped, Jia Yan's bones began to move slightly!

There was clearly a vacuum outside, but he moved on his toes and jumped onto the outside of the space capsule.

"Solar system..." Seeing the space scenery outside, Jia Yan's clone looked greedily at everything in front of him. (To be continued.)

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