Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 10 Teleportation, target earth!

The only thing we have to worry about is whether Jia Yan's clone's physical condition is too strong, and it carries incredible power, which will cause vibrations in the space and lead to some unpredictable consequences.

Of course, they have also calculated these things, so it is unlikely that an accident will occur.

"Master Jia Yan, please come this way."

Jia Yan's clone and a group of scientific researchers walked towards the huge equipment on the side. At this moment, the big mosquito was waiting. After all, there was no place where his huge body could fit in.

Jia Yan's clone and a group of scientific researchers came to the inside of the huge equipment. They saw that pipes and metal were intersecting everywhere, and there was not much aesthetic feeling.

"Sir, this device was made using the largest Nouga. Although it looks like this at the moment, if we continue to improve it, we are sure to shrink it in ten improvements and reduce the cost by more than half. "The female person in charge introduced it to Jia Yan as she walked away. It was obvious that she didn't want Jia Yan to use this equipment only once, otherwise they would lose their jobs.

"Okay, I understand. You can continue to research in the future. I think your research may be helpful to my strength." Jia Yan nodded.

Hearing what he said, the female researcher smiled. She knew that Jia Yan's clone and his real body shared the same mind, and she was not afraid that the real body outside would not agree.

Not long after, a group of people came to the central area of ​​the equipment, where there was a small space capsule that could just accommodate Jia Yan's clone.

"Sir, if you are sure to teleport now, you can enter. We will conduct some tests, and then you can teleport through space." The female researcher said.

"Just now." Jia Yan took a deep breath. Then his figure moved, and in the next moment he had entered the space capsule.

He actually wanted to see the results more than these researchers.

The researchers began to get busy. They originally planned that Jia Yan would wait for a while before transmitting, but they did not expect that Jia Yan simply said to transmit directly, so they were not ready.

However, the machine, which was ready for transmission at any time, quickly started operating.

"Sir, we are going out. We will be able to teleport in about two minutes. During the teleportation period, you must not use power, and you must even try your best to block the power. Otherwise, it will be very dangerous if it causes space shock."

After the female person in charge said this, she left directly.

Jia Yan's clone was in the space cabin, breathing lightly and nervously.

In order to completely put his energy on this clone, his real body in the outside world seemed to be in a trance, directly closing all his feelings and focusing his energy directly on this clone.

The technology of clones is indeed extremely miraculous. Even if Jia Yan really has a clone, he still doesn't understand the principle. For him, this feeling of two bodies has only been fully adapted to in the past few days.

At this moment, the feeling of the clone was maximized. Jia Yan almost forgot about his real body and entered the clone's body directly.

"One minute countdown."

The female person in charge over there started the countdown. This moment was an extremely stressful time for the researchers at the Holistic Research Institute. Although every test was extremely successful, it was such a huge event that Jia Yan's clone could be truly teleported. It directly represents their future. If something unexpected happens, no one knows whether Jia Yan, who has suffered heavy losses, will kill them to vent his anger!

When the countdown reached ten seconds, the cloned Jia Yan completely used all his strength to seal it.

Jia Yan understands the destructive effect of energy on space. Not to mention that his current energy is so terrifying. It is just that if an earth-level powerhouse releases a little power during teleportation, it may cause chaos in the space and directly lead to Space disappears, and people die in space.

There are some shortcomings in not being able to transmit the real body. Not only is the current research institute unable to transmit a body as huge as Jia Yan's real body, but the bigger reason is that Jia Yan's real body is too powerful. The size of Jia Yan's body was so huge that even if the institute staff tried their best, they still felt it was impossible to teleport Jia Yan's huge body.

The clone tried his best to suppress his own power, and a faint azure color even appeared on the surface of his body. This was because the azure defense directly sealed his body, which could prevent the body from using its power involuntarily in times of danger to the greatest extent.






At the last moment, the clone looked at everything in front of him. He had a feeling that this clone would never return to the Northern Star Territory again. Although the real body was still there, the clone still looked at this place with some emotion, which could be regarded as a kind of farewell.


In the next moment, a soft low drink sounded.

At this moment, Jia Yan felt his entire body tighten!

"The transmission begins... My target is the earth!" The clone suddenly thought in his mind!

But at this moment, everything in the world began to distort in his eyes, and then the space became unstable, and everything in front of him was spinning extremely strangely.

Jia Yan was not too surprised, because he didn't know how many times he had experienced similar experiences.

Just the moment this feeling appeared, Jia Yan felt a violent pain spread throughout his body. He couldn't help but grit his teeth.

The power inside the body wants to fight back or protect the body, but Jia Yan tightly controls them and prevents them from appearing, otherwise the success will be in vain.

The connection between the clones seemed to be lost for a moment. Fortunately, Jia Yan's clone's mind became clear for a while, and then a thought returned to the clone.

The connection between the clone systems is unknown through which method. Jia Yan has been following for so long, and he only knows that this connection uses the quantum entanglement theory, and the quantum entanglement theory cannot actually maintain communication over distance, but In fact, Jia Yan is not only able to control the clone through the entanglement of energy, but also has the feeling that the clone is almost the same as the real body.


Jia Yan can feel that the physical condition of the clone is very different from that of the real body. Although the materials made are almost the best level available in the Northern Star Region, for Jia Yan's real body, there is no energy protection. In contrast, it is almost extremely fragile.

Traces of blood appeared on the surface of the clone's body, and the space shock suit he was wearing was also a little damaged.

"Hold on! This level of pain is nothing at all!" Jia Yan insisted through gritted teeth.

The world is completely different from what it usually looks like, and the entire space capsule is traveling in a twisted space.

This was the first time for Jia Yan to go on such a strange trip. Everything around him was so magical. Some of the galaxies were twisted into a long strip. Jia Yan didn't want to be hit by it, so he just had a good time. Look at the next scene.

Pieces of stars appeared and disappeared in front of my eyes. He understood that at this moment he had left the Space Research Institute and was sent out by the huge equipment.

The surrounding stars were not passing by too quickly, but after a few minutes, those passing stars and even the entire galaxy turned into a paste and passed by quickly.

Suddenly a terrifying bright light appeared in front of the eyes, and the twisting space capsule almost collided head-on.

Jia Yan was shocked in his heart and was about to use his power to change the trajectory of the capsule. However, thinking of the professors of the institute's staff, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

This collision turned out to be a false alarm. It turned out that the galaxies passing by quickly were just passing by.

Now Jia Yan believed what the researchers at the institute said and became more confident.

At a distance of ten thousand light-years, the stars and galaxies are almost innumerable.

And all of this seemed a bit small in the twisted space that Jia Yan was moving through quickly. Starlight passed by, and his speed completely exceeded the speed of light. Moreover, the space in front of the space capsule was constantly distorted, and there was a launch time. Pushed by the space instrument, its speed is still accelerating faster before reaching its peak!

Jia Yan's clone in the space capsule was teleporting thrillingly, and the research institute here was also extremely nervous. Because of the quantum entanglement theory, the space capsule could still transmit signals to the research institute within a certain range. At this moment, a group of researchers were watching Data's nervousness was no less than that of Jia Yan.

"The space oscillation data values ​​are within the normal range."

"There is a slight deviation in the data, and the space capsule has repaired itself."

"A black hole reaction appears in front of the space capsule! The degree of space distortion increases, and the space capsule successfully skipped this space area!"

The thrilling reports made almost all the members of the institute extremely nervous. Even though they had been tested many times when traveling through ultra-long distances in the universe, some problems still occurred when actually transmitting large amounts of matter. Accident.

After all, in more than ten thousand light-years, anything can happen, such as invisible black holes and white dwarfs with extremely strong gravity. There is no way to predict it. Only when it is actually encountered, the space capsule's intelligent program will proceed. Self-escape.

Fortunately, five hours later, everything was still normal.

"Okay, in this case, it should be normal. In about three months, it will reach ten thousand light years away."

One after another, the members of the research institute congratulated each other. You must know that they have been working in this area for a long time. At this moment, one crisis after another has been overcome. It can be said that this scene that has created a new technological era in the Northern Star Territory is about to begin. Yes, they are the creators!

Jia Yan's real body, which had been distracted, also resumed action. After a period of adaptation, he has successfully maintained the method of completely sealing the energy of the clone. At this moment, the real body can still move.

"Thank you. I will personally hold a congratulatory banquet for you in the future." Jia Yan nodded to this group of excited scientific researchers.

After that, his body took off and returned to the magma land.

"Okay, after arriving at the magma land, I can let my real body continue to practice Breakthrough Master, and focus mainly on the clone!" Jia Yan's eyes were full of joy.

"I wonder if my parents are okay? How are my sister's family, and my sweet niece? I can't wait!"


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