Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 16 Sneaking into the factory!

Jia Yan is hiding among the trees.

The potential enemies faced at this time became humans. Naturally, he didn't dare to try any more breakthroughs or attacks.

So while he was waiting for the opportunity, he was still observing all the details in the factory, even if there was a slight chance!

The three buildings and the office building were completely renovated because they had too many holes before. Aluminum alloy panels were installed piece by piece to block all the holes where insects could invade.

As for the two buildings used as workshops, because they were originally the core buildings of a military institution decades ago, they were relatively tightly defended, that is, aluminum alloy plates were installed in some missing parts.

Jia Yan is observing,

"Well..." Suddenly, Jia Yan saw something.

"Water pipe!" Jia Yan saw a straight pipe outside a building that was used as a workshop, leading directly from the bottom of the building to the inside.

This pipe must have been added later because the material is PVC pipe that is only used today.

Thanks to his now mutated eyes with enhanced vision, Jia Yan was able to see the pipe.

As for whether it is useful, we have to wait until we go to investigate!

Jia Yan flew up.

"There are cameras here." Jia Yan looked in one direction, where a camera was installed high up.

Although he was not afraid of being photographed, because it would take at least a few minutes for security to arrive, but he did not want his exploration to be disturbed, so he spread his wings and flew high into the sky.

Perhaps the factory was not prepared for the emergence of mutated flying creatures, so it did not monitor high places.

Jia Yan came to the pipe, which was already a surveillance blind spot at the corner. Jia Yan fell quietly.

The huge mosquito body landed next to the pipe and looked at it carefully.

This is a PVC water pipe, yes, but its diameter is about ten centimeters, which is relatively thick.

"It should be used as the main pipeline for industrial wastewater, so let me see if there is a place where I can enter!"

Jia Yan flew up and watched the subtle changes around the ground from a high altitude.

A drainage manhole cover with holes appeared in Jia Yan's sight!

"They should be connected here!" Jia Yan's heart moved and he flew directly to the manhole cover.

It was pitch black under the manhole cover, and I didn't know if there was any insecticide or anything like that. After all, the Siberian Wild Tigers wouldn't have missed such a big flaw.

Jia Yan hesitated for a moment, as if he didn't smell anything bad in the air, and then he climbed into the gap in the manhole cover!

It's just a small problem, but it won't cause any blow to Jia Yan, who has already determined his determination!

It will only make him work harder!

The huge body can hardly fit into the hole.

But Jia Yan still worked hard to get in!

As expected, there is a sewer under the manhole cover, but this sewer is relatively large, at least half a person deep, and is filled with some kind of industrial waste liquid.

"These are chemical waste liquids. I feel it will cause great damage to my body. Please try not to fall into them!"

Jia Yan felt that this kind of chemical waste was dangerous, so he quickly used his six legs to grab the top of the sewer, then spread his wings and hovered in the air to fly!

He first turned his upside-down body upright, and then looked at Sakon.

Mosquitoes have excellent infrared heat senses and can clearly detect the presence of other life nearby.

There are lives, but they are just small things lying on the top and on the walls on both sides. One that has mutated to a huge size cannot be seen.

There is no sign of life in the waste liquid. It seems that this waste liquid is really not suitable for life to survive.

Flying along the upper part of the empty sewer, underneath is the gurgling industrial waste.

After a while, Jia Yan came to the lower part of the PVC pipe!

There was an empty space above his head. Jia Yan looked at it, then flapped his wings and flew upward along the pipe space!

He needs to hurry up now. God knows if this pipe is where the waste liquid is discharged. If so, how often the waste liquid is discharged.

If it happens to be discharged while he is inside, that would be bad luck!

Fortunately, Jia Yan's flying speed is not that slow. He can fly to the top of the pipe in a few seconds. If this time happens to catch up with the discharge, it can only be said to be unlucky.

In front of the dark pipe, there was a faint mechanical sound.

Jia Yan controlled his flying sound and slowly approached the exit of the pipeline...

He was a little nervous because he didn't know what situation he was facing. He might fall directly into the sight of the staff, which would be a bit funny!

The mouth of the pipe was not sealed, so Jia Yan quietly poked his head out a little.

There are roaring machines directly outside!

Countless lights as bright as daylight illuminate the entire space.

This is the front end of a circular conveyor belt, with only an observation port around it. Occasionally, there will be busy staff passing by.

So many workers!

Jia Yan quietly moved his head close to the observation port. In front of the observation port is a closed machine outlet. It is currently closed. According to the installation, as long as it is opened, a large amount of chemical waste liquid will be discharged.

"Tell me, are Xiao Li and Lao Chen okay? If they are okay, will the factory really be so kind and arrange for them to be observed in the hospital?"

The sound of workers chatting could be heard.

"Who knows, but I think the factory director won't lie to us about this kind of thing. After all, the matter of dead people is such a big deal. Even if he lied to us for a while, as long as we go out, he can be killed immediately. Expose the lie! Unless he still has the guts, killing us all is enough. But that won’t work, our family members all know we are here. If he dares to do this, he will be finished!"

"That's true, but we have to be careful. Did you see that the administrative staff in the factory, as well as the factory director himself, don't look like good people. But we still have so many people. If he How dare we risk our lives with him and yet we are afraid of him!"

A huge mosquito was right behind the two workers, quietly listening to their chat...

The two workers had their backs to the pipeline, and the others were also far apart, blocked by the machine and unable to see the observation port.

No one could have imagined that a huge mutated bug would fly directly from the pipe to the hinterland of the factory!

Because the reason is very simple. It's not that the Siberian Wild Tigers and others haven't thought about this, but that among all the mutant creatures they know, except for the cockroaches discovered two days ago, no one with the ability to fly has been found!

As for arthropods such as centipedes and millipedes, there is no way to enter the water pipes through the sewers filled with waste liquid.

So much so that no one could have imagined that the Anopheles sinensis mosquito, which the bespectacled man judged would be impossible to survive the second mutation, actually survived and returned to the factory to find another chance!

The chat between the two workers continued.

The person who had previously raised concerns about Xiao Li and Lao Chen's safety expressed his further vigilance. At this time, he said: "Don't think about risking your life with them? We definitely can't afford it! Think about it, this factory doesn't even know where they are. We don’t know what kind of medicine is made in such desolate mountains and wild mountains. It is said to be medicine, poison or even drugs. Otherwise, how can we hide!"

"Yes, if one day the government comes to arrest people, we working people will be in trouble."

"Please keep your voice down. Do you think a salary of more than 10,000 yuan a month is a simple matter? Anyway, I will only work for a month or two at most before resigning and going back. I will also do the confidentiality clause and so on. A few I earn tens of thousands of yuan a month, which is enough for us country people to live on for a year..."

Jia Yan was no longer distracted by the chat between the two workers, because the useful news had basically been heard!

He began to look at the factory environment.

This is a small space of more than 200 square meters, and most of it is occupied by some weird machines.

Seven or eight workers were busy in the space, with two people walking around and observing the barometer. Several people were at a slot, responsible for pouring certain purple powder into the slot in proportion.

The two workers in front of him were sitting on the operating table, controlling the starting and closing of all task units.

This is the second floor. A thick metal pipe runs directly up from the first floor and is connected to a tank-shaped machine in this workshop. This machine looks to be quite old, it is covered with rust, and you can even vaguely see some Japanese fonts on the surface!

The huge tank-shaped machine has two exits, one of which penetrates the wall and is connected to the next workshop in another building.

The other outlet is the waste liquid discharge outlet. Yes, it is the outlet connected to the sewer pipe where Jia Yan is.

At this time, the tank-shaped machine was roaring continuously, as if something was stirring inside.

"It turns out that the inside of the factory looks like this. It's completely different from the high-tech look I imagined! Sure enough, the Siberian wild tigers didn't develop that purple-red 'antimicrobial peptide' by their own abilities!"

If you want to develop a purple-red medicinal liquid, you have to have very high-end equipment. However, except for some old machines that still look a little bit cool, everything else here looks like a temporary patchwork. Minato's gadgets can even be said to be very low-end.

"How did the Siberian Wild Tigers come up with this kind of medicinal solution? Did they really rely on these buildings, the Book Garden and the materials and equipment left behind by a certain country during the previous war?"

Jia Yan really doesn't understand the history of the Siberian wild tiger's origins. In his opinion, this character is a bit legendary. Relying on such equipment to produce liquid medicine seems to have achieved a high status.

"But those have nothing to do with me. I'm not a human being now. Why do I envy him? I just want to know if there is a way to get the medicine here..."

Jia Yan looked at the outside world coldly with a pair of compound eyes at the observation port...

Until the two workers sitting on the side pressed a certain button respectively, and then, the roaring tank-shaped machine suddenly stopped shaking!

Hua Hua Hua...

When the sound of water flow came out, Jia Yan was immediately stunned!

"not good!"

He quickly turned around and saw that the drain outlet of the machine was open, and a stream of waste liquid containing dangerous chemicals rushed towards him!

To be continued. Please collect!

I asked the editor today and he said that this book's grades were average... For a moment, I really couldn't type anymore! But as soon as I opened the book, the messages from book friends and the rewards made me immediately full of strength and resurrected with full blood!

Thanks to ‘Oh my God’ for the many tips that hit the screen, and thanks to the book friends ‘I laughed and cried and forgot about it’, ‘Please call me a big monster’ and ‘878kh’ for the tips!

Tomorrow is Sunday. I promised the book friends in the group a few days ago that I would break out in the middle of the night, so... let's break out! Three updates tomorrow!

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