Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 15 ‘Factory’ Mutiny

The rain in midsummer is fast and heavy!

The heavy rain falls, covering everything in the world.

The trees in the forest drop water droplets bit by bit, and these water droplets will become the source of moisture for the trees, making them greener and greener.

In such a storm, a huge Anopheles sinensis mosquito measuring seven to eight centimeters was flying in the bad weather.

Jia Yan was bathing in the torrential rain, not caring about the raindrops falling from the sky.

His dark body will only look even brighter after being hit by the heavy rain!

After several battles today, Jia Yan fully realized his current strength and also determined the path he should take in the future.

"I want to continue to get stronger! Otherwise, no matter how long I live, if I just hide in the mountains and forests, what kind of life is that?"

"I almost became timid, but luckily I repented in time!"

Jia Yan's body is full of energy now. Although he is injured, he feels that he can still move!

The blood in a bat's body is only enough for him to drink half full, but this is enough to consume energy for a long time.

The first blood meal after the second mutation makes the mosquito immediately full of vitality.

Even the two injured parts no longer hurt so much!

"These two wounds don't look very serious."

Jia Yan assesses his injuries after fighting with the bat.

"You can feel the feeling in your feet now. You may wait for a while and it will recover. But the two bite marks on the tail needle are not that easy to heal!"

Xiao He succeeds and defeats Xiao He. Although the hard exoskeleton is stronger in fending off enemies. But if it is damaged, it is not so easy to heal.

"That purple-red liquid, even if it can't help me go any further, will definitely have a certain healing effect. After all, it can mutate my body to such a huge size. I don't believe that it has no effect on the damage to my body! "

Jia Yan's compound eyes flashed.

He decided to rush to the Siberian Wild Tiger factory to see if there was any chance of getting the purple-red liquid!

Of course, this time will be more dangerous than last time, and his huge size will bring him a greater potential crisis.

But this time, Jia Yan no longer flinched.

Cringe, just be a regular mosquito! With such a huge stature and combat power that can rival bats, the 'Mosquito King' may be everywhere he goes!

But if he is determined to make this life wonderful, then he must fight for it!

Jia Yan, who obviously thought about this, chose the latter!

The downpour is like the water of the Milky Way pouring down from the sky. The clear and translucent raindrops wash away the lead and make the forest at night glow with a new round of vitality.

After turning into a giant mosquito, Jia Yan's flying speed increased a lot, and he soon approached the Siberian Wild Tiger's factory again.

After Jia Yan’s fuss a few days ago, this factory seems to have changed a little!

From a distance, Jia Yan could see that the three ancient buildings of the factory were a little different.

"Hey, the doors and windows are actually sealed!"

Jia Yan flew to a location ten meters away from the 'factory' wall, and then hid in a tall tree, looking at the changes in the factory in surprise.

The doors and windows of the building that was used as an office building were sealed with aluminum alloys. Even the evolved cockroaches could not easily bite through them.

There are also other changes. It seems that even the door through which workers enter and exit has been turned into a heavy safety door.

"It seems that more mutated creatures must have been born in the past few days, and the Siberian wild tigers are completely panicked."

Jia Yan judged.

In fact, his judgment was not without reason.

If this has always been the case in the Manchurian Wild Tiger's factory, then according to what Jia Yan saw, mutated creatures should have long been spread in the nearby forest. After all, the defenses in the factory did not seem to be very complete in the past.

Therefore, he judged that although mutated creatures may have appeared in factories in the past, they were definitely not as exaggerated as recently!

"I wonder what happened that caused these creatures to increase? Is it a problem with the ingredients of the liquid? Or something else."

What Jia Yan didn't know was that the factory was already in complete chaos!

In the two closed buildings, one of them was already in trouble.

More than 20 workers wearing protective clothing and looking closely guarded gathered at the entrance of the building.

"Director, please let me out. I don't want to do this job anymore!"

"Yes! I quit. Yesterday, Lao Chen was bitten by the centipede and he was dying. Tell me, did he die when you took him away? And Xiao Li didn't come back last time. Is it because he died too?"

"No matter how high the salary here is, we can't make us work hard. I don't want this month's salary. Factory manager, please open the door for me!"

"Yes, yes, I don't dare to do it. There are so many monsters coming out every day. You must not be making medicine. Don't do anything to harm people. We will not be your murderous assistants!"

The Siberian Wild Tiger, with seven or eight of his men, stopped in front of the more than twenty workers, his face as gloomy as water!

His grand plan has just begun to take off, and it hasn't been long since it started.

It was going smoothly at first, and even an important person like Senior Junzi was recruited by him and is now performing tasks outside.

But now there is such a flaw in the place where we started!

"Don't shout, any of you!" the Siberian wild tiger shouted with an ugly expression.

The voice of this Northeastern man is naturally extremely rough, and the Northeastern wild tiger has an innate bearing that makes people involuntarily dare not disobey.

The more than two dozen workers stopped shouting and looked at the 'factory director' who, although young, was already rich and wealthy.

Even if you have money, you can't force others to do such extremely dangerous work, right? No matter how rich we are, you can't stop us from leaving!

That's what some workers think.

The Siberian Wild Tiger said after suppressing people's shouts.

"Every one of you signed an agreement. If you want to leave now, you will have to pay three times the liquidated damages, at least 30,000 for each of you! I also think about everyone. We all have families to support, so it is not easy to make some money. ! Actually, I don’t care if you leave, but I don’t want to waste two days recruiting people! Besides, you said that Old Chen Xiaoli is dead, they are all fine, they just have to stay in the hospital for a few days for observation, this is a factory Seeing that they were injured, I was afraid that there would be any bad effects in the future, so I paid for them to see a doctor! Who told me that they were all dead? It's really unreasonable!"

After the Siberian Wild Tiger roared a few words, some people below became dubious.

"Really or not, director, please hang up the phone immediately and call Xiao Li and the others. Only when we hear what they say can we feel at ease!"

"Okay!" Siberian Wild Tiger took out his mobile phone and pressed a certain number.

A worker stood nearby and looked at the person who pressed the button. It was indeed Xiao Li's name on the contact list.

As for the detailed mobile phone number, before I could look at it, the Siberian Wild Tiger held the phone to his ear and listened to the other party's ringtone.

"Hello!" Not twice, a voice came from the other side.

The Northeastern Wild Tiger pressed the external voice button again, and the voice "Hello, Director." came from the phone, which was clear enough for everyone to hear.

Don't tell me, the voice is really similar to Xiao Li's.

"Xiao Li, this is Dang Sheng. How are you these days? Why didn't you contact me the last time you went out?"

The Siberian Wild Tiger didn't speak, but a young man standing next to him, looking nervously at his cell phone, shouted.

"Big shed, I will go back in ten days and a half. I went to your house yesterday to meet your wife. She said that you are making so much money now and living a good life. Let you work in the factory with peace of mind. Try to get a formal job next year!"

"I understand. If you have time, tell her that we are a high-tech factory and no contact with the outside world is allowed! I will hang up the phone with her next month and ask her to take good care of her son." She shed tears on the verge of tears. Out.

"Okay, Xiao Li, I'm the factory director." Northeastern Wild Tiger took the phone at this time and said to the other end of the phone.

"Ah... Hello, director, I really have nothing to do. It's such a waste for you to arrange for me to live in such a good ward." Xiao Li said nervously on the other side of the phone.

"It doesn't matter. The medical security of each employee is the most important indicator in the factory. You can recover well there and stay in the hospital for ten days and a half. No matter what illness you had before, the factory will treat you well." . The wages will still be paid to you, do you understand?" the Northeastern Wild Tiger ordered very forcefully.

"This... ok, the factory is really nice, thank you, director!" Xiao Li on the other side of the phone was almost moved to tears.


The Siberian wild tiger presses the shutdown button.

"Everyone has heard it! Okay, okay, let's all go back to the factory. The machines are left open and open. Every second is money. Everyone works hard. After this half-month increase in production, I will give you Let’s take a paid one-week holiday for everyone so that everyone can go back and reunite with their families.”

"It's a one-week paid holiday. I'm so envious of you. Next time our administrative staff will also be transferred to your workshop." A very "ruffian" employee standing at Northeast Yehu expressed his surprise in an exaggerated way. .

After hearing the voice of 'Xiao Li' and getting the personal assurance from the factory director, although some workers were still doubtful, others had returned to work, and these people had to frown and walk to their posts...

"Liuzi, your brother's imitation is absolutely amazing. Go back and tell him that I, the Northeast Wild Tiger, has taken over this love. Next time I go to the county seat, I will treat him to a good meal." After closing the factory door, Northeast Wild Tiger Tiger whispered to a subordinate next to him.

"Okay. Find Shuyuan" The subordinate smiled happily.

When a group of them walked out of the gate of this factory building.

Not far away from them, on the trees beside the wall, a giant mosquito with compound eyes and cold eyes was staring at these people.

Night becomes his best protective color.

"Manchurian wild tiger? You still have so many subordinates, what's going on..."

Jia Yan looked at them and couldn't help but think.

Coming out of the factory with so many subordinates who don't look like good people doesn't look like a good thing...

So what is going on? Is it possible to use it to help your own invasion?

To be continued. Thank you all very much!

Yesterday, I expressed some concerns about the future of this book, and then... Buyue didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic. The number of rewards increased so much in a short time, and the collection, which had not improved much at first, also grew a little faster than usual. . Thank you very much. The following are the book friends who rewarded me after yesterday’s update. You are my motivation for updating today. Thank you! !

Thanks to the two brothers ‘Wuwei’er’ and ‘Easy Fall’ for their 588 tips! Thank you for 'No Self in My Heart' 'Oh My Husband' 'One Season/Another Silence' 'safcaf' 'Five Emperors of Khan' 'Helpless Dream Man' 'Depressed Fool' 'Like the book written by Tomato' 'The Raging Dragon' mengying Luoluo's "Shi Jue" is waiting for rewards from book friends! ! There are so many book friends, and some people give rewards more than once a day. This is very touching, thank you!

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