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The brainwave power detection, feedback of the strong muscles of the opponent's body, and the strong resistance of the brainwave power all show that this monster with a hard shell on its back has unparalleled strength!

But when Jia Yan was exploring the other party, the turtle-like life form had a gloomy feeling!

"Dear Sir, don't you think it is very unfriendly to use your brainwave power to look at a strange being so directly?"

Can he detect my brainwave power?

Jia Yan was slightly startled, and immediately knew that this monster might be a different type from the monsters he had encountered before.

Of course, maybe he is not necessarily stronger than that white life form, but compared to that white life form, he seems to have a slightly different feeling in terms of brain wave power, as if this monster is majoring in brain wave power. Therefore, the brainwave power seems to be much stronger than that of the white life form!

Jia Yan, who had fully recovered his energy, although he was not afraid, still calmly withdrew his brain wave power!

Neither humble nor arrogant, just politely withdrawing strength.

"This is my mistake. Please forgive me. It's just that you came uninvited. As the leader of this motorcade, I will naturally be on guard. I wonder who you are?..." After Jia Yan thought for a while, he continued to use his own words. The voice that was neither humble nor arrogant expressed doubts.

After all, he had not heard of the existence of this strong man at this time. Naturally, he had not provoked any strong people from the Golden Desert. He could not think of any reason for the sudden appearance of the other party.

Not long after, Jia Yan's mind was running wildly, and he immediately thought of an existence, that is, the fifth strong man who was defeated by him, 'Long Wu'. This guy seemed to have the possibility of provoking other strong men!

"Haha, your Excellency said that I came uninvited. In fact, I should return this sentence to you directly. As a strong man in this golden desert, we don't seem to invite you, why do you come uninvited? ?”

The turtle-like life form stood on the ground, using extremely powerful brainwave power. The sound is directly transmitted to Jia Yan's tentacled ears, which shows its powerful brain wave power at the same time. It also revealed that compared to Jia Yan's superficial brainwave power control method, his brainwave power control method is definitely more powerful!

"I came uninvited?"

Jia Yan was startled. After that, I immediately understood the other party’s intention!

Obviously, in this golden desert. It also has a dominant force, or is an alliance-like existence, and the monster in front of you is obviously a member of it!

And he, a living being on earth who doesn't understand any rules. He rashly broke into their territory and started so many battles. Naturally, it will cause dissatisfaction on the other side!

Thinking of this, Jia Yan also sneered.

He didn't know the other party's real purpose here, but if it was to drive him away. Or if you want to kill him, then he can't just sit back and wait for humiliation...

Just fight!

Thinking of this, the faint murderous intention in Jia Yan's heart emerged!

In everything on this planet, Jia Yan has discovered that compared to the earth, the strong is supreme. After all, as a lawless and warring planet, even the government officials are just some sneaky people in name only. Other forces And the characters, where might there be any ideas like morality? !

The strong is supreme, this is the rule of this planet!

This monster is strong, but Jia Yan is absolutely sure of his own strength!

"Oh...it seems that sir, you don't know the rules of our place. Are you a strong man who has just arrived on this planet? We, Jin Mo, are truly honored to be favored by such a powerful being like you!"

The monster with the tortoise shell was talking eloquently, and it seemed that it was half a compliment to Jia Yan, and half a warning.

"But for such a powerful being like you, when you come to a place like ours, you still need to say hello. After all, every place has its own rules, and you wantonly invade the territory of other forces. Such a thing, we are Have the right to manage.”

The turtle shell life form stood on the ground, looked at Jia Yan and said lightly.

"Then tell me, what should I do?" Jia Yan snorted coldly in his heart, and then asked in an indifferent voice without any retreat.

"What should I do?" The turtle monster lowered his head and looked at his palms. These palms held a pair of weapons similar to big hammers. From Jia Yan's perspective, those weapons were still a great threat. The monster looked at it at this time. Weapons, obviously also have the idea of ​​​​handling them.

But within a moment, the monster still shook his head.

"I can feel that your strength is very strong. If you use force now, you should not be able to make you submit. But you have to believe that I am not the most powerful being in our organization, and you can't follow us all. Organize a confrontation, so if you really apologize sincerely, please withdraw from our Jin Mo, after all, your existence has seriously affected the balance of power in our Jin Mo!"

Hearing the other party's direct assertion that he was very powerful, Jia Yan was a little surprised. This monster obviously judged his strength through the power of brain waves, but he didn't know whether the other party was really impressed by his own strength. Shocked, is it just an excuse?

However, I want to withdraw from Jinmo by myself. Even though Jia Yan was extremely afraid of their strength in this matter, he couldn't give up easily! After all, this was a back-up that he had controlled for a short period of time, and he also wanted to get some resources as soon as possible to further mutate!

Even by controlling a larger territory, squeezing out some of Jin Mo's power, he purchased an aircraft capable of true space navigation!

How could you give up!

"Okay! It's impossible for me to withdraw from Jin Mo. Why do I want to quit just because I show sincerity? If I say that you must also show sincerity and give me half of Jin Mo's territory, will you agree!?"

There was a faint light in Jia Yanfu's eyes, and he said coldly in the air.

In the cold night, a cold wind was blowing. The sound of campfires and campfires in the distant Earth convoy seemed to be louder, but in this place, the chill that penetrated the heart suddenly increased!

The battle seems to be about to break out.

But facing Jia Yan's pressure, the turtle shell-like life form. But his expression changed slightly. He also sneered.

He surprisingly didn't take action after that.

"I am just here as an envoy to meet with you today. Since you are unwilling to accept our goodwill, then I will have to see you next time..."

Say it. The monster floated up lightly, and then calmly used its tomb-like eyes. He looked at Jia Yan.

These eyes have changed from the brown color before to a red blood color!

Full of murderous intent.

Jia Yan didn't show any emotion at this time. Look directly at the other person. It didn't contain any suppressed killing intent, and it also glanced at the other party with an extremely cold look.

A monster wearing a turtle shell. At this moment, it suddenly turned into a black lightning, and the electricity shot into the distance!

Even if it is not a flying monster, its flying speed at this time. It actually exceeds the speed of sound on the earth by seven or eight times, which is simply terrifying!

"Just leaving like that? But this Jin Mo is actually controlled by a big force. From now on..."

Jia Yan looked at the other party's leaving figure and saw the other party's speed. Even though his flying speed often reaches more than ten times, his compound eyes shrink slightly. You must know that the opponent is not a flying monster. It is simply unbelievable to reach such a speed by relying solely on the power of brain waves.

Of course, what makes Jia Yan even more annoyed is that this life form has a warning for him. This Jin Mo actually has a powerful super force. This has not been shown in the information Jia Yan has learned before. from. This directly caught Jia Yan off guard.

But it is normal to think about it. After all, this Jin Mo has so many forces. It is actually very abnormal for them to maintain such a peaceful state now. If there is not a super huge force behind it, it would be impossible to think about it. It is impossible to keep a place like Jinmo like it is now.

"So what should I do?"

The turtle shell monster reached the distant horizon in the blink of an eye. Jia Yan kept watching him leave, and then thought to himself with a headache.

After a moment, there was a strange luster in his eyes. It seems that something has been decided!

A strange black behemoth is moving quickly in the sky!

Not long after, the monster gradually slowed down, and then looked back with an extremely fearful look on its face.

He didn't see anything chasing him coming, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

He continued flying forward for a while!

After about dozens of kilometers, we reached a basin composed of several sand dunes.

"Long Wu! What information did you give me?"

When the turtle shell arrived here, it directly used its brainwave power to stir up the yellow sand in the sky, causing the sand dunes below to collapse almost instantly, forming a huge sandstorm!

"What happened!"

In the sand dunes, a huge shadow suddenly appeared, as if it had been awakened, looking sleepy.

This is an indescribably huge giant. This giant has two pairs of eyes on the front and back. Other than that, it looks like an enlarged Osto man, with a humanized appearance.

He has unparalleled momentum, and he has a metal weapon in his hand that looks very simple, but actually has very high-tech elements. It looks like a boomerang on the earth. Of course, the size of this boomerang is definitely larger than that of a boomerang. The boomerang on the earth is many times bigger!

This monster giant had obviously been sleeping peacefully under several sand dunes before. When he was suddenly awakened, he was naturally extremely frightened and furious!

But when he saw the turtle shell monster in front of him, the expression on his face immediately changed!

It's like a mouse meets a cat.

"It turns out to be Mr. Khaki. I wonder what happened if you come back? I can tell you everything about that monster." He said calmly.

The giant who was so angry just now actually softened his face, and his anger naturally disappeared.

"What information do you have? You said that you can fight him equally, and even risk your life, but you can still inflict some injuries on him. But I just went over, and how did that monster look like you said? You can tell me , can you really fight to a draw with him, only to be slightly at a disadvantage?"

The turtle-shell monster held the sledgehammer in his hand, as if this huge giant would strike down if he deceived him. Let him die immediately!

The giant was startled. Then came the surprised Tao. "Yes, his strength a few days ago is not much different from mine. If I really fight to the death, I really don't know who will win and who will lose. Otherwise, I can't escape, right? Is it possible? Sir, do you think he is very powerful?"

"Useless trash! It seems that guy concealed his strength when he fought with you. With his current strength, even I am not sure I can deal with him!"

The turtle shell monster looked at the big giant's unfaithful expression, and suddenly waved his hand in depression. Another electric shot left this desert area.

"That's not right. I don't think that guy was hiding his strength a few days ago..." The giant giant kept mumbling to himself in the desolate desert night scene.

"I don't care about him, I lost anyway. No matter if he is strong or not, we will see you later. Just run as far as you can, but will he still kill them all? Sleep, sleep!" Thinking of this, this giant giant Lie on your side. He fell down in the desert again, and kept digging the sand around him with his hands, covering his body.

Not long after, a few lonely sand dunes appeared in this place, and the giant seemed to disappear.

Jia Yan returned to Huangzhou alone. During this period, some people saw him, but no one asked him where he was. It seemed that everyone in this place under his control was isolated. The members of these convoys gathered together in one place. In various places, some formed small gangs composed of original members of Ollux, and some formed small gangs mainly composed of members of the Lokafu team. However, the Solin team, which had no organizational mentality in the first place, dispersed and became The power of each strong person.

After all, it is a large organization with tens of thousands of people. At this time, each of them has their own alignment and distinction.

Jia Yan couldn't stop it, nor did he want to stop it from happening. He watched everything here with cold eyes.

He returned to the top of his tall tree canopy. At this time, the big mosquito had established an absolute supreme position in the power of the convoy. Although there were countless mountains in the convoy, no living body dared to use his black hands. Reaching under the body of Jia Yan, the supreme powerhouse.

Jia Yan looked at the huge convoy of lights in front of him in the dark night. Some of the building bodies had given up their attack mode, and the body panels stretched out. Their originally huge vehicles soon It expanded several times, and after standing upside down, it directly became houses dozens of meters high!

These houses turned this motorcade camp into a city. In just a few days, the roads between the houses were pressed out by busy departments with their big feet and wheels. The smooth roads and streets seem to have taken shape!

These car bodies belong to one or more people in the team. After Jia Yan controlled these life forms one by one, he did not force this change. So at this time, everyone in the personal fleet is either going to a habitable house to look for a room that is livable and has cheap rent.

There were also some people who participated in the tasks assigned by Jia Yan at this time, and their reward was naturally part of the money and items captured by Jia Yan.

Others took out their own supplies and set up small stalls near their chariots to sell. Even some tanks have been turned into storefronts and started selling.

Isn't this a town?

Jia Yan looked down, and there were all kinds of life forms there. Although there were only 20,000 people, these 20,000 people made Jia Yan feel the vivid feeling of alien life forms.

If there is a battle with those powerful beings, these life forms may also cause casualties.

What echoed in Jia Yan's mind was the image of the little girl Lulu helping him wipe his body with a pitiful smile.

"That's all, if there really is a fight, then I'd better take care of them and try not to cause too many casualties to them due to the impact of the battle."

Jia Yan turned over and lay there slowly, looking at the scene of a neon city gradually appearing below...

At this moment, he felt lonely again.

Daphne's delicate face was full of grievance and frown!

She is angry, she is sad!

This is already this red-haired woman, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. ccom has been at the so-called 'imperial contact point' for several days, but there is still no response from the upper echelons of the empire. Every time I go to urge him, I can only get the other side to say that I am waiting for the result!

You know, a few days on this planet is more than a month on Earth!

How could this not make Daphne furious? !

That is an 'evolved beast' that has the potential to evolve into a 'starry sky beast', and a 'gravitational wave' theory that can change the empire!

For such a big thing, the empire still didn't respond at all? ! Daphne only felt that her patience was slowly being worn away while waiting, and all that was left was anger!

"Dear Miss Daphne, no... or should I say, grandma? Haha, we have reported your matter to the authorities, but there is no response from the authorities. It is not our fault. Don't worry, there will be a response soon. of."

A man from the 'Empire' who looked very similar to the Earthlings couldn't help but yawned and said with droopy eyelids when he saw Daphne coming again. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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