Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 21 Strange Movement!

What Jia Yan didn't know was that the rumors about his own life form were spreading in a clearer way from the mouths of the life forms around the area he occupied and from the Earth's convoy under his command...

The speed of this dispersion is extremely fast!

What he didn't even know was that his own strength and the matter of attacking the forces with all his strength was already against the law.

It was a huge crime in the desert!

As for the life forms in the convoy, they didn't know this, because the strong men who had committed this crime in the past all met a miserable end. No one even knows what kind of punishment he suffered! This rule has been circulated among powerful forces and powerful life forms. Low-level forces and life forms have no right to know at all!

An unknown place, in this place, there are some inexplicable existences gathered together.

These existences are shrouded in shadows one by one. Their number and size are unknown. Only the voices that emerge one by one are constantly echoing, making people feel chilly in their hearts.

"We were also at fault for this flying monster when it approached the desert, that is, we did not send a strong man over to give it a warning, so my opinion is to give him another chance."

"Send a strong man over and give him a verbal warning. If he dares to resist or violates the rules again, it's time for punishment..."

"But we still have to figure out each other's strength, so that things like before can't happen again."



Not long after, the sound dissipated, and in this lonely place, it seemed that all life fell silent again.

Then there was an extremely thin being, rising quietly from the darkness and slowly flying away.

Time passed again, and a huge creature appeared in this dark place.

"People below. Diplomats from the Biochemical Country are here. Come out!"

The behemoth soaring in the sky has a body length of tens of meters, and its wings are spread out, and can even cover a radius of more than a hundred meters. Incredibly huge. Just as it arrived, there was a clearly audible sound. Passed down from above.

With the sound of this sound, the shadows of several powerful and incomparable life forms appeared on the back of the huge flying life form. One of the figures was completely white. The strong body has perfect curves, which can be said to be the beautiful life form of creation.

There are three horns on top of her head. The electric light flashed between the horns, as if the sky-swallowing thunder was shining.

These life forms. Being high in the sky, looking at the dark place below calmly, I am not impatient. Just waiting.

The dark place was still silent, without a sound. It was as if those mysterious existences before had really completely left.

But the silence didn't last long.

"I wonder what you, the diplomat of the Biochemical Nation, want to do when you come to where we old immortals are? We don't have the strength to make you take notice, do we?"

From underneath the darkness, an extremely old voice suddenly came out, just like an octogenarian on earth, with a hoarse and weak voice.

"You guys should be humble. Jin Mo's strength is something we, the Biochemical Nation, need to be a little wary of. But today we are here not to cause trouble, but to ask for news. If you are honest, then everything will be fine. , if you don’t tell the truth…”

The white life form emits a clear female voice, the sound is as beautiful as a lark.

But the meaning of the words does not make people feel chilled to the bone!

"If we are not honest, then we think that Jin Mozhong's strength needs to be rectified!"

The person below was silent for a while, and then he sighed quietly. At this time, the person below seemed to have a less friendly tone.

"The Biochemical Nation is indeed overbearing. I wonder what you want to ask?"

The white life forms above had already made preparations and were attentive, waiting for the opponent to burst out and hurt someone. However, when they heard that the opponent had relented, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that certain forces in the Golden Desert and the forest are also a huge threat to the Biochemical Nation, which has mastered the general trend of this planet. The main thing is that behind these forces, there are faint shadows of other interstellar civilizations, and they have rashly launched Fighting is also an unbearable thing for the Biochemical Nation.

"We want to inquire about the traces of a flying monster, and we have concluded that he has come to this Golden Desert. We don't need you to give out the information now. You just need to contact us when you get his information."

The white life form in the sky dropped a specially made technological object.

"This is the communicator. It contains his relevant information."

This thing is exquisite and small, as if made of pure gold.

Just as the object was being thrown, and it was about to fall into the dense fog below, a huge and slender thing suddenly moved out!

He shot up, entangled the technological thing for a while, and then disappeared like lightning, as if nothing had appeared before.

"I understand. If there is any news, we will inform you."

The voice of the old man below had a hint of seeing off guests.

"Well, we are looking forward to your news." The white life form had a hint of smile in the air, and then the light on the three horns crackled and went out.

Afterwards, the huge flying life form gradually turned around. The sky and the earth roared as it moved, making great noises. Soon it flew slowly and left this place.

The group of people had not left for long when a voice immediately sounded in the haze below, making a faint sound of surprise.

But not long after, the sound slowly disappeared, and in the mist, there was an interesting gaze, looking at the direction where the white life form and other monsters left, staring for a long time.

What the white life forms and those monsters were discussing in the dense land were all distant matters to Jia Yan. He didn't know the discussions and calculations there at all, but at this time, he was concerned about the continuous battle. The harvest, as well as some more understandings about this planet, slowly became a unified organization and thinking.

There are many powerful life forms on this planet. This is the conclusion he finally came to!

Although no one knew how strong the so-called two warring armies were, Jia Yan knew it just by thinking about it. Including powerful life forms like Longwu. None of them thought about resisting the warring parties. This shows how powerful the 'Osto people', 'Biochemical Nation' and 'Zerg' are!

But when it comes to how powerful they are, Jia Yan asked many of his life forms. But few can tell, after all, their life level has not reached that level. It is impossible to even understand why those beings are fighting on this planet, even Jia Yan knows. They have been fighting for the minerals on this planet for hundreds of years. These life forms living on this planet don’t even know.

One occupies a radius of more than ten kilometers. There is a gray-yellow forest area here.

If it were on Earth, this place would definitely be an area with dense vegetation, but on this planet. This place is just a yellow continent in the desert.

"Very good, the latest harvest. We can pack it up and contact you through the previous methods. After selling it, we can see what equipment we need. After that, for the things I mentioned, ask about the price. If it is suitable, Then buy it.”

A huge dark life form crawled in the light and made the sound of brainwave power activating to the life forms around it.

"Okay." Ollux stood respectfully next to this thing. There were some flesh on his big frog's cheek. At this time, the flesh was trembling, as if he wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, please step back." The dark life form was naturally Jia Yan. At this time, he had just woken up from a semi-sleep state, and he called Oulus to come over. Report results.

For him, this Earth convoy is just a means for him to do some things, so he doesn't care about rights. As long as he can do things well for himself, he can do it even if he doesn't serve as the leader of this convoy!

So almost everything was left to Ollux. But it's a pity that this guy's vision is too small. Even when he heard Jia Yan mention the words "spacecraft" before, he seemed to have heard something incredible, and he looked at Jia Yan blankly.

"I also know that an aircraft that can fly in space cannot be so easy to obtain, but this guy put on an impossible expression when he heard it. It seems that he has some talent, but he is not someone who can do big things. The Earth Team is now The situation was also a bit chaotic under his management."

Jia Yan watched Orux leave. Generally speaking, Jia Yan was satisfied with this big frog. After all, he was able to fully execute his orders, which had already made the big mosquito, who had just arrived, have a great feeling. It has a great help effect, but at this time, the performance of being a small person is revealed. After all, this frog life form was just the leader of a small convoy in the past, and his vision and thinking were limited.

Jia Yan had previously asked him to count the gains of the recent attack, and then carried out an exchange with the forces that secretly exchanged "materials" with these convoys. As a result, what Jia Yan reported did not frighten Ollux. Paralyzed on the ground!

He wants a spacecraft!

You must know that even a small civilian spacecraft cannot be owned by these little people, especially on this barren warring planet, it is even more impossible!

Unless those super powerful forces, or some beings who really make a lot of money on this planet, can own a spacecraft, nothing else is possible!

Of course, there are many ways to leave this planet. Lifeforms with normal identities can go to those cities, buy "tickets" to leave the gray-yellow star, and leave in official large-scale aircraft. Even if you do not have a legal identity, there will be some snakehead-like characters who will use various methods to take you to the large aircraft, and you can leave later, but it will cost more or less money.

And if you want to buy an aircraft to leave this planet, it is really almost impossible. And even if you have so much money, on this planet where supplies are extremely scarce, the price of aircraft has been increased several times or even more than ten times! There are a lot of procedures for leaving the planet.

That's why Ollux looked so surprised.

"But if this guy is unreliable, there is no other guy who I think is trustworthy. After all, he has managed a team. Could it be that he wants me to use the leader of Solin Team to do things? But that guy hasn't treated me yet. Show loyalty..."

There is indeed some confusion in the Earth's convoy at this time. When Jia Yan was sleeping. Some of the former members of Solin's convoy and Lokafu's convoy quietly escaped.

Jia Yan could only express his helplessness. After all, it was impossible for him to control such a large convoy and they wanted to escape. Even if he didn't sleep, he just needed an excuse to go out on patrol or get some fresh air or something. They could always escape. In fact, the total population of the three convoys should have reached about 25,000. At this time, there were still about 20,000 people. No matter how many calculations were taken, there were still 5,000 people left. This is a very scary thing.

"It's a pity that I don't have the talent for management, and I don't understand the affairs of this alien planet. I can only let it go."

"If I had known, in the past, I would have found a way to kidnap Daifuni! That old monster who has lived for three hundred years. Maybe there would be a way to manage it!"

Thinking of these things, Jia Yan felt helpless.

Just when Jia Yan was getting more confused, his compound eyes appeared. But suddenly a flash of anger flashed through!

His head shot up.

Because Jia Yan sensed a figure flying fast in the sky from the distant horizon.

It’s less than two kilometers away from here!

There was also a hint of contemplation on his expression, and then he slowly stood up.

It was still night at this time, and there was not much light in the distant sky. However, to a being like Jia Yan, the movement there was already something as clear as the sun.

The opponent's brain wave power is extremely powerful!

Jia Yanfu's eyes were solemn, and then the wings on his abdomen vibrated.

The body flies!

Head on.

The Earth Racing Team is a team that has just been built, but has a popularity of 20,000 people. However, the Lokafu Racing Team and Solin Racing Team that joined later did not join willingly, and even had a hatred towards this team!

After all, they were conquered by force.

"Listen carefully, these materials are what the Assassin wants to sell. How can you not sell them even if you say you won't? If you have the ability, just tell the Assassin face to face! If you don't have the ability, work quickly!"

Ollux was extremely powerful now. Under his command, two behemoths in front of him that seemed to be more than three meters tall gritted their teeth angrily. One wanted to make a fist, but the other suddenly pulled back. His body!

These two monsters are not afraid of Ollux, who does not look so powerful in front of them, but are frightened by the 'Assassin' behind Ollux!

Looking at the two monsters carrying the goods unwillingly, Ollux felt even more confident in his heart that he was in control of a large convoy.

This big frog has always known the extent of his abilities. Although he had controlled more than 10,000 people in the previous Olux Racing Team, he could not manage so many people at all. Fortunately, he has a good reputation. , that’s why there have always been people who helped maintain that team. But compared to now, Ollux at that time was obviously a small team!

"Unfortunately, Sir, you are exaggerating. You actually want a spacecraft, and you also say that the more advanced the better, such a thing. How could I possibly do it?! Just deal with him casually in a few days. If I really If I mention to those forces that I want this thing, they will laugh me to death."

Thinking of this, Ollux Frog also had a wry smile on his face. It's not that he doesn't want to do things for Jia Yan, but that Jia Yan's request is too exaggerated. Even if there is an offer for this thing, it cannot be affordable.

Boom boom boom! ! ! ——————

Just when these busy life forms gradually calmed down from their busyness, a roaring sound flew past their heads.

"What?!" Ollux was shocked.

But when he looked up, he could no longer see anything in the night sky.

"It must be Master Assassin, he is out wandering again."

The only living thing that is so fast is the giant mosquito. The living creatures here are also used to the big mosquitoes often going out like this, so after being surprised for a moment, they just gave up waiting and watching.

The being that flew away was naturally Jia Yan!

But what they didn't expect was that this time Jia Yan didn't just go out casually and wander around outside!

Instead, not far from the convoy, there was a life form that had arrived during the survey. It was standing proudly here, as if waiting for Jia Yan!

The yellow sand in the sky is not so eye-catching in the night, but at this time, there is a trace of cold air, exuding in the endless desert.

There are no lights here, look for Shuyuan www. But neither side seemed to be affected by the light. Jia Yan's huge flying figure arrived here!

One is flying in the sky and the other is waiting on the ground!

The streamlined body of the giant mosquito has excellent beauty, and it is also a scientific existence that is very consistent with biology.

Moreover, his long legs, with their charming lines, also have a chilling air that spreads in the air, surprising the life forms below!

While the other party was observing Jia Yan, Jia Yan was also observing the approaching monster.

This is a creature with a round back and six arms and legs. The upper part of its body is raised up, and the front two 'hands' hold two big hammer-like weapons, and it has very advanced technology and equipment. monster!

If I had to describe it, it would look like a mutated turtle!

But Jia Yan looked at it for a long time, and there was a look of gasping in his compound eyes.

What a strong guy! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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