( ) "But even such a heroic Armada was still defeated by a fleet like ours."

The commander felt that he had entered a dream.

As a high-ranking member of the navy, he naturally has a deep understanding of the invincible overlord's Armada. He had also imagined more than once in his dreams that he was commanding a fleet and defeating the overlord's armada.

But often when he wakes up from those dreams, he knows that they are just dreams.

He believes that at least in his lifetime, there will be no navy in the world that can challenge the overlord's invincible fleet.

But times have changed.

This was less than half a year after the rise of the Shinhei Kingdom. Not only did he witness this scene in person, but he was also the commander-in-chief of this fleet that defeated the overlord's seemingly invincible fleet!

He didn't even dare to dream like this in his dreams.

You know, his family knows his own affairs, and he is very clear that all the members of the Xinhei Navy around him are not comparable to the well-trained navy of the overlord country. Many of them did not even sit on the ship a month ago. However, they were all temporary navy soldiers selected from the army.

Just such soldiers, but in a dream, destroyed the overlord's navy even though they had fewer people, fewer ships, and smaller ships than the opponent?

"All this depends on Marshal Jia Yan..."

He couldn't help but retract his gaze from the sinking of the overlord's capital ship, and instead looked at the distant sea behind him.

He knew that that direction was the direction of the motherland, Xinhei Country.

"Marshal Yan, what are you..."

"What kind of existence is it..."

The planetary calendar is two thousand six hundred and seventy-two years.

The superpower hegemon that has been the king of the planet for more than a hundred years, only one week after declaring war with the Nobuhei Kingdom, unexpectedly sank an invincible fleet on the coast that they were proud of.

You know, this is a fleet that the overlord is decades ahead of the entire planet!

However, such a fleet was directly destroyed by the Xinhei Kingdom, which used a small fleet that was several generations apart to defeat the larger fleet with less.

The entire planet was suddenly in an uproar, and the entire country was silent.

The overlord's fleet, which no one dared to mess with, was completely crushed by the Xinhei Kingdom's fleet. How powerful must the Xinhei Kingdom's navy be?

Countries all over the world are inquiring about the specific details of this naval battle.

But the problem is that the overlord country was destroyed too quickly, and not much information was even transmitted. We only know that the Xinhei warships are not much worse than those of the overlord country in terms of firepower and long-range strike capabilities. Other than that, they Nothing at all.

This was the first and most shocking battle between the forces of the overlord country and the troops of the Shinkuro country.

At the same time, it also made most of the countries on the entire planet who thought that the overlord country would easily destroy the Shinhei Kingdom, or even if it could not be destroyed, could use their naval superiority to block the Shinhei Kingdom on their continent, shut up one by one. .

You must know that, except for the mainland countries where Xinhei Kingdom is located, other countries on the continent have always had a passive attitude towards Xinhei Kingdom. No one believes that Xinhei Kingdom can invade their mainland.

Because the ocean is not the hegemony of a small country like Xinhei, but a hegemonic country. Whoever he wants to pass through the ocean can pass through the ocean. Whoever he wants cannot pass through the ocean, then even the King of Heaven and I cannot pass through.

But within a week of just declaring war, people discovered that this advantage of the hegemonic country was gone.

The first naval battle, as the overlord argued after the war, was only a failure due to reasons such as climate, unfamiliarity with the battle situation, and belief in the insidiousness of the Black Kingdom.

Then on the second day of this naval battle, the world-famous Nobuhei Kingdom's main fleet encountered the overlord country's strongest fleet between the two continents, and there was no longer any excuse.

To say it was an encounter, it is better to say that Xinhei Kingdom came to the door on its own initiative, because that sea area originally belonged to the hegemonic sea route in the history of the overlord country, and there were even two small islands in the ocean that were covered by their base. In other words, the overlord country The advantage is huge. In this sea area that they operate like a metal barrel, it is basically indestructible. It is completely a home battle.

However, this naval battle still resulted in the Xinhei Navy defeating the many with a small cost of casualties. Not only were nearly a hundred warships of various types destroyed, but even the islands were flattened by the navy. The airport was severely damaged, and the battle only lasted It was over by the evening of that day.

As soon as this battle came out, the whole world was shocked.

The overlord country held an emergency press conference, and during this press conference, although it still severely condemned Nobuhei Country's external expansion, its attitude seemed to have weakened slightly.

They seem to be relenting and want to prepare for the next peace negotiation.

The secret contact work in private has already been done by Jia Yan.

"Marshal Jia Yan! They are from the overlord country. They want to send a secret envoy to talk to you. I wonder if you will accept him or not."

"Are they from the overlord country? Let me think about it. Let's meet them and see what these people want to say."

Jia Yan received the report from the male secretary. After thinking about it, he let the so-called secret envoy of the overlord country enter.

The envoy of the Overlord Country was a tall and muscular man. When he entered the office of Marshal Jia Yan of the Xinhei Kingdom, he was extremely nervous, but after entering, he was slightly startled.

Because the office was a bit different from the majestic office he imagined.

You know, this is the office of the now unparalleled Marshal Jia Yan on the entire planet. Not to mention how luxurious it is, but it should at least be powerful, right?

In fact, Jia Yan's office was originally quite in line with his aura, but since that 'little devil' came, it began to gradually change. Jia Yan didn't care much about it anyway, and just let the office change little by little. look.

The secret envoy of the overlord country saw that the office was in a mess everywhere. It was full of children's stuff, including toys, snacks, and many pillows.


The envoy from the overlord country was stunned and had nowhere to stay.

"Sit over there. I'm a little confused. I'm sorry."

Jia Yan is sitting on the desk in his office. The large desk is filled with various documents. This is probably his last private place.

The envoy from the overlord country obeyed Jia Yan's wishes and sat down at the position pointed out by Jia Yan. Then he looked back carefully and looked at the unparalleled Marshal of the Shinhei Kingdom.

Then he sighed.

Although Jia Yan's young man's body is exactly the same as that of his previous life, it looks quite ordinary at first glance. But upon closer inspection, you will find that his temperament is different, especially the terrifying one that only belongs to the strong. The majesty made this strong man feel uncomfortable just by observing it.

"What do the people from the overlord have to do with me? I remember our two countries have already started a war."

Jia Yan spoke lightly, as if the other party was not his enemy at all, but an old friend.

"Hello, Marshal Jia Yan, on behalf of our overlord, I am here to negotiate peace with you. If you agree, the conditions can be open, but they must satisfy our apparent advantages."

The envoy from the overlord country probably also understood that Jia Yan was busy with everything, and he might not even have the patience to listen to his own terms. After all, the one who was likely to win now was Xinhei.

"In other words, do you want me to believe that Black Country will admit defeat?" Jia Yan asked calmly.

"No, it's that both of us have proposed a peace agenda. But on the surface, you believe that the black country has to pay more. Of course, privately, our overlord country can pay you more compensation. You believe that the black country is fighting for nothing but profit. Is that so? Our hegemonic country is not something you can shake off casually. It must be a good thing for both of us to negotiate peace now."

"I don't think so. Okay, please step back. If you want to come, just bring a surrender letter next time."

Jia Yan waved his hand, causing the so-called secret messenger of the overlord to be blasted out of his office by a magical force before he could even sense the energy, and then landed gently on the grass outside the office.

"Uh, Marshal Jia Yan!"

The overlord's envoy had no time to be frightened that Jia Yan was so terrifying. He quickly raised his head and wanted to rush into Jia Yan's office again.

But the strong male secretary appeared beside him.

"Sir Messenger, our marshal said exactly what he said. Since he asked you to come out, please don't enter again, please."

"I...Okay, thank you for your guidance." This envoy is an envoy after all, coming on behalf of the overlord country. He must be somewhat capable, so he didn't get entangled in anything.

"Wow da da da, that's fun. Hey, who are you?"

While he was talking, he saw a little girl wearing a mask rushing through the door. She was about five or six years old, running around with her little feet bare and wearing a mask.

The envoy was wondering who this cute little girl was. The little girl took off her mask and looked at him, as if she was surprised that there were hundreds of people in the Marshal's Mansion, but he didn't know anyone.

"Ms. Edisha, this is the envoy from the overlord country." However, the secretary did not dare to look down on this little kid and quickly responded with respect.

"Oh, envoy from the overlord country, do you want to come to negotiate peace? I understand, hee hee hee, I know you will come again. Next time, remember what my master said, don't come unless you surrender."

After saying that, the little girl took off her mask again and happily jumped towards the office.

Looking at the back of this tiny girl, the messenger felt a little bad.

What's going on in the Xinhei Kingdom? Forget about such a young marshal, there is such a little girl playing tricks in this extremely solemn marshal's mansion?

And their overlord country was defeated by such national troops...

"May I ask who the girl who left is? Is she the rumored sister of Marshal Jia Yan?" he asked in disbelief.

According to the information, Marshal Jia Yan's sister should be in her teens. Why is she so young?

The burly secretary looked back at him, then at the little girl who left, then smiled and shook his head: "No, this is the strongest think tank in the Black Country, and he is also Marshal Jia Yan's best. Right-hand man, Lady Edisha!”

"Ah? She, she is Adisha?! What a child..."

How could this coming messenger not know Edisha's name?

But he originally didn't believe the rumors, saying that Edisha was a super prodigy who was only a few years old, and that this adult even directed almost every detail of the battle. It was because of her that the naval battle of the overlord country would be successful. Losing so miserably.

The latter part can be believed, but the previous rumors about how old you are are simply nonsense, okay?

How could the majestic overlord's armada be destroyed by a little girl of just a few years old!

But today...

"How old are you really? This..."

When following the male secretary out of the Marshal's Mansion, the envoy's steps were grandiose and he felt like he was in a dream.

He is just a young marshal. Although others cannot believe it, Jia Yan has been on media and TV several times, and his image has long been known to everyone.

Lovely Disha, the current chief of staff of the Shinhei Kingdom, is unknown to many people because he has never appeared in public. Although after he came to the capital of the Shinhei Kingdom, everyone said that they knew the self-proclaimed Eddie. But he sneered at them, thinking that they were just real 'Adishas', created to deceive others.

But I didn't expect that this was actually true.

Thinking of the many children's toys in Jia Yan's office, he really believed it, otherwise it wouldn't have reached that point if it was just for show.

What he didn't know was that Jia Yan was a little angry as soon as Edisa came back to the office.

"Adisha, look at it. My office is full of things you brought back. I just received the ambassador from the overlord country and they were all shocked. At least you should sort it out."

"Yeah, Adisha will sort it out later."

Edisha said, and then happily threw the two toys she had just bought into the pile of debris next to her small table.

Jia Yan smiled bitterly, then snapped his fingers.

"Wow, it's fun. Edisha can do it too." Edisa was stunned. She didn't know that human fingers could snap. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Before Adisha could snap her fingers, she felt all the debris around her fly up and then fly out the door.

"Wow, Adisha's toy!"

"Adisha's snacks!"


Adisha watched helplessly as a bunch of her things flew away, her little feet jumping up and down on the ground.

Her memory is too strong, and she is familiar with all kinds of people in the capital. Everyone has a past. Some of them are things she bought herself, and some were given to her by others after seeing her cuteness or knowing her true identity. Her snacks and stuff.

There were not even 10,000 but 8,000 people she had talked to, but everyone remembered Disha, and it felt like these were all her good memories.

However, Jia Yan directly used the power of brain waves to fly it up and was about to throw it away.

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