Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 2 Are our battleships so powerful?

( ) If the part of the sea where the chess piece landed was seen by others, it would definitely be shocking.

Because the location where this chess piece fell was surprisingly located on the sea of ​​the greatest and most terrifying country on the entire planet - the Overlord!

That's right, Jia Yan is already implementing the preliminary plan of Edisa's 53rd Plan.

Invade the territory of the world’s most powerful country, the ‘Overlord’, that no one dares to provoke!

Edisa's plan was bold, but it was also the fastest and most profitable.

As long as the overlord country is invaded, the fighting spirit of other countries will instantly collapse. Of course, this requires them to fight well.

"Not only the overlord, but also our final reserve of troops is about to make its debut."

Jia Yan looked behind his sand table again. There were a bunch of 'chess pieces' in the territory representing the Xinhei Kingdom, all free.

He smiled, waved his arms, and then all the chess pieces in the sand table flew up, flying in piles to various places, facing the enemy chess pieces of each country, and finally, one by one, they defeated the military chess pieces of other countries. Swallow...

In the end, there were no other chess pieces on the entire planet, and the colors of those countries gradually turned into black. At the same time, all the countries and regions in the sandbox disappeared, and the collective became the flag of the Xinhei Kingdom.

"Very good. This war game is still flawless. This little guy, Edisha, looks unreliable, but the things she did are really reassuring."

Jia Yan was amazed at Edisa's planning ability.

You must know that the current Edisha is not a smart brain, and does not have such strong calculation ability, but she still calculated many possibilities, and maximized the use of our advantages, and finally created the invincible Shinkuro Army strategy.

Although her computing power is not as good as that of the previous era of smart brains, because she understands human emotions, she has gained countless more understandings of small details. Comparing the two sides, Jia Yan discovered that, If the former Edisha and the current Edisha presented two plans respectively, he would definitely choose the plan made by the current Edisha because it felt more reliable.

This is the power of Adisha who has become a living being!

The overlord's national strength was not devastated by the last Jia Yan raid.

At least that's what it seems on the surface.

Those so-called senior officials who believe in the White God Religion are said to be from the overlord country, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that they will not listen to the orders of the overlord country, and in some cases, they will even hinder the behavior of the senior officials of the overlord country, so It cannot be regarded as combat power.

This is even more true for the brave man himself, because he has never even shown his combat prowess, and no one knows whether he is strong or weak, and there is no way to judge whether he has brought losses to the overlord's national power.

So what the entire overlord's army is like is still the same today, and what the high-level strong men are like is still the same today.

After a brief period of panic, people discovered that nothing had changed.

The army quickly regrouped two days later.

After the death of the brave man, public opinion did suffer a slight blow, but no one can guarantee that it was Jia Yan who did it, and even if it was done by Jia Yan, God knows whether Jia Yan, who has solved so many forces, has also suffered a huge impact. injuries, such as injuries and energy deficit.

No one wants to believe that after Jia Yan killed so many masters of the brave and the overlord Guoxin Baishen, he will still be safe and sound. How could a strong man who is so much stronger than others appear on this planet for no reason.

They are more inclined to believe that someone else is responsible.

Even if this matter is really done by the young marshal Jia Yan, then he is destined to be hurt, because in a battle between strong men of that level, how can a strong man on this planet not be injured, unless Jia Yan is not from this planet? .

They guessed right. Not only was Jia Yan not from this planet, he was not even from this world.

To put it bluntly, Jia Yan is basically one of the creators of this world.

He is their ‘Black God’, and he is also a great being who provides about five percent of the power to this world!

Unfortunately, no one knew about this, and Jia Yan would not let them know.

In short, the overlord who came back to his senses once again started frantically deploying troops. Different from the previous deployment of troops and generals, this time the overlord really treated Xinhei Kingdom as its top enemy.

The soldiers began to directly confront the Xinhei Kingdom on the edges of several major countries, and the confrontation with the Xinhei Kingdom border army was not only the overlord country, but also the neighboring countries on the original border of the seven countries.

Even if these countries had stood by and had no borders with Nobuhei Country before, they did not think that Nobuhei Country would attack them, but now they simply cannot believe that Nobuhei Country is friendly.

Two of them are permanently neutral countries, but they are still urgently following the overlord country's wandering. They reluctantly gathered troops from the country, and then met with the commanders sent by the overlord country, and came to the border to confront the Xinhei Kingdom.

Everyone is as afraid of Xinhei as a tiger.

What is surprising is that the first place where war broke out was not in the border areas of these tense countries.


"Damn Nobuhei Kingdom, they actually used the warships we used to support them to attack us!"

"What's going on? This small warship can also compete with us in terms of firepower!"

"I don't believe it. Even with this kind of attack power, they actually have more ammunition reserves on their battleships than we do!?"

When the whole world focused its attention on the border area of ​​Shinkuro Country, the first area where the flames of war burst out was thousands of miles away on the sea.

In this sea, two huge fleets from both sides that had activated various stealth tactics encountered each other unexpectedly. Then both sides made the firmest decision, that is, to directly break out into a naval battle.

This encounter was extremely sudden for the overlord, because they never thought that the overlord with an extremely weak navy would dare to send their kitten-like fleet out.

But for Xinheiguo, it was expected.

Because since the war between the Shinhei Kingdom and the Seven Kingdoms began, the warships of the overlord country have been active on the sea, such as transporting weapons and equipment, and dispatching troops and generals to the borders of the Seven Kingdoms to prepare for a land war with the Shinhei Kingdom. wait.

Now that the Xinhei Kingdom's fleet has sailed out of the port, it is 100% certain that it will encounter the overlord's fleet.

But they didn't expect that just after they received the mission from Marshal Jia Yan, they encountered the overlord's fleet on this sea area.

However, in Marshal Jia Yan's command tactics, there was already a solution to this situation.

The solution is also simple.

It was so simple that the soldiers from the Black Country felt bitter lips when they saw the order.

Because the solution to this encounter is to sink the Overlord Kingdom’s fleet!

Isn't it simple?

It's simple, just start fighting.

The naval force of the Black Country is credible, but some dare not do it.

Because my family knows their own affairs, the land forces of the Xinhei Kingdom have the joint warfare method given by Jia Yan's popularity, but their navy seems to have little advantage like this.

It's not that the navy doesn't have joint tactics. In fact, whatever the army has learned, their navy has naturally learned it, not to mention that many navies are converted from the Shinkuro Army. After all, the number of personnel in the Shinkuro Navy has always been There are not many, so it is a matter of course to recruit talents from the army.

But even if they have a joint strategy, they can still imitate the overlord's last attack on the port, and kill the overlord's fleet at close range, just like the five thousand troops of the Black Kingdom flew up to kill them.

But the problem is that it was against a fleet that wanted to attack the land, but now it is different. This is a naval battle.

The firing range of naval battles can be tens of kilometers, far out of sight. Even if your naval forces join forces and fly to someone else's warship to attack, you might sink someone else's fleet by the time you do it. , his own fleet also sank.

This is also the reason why all the navy personnel smiled bitterly when they learned that their marshal said that he would start a naval battle with the enemy first.

The navy is a branch of arms that attaches great importance to weapons and equipment. If their equipment lags behind that of the enemy, that means they are falling behind. Moreover, with the naval equipment of the Black Kingdom and the world's number one hegemon, it is not just as simple as falling behind, but the concept of the entire battle and the In the era of equipment, there are countless levels of existence behind others.

That's how it was.


After the war started, and after several attacks and defenses against the enemy, the Nobukuro navy troops here were stunned.

"What the hell is this?"

"Did one of the enemy's warships sink? We haven't sent out a special assault force yet."

"Are our battleships so powerful?"

"It seems to have been designed and modified by that...Chief of Staff Edisa. It looks almost the same, but it seems to have been upgraded a lot."

"Love...Chief of Staff Adisha? I...I saw...her last time in the capital...she seemed to be eating ice cream on the roadside. She was a very small girl. Such a child can elevate our navy to such a high level." The level? Or is it under extremely rudimentary equipment?"

The officers and soldiers of the entire naval force were frightened by their own achievements.

You know, they are in awe of the overlord's navy, which is unparalleled in the world. As long as there is a navy in this era, there is no one who is not afraid of the overlord's navy.

Unlike the outside world, the navy and air force are all high-tech.

The navy and air force in this world or on this planet are different. The navy is the one that needs technology and equipment the most. On the contrary, the air force, which seems to have the highest technology needs, is not that important.

The key factor is that there are strong people in this world. Although the number of strong people is not that many, there are still many strong people who can fly, and such strong people are either magicians, cultivators, or fighting spirit. etc., but as long as it can fly over the enemy's head, whether it is using its own combat power to strike from the air, or dropping bombs, it will always be more useful than ordinary fighters.

Therefore, the Air Force has almost no worries about equipment for the troops on this planet.

The problem lies in the navy. If you are strong, you are really strong. Even if the number of strong people on the weak side is several times greater, it will be useless. The most classic battle of the overlord country was during the last world war. It used one ship to connect one strong person. With warships that no one else had, they used hide-and-seek tactics to delay and kill all the enemy's huge fleet of ten warships. This was the beginning of the battle of the overlord's invincible fleet.


This invincible overlord's fleet was able to sink several warships by the fleet of the Nobuhei Kingdom while relying solely on fleet-to-fleet battles?

"Lift off!"

Suddenly, the Nobuhei Army, which had gained incredible courage, had thousands of joint teams and took off from the battleship.

If there is any difference between the navy on this planet and the ancient navy on earth, it is that whether it is an aircraft carrier warship or not, as long as there are strong people on board, then this warship has the frightening long-range bomb delivery capability .

And the Nobuhei Army, which possesses joint tactics, has the ability to drop bombs from a long distance, which makes others helpless.

As the Nobuhei Kingdom troops gradually took off in large numbers, the enemy fleet was already too tired to deal with the artillery fire from the Nobuhei Kingdom warships and had no time to deal with the flying Nobuhei Kingdom troops. This naval battle, Almost lost the final suspense.

Under the surprise attack by a large number of troops from the Nobuhei Kingdom, the sky seemed to be raining all kinds of energy.

Either it was the bombs, or the energy of their respective teams. Some of the more naughty teams who were not afraid of death even fell on the enemy's fleet, and started a life-and-death struggle with the enemy's soldiers on the ship who rushed up crazily.

However, even if the overlord country's counterattacks and counterattacks are quite fierce, under the baptism of artillery shells, and the number of strong men on their side is not as strong as those of Shinkuro's army, the overlord country seems to be five times larger than the fleet encountered by Shinkuro. The above fleets were engaged in fierce battles one after another, and one warship after another sank into the water.

On the entire sea, the battle between the two sides totaled fifty or sixty large warships, and it slowly came to an end. Find Shuyuan

However, the overlord country is still the overlord country. When both sides believed that the situation was settled, the strongest mothership of the overlord country still had the determination to not fear death and rammed into the Nobuhei Kingdom's lead ship. It was believed that the Black Country's first ship could not even respond to the defensive energy and slowly sank away.

It's just that this kind of hysterical counterattack, in addition to sinking the first ship, most of the officers and soldiers on the ship escaped to the sea and were rescued by the Nobuhei Kingdom warship next to it. In other words, their hysteria was not too big at all. Effect.

"The overlord's armada is indeed extremely brave."

The commander-in-chief of the wet Xinhei Kingdom's fleet, a well-known naval general who had been personally received by Jia Yan in Xinhei Kingdom, stood on the bridge of the deputy ship with a complicated expression.

The sea is full of sunken overlord warships. Among these warships, the smallest one is larger than the largest lead ship of Nobuhei Kingdom just now.

But they were still defeated. The sea was full of corpses of Overlord soldiers. A large number of Nobuhei Navy troops began to carry out rescue operations. This was a selling point to show Nobuhei's benevolence.

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