Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 3: Rebirth of the Jia family as a wealthy family?


Or should I say, the Earth Alliance home planet!

Since the catastrophe of the entire earth more than a hundred years ago, also known as the metal crisis in later generations, not only have the people on earth not been destroyed in this apocalyptic catastrophe, but because of the help of the giant mosquito clan, they have become real treadmills. The primary civilization that entered the universe.

Should the earth after that be said to be a blessing in disguise, or should it be said that it was forcibly pulled into the history of the universe...

In short, what happened next was spectacular. People on Earth, who had just stepped into the ranks of cosmic beings for more than a hundred years, quickly experienced the feeling of the universe unveiling its mystery bit by bit.

Among today's older generation, there are still many old people from that era who were in relatively high positions and received the latest new drugs. They are even rejuvenated. People who are 100 or even close to 200 years old are still living well.


"Ah, good morning, Grandpa Zhang. Oh, I envy you, Grandpa Zhang. My grandpa looked like this when I was just a few years old. Now my hair is white, and you still look like this. One day I can also become an intern at a pharmaceutical company. The pharmacist will be fine.”

A man in a straight suit greeted another middle-aged man with graying hair, but strangely, it was a young man who was called grandpa.

"I'll ask you next time I have a chance, Xiao Xu. I'll see you in the evening."

"Okay, Grandpa Zhang, have a nice trip."

Men in neat suits wear glasses. This is not very common on the earth today, because medicine has developed to the point where it is easy to treat human myopia. There is a high probability that even congenital amblyopia and blindness can be cured. Well, it’s nothing more than a matter of money.

At least myopia is easy to treat. You can find a small clinic to help cure it painlessly and without side effects.

This man with glasses has actually cured his eyes a long time ago. The reason why he wears glasses now is very simple, that is, he is used to wearing glasses. If he didn't wear glasses, he would be quite uncomfortable.

After all, I have been wearing glasses for hundreds of years...

Of course, he had another reason for wearing glasses.

That is his current family, who have long been accustomed to him wearing glasses. The glasses are like his representative appearance. If he gives them up easily, I am afraid that even his family will not be able to get used to them.

"Family? Haha, in order to survive, I set foot in the dark world. I originally thought that I would never have the daily life and family in my life. Now I have them all. If only the few friends who died at that time knew my current life. , maybe even your jaw will drop. Unfortunately, they are no longer here, and I don’t even have a few old friends."

This young man with glasses, who looks like a young man, but whose eyes are actually full of vicissitudes of life, is the 'glasses killer' who was active in ancient China a long time ago.

That is, he was one of the two killers who had several entanglements with Jia Yan when he was a child. He seemed to be capable, but in fact he was not very capable.

He and his former teammates have beards. Both of them have become old men over a hundred years old. They have made great efforts in the development of the entire earth, but in the end, they are far behind in terms of ability and fighting talent. The young people who came first came first, so until now, they have gradually retreated into the background.

Toot toot—

Suddenly, the bespectacled man driving the car heard a call from inside the car.

"Switch to full self-driving mode and answer the call for me."


As the bespectacled man said to switch to automatic driving, the car smoothly switched to computer driving mode.

In today's interstellar era, autonomous driving on the road has long become mainstream. In autonomous driving mode, cars are even safer than those driven by ordinary drivers. Even actions that can only be performed by super racers can be easily performed by computers. Therefore, many countries and localities have tried to legislate several times, passing the "Bill to Ban Manual Driving" and advancing the "Illegal Manual Driving Bill" and other laws.

In the end, these laws were not passed because there are still a large number of experienced drivers in the world who prefer manual driving. This allows elderly people like the bespectacled man to survive the addiction of manual driving. However, young people who are highly accepting of manual driving often ridicule these old drivers who like manual driving, mocking them as a group of old men and women who endanger public safety. .

No matter which era, the most vocal people are often young people, especially on the Internet, the older generation is sprayed to pieces by young people in their twenties and thirties, but they generally just choose to tolerate it, because they were also from the beginning. There is no reason for people to criticize older people as "old fogies" because they have come to criticize young and energetic people.

"Hey, Dad, I'm home. Guess what I brought you back?"

The car was driving at a constant speed, almost motionless, and the other vehicles that had been hiding from the 'manual driving' car were able to walk alongside it with a sigh of relief.

The man with glasses sat in the driver's seat, looked at the pop-up screen, saw the beautiful and charming woman on the screen, and then sighed.

"What did you bring me? Let me guess, is it a souvenir from another planet? Or some souvenir of the mosquito ancestors? Or, you really found a boyfriend for your parents this time. ?”

"Uh, dad, please stop asking about your boyfriend, okay? I will never find a boyfriend in this life."

"Oh, I really don't know what's going on with you two sisters. Day by day, you never let your parents worry."

"I won't tell you anymore. Come back later and I'll show you what I brought back. If I don't come back, I might have to go out for a few more years."

The other party hung up the communication angrily.

The bespectacled man sitting in the driver's seat rubbed his forehead helplessly, feeling that there was nothing he could do.

He and his wife, Jia Lin, have two daughters, but both of them have reached this age and they still don’t make it easy for adults.

Especially the youngest daughter Jia Ruo, who was very well-behaved and sensible when she was young, but when she grew up, she became obsessed with practicing and going on adventures in alien planets. She is already in her late 60s, and yet she is not even married!

"Although the physiological structure and medical technology of people on earth have developed now, in theory it is no problem to get married at one hundred years old, but people's hearts are not so easy to change. If you don't get married at such an old age, you will still act like a child every day. Aren’t you afraid of people talking about it? Oh, by the way, this child runs around aliens all day long. I’m afraid the aliens are older than her..."

The man with glasses felt like he was about to have a heart attack.

After sitting down for a while, he gave the order to drive the car to the other side of the city.

In fact, in addition to being a centenarian, having been in the dark world before, and having contributed a lot to the development of the earth, he actually has another, greater identity, even this identity is so terrifying that if he After all, the familiar neighbors around him will be obedient to him. If he goes to an alien planet, any interstellar civilization within Orion's arms will welcome him!

That is……

He is the son-in-law of the top wealthy family in the entire Orion Arm - the 'Jia Family'!

You know, just saying this identity will make any civilization in the entire Orion Arm restless.

The Jia family seems to be an ordinary earthly family. Even now, the total population of the family is still small. However, if anyone steps out of this small population, his kick can make Orion's arm faintly shake.

The reason is very simple, because this member of the Jia family is the strongest person on earth who was in danger and in danger at the Orion Arm. He withstood all the pressure and fought against the enemy's strong ones. He is the strongest person today, and he is far beyond ordinary people on earth. Terrifying character——Jia Yan!

Moreover, behind Jia Yan, there is the 'Mosquito Ancestor' who claims to be Jia Yan's 'Master'. His strength is even less powerful. Anyway, every time he takes action against the Mosquito Ancestor or the 'Little Giant Mosquito' sent by the Mosquito Ancestor, It's so terrifying that it makes people feel trembling.

Speaking of which, on today's earth, humans have developed drugs and equipment that can effectively prevent mosquito bites. Therefore, people on the entire earth are infinitely tolerant of mosquitoes. There are even people who worship mosquitoes, feed them with their bodies, or feed them to their relatives. A large number of mosquitoes were raised to show their worship and admiration for the giant mosquito clan.

Although the Earth Alliance has issued statements more than once or twice, saying that mosquitoes have nothing to do with the "giant mosquito family", everyone should not treat ordinary mosquitoes like that, and mosquitoes are still pests that spread viruses and endanger health. , but with little effect.

Even the admiration for mosquitoes has been passed on to many other starry sky civilizations within the Orion Arm. It is said that many wealthy people in the civilization are quite keen to purchase mosquitoes sold from the earth. Moreover, due to the long distance of transportation, and even the native creatures of the earth are They are pests, but on alien planets it would be extremely difficult to feed them due to environmental and food problems, so their prices were once sky-high.

Under this ridiculous situation, the mosquitoes on the earth have become overwhelming, almost affecting the ecological balance, but mosquitoes are hard to find on alien planets, which really makes the high-level officials and biologists on the earth miserable.

What makes them even more surprised and at a loss is that after many scientists' investigations and sampling, a rumor has been vaguely spread among the upper levels of the earth, that is - the mosquitoes on the earth may really be the same as those of the giant mosquito family. There might be a slight connection between them, because the biological structures are so similar.

Of course, this is just an urban legend, because after communicating with outside civilizations, the earth has discovered that not only mosquitoes can also find similar ones in the outside world, but even intelligent civilizations can be found on many planets several light years away. They are all inhabited by races that look similar to the people on Earth. Even the empire or some small civilizations have almost the same appearance and physical features as the people on Earth. There are several races that have no racial barriers with the people on Earth and can easily combine with each other. Give birth to mixed-race children between civilizations, and these mixed-race children have better genes, and they are all handsome men and beautiful women.

No matter how you say it, the earth has not experienced many evil changes, and is generally developing in a good and more civilized and developed direction...

Including the Jia family, their status is becoming more and more consolidated, and because of their mystery, the public knows little about the details of the Jia family's life and some family members, leading to countless people secretly speculating about the Jia family.

Countless "authors" from the Earth Alliance and alien civilizations have also derived from it, and countless "Authors" of the Earth Alliance and alien civilizations have come up with such things as "Rebirth of the Jia Family as a Rich Family", "Secrets that the Young Master of the Jia Family and I Have to Tell", and "Tonight" Mr. Jia knocked on my door, "I married the princess of the Jia family" and other hot-selling stories.

Those readers on Earth who love novels discovered that other civilizations in the starry sky also like similar themes. When they searched outside, they suddenly seemed to have discovered a new world. After all, the outside world has a much larger population than Earth's civilization, and there are many more good books to read. . Especially after the Jia family theme became popular in the entire Orion Arm, probably trillions of people in the entire Orion Arm are watching this kind of theme, making the novel readers seem to be in a carnival, with so many masterpieces that they will never see them in a lifetime. over.

However, similar themes have gradually become less common recently.

After all, the Jia family has a tolerance level. It's okay if you write about the pseudonyms of the Jia family in the parallel world, but some excessive naming and surnames, or even fictional characters of the current Jia family, are intolerable. So after a few words, more than half of the similar themes in the entire Orion Arm Civilization were lost in an instant.

Tap tap tap.

The bespectacled man opened the car door and was greeted respectfully by a group of receptionists around him. He smiled and nodded to them, and then walked towards the side gate of the parking lot.

This is the parking lot gate of Jia’s house, look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. ccom We have to go further in to find the real Jia family.

There are forty or fifty people working in the parking lot alone, and each of them possesses terrifying combat power, not to mention the venerable existence within the Jia family who will be there for a long time, plus the possible protection of 'Jia Yan' This means that all the forces and strong men who want to make plans have stopped thinking.

There are even rumors recently that each of the Jia family members may carry combat weapons with them. The reason is that the last time a Jia family member’s crew spaceship was attacked by unknown forces on its way to a state visit to a civilization, but that battle ended in As a result, the crew ship, whose defensive strength was completely inferior to the opponent's, won the battle, and the entire fleet of the attacking force was destroyed, and the terrifying power swept across the entire starry sky.

Since then, no one dared to provoke the Jia family anymore, and their status as the top wealthy family in the starry sky has become more stable. No civilization or force dares to deny or challenge it.

"Haha, Dad, are you planting trees again?"

After the man with glasses walked into the gate of the parking lot, he saw a hard-working man within ten minutes and greeted him with a smile.

If outsiders knew that this man was the most respected and senior member of the Jia family today, their jaws would probably drop.

This middle-aged and elderly man is not as majestic as everyone imagines, nor is he as wise as many novels imply. He is just an ordinary gardener at home, an ordinary old man who works hard and enjoys the joy of farming and weaving.

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