Jia Yan was quite surprised that he could actually feel the power of the amulet he gave to the Jia family on the edge of Orion's arm.

But what surprised him even more was that when he stopped in the palace and walked out of the deep sub-space, released a little power in the shallow layer, and found out the location of his amulet and the person who owned his amulet, he found that he didn't know him at all. This guy!

"A very handsome young man, and he can also enter the sub-space?! Although he only entered the shallow sub-space, his ability is pretty good, but how did he possess the amulet I gave to my family..."

Jia Yan was slightly stunned for a while, then carefully looked at the young man's face and the overall familiarity to him. Suddenly, he had a vague reaction.

This young man looks very much like his son Jia Rong!

Jia Yan remembered, isn't this his grandson Jia Xi?

"Tsk, tsk, the last time I possessed a clone, my senses were blurry. Even the impressions and pictures transmitted to myself were quite unclear. Now look at this little guy, he is really majestic, handsome, really He’s very handsome, he looks like his grandfather! Very good.”

Jia Yan almost rushed out to meet Jia Xi.

However, considering that he was in the body of a giant mosquito and not an earthling like Jia Yan, he still endured it.

Jia Yan knew very well that his parents, sister, and others might have a rough guess about him being a giant mosquito, but the younger generations who followed him might not have a clear idea. Even his son knew about this fact. You have to talk about both, let alone your grandson. It is better not to contact him in a hurry and cause more trouble to the child.

As for this little guy's mysterious sub-space ability in the eyes of others, to Jia Yan, who has reached the level of a senior domain master, it is no different than a child playing house. Despite Jia Yan's huge body, If he wanted to, he would not be able to notice such a huge body running behind the young man. This is the horror of the huge difference in strength.

"I didn't ask much last time. Does it turn out that he also has sub-dimensional abilities? That's right. After all, he has a genetic fragment of my body and the amulet I gave him. Under the nourishment of energy, this little guy's good genes have exploded. , it’s normal to slowly develop sub-space abilities, does it already have my body’s sub-space fusion ability..."

Jia Yan nodded, as if he was praising the young man's talent.

Of course, this talent is only within the Jia family. If it is put to the outside world, let alone compared with the geniuses in the central star field of the Milky Way or even the superstars, even if it is a genius from a nearby star field, little Jia Xi will be a bit behind.

It's cruel to say it, but this is the reality. Even Jia Yan can't help change things like talent.

But if he really wants to do it, he can find a way to make a life form with average talent reach or exceed the strength of an ordinary talent. The reason is very simple - he is a senior domain master!

Throwing massive resources at it, even if it was a pig, Jia Yan was sure that it would unlock its IQ and then embark on the path of cultivation.

"At least in this Orion Arms, Xiao Xi's talent is considered to be first-class. Well, if you have a chance, ask him what path he wants to take. This talent is better than his father's. If he wants to embark on a serious career The road to cultivation, maybe the half-star road that his father couldn't walk, but he can walk through it."

Jia Yan was thinking about it, but while inadvertently observing Jia Xi, he made other discoveries.

This young man is actually following an imperial merchant ship in sub-space?

Watching him go in and out of the sub-space. When he was hungry, he went out to eat some food from the merchant ship. When he was tired, he went to the corner of the merchant ship to sleep. It was very comfortable. He also often visited the merchant ship's highest status, the imperial princess 'Suya' After teasing the little girl in his boudoir and then running away, Jia Yan felt that this boy was so awesome!

"Damn it, is this kid trying to pick up girls? This guy is much better than his grandfather and me. If I had had this idea of ​​picking up girls, I would have ended my single life long ago. Gee, why do I feel so sour? , feeling tired."

Jia Yan was depressed. He followed this boy for two days, but ended up eating a mouthful of dog food. He decided not to follow this boy.

However, there is a mysterious force in the subspace. Through the subspace, without causing Jia Xi to notice it, it pours into the small amulet he wears.

You must know that the amulets worn by Jia Xi and other family members were made by his clone using the technology of Yin and Yang. Even though it took a lot of energy from the clone and even caused a lot of losses to the real body, no matter the energy utilization rate of the clone , or Jia Yan's strength at that time, is far from the level he is now in person.

So even if Jia Yan just releases a burst of energy this time, it will be at least ten times more effective than the original amulet!

"This is much better. This kid likes to run around, and there are more dangers. Giving him stronger protection can be regarded as the care of my grandfather as an elder, haha."

Jia Yan felt that he had become older now that he had returned to the Orion Arm.

After all, in this star field where strength is insufficient and there are not many strong people, so the overall life span is young, more than a hundred years old is already old.

To the outside world, he is a senior domain lord who is only over a hundred years old, and his genius is extremely surprising.

But in this Orion Arm, few people have heard of Territory Lord. In their eyes, Territory Lord is no different from ordinary Xinghechu, because they are as scary as gods.

In other words, no matter how powerful or terrifying Jia Yan is, he still has the same status. Now that a god has reached the top, you will still be a god if you continue to practice.

Jia Yan did not return to the palace this time, but traveled physically in the sub-space. The huge palace and the Edisa star followed Jia Yan under the control of Edisa.

"Master, this Orion Arm has changed a lot. Last time we came back, we didn't have much communication with the outside world, but this time there is a lot more."

Editha transforms into a huge light and shadow mosquito, which looks about the same size as Jia Yan. Anyway, it doesn't consume much energy to create a light and shadow body. As long as it is not excessive, it can make the light and shadow body as big as it likes. .

"Yes, it seems to have changed a bit. It's a pity that the battle lines and other things we used to do in the past have become relics. Many places have even been demolished and will never be seen again."

Jia Yan sighed.

You know, he had put out fires in the entire Orion Arm, fought on all fronts, and now he was flying all the way. Because the speed had become faster for some unknown reason, he quickly swept over the impressive places he looked at, but not Many places have disappeared.

After all, the original defense line was exchanged for a large amount of resources. Now that the war has passed for decades, those resources that can be reused will naturally be used by various local countries, and the relics of various wars have gradually become not enough.

I can understand it, but seeing the facts before my eyes still makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

You know, when he was in the Orion Arm, he fought more than one battle, and the enemies he faced were not very weak.

It's all Jia Yan's memory. It's a pity that except for some important battle places, most of them have disappeared.

"But Master, you see, after passing through that starry sky just now, the children inside were flying in the starry sky on airships to study. If it weren't for the help of combat, I'm afraid they would be living a different life now. I think they would all think of what they were like back then. His deeds will be written into textbooks and recorded in history for a long time, so you don’t have to feel sad.”

Adisha is so powerful now and understands people's hearts.

Jia Yan couldn't help but look at this increasingly humanized brain. I'm afraid if it was given a body, it would become just like a real person.

"Edisha, remembering the past and feeling melancholy are natural things for intelligent beings, so I'm not feeling sad, just sighing. If you want to get closer to a normal life, you have to understand these more carefully."

Jia Yan has never forgotten his promise to Edisha to let her become a normal life, or try to be as indistinguishable from a normal life as possible.

So when this kind of Adisha is slightly incorrect, he will correct it.

In fact, what he said to Edisa at this time was no longer right or wrong. Edisa was right to comfort him, but she didn't expect that Jia Yan was not sad at all, but just a little melancholy in his heart. Such details, people There is no complete agreement with other people, so no one can say whether what he said to Edisa is absolutely correct.

"Okay, Edisha will write it down."

Editha nodded her head.

It seems that Jia Yan is teaching it, but it understands that sometimes similar words are the deep meaning of life. If it understands, I am afraid it will be closer to real life.

"I used to swim around in Orion's arms, and it was hard to come down within a few months. Now I can complete it in more than ten days. It's faster to walk in a straight line. The change in my strength is really earth-shaking."

Jia Yan sighed.

Walking through a star field, hundreds of light years, was really far away at first. Now, the real body can walk across it very quickly. This is not a long-distance movement method. If you move at a speed of ten degrees of space, then Just faster.

"Gradually, the entire galaxy, which I thought was quite huge, has become much smaller."

He really sighed.

After making the trip to the central star field of the Milky Way, his way of looking at the entire starry sky and the universe has changed a lot. The distance of 50,000 to 60,000 light-years back and forth, including the time for breakthroughs and adventures, did not take him more than Forty years, maybe only about thirty years.

In such a short time, he went to the center of the Milky Way and walked around. Not to mention that he could not imagine it before, even if he thinks about it now, it is like a dream, full of unreality.

The Milky Way's thinking could no longer restrain Jia Yan. As he moved, he really wanted to go further.

That's when he suddenly came up with the idea - is there life outside the Milky Way? If there is life, does it have a powerful organism? If there is, will it develop a surging strong system like the Milky Way, and even turn the entire galaxy into a paradise for the strong?

"Actually, if you want to go, it is really possible to go. For example, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, which are very close to the Milky Way, are more than 100,000 light-years away and the other is 200,000 light-years away. At my speed, it may only take ten years. Or we can get there in twenty years. But..."

no point!

So what if I go?

So what if we discovered the strong system?

Jia Yan is not a person who has a strong thirst for knowledge. In his life, he has always worked hard to become stronger. If he ran such a long distance just to satisfy his thirst for knowledge, he would waste so much time on the way. It is possible that he would not do it in the face of unforeseen risks.

"I still have a long life, and there are too many places in the Milky Way that I have not yet explored, as well as more mysterious phenomena and things. It will take me a long time to experience them. As for other galaxies... maybe one day I will I am stronger and have lived long enough, or maybe there is something I want in other galaxies, something that can increase my level, so I might risk my life to find out..."

Jia Yan shook his head deeply.

In fact, he didn't want to explore more places, and there was another fact in front of him that made all living beings despair.

That is, no matter how he explores, even if he is terrifyingly powerful, even if he transcends the Milky Way and is the strongest ever, he will never be able to explore the entire universe, because the universe is too big. It is said that the observable universe is more than 900 light years away. But on alien planets with more advanced technology, Jia Yan knew from more works of cosmic scientists that these more than 900 light-years are just because light has only traveled more than 900 light-years from the birth of the universe to now.

The actual universe, based on the expansion speed at the beginning of its birth, is far faster than the speed of light, so its actual size is probably more than 90 billion light-years in diameter...

The observable universe is more than 90 billion light-years in size, which makes the entire Milky Way smaller than a grain of sand. So it is likely that the real universe is countless trillions of times the size of the observable universe. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com is so big that ordinary life cannot even imagine it.

For example, if Jia Yan is strong enough and incredibly strong, he can destroy the observable universe that is currently 90 billion light-years in size with one slap.

So suppose he has enough ability to destroy a space the size of the observable universe in one second, and then he has a lifespan of 100 million years and spends his whole life photographing the starry sky, one observable universe in one second...

Then...he may not be able to destroy the current universe in his lifetime!

That's right, it's impossible to photograph an area of ​​more than 90 billion light-years in one second. Even if you give it a life span of tens of billions or hundreds of billions of years, it's still impossible, because the real universe is just that big!

Precisely because they understand how terrible the real universe is and how meaningless it is to pursue exploration of it, most of the powerful people in the galaxy have chosen to ignore other galaxies. Even if there are many existences, there is enough. Strength, to explore other galaxies, but they still ignore it.

In the vast universe of Nuoda, you want to spend your whole life exploring, but in the end you will only get full of disappointment, because no matter how hard you try, you will always be able to explore only the tip of the iceberg of the universe...

This is the tragedy of the strong, and it is also the tragedy of the intelligent life race that is determined to explore the universe, because this is the real despair.


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