Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 17 The first blood sucking!

Ever since his rebirth, Jia Yan's actions have not been in vain.

His crazy training gave him a strong body. And being particular about his food also makes his physical training more effective!

So much so that when he encountered the unexpected encounter on the train, his body was able to resist the power of the purple-red potion, otherwise he would have died long ago!

Only with a strong body and a certain amount of luck and will can one withstand that kind of surging medicinal power!

And Jia Yan finally realized the transformation of his body with the help of purple potion. His biggest physical flaw is also his biggest regret - his mouthparts! Finally got a form factor improvement, and really tough functionality!

The current mouthpart looks ferocious, like a small needle or a dark and shiny stick.

Now, he is using his improved 'stick' to 'insert' the young girl... Uh, no! 'Penetrating' a young girl?

Ahem... Anyway, this is my first time trying to suck blood.

In the dark corner, Jia Yan, a 1.5cm male Anopheles sinensis mosquito, quietly flew onto the calf of ‘Tingting’.

At this time, he didn’t know if God was going to help him take the initiative to suck blood for the first time. The car ran over a piece of garbage on the road and trembled slightly!

That's it!

Jia Yan used this moment to not only solve the problem of his huge body climbing up the calf, but also to pierce his ferocious mouthparts into the girl's white and tender skin!

Mosquitoes suck blood, which requires a lot of strength from the upper and lower jaws. Two of the six needles in the mouthparts are first pierced. After these two extremely thin needles pierce the skin, they begin to spit out saliva that has anticoagulant and anesthetic effects. , anesthetize the target wound and keep the blood in the blood vessel from coagulating!

Then the other four needles were inserted and slowly tried to suck blood.

So in fact, when a mosquito sucks blood, it does not insert the entire mouthpart into the target's skin, but only six needles.

At this moment, Jia Yan directly inserted two needles into his jaw!

Although it has grown in size, as a male mosquito, even if its mouthparts have been strengthened, the current stylets are at most the same as those of ordinary female Anopheles mosquitoes. The two stylets inserted at this time, although they caused There was a hint of pain, but 'Tingting' happened to be shaken, and she was in a cold argument with 'Ye Tongyu' with ups and downs of emotions, so she really didn't notice it!

Jia Yan was slightly happy!

Then, he controls the two needles in the lower jaw of his mouthparts and spits out the mosquito's unique saliva.

This process was also not noticed by the target!

Six needles were inserted at the same time!

"Haha! The taste of female blood seems to be more delicious?!"

The bright red blood was slowly sucked into Jia Yan's abdomen through the mouth needle!

Compared with the average mouthparts, Jia Yan's suction power is much stronger than that of ordinary female mosquitoes.

He sucks blood very fast!

It wasn't until the belly of the huge figure bulged slightly, and the red liquid inside was almost visible through the exoskeleton, that Jia Yan stopped drinking!

He carefully retracted the six needles slowly...

"Sure enough, I can suck blood on my own! And for the first time, I did a good job!" Jia Yan was very happy.

Blood-sucking by mosquitoes is actually a very complicated matter. If the capillaries are not found when the mosquito pierces the skin for the first time, it will have to find another place to 'dig for treasure'. So it was a bit of luck for Jia Yan to successfully suck blood for the first time.

Thinking of this, Jia Yan flapped his wings and then flew quietly!

I am full!

He returned under the front seat, his dark body hiding in the dark and secretly observing 'Tingting'!

What he wants to observe now is whether Tingting will have any adverse reactions due to his special 'saliva'.

He was pretty sure not. After all, the purple potion was also a potion that humans drank, so his body would not produce any bad substances just because he drank the purple potion!

But there is a contingency for everything! After all, his body has been greatly modified. Who knows if the organs that secrete saliva will also undergo some kind of mutation and secrete some toxins!

After a minute or so...

Tingting's expression changed a little, and her calves rubbed against each other twice under the seat.

Ye Tongyu, who was sobbing silently on the side, also saw her condition and couldn't help but look over.

"What are you looking at!" Tingting said fiercely.

She simply ignored it, reached out directly to the calf bitten by Jia Yan, and scratched twice hard!

Jia Yan, who was sitting in the front seat, was slightly startled, and then laughed silently in his heart...

Sure enough, people who have been bitten by him will not have any special reaction, they will just feel itchy.

There are many components in mosquito saliva, and the 'formic acid' in it is the culprit that causes itchiness in animals!

As for Tingting's itching, it seems to be extremely exaggerated. It seems that Jia Yan underestimated her body...

After inserting the needle just now, he was afraid that the anesthesia would not be effective, so he spit all the saliva in his mouth into her skin.

You must know that although Jia Yan's mouthparts are not much stronger than those of ordinary female mosquitoes, the other organs of her body are really huge! He spits all those complex ingredients into the target skin, and the tingling it causes is naturally much more intense than an ordinary mosquito bite!

"Master, why are there mosquitoes in your car!" Tingting grabbed her calf, and a swelling the size of a fingernail swelled up where she was bitten, and it was getting bigger!

She was so itchy.

"I don't know, no one has been bitten before. Maybe this mosquito was bitten by a bad guy!" The taxi driver in front had long had a dislike for the vicious girl, and now he began to taunt her.

"What! You turned a corner and cursed me, right? I was bitten in your car, and you didn't want to be responsible and cursed me! Now I ask you to compensate, otherwise I will complain to your company!" Tingting was like a stepped on The cat that reached its tail now bites people when it sees it.

"Okay, if you want to complain, go ahead! If you want to call your brother, you can do it! I don't think he is from out of town, how can he cause trouble in Shanghai!" This driver is probably also a passionate person. A good man, now that he had an opportunity, he immediately vented his emotions!

The taxi suddenly stopped on the deserted road!

"Miss, I'm sorry, there's something wrong with my car now and it can't carry people! Please get out of the car. I don't want your fare!" The driver turned back in front and looked at Tingting with a sneer!

"You...okay! I don't want to sit in it anymore! What a shabby car!" Tingting grabbed her calf, angrily pulled her luggage, opened the door and jumped out!

Ye Tongyu on the side was about to pick up his luggage, but the driver in front suddenly said: "Don't get out, my car seems to have recovered on its own."

After that, the car started!

"Ah! You bastards!" Tingting screamed from behind.

She chased him for a few steps, but his figure got further and further away.

"Master, thank you!" Ye Tongyu looked at the clown-like companion behind him and felt that he was too timid to be afraid of such a person!

"Don't thank me, just thank that mosquito. If he hadn't asked me to find an excuse, I probably wouldn't have said anything until you got off the bus." The driver smiled generously and mentioned his righteous actions. The mosquito that bit 'Tingting'.

"Ah hahaha, no thanks, no thanks!" Little did they know, a giant anopheles mosquito hiding under the front seat acknowledged his contribution!

Unexpectedly, Jia Yan bit Tingting, intending to give her a small punishment, but instead indirectly caused the driver to act righteously.

There are still many good people in the world!

Sometimes a righteous person just needs an excuse to stand up.

Jia Yan was also very happy to help 'Ye Tongyu'.

"Little girl, what is your relationship with this girl? Why did she blackmail you?" the driver asked curiously from the front.

When Ye Tongyu slowly told what happened, he went to Shuyuan, the driver and Jia Yan, and then they understood the cause of the matter!

It turned out that Ye Tongyu was a college student majoring in media at a well-known university in Shanghai. Tingting and she were classmates, and the relationship between the two was not very good.

One time, Tingting's brother came to school to visit his sister, and unexpectedly fell in love with Ye Tongyu. What happened next was very simple. Tingting found a way to build a good relationship with Ye Tongyu and tricked her into using her short vacation to travel to her hometown, which was actually to meet her brother.

Ye Tongyu vaguely knew that there was something wrong with this classmate, but he couldn't believe that he was so direct and hard on him. He was so scared that he cried!

"You have to be careful about that kind of person in the future, but don't pay attention to her threats. She won't really make a big deal about this kind of thing. Just be careful about her looking for trouble in the future." The driver is a good person and has rich life experience. He immediately enlightened Ye Tong language.

"Okay, thank you, master!"

By the time Ye Tongyu got off the bus, the girl had no trace of crying anymore. It seemed that the driver's guidance was very effective.

"It's time for me to get out of the car."

When the girl got out of the car, Jia Yan thought for a moment that his university was not far away, so he spread his wings, flew out of the open car door in the darkness, and got out of the car together!

To be continued.

Everyone is very helpful! We have reached the 19th place, please continue to ask for recommendation votes! !

I would also like to thank the book friends of ‘One Season/Another Silence’, whose rewards again hit the screen last night! ! Well, today I only have to thank ‘Yi Ji/Another Silence’. 5555

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