Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 16 Return to Shanghai!

(Bu Yue wrote the real place names and city names in China in the article, which is the real reason why the book was not signed. So... the following will be replaced by self-created city names... but foreign ones will not, so everyone will use domestic place names. If you can guess it, guess it; if you can’t guess it, just think it’s a city in a parallel world. This story is actually better explained in terms of parallel worlds.)

(The city name will also be revised in the previous chapters over time, and these two lines of announcements will also be revised. I am extremely sorry. The text begins below)

This is a night with a bright moon and few stars. The huge round moon is bright and bright, hanging high in the sky.

The misty moonlight shines on the earth. If this were still in ancient times, there would be many people relying on the moon's light source to work or do things.

However, this is not ancient times.

Rather, it is a modern era of feasting and revelry!

The city's neon lights, tall long-range lights, and countless street lights and billboards, these colorful colors, completely covered the moonlight, making the full moon in the sky dim.

Amidst the colorful lights, an express train pierced through the night in the western part of the city and slid into the platform track!

This is the terminus of express trains and the destination for many travelers.

This destination has become an international metropolis. Countless people come to this city with longing and hope, either to work hard or to travel.

No matter what, this city always embodies the dreams and hopes of countless people.

Passengers began to get off the bus, and there was a bustle.

"Finally we've arrived at the Shanghai Stock Exchange!" And among the crowd, a huge enlarged version of Anopheles sinensis was flying above people's heads and flying straight out of the train!

Jia Yan raised his eyes and looked around.

This city, this place, holds so many memories and past for him!

This is where he spent two years of college.

"Shanghai, I'm finally back..." Jia Yan had both fascination and emotion in his mind.

He died in this city a month ago.

A month later, he was reborn as a mosquito. After going through all kinds of hardships, he came back here again for revenge!

Jia Yan's body slowly flew high in the night sky.

The scenery in front of me is also getting smaller quickly.

He flew to an altitude of thirty meters!

Here, the view of the station below becomes very small. Pedestrians are like ants, busy moving around.

Mosquitoes at night are always more capable than during the day.

Jia Yan looked at the scenery at the exit and then descended again.

When he flies high, he is not only looking forward to this city with infinite emotions. The more reason is to observe the overall view of this station. Although I have studied and lived in this huge international city for two years, I have never been to this station before.

Although Jia Yan's current mosquito body was enlarged and strengthened by the purple potion, he did not become arrogant because of it.

Jia Yan knew that he had indeed changed now. He was like a superman among mosquitoes. Perhaps small predators such as dragonflies would no longer pose a threat to him.

However, there are still countless birds, bats and other animals that can kill him!

Therefore, he did not dare to fly so high arrogantly, but immediately stayed close to the ground cautiously.

There are many humans at the station, and no predator dares to catch him here.

"Master, are you going to Linjiang Road?"

Two female passengers with luggage, dragging heavy suitcases in their hands, walked out of the station and asked about the taxi waiting outside the station.

In the middle of the night, there is really no better choice than taking a taxi!

"Go, get in the car." The driver responded with a smile on his face when he saw two girls.

The two girls struggled to load their luggage into the car.

Then they got in the car!

None of the three people, including the driver, noticed that in the dark night, a mosquito more than one centimeter in size quietly flew through the air and entered the taxi together with the two girls!

"Go back to the city first!" Jia Yan hid under the taxi seat and lay quietly on the ground.

His ferocious mouthparts glowed faintly in the dark night.

The taxi is starting!

"Ye Ye, how do you feel about visiting my hometown these days?" A girl asked another in the car.

Both of these girls are very beautiful girls, exuding the youthful vitality unique to young women.

"It feels good. Your family also took me to visit scenic spots, especially the tour bus ride. It was very exciting and interesting!" Another girl blinked and replied very seriously.

"Ye Ye! You know that's not what I'm asking! I'm asking you what you think of my brother. Can't you see what I really mean when I ask you to go play!"

Listening to the two chatting, Jia Yan's body hidden under the seat moved slightly, and his huge compound eyes looked at the two girls sitting in front of him.

These two people are probably about the same age as Jia Yan.

Although both of them are quite beautiful.

But the one named Ye Ye, with long silky hair, a beautiful nose and a small mouth, is far more beautiful than the other one.

Although he is not at the level of a movie star, this is also the reason why the makeup is relatively light. If you really play around with your face, you might look like a movie star!

Although Jia Yan was reborn as a mosquito, human beauties were still attractive to him, and he couldn't help but take a second look at the two youthful beauties.

"Um..." After a second glance, Jia Yan accidentally spotted some pieces of cloth inside Ye Ye's short skirt.

He quickly turned his head and said, "Don't look at anything inappropriate!"

What a pity, why didn’t we have such good luck as a human being...

Jia Yan was helpless.

"Tingting, alas, I told you before I went there. I really didn't plan to consider this issue in the past. Your brother is really good, but I have no thoughts about it for the time being..." Called Ye Ye's beauty replied in a very helpless tone.

"Okay, Ye Tongyu! You didn't think about this, and you went to my house to eat and drink. That's okay. Give me the money my family spends on you these days!" Another girl suddenly shouted loudly.

"You...why are you like this! Didn't you say you were entertaining me? Besides, I've already said that if you had the purpose of introducing your brother, I wouldn't go! You even dragged me there yourself!"

Jia Yan, who was hiding under the front seat, was stunned for a moment. What is this called unfolding?

The two girls got into an argument in the car. But overall, the girl named 'Ye Tongyu' is at a disadvantage, and the other girl named Tingting is very arrogant!

"Ye Tongyu, I understand, let me tell you, I have spent more than 10,000 yuan in the past few days, I will give you 10,000 yuan! You can either marry my brother, or take 10,000 yuan! You have been in my house for so many days, you should You know, my brother is a gangster over there. If you dare to say no, he will immediately bring a group of brothers here and catch you even if you escape back to your hometown!" The girl named Tingting spoke coldly.

"Where there is 10,000 yuan, I can only get less than 2,000 yuan at most. I paid for the fare myself!" Ye Tongyu was crying a little.

"I'm not going to talk nonsense to you. I'll give you three days to get the money. Otherwise, just wait until I go back and call my brother!" Tingting snorted coldly.

There was suddenly no sound in the car.

Not long after, the girl named Ye Tongyu began to sob softly.

The other girl just rolled her eyes and sneered.

"Hey, this girl named Ye Tongyu is not kind to others. But the biggest bad guy is this Tingting..." Jia Yan, who was hiding under the front seat, also sneered in his heart...

"Such a bad woman, if I suck her blood, it can be regarded as justice for God, right?"

"Just try to see if my mouthparts have the ability to suck blood now!"

Jia Yan's heart was cold. He believed that his mouthparts had the power to pierce human skin.

The only thing I'm not sure about is whether the person whose blood is sucked by him will have any other bad reactions.

He actually still has a certain baggage towards blood-sucking.

After all, he used to be a human, and he is very clear about human attitudes towards mosquitoes. And now, after the mutation of the red-purple potion, his body has mutated. Although this mutation seems to be a good thing for him now.

But it is not necessarily a good thing for people who have been sucked by blood. If the person who has been sucked by him has poisoning reaction or other conditions, please contact Shuyuan Jia Yan is a little afraid to speak!

It is precisely because of these concerns that Jia Yan, who was hungry in the car just now, did not just find a passenger to drink blood.

Now that the girl named Tingting has such a face, then there is no burden for him to suck blood!

Even if the other party has any side effects, she deserves it!

After thinking about this, Jia Yan quietly flapped his wings...

His wings are now too huge, and the flapping sound is much harsher than that of an ordinary mosquito.

However, the driver in front couldn't stand the noise of the two girls and turned up the radio very loudly. The sound completely covered up the sound of his flight...

As the taxi passed through a darker corner...

Jia Yan's mosquito body quickly flew towards Tingting!

To be continued.

Thank you all so much for your great votes! Now it's back to 23rd. Keep asking for votes!

In addition, I would like to thank brother ‘mengying Luoluo’ for the reward again. Bu Yue is very touched that he supported me so much even though the update was late today!

Also, I want to ask, the group said that if you keep updating more and more, you will get more rewards. Does everyone think so? ...If so, please talk in the group, or leave a comment, and I'll see how much you are willing to reward. If there are many people, there will be three updates in the next two days! If everyone responds well, we will update it three times more often in the future! As long as there are enough rewards, Buyue will work hard haha!

Now we still need recommendation votes more. If you have recommendation votes, please support it. Thank you! !

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