Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1187: Lord Qinglei

"Scream ~!"

100 magic road zombies swarmed towards the gate. They did not run like wild animals like the previous copper corpses, but they all took the normal human-like steps, holding dust whisks, step by step towards the door, as if there were all Same consciousness.

Lu Yang said: "Everyone is careful. This wave is dominated by lightning spell attacks. It is not safe to hide behind the shield. Be sure to hide 30 meters away."

The demon zombie knows how to release the Razer beating. This skill is to randomly jump to another unit within 15 meters each time it hits a unit, causing an additional 20% damage and jumping five times in total.

When the previous player played this copy, most of them did not pass the second level, until the magic-free profession came out at that time, then that level became garbage, and the magic-free profession ignored all magic damage, but now, This level is still the hardest 140 level to stop all players in the past.

Lu Yang has the confidence to fight this level, because Lu Yang knows how to restrain these monsters. More than 10,000 people in the Iron Brotherhood have stolen gems in the copy, and the stolen gems have a large number of absorbed gems-gold crystal .


Grade 1

Effect: Increase 2000 Lightning spell absorption

Lu Yang beat 13 pieces of gold crystals to their 10 defense battles, and 17 pieces of equipment were inlaid in the whole body. These gems alone can absorb 442,000 thunder damage.

But even so, 10 of them could not withstand the thunder attack, so they needed the support of curse and special skills.

"The ice mage released the ice roar, reducing their movement speed, and the shooter threw slowing traps and continued to reduce their movement speed." Lu Yang said.

"Yes." Ten archers threw ice traps, and an ice mage stepped forward to release the ice roar.

Lu Yang said, "Export with all your strength and try your best to reduce the chance of MT being attacked."

The strange attack power is about 1 million. Judging from the magic defense of the muddy wine wearing a 130-level dark gold suit, the first time the Razer did no harm to them, but the Razer that was beaten afterwards could hit extremely high. s damage.

When Razer beats, he doesn't count the number of beats. Even if there are only two people, he will beat back and forth.

A 50-meter platform cannot be defended by just one or two defenses. At least four platforms are required, but if there are four, the problem of a station distance of less than 15 meters will arise.

Once there are 30 magic road zombies aiming at two enemies within 15 meters, they will bounce Razer and bounce back and forth 4 times, and the damage will be as high as 2 million, which is impossible for any fighter and druid. .

At that time, some people thought about the wrong body defense, but it is difficult for 4 MT parallel stations to prevent the 50-meter bridge, let alone the larger space that the wrong body position allows.

In the end, it's still the side of the curse-controlling mage who can control to win, there is no other way.

Ice Roar reduces the target's movement speed by 70%, and Ice Trap reduces the target's movement speed by 50%. When the two are superimposed, the speed of the magic road zombie is only 30%.

Under this moving speed, the demon zombies could not reach even 30 meters in front of people such as Zhuo Jiu, and they were slowly moving forward like a snail 50 meters away.

"Long-range attack, quickly attack." Lu Yang shouted.

The piece of magic fell on the magic road zombies. Under such a piece of magic damage, the magic road zombies lost a lot of blood. Whenever the magic road zombies were about to approach the melee, Lu Yang would order the turbid wine and Xiao Liang to use small skill.

For example, the ability to control the sacred wrath and bloodthirsty roar to force the demon zombies to lock the attack target on one of them, resulting in the Razer will not harm others.

In this way, the first wave of attacks was stopped, and then the second wave, the third wave, and the tenth wave were also hit.

"Humans, you actually killed all of my men and got my approval. In this case, you will become my men." Lei Guang, the king of the corpse, with a cold smile on his face, landed at the sun and smiled. come over.

Lei Guang Corpse King-Qing Lei (Lord)

Level: 140

Qi and blood: 300000000000/300000000000

The Thunder King Corpse, Qing Lei, is hailed as one of the hardest lords at level 140. The difficulty is not only because of his high attack power, but because his skills are more annoying.

Normally, his lightning damage is very high, but he also has several special skills. The first is a flash of lightning. He throws a lightning bomb to the target area. If there is a person in the area, it will cause 3 million damage. If it is 2 people, it is 4 million, and the damage can be deduced by analogy. Once the number exceeds 5 people, the MT has to lie down and spike.

The second skill is Wan Lei, which launches a lightning attack on everyone in the full screen, causing 5 million damage to everyone. Wan Lei launches every 30 seconds, and the next time the damage is 20% more than the previous one.

The third skill is to throw ten Thunderballs with a delay of three seconds to the ground every 10 seconds. If there are no enemies within 10 meters, the Thunderball will not attack. However, if someone enters within 10 meters, the Thunderball will take the initiative Charged to the attack target, causing explosion damage of 30 meters in diameter, the power is 3 million.

The thunder ball seems to be able to dodge, but this skill is the real extinction skill, because no one will take the initiative to touch the thunder ball and want to hide. The thunder ball cannot be broken by attack and can only be hit, but there is still Wan Lei, released every 30 seconds, who dares to waste his blood to hit the mine ball?

Once there are too many thunderballs on the field, a player accidentally walks within 10 meters. When he moves to another place, the thunderballs caught up may cause the team to destroy. Most players in the previous life It ’s all here.

The fourth skill is lightning suction. The lord will forcibly attract a target to him using lightning. In the rare process, it will basically hit a large number of lightning balls. The suction speed is very slow, but it cannot be stopped unless Refrigerator and invincibility, other skills are useless even magic.

The fifth skill is Lightning Storm, which causes 3 million Lightning damage to the fan-shaped area in front of the station. This skill is ordinary, the most powerful is the sixth skill, which controls the invincible skill. Qinglei will activate the Ethereal skill. Players who attack more than 6 times with lightning will be turned into an imaginary, and receive an additional 30% magic damage.

After blurring, Qing Lei will then attack Wan Lei with nearly 7 million damage, and 6 lightning strikes are very easy to occur. It only needs to release 6 Wan Lei. Once this happens, players need to resist. Therefore, after each blur, it is a critical moment for extinction. At that moment, no one can panic, especially in the face of newly thrown thunderballs and released thunderbolt skills.

Lu Yang explained Qing Lei's skills to everyone. No one was skeptical of Lu Yang, because Lu Yang had a team formed by a copy of the arena masters. They thought that there were already masters of the studio. I do n’t know, but Lu Yang knew it.

"German doesn't taste the corpse to resist the monster. It depends on you whether you can fight this time." Lu Yang said.

"No problem." De Bu tasted the corpse and turned it into a big stupid bear, rushing towards Qing Lei with four paws.


De Bu tasted the body and hit Qing Lei's body, then he turned sideways to Qing Lei's body and turned Qing Lei's head around.

"Pretty." Lu Yang applauded, and De Bu tasted the corpse, which meant flying Qing Lei's fork-like lightning, and no more fork-like lightning would hit the player.

Lu Yang said: "The muddy wine and the white lion changed their treatment, and went to the side to give Debu a taste of blood."

The Paladin has the Holy Light Beacon skill. After adding the beacon to the target, he will also add 100% to the target ’s blood. At a critical moment, the Paladin can also use magic immunity to immune to the thunder. Spell damage.

At this time, the muddy wine is not the early muddy wine, and the understanding of the healing spell is very high. The Holy Light can be released in 3.5 seconds normally. He does not rely on the spell speed equipment and gems. By simply simplifying the spell, he can reach 1.0. The Holy Light is released within seconds, increasing the healing amount of the target by 2.5 times.

The same is true for the white lion. The presence of the white lion and the lynx is enough to heal the druid, who does not taste the corpse. The bear form of Druid increases magic resistance by 30%, which allows him to receive 500,000 points less each time. Right and left injury.

There are other meanings of Zhuojiu and White Lion standing on both sides of the lord, that is, to see if there is a thunder ball quietly behind Druid. If there is, they are in shape immediately and let Druid change positions.

Lu Yang said: "In a while, Xiao Liang and Zhang Zibo collided. Yeyue listened to the wind and Lan Yu was responsible for adding blood. The rest were seriously fighting. Shen Yiyi and the other priests were responsible for adding the whole group's blood. Remember, Everyone's stand must be more than 10 meters, and you must never walk within 10 meters. "

"Yes," the crowd shouted.

Lu Yang saw that Druid had stabilized his hatred and said, "Hit him and try to kill him within 10 minutes."

Blockbusters of magic and damage fall on Leiguang Corpse King. Under the control of Germany, Leiguang Corpse King has been using Lightning Storm and Sky Thunder to attack Xiaode alone.

It's 30 seconds.

"Wan Lei"

A large piece of magic in the sky suddenly landed, and everyone's head was split by lightning, dropping more than 4 million injuries, because everyone has magic resistance, but they are not very high.

At present, the health of a player with a level 130 dark gold equipment is supported by a level 10 blood gem, which is about 7 million, which means that no player can withstand two million thunder without adding blood. s damage.

"Treatment plus blood," Lu Yang shouted.

"It's too far away, it's so laborious to add blood." Shen Yiyi shouted.

Lu Yang said: "The time has come to test your skills. How to use the least magic to add blood to the most people without delaying time, let me see the results of your usual training."

"Yes." Rev. Shen Yiyi answered in unison.

This time is the time to test the technology, because the lord's health is about to drop by 5%, which is the time when the first thunderball appears. After that, there are 10 thunderballs every 10 seconds.

Lu Yang said: "Melee full output, you hide behind the lord without output pressure, do your best to fight, try your best to beat him."

"Temporal and Twisted"

Lu Yang started a big move, and everyone's cast speed and attack speed increased by 30%. Sun Yu then released Thunder Eagle, and everyone's attack and cast speed increased by 30%.


Once Qing Lei turned his head, flicking with his right hand, 10 thunder **** appeared among Lu Yang's players.

"I have a thunderball under my feet, don't approach me."

"I have it too."

"Me too."

There are six thunderballs in the shape of a character that traps 10 players in the middle. The thunderballs are formed in three seconds. If you let these 3 thunderballs burst, these 10 people will definitely die, but when they were about to run to the left, there were The thunder ball was blocking the road. When it was about to run to the right, there was another thunder ball blocking it. The last road also had the thunder ball. The 10 people panicked.


A white light appeared among them.

"Resistant Fire Ring"

Lu Yang uttered a spell in his mouth. All 10 people collapsed and flew out. Their retreat speed was 10 meters per second. In a blink of an eye, Lu Yang was pushed out of the spell range.

"Remnant Flame-Activated"

Lu Yang fled the thunderball area with a red light, returned to his original position, and continued to output. The 10 people who were blasted and landed in the area without the thunderball.

"Thank you, boss." Wu Dingfeng shouted.

Lu Yang said: "Focus on attack."

The crowd continued to output, and soon reached 10% of the blood volume, Qing Lei turned back for the second time, roaring.

"Lightning explosion"

Three silver thunderballs emerged from him and landed in front of three players like lightning. At this time, each of Lu Yang's positions was more than 10 meters apart. The explosion of Thunder Light only injured the 3 million blood of these 3 people. the amount.

"Healing Wave"

Three people's body had 800,000 treatments, and the blood volume returned to full value within 3 seconds. The side just recovered.

"Wan Lei"

Qing Lei roared, each person dropped more than 4 million health.

"Huh, it's dangerous." Vulcan M16, who was just hit by the explosion of Lei Guang, sighed and said, "Fortunately, the blood was added just now, otherwise it will hang up."

Lu Yang said: "Everyone be careful, he wants to release the thunderball and thunder sucked."

The words just fell, and no one waited for everyone to add blood. 10 thunderballs were thrown out. This time was the most vulnerable time for all players, including Xiao Liang and Zhang Zibo.

Fortunately, the thunderballs were knocked off by the two of them before. Now there are only 10 thunderballs on the map, which is enough for players to avoid.

"The whole staff moved to the left, Master Bing looked at me, and I came to give you a demonstration." Lu Yang pinpointed the direction of the thunder ball, 4 of which were in the same straight line.


Lu Yang jumped to the same straight line as the four thunderballs. Just after landing, Qing Lei looked back at Lu Yang.

"Ray suck"

Lu Yang's body suddenly trembled. His body flew towards Qing Lei. The 4 thunder **** along the way bumped towards the landing sun. Due to the slow speed of the thunder, these thunder **** could hit within 1 second. To Luyang.


Lu Yang became an ice cube. Although he continued to be attracted by Qing Lei, his ice cube was easily immune to the attack of 4 thunderballs. At this time, Xiao Liang and Zhang Zibo had been listening to the wind in Blue Feather and Moonlight. He recovered full blood under his treatment and was hitting six other thunderballs.

"Escape The Dagger"

Lu Yang jumped to the side and said, "This will happen again in a while. Hei Yan is ready to jump over to open the refrigerator at any time to lift the thunderball."

As soon as the words fell, Tian Lei threw another 10 thunder balls. Fortunately, there was no thunder system, Xiao Liang and Zhang Zibo slammed the ball continuously, and the ball was lost.

"Wan Lei"

A thunderbolt fell in the sky, and Lu Yang and others lost more than 4 million HP, but at this time the blood of the lord monster was also reduced to 10%, but at this time, Wan Lei had reached 6 times.

"Everyone's attention, keep full of blood, there is no time to recover without blood, and all remain full of blood." Lu Yang shouted.


Qing Lei's mouth read a spell, and everyone's body became green spirit.

"Wan Lei"

100 purple thunderbolts fell, and all the members lost more than 5 million blood, and everyone was left with blood.


Ten thunderballs were then thrown into the crowd by Qing Lei.

"Have a ball of yarn. The skills are so dense that they are going to be dead." Shouted White Wolf.

Around them, six mines appeared, and all the frightened melees fled and fled.

"Hei Yan went to hit the thunder. He wanted to let the thunder suck, Xiaode didn't move." Lu Yang shouted.

Heiyan flickered and jumped to a place where five mines were in the same straight line.


Heiyan flew towards Qing Lei, halfway along he activated the ice guard, freezing himself in the ice cube, struck by 5 thunders without any damage, and, upon landing, the other 5 thunders Also hit over, 10 mines were scrapped at the same time.

"Pretty." Lu Yang shouted loudly: "Return to melee, continue to attack, and treat to maintain the entire health."

A burst of green light turned on, and everyone's health returned to full value. Before everyone could breathe, Thunder Light exploded, and 3 more people were blown out of 3 million health, followed by Lightning Sphere.

"Oh my god, how can this be so difficult, no wonder the masters in the guild can't beat it." Zhou Tianming said while hiding.

"Hey, that is, our boss can take us there, and other guilds must be here for at least one month." Zhou Tianyan said.

Han Fei and others nodded.

Unfortunately, they were wrong. On the other side, Deng Tian was practicing Pei Zicheng.

"Zicheng ~ ~ Are there any less reports recently?" One step Dengtian asked in a lazy voice on the phone.

Pei Zicheng was standing next to him in black and white. He said embarrassingly, "Boss, I didn't hide from you. I told you all about the issues sent by the Brotherhood of Iron and Blood."

"No, no, no, no," said one step proudly. "How did I hear that Lu Yang was taking a copy with the team today? It was still a nightmare difficulty."

Pei Zicheng said: "Everyone knows this, but Lu Yang didn't open sharing, I can't see it."

Stepping up to the sky with a husky voice, said: "Don't worry, younger brother, Lu Yang will finish playing in a while, send the video to your hands, you just send it to me, you know?"

Pei Zicheng looked distressed and said, "But if I do this, will I betray President Lu Yang again? I won't do it."

He stepped up to the sky and smiled, still speaking in a husky voice: "Brother, you have no way back, give me a good job, and then Lu Yang falls, you will come to me, and I promise to give you a legionnaire."

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