Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1186: Avengers Set

The bronze corpse demon struck the muddy wine and others, but the blood was not much, and it was easily carried down under the blood of the treatment.

Because the Bronze Demon are all close-ups, there are not many attacking MTs. Even if they only wear a level 130 dark gold suit, they can carry it with the blessing of sacred battle armor. As for the attack, Lu Yangdu No involvement in the attack.

There are 100 bronze corpses, and Lu Yang's team needs to release 20 seconds of magic to kill a wave. There is almost no difficulty, and each kill of a bronze corpse will get 20 reputation rewards.

Basically, I played this copy of the difficulty of the nightmare three times, and the reputation can be worshipped. Normally, I ca n’t increase the respect to the copy. Only by playing the nightmare difficulty can I increase to the worship level.

When worshipped, there will be a 140-level gold ring that can be exchanged for prestige. Unfortunately, the mobs here will not drop gold-level drawings. Otherwise, Luyang's smithy will allow players to equip Promote to Gold.

Fortunately, the gem enchantment is still up to date. There is a full-time department of the Brotherhood of Iron Blood under Tu Feng. A total of 10,000 people steal the gems in the copy 24 hours. It is estimated that it wo n’t take long for this place to be official. Modified, this way is not allowed to brush gems, but this is enough to allow all players in the Brotherhood of Iron Blood to equip gems above level 8.

System prompt: The first wave of attacks is over. If you are ready, ask the commander to start the second wave of attacks.

Lu Yang said: "The whole recovery time is 30 seconds."

100 people recovered neatly. After waiting for 30 seconds, Lu Yang came to the commander and said, "My men have recovered and can continue."

Commander Roar: Offense

The cannon and crossbow volleyed, the castle gate opened wide, and 100 boss-level bronze corpses rushed out, but they were still killed.

Lu Yang repeated this action. After six consecutive waves of monsters were cleared up, he waved his hand, the army retreated, and the first boss in the castle came out.

Bronze Demon General-Yu Huai (Lord)

Level: 140

Qi and blood: 100000000000/100000000000

The bronze corpse will be about 20 meters tall, and the huge legs of the lower body are very thick, three times thicker than a normal 20-meter-tall giant, as if two trunks are walking, and his whole body emits a brass-colored light, There was a sullen expression on his face, and every step he took, there was a roar.





The bronze corpse demon will walk across the bridge, and with a embarrassed look on the landing, Yang and others shout: "Who dares to stop the revenge of the demon world!"

The commander roared: "Damn demon, I want to destroy you and attack."

Countless small cannons and crossbows fired in unison, and the Copper Corpse suddenly jumped to the middle of the commander and hundreds of small cannons.

"War Stomp"

Hundreds of dark golden rays spread around the right foot as the center of the copper corpse. Every time a sound wave hits a small cannon, a golden light bounces around, almost how many small shots it hit. The cannon bounced many times, and the small cannon with more than 30 million health was trampled to death by this foot.

"So strong!" The White Lion blinked.

"It took 30 seconds to get blood for a second. How much attack power did he have."

The bronze corpse demon yells at Lu Yang and others standing in the distance: "Who dares to challenge the dignity of the demons."

Xia Yuwei looked at Lu Yang and asked, "How to fight?"

Lu Yang said: "Don't be fooled by his skill appearance. His war trample is determined by the number of people. Whenever he launches a war trample, the base damage is only 1 million, and each ejection increases 1 million damage. So, The more people, the more damage he deals, and the fewer people, his attack power is only 1 million points left. "

Many guilds in the last life have been pitted by the bronze corpse for a long time, and most of them have been pitted for a week before discovering this secret.

It's not that the player is stupid, but that he hasn't encountered such a skill before. He killed everyone in one stroke, causing the players to be depressed when they knew it later.

Zhuo Jiu said, "Frighten me, I thought this damage needed to be avoided, or even holding the guardian heart would need to be invincible to carry it."

Lu Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "For a while, the muddy wine resisted. Those who took the heart of God put the artifact down, and we hit it with normal attack skills."

After all, it is to give a demonstration to all guild players. With the heart of God is not a demonstration, but a show off.

Players holding artifacts such as Bai Xiaoxiao and Shen Yiyi took off the artifacts and put them in their backpacks. For a time, the attributes of Lu Yang and others became regular attributes.

"The muddy wine is strange." Lu Yang said.

The turbid wine poured in a 130-level dark gold shield, rushing towards the monster, and slammed into the monster's body.

"Holy Light Slash"

The voicing wine launches the punishment knight skill, inflicting pure harm and attracting a lot of hatred.

"The Power of Nine Cows"

The bronze corpse dumped a punch into the muddy wine, and with a bang, the muddy wine took a shield to block it, and was beaten back a step.


The total volume of Zhuoju's blood was only 18 million. This attack killed one-fifth. If there were any other attacks, Zhuoju could not bear five attacks.

"Boss, I hit the armor-breaking effect and lost 10% of my defense." Zhuoju shouted in surprise.

Lu Yang said: "Don't panic, resist 3 attacks, change Xiao Liang."

"Yes." Xiao Liang and Zhuo Jiu shouted at the same time.

The bronze corpse monster will hit the second floor three times in a row, the muddy wine backs up, Xiao Liang stepped forward and stuck in position, carried the shield and launched the red mist bloodthirsty skills, trapping the monster in front of him.

Seeing Red Mist Bloodthirsty again, Muddy Wine and White Lion are very sighing. I think the Red Mist Bloodthirsty was almost a bug at that time. Each attack can wipe out the enemy's blood of 5,000, but now everyone ’s When the health is between 6 million and 18 million, this 5000 damage is like a joke.

"Unfortunately, I don't know if this skill can be improved." Mu Yu asked.

Lu Yang said: "It can be improved, but not now, his follow-up blood and skills are difficult to obtain, and I have not found a place to fight."

In the later period, the Red Mist soldier had stronger attack skills, called Blood Mist. Each time he received an attack, the Red Mist soldier's body would sputter the bleeding mist. The initial damage of the Blood Mist was only 300,000, but he could stack it up to a maximum of 6 million, and this blood fog skill can also be released actively, every 3 seconds, and the damage caused by this skill is pure damage, that is, hit 6 million, it is 6 million health.

"Boss, isn't I very powerful in the later period." Xiao Liang shouted excitedly in front.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Of course, except for this period of time, the Red Mist soldiers can't show their advantages in attack. When they reach level 180, the Red Mist soldiers are the main force on the battlefield."

"Hey." Xiao Liang was happy. During this time, he had been depressed about his Red Mist soldier's attack power, but he knew that Lu Yang was busy, so he never raised it.

"Damn, you hurt me and let you see my strength." The bronze corpse's blood dropped by 20%, he roared, the castle door opened, and 100 bronze corpses ran out.

Lu Yang frowned, saying: "Kill the 100 Copper Corpses, don't let them approach the Copper Corpses, they can fuse with the Demons, and give them damage while returning blood."

One increases 1% of damage. If all 100 of them come in, it will cause 100% of additional damage, which is equivalent to the bronze corpse demonstrating more than 7 million damage in each punch. This is the same for any team. Can't afford it.

Xiao Liang just happened to carry three attacks, leaving only Zhuojiu and Zhang Zibo, and took the others to fight against the copper corpse devil.

Lu Yang said: "The ice mage and druid pay attention to control, and the rest of the class is devoted to destroying the bronze corpse demon, leaving only 2 healing and 2 MT here."

Carrying this wave was very simple. With the cooperation of Lu Yang, they quickly killed 100 copper corpses and returned to attack them.

The lord of this level is not difficult. After the first 50% of the blood, there is only one skill, but when the blood is below 50%, the lord shows his strongest state.

"Rotting Power"

The bronze corpse punched his left hand in the mouth, and a dark green energy burst into the sky, inflicting 50,000 damage to each player, and at the same time absorbing 5,000 physical points per player.

100 people is 500,000 points of physical strength. Each point of physical strength increases 16 health, which is an increase of 8 million health.

He didn't increase that much, but even for the players, he was seriously injured. Everyone lost 80,000 HP, and this skill can be stacked, released every 30 seconds.

After 10 consecutive releases, the bronze corpse's blood was hit to 30%, and Lu Yang's blood was reduced by 800,000 stiffly.

"The mage puts the refrigerator, the paladin is invincible, and other professions open magic skills." Lu Yang shouted.

Everyone immediately released their skills, and the upper limit of lost blood was returned, and the corpse's health dropped to 19% instantly.

"No one can do this to me, you have to be punished." The bronze corpse roared, his left hand pointing to the middle of Lu Yang and others.

"Great Tombstone"

A huge tombstone made of bluestone suddenly drilled from the ground. The tombstone is huge, with a base of 50 square meters and a height of 30 meters.

At the moment when the tombstone appeared, Lu Yang and all the players flashed a green light, and a bandaged zombie appeared around everyone.

Dead zombie

Level: 140

Qi and blood: 1000000/1000000

"What is this, why not be afraid of magic."

"I rely, the attack is so strong, I'm bleeding too fast."


Bai Yiyi and others were taken aback. The small dead zombies were losers who practiced the dragon elephant magic, but they had a certain number of layers and their attack power was around 500,000.

Lu Yang said: "Don't panic, all the mage players gather to the left of the tombstone, thieves and fighters jump over to kill the zombies, and the shooter and shaman rush to the tombstone."

"Yes," the crowd shouted.

Lu Yang lost a landmark on the left side of the tombstone, and the long-range professions ran past, but when he was about to run, the bronze corpse demon roared again.

"Soul Eater"

A green light burst from everyone's head, including the little zombies, into the body of the bronze corpse demon general.


The bronze corpse restores 200 million HP.

"Dizzy, he will add blood to himself." Shouted the white wolf.

Lu Yang said: "Don't worry, clean up the little zombies first."

As soon as the words fell, a dark green light lit up on everyone, and a little zombie appeared next to everyone.

These little zombies are immune to magic, attack high, and come with poison damage, which can reduce the player's movement speed. If the player's health is less than 30%, their attack power, attack speed, and movement speed will double, which is annoying.

Bai Lang and others immediately executed Lu Yang's order and began to scan the small zombies and attack the tombstone. After playing for 10 seconds, the copper corpse demonstrator once again drew blood and recovered 200 million blood.

"Endless?" Zhou Tianming cursed.

Lu Yang said: "When he hit the tombstone, the tombstone disappeared, and he could not **** blood. This skill was given to him by the tombstone."

The people suddenly realized that they quickly attacked the tombstones. The total health of 1 billion tombstones was played for a total of 2 minutes. The copper corpse monster recovered 12 times of health and recovered 2.4 billion health.

In the last life, most of the guilds were destroyed at this level. Seeing the lord's blood return, there were small zombies around, and gravestones constantly made zombies. Many people would not play.

Some guilds think of a way to have several defensive battles to gather small zombies together to kill them, but the effect is not good. The small zombies that come out once every 5 seconds require too much anti-war operations.

During the period, there were many ways to play, but all were unsuccessful. Later, the guild chose to kill the tombstone first. However, the tombstone had too much blood and the operation requirements of the players were high. Fortunately, the tombstone cannot be returned. This is **** the Copper Corpses.


The tombstone made of bluestone broke suddenly, Lu Yang said to the crowd: "Continue to kill the copper corpse demon, he doesn't have much blood."

Everyone looked at the Bronze Demon General, and there was only 30 billion HP left, which is the last 30%.

"Boss, does he have any other skills?" Xiao Liang asked.

"No, just give it all out," Lu Yang said.



Everyone fired, and they successfully killed the bronze corpse demon. Everyone sighed with relief at the moment of killing.

"The 100-person nightmare difficulty is really hard to beat."

"Fortunately, it's not easy."

"Whew, scared me."


Lu Yang smiled, and he glanced at everyone in the last life. He walked to the body of the bronze corpse general and looked at the ground.

Dragon Elephant Helmet (Dark Gold)

Level: 140

Defense: 15106—16366

Magic resistance: 15106—16366

Strength: +9500

Stamina: +9500

Constitution: +10600

Additional physical defense: +26666

Additional Magical Defense: +26666

Additional chance to prevent physical crit: +26666

Set: (1/8)

2 piece set: Increase physical defense by 10%

Set of 4: Physics Vocational Skill Level +2

6-piece set: Increase physical defense by 18000 points

8-piece set: Increase magic defense by 20,000 points

"Hey, this equipment is good. It has more than 30% more attributes than level 130." White Wolf said.

"Unfortunately, why not raise it by 100%." ​​The bitter face of half-life love came together.

Lu Yang said silently: "In that case, we can unify the new continent at level 140, how can there be such a good thing."

Love bitterly for half a life, hesitant to laugh.

Lu Yang shook his head with a smile, shook his head, and handed the dragon elephant helmet to the muddy wine. In this copy, he still needed the main defense.

He looked at the second gear.

Avengers Armguards (Dark Gold)

Level: 140

Defense: 14444—114660

Magic resistance: 14444—116120

Strength: +9600

Stamina: +9600

Constitution: +9000

Additional physical attack: +26666

Additional physical crit chance: +26666

Additional physical penetration chance: +26666

Set: (1/8)

2 piece set: Increase physical attack power by 10%

Set of 4: Physics Vocational Skill Level +2

6-piece set: 20,000 extra physical attack

8-piece set: 20,000 chance to increase physical crit chance

The remaining equipment is the Avengers boots, which have the same attributes as the armguards.

"Well, here is the Avengers suit, the attributes are good." White Lion said.

Lu Yang said: "Our luck was very good. Two pieces of dark gold equipment burst out as soon as we arrived. You know, there is a 50% chance for gold equipment."

"Still with such a pit?" Sun Yu asked.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "How else can you say that the copy after level 140 is more difficult? We want to assemble the level 140 dark gold equipment, even if it is brushed twice a day, it will take a month."

It takes too long to get through a copy, it takes almost 3 hours. This is still the case without mistakes along the way. Once the mistake dies, it may take 4 to 5 hours.

Lu Yang gave the Avengers equipment to the dumb handsome guy, all of them were leather armor, and it was better for him.

"Rest in place for 1 minute, ready to follow me into the castle." Lu Yang said, the Dross gate here is just the easiest part of this copy, the lord monster behind is the trouble.

Everyone took out cooking and the magic spring water was restored in place. After 1 minute, they stood in line. As Lu Yang walked into the main entrance of the castle, the gate here is a family of houses. The rows of houses along the sides of the city wall are gorgeous, but here There are no places for normal human rest, and magic street zombies are everywhere on the streets and in front of the houses.


Level: 140

Qi and blood: 100000000/100000000

The appearance of the demon zombies is a Taoist priest wearing a tai chi robe ~ ~. They also have whiskers in their hands. If they do not have black twisted faces, they would think they are superior.

"Line up at the gate of the city. Do not attack on the bridge in close combat. Keep a distance of more than 30 meters from long-range and healing and anti-war and anti-riding. Anti-war prepares to open the shield wall and anti-riding aura of sacrifices to the soldiers and thieves behind. Lu Yang shouted.

Hearing Lu Yang's words, everyone's eyes showed a surprised look, and Xiao Liang, Zhuo Jiu, and others in front of them all showed a dignified look. Generally speaking, Lu Yang said that it was very strange. powerful.

"There are intruders, **** melancholy, and they have failed, then I will kill you, the demon zombie, and attack." Standing at the first intersection of the castle, there is a huge zombie 20 meters tall, wearing The same robe as the Demon Zombie, except that his body is bigger than the others, and everything else is the same.

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