Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 859: 1 way horizontal push

On the ground of the capital city, there is a division's strength, including a tank brigade, two armoured regiments, three artillery battalions, and other mechanized forces. How powerful is the firepower?

Outside the city, a garrison was helping, and the fierce firepower was broken down into a stream of iron and steel, and a large swath of black water poured into the city from various intersections.

At this moment, the entire city has turned into a battlefield!

Focus from all over the world comes again!

"General, we have already sacrificed enough. Are we really going to fight again?"

In the combat command room, some officers were frightened by the power of the young demon king, and their confidence was shaken.

"We can't win. If we fight like this, the whole city may be buried."

"General, admit defeat! The young demon king can't even kill the imperial alliance of the empire, is it what we can deal with in the aurora small country?" №ⅰ№ⅰ

"Pull them down. I don't want to hear any more noise in my ears. I just want my order to be executed." General Bowman said lightly, with a firm face and a cold look.

"I don't believe there is a **** in this world. As long as you are not a god, young devil, I must kill you. I have the dignity of the aurora small country, and no one can profane!" He murmured to himself.

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Tian faced thousands of soldiers, as if the ants were small and shook the big tree, which was ridiculous.

That very artillery, tanks, armored combat vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, etc., the torrent of steel formed is much stronger than the fighters in the sky, that is, the Transformers have come, they must avoid their sharpness, dare not be hard Touch, how dare the young devil run on?

As a result, I saw that the young devil's head iron actually hit it, like a falling meteor, getting faster and faster, and did not mean to slow down. №ⅰ№ⅰ

He shrouded in golden light all over his body, glowing like the scorching sun, dazzling, as if wearing a golden battle suit, magnificent and immortal.

Immediately after breaking through the sound barrier, his speed continued to rise, and when he rushed to the ground, he reached an astonishing three times the speed of sound. The whole person is like a sharp sword, sharp and incomparable, cutting a crack in the void.

He didn't summon the Thunder suit, and he broke through three times the speed of sound with his flesh alone.

"Fight, children, all the firepower, pour out, don't be soft!"

A wide intersection, a commander at the forefront commanded.

This intersection was guarded by a company even with an iron barrel. Several wire network barriers were set up, dozens of large-caliber artillery were set up, and the muzzles of the black holes were aimed at the golden figure in the sky. №ⅰ№ⅰ

This is an artillery company, ordered to stand on this intersection.

They were unfortunate, and Ye Tian chose it here with a blow.

In fact, Ye Tian did not choose randomly, but had his own considerations. The section where this intersection is located is the main road of the entire city, called the Aurora Avenue, with a wide road surface that crosses the north and south of the city. The troops arranged and running on this road are relatively dense. Tanks, armored vehicles, personnel carriers, etc. Wait for the vehicles to line up.

Ye Tian is going to hit the forces that have severely damaged the aurora small country, killing blood into a river, killing the entire city, the whole country is trembling. They will always learn from their lessons and be in awe of the divine realm.

Boom boom!

Everyone saw in the eyes that the golden divine rainbow broke through several times the speed of sound, dragging a long tail light, like a comet falling to the ground, rushing towards the ground, so strong that it was heartbreaking. №ⅰ№ⅰ

However, the soldiers of the aurora small country did not sit back and waited to resist, but they fought back. Bullets, artillery, rockets, missiles, and other war killers poured tons of tons into the sky, tearing the void to a horrible extent. Kong, the target is very unique, all blasted towards the golden Changhong.

These methods of attack are almost saturated, and are too brutal to kill ordinary gods.

But for Ye Tian, ​​it's still too ordinary. His three times the speed of sound is almost unstoppable, faster than all the bullets, artillery and missiles fired in the field.

The bullet's lethality is negligible, his physical body is enough to resist.

The shells rarely hit him. A few of them hit him, and they could not break through the chaos protection.

It was just heavy missiles, which gave him a hint of fear. №ⅰ№ⅰ

After all, his chaos gold body is not a big success, and there are some weaknesses. Fortunately, he built the chaos **** realm to make up for these shortcomings.

When his chaotic gold body is finished and his body is metallized, he will be able to face the most ferocious army on this planet, nuclear weapons, and other high-tech weapons.


"No, he's breaking through!"

"Why can't you stop him? What kind of monster is this?"


The artillery company guarding the road was mad and roared. Soon they were desperate, because they couldn't stop the golden Shenhong, and they were invincible.

In the incredible eyes of everyone ~ ~ The young devil sprinted from the sky to the ground. №ⅰ№ⅰ

At that moment, the entire artillery company was desperate.


I heard a loud noise, and the heavy wire network barriers that erected at the intersection were like a pile of straw, fragmented and broken into numerous small steel nails, sweeping indiscriminately in all directions.

The dozens of large-caliber artillery behind the wire mesh were also vulnerable, as if they were pinched with wood and plastic, they were crushed into iron filings in one shot.

The strength of a company was destroyed in an instant, almost disappearing.

The next scene is even more terrifying. The young devil is like a bamboo shooter. From this intersection, along the Aurora Avenue, he pushed horizontally all the way. In just tens of seconds, the road in the city was bumped into a clear, tarmac A long ditch was plowed out, and turned upside down.

Puff puff!

Various figures were rolled into the sky, blasted into the sky, and turned into blood mist.


Each chariot is like a balloon. It bursts apart, shattered into countless small parts, and emits a burst of loud noises that change the color for nine days.

It was the tank that was shaken out by his collision. Although it did not burst like a chariot, it also changed its shape, or broke its tracks, or broke its muzzle, ...

In just a few tens of seconds, a whole avenue was transformed into Shura hell, corpses were everywhere, and blood flowed into the river.

At this moment, the whole world was stunned, and countless people were frightened.

"This is not true, it must be an illusion."

"Is that human being?"

"Who would say that the state of God is not God, I and him are anxious. So powerful and overbearing, it is not God. What is God?"

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