Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 858: 1 person shakes 3 army

"Five, four, three, two ..."

There was a countdown in the combat command room. When it was zero, the whole city exploded. The noise was astonishing, as if a large earthquake had occurred. The combat command room was located more than ten kilometers away and the ground was violent. There was a shock, and the whole building was shaking.

In the middle of the battlefield, the door of the Supreme Court, which had been razed to the ground, was so violent that a mushroom cloud emptied and rushed against Jiuxiao.


The smoke was permeating, the sea of ​​fire was sweeping, and the shock waves were raging in all directions. Wherever they passed, the buildings were razed to the ground. The square kilometers were turned into scorched soil. Almost all the buildings in the area were flattened. .

This scene is horrifying. Although conventional weapons were fired, they were burst out at the same time because of the cluster launch, and they were almost destructive by small nuclear weapons.

Generally speaking, even small nuclear weapons are enough to kill God's Realm, unless some anti-level exists, or there is a higher-level body protection magic weapon, or master some kind of magical magic, to survive. №ⅰ№ⅰ

In fact, it is an ordinary missile. If it hits the key point of the divine realm, one shot may cause death.

Although the divine realm is tenacious, it is not nearly immortal.

As long as countries that can achieve long-range precision strikes have military strength, they have the power to kill the divine realm. After all, the power of modern weapons is amazing.

Like Ye Tian, ​​the physical body is arrogant, the body protection magic is unparalleled, masters a variety of puppetry skills, and there are also high-level body protection magic magic gods, not many. He dare to face the fire, does not mean that other gods dare to face it.

"The young devil is dead now."

"The cliff is dead. With such a powerful firepower, no one can survive."

"The aurora small country created evil, in order to hunt the young demon king, causing too many innocent deaths and injuries."

"This is a war, and there are no innocent people in the war. They all died for the country, died well, died glorious, and died great." №ⅰ№ⅰ

"The divine realm is really terrible. It is so difficult for a small young demon king. If there are several big divine kings, the big demon, the entire planet may not be able to bear it."

"This kind of evil character should be damned. We must not allow such awesome people on our planet to break the balance."

In reality, sorrow is everywhere, and the Internet is full of drool.

"General!" The female officer continued to report.

"Stop it, I'm not interested in the information of the dead." General Ballman stopped again. He came to the window and looked at a mushroom cloud in the sky, his eyes were a little complicated.

He thought he had successfully killed the young demon king, and he was a national hero, but caused a lot of death and injury, and he was a national sinner.

"General, the young devil may not die," said the female officer. №ⅰ№ⅰ

"What do you mean?" General Ballman looked at her with a glance.

"According to the data, the Imperial League of God used submarine-launched intercontinental missiles to hunt down the young demon king in the Burmese Golden Triangle last year and successfully hit it, but the young devil survived. Later in Hanjing, Nangao, the Imperial League of God used Satan to fight against The guide missile hunted the young demon king and still failed to kill him. I think we underestimated the tenacity of the young demon king. "

The words of the female officer made General Ballman's eyes suddenly startled.

The submarine-launched intercontinental missiles and Satan anti-missile missiles of the great empire of the world were such great killers. As a great officer of a country, General Ballman is more clear than anyone. It is almost the most conventional weapon on the entire planet. At this moment, all kinds of flying puppets launched by their aurora small country are more ferocious.

"Is this really the case?" General Bowman asked, unbelievable.

"If the young demon king could be killed so easily, the Imperial League of God would have killed him hundreds of times, it would not be our turn at all." The female officer looked completely calm.

"this is……?"

Suddenly, there was an exclaim in the combat command room.

All the staff staring at the big screen were stunned, and saw a shocking picture spread out in front of them.

On the sky, in the huge mushroom cloud, a golden figure suddenly flew out, unharmed, like a demon.

"he is……?"

Seeing this scene, countless people's pupils shrank sharply.

"Juvenile Devil?"

Ye Tian rushed up, standing on top of Jiuxiao, his eyes indifferent.

Just now, in order to rescue Long Wei and other people, he delayed some time, otherwise, with his thunder and speed, how could the firepower of the aurora small country touch his body. №ⅰ№ⅰ

He shrouded in golden light all over the body, as if in a golden ocean, which was a spreading chaos **** realm.

An elemental magnetic seal is suspended high above the head, and the endless colorful elemental magnetic light of God hangs down to form a double protection with the chaos.

It was such protection, and he was ashamed in the shock of the almost small nuclear weapon just now.

"Since you're seeking your own way, no wonder I am!"

He was screaming in his clothes, and his intentions soared in his eyes ~ ~ The whole person was like a nine-day demon, filled with horrible waves.

Above the ground, a lot of artillery, one chariot, spit out endless tongues of fire after a brief extinction, pulled out a ray of death, and blasted Ye Tian.

In the sky, a helicopter and a fighter armed with teeth attacked Ye Tian in all directions and spewed out fierce firepower. №ⅰ№ⅰ

He stands high in the sky, the entire city is in the eyes, the fire distribution is unobstructed.


Suddenly he stared, a building a dozen kilometers away caught his attention.

This building is very novel and huge. It is a flock of chickens in the whole city, and it is surrounded by many protective forces. Dozens of tanks are surrounded by it to protect it.

On the top floor of the building, the flags of the three armed forces fluttered in the cold wind, which was extremely dazzling.

"Is the Ministry of National Defense?" Ye Tian smiled coldly.

With his hands on his back, he turned into a rainbow, and rushed towards the fighter jets that were bursting into flames.

In the rain of guns, he is invincible, like no one!

"he wants……?"

Countless people exclaimed, their eyes were about to stare out.


I saw that the young demon king was transformed into Changhong, and his body was like a chariot. He rammed in the void. Everywhere he passed, a fighter jet burst into flames and turned into a pile of iron. Crumbs.

For a moment, however, the void was like a heavenly girl's scattered flowers, a sea of ​​fire, and dozens of fighters and helicopters were destroyed.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's horror, the young demon's body turned sharply, like a shooting star falling to the ground, and turned down.

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