Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 796: Blood witch

This is a picturesque woman, suffocatingly beautiful.

She has long golden hair like a waterfall, as smooth and silky as satin, and she drapes over her shoulders. She wears black leather armor and a short skirt. Her waist is round and slender. She has beautiful legs that are not touching. She is white, slender, and straight. Human eyeball.

Her features are extremely delicate, like porcelain dolls, carved like sheep fat beautiful jade, beautiful and dazzling.

In short, her good-looking face and **** and hot body made her stand out among a group of people, like a bright pearl, which is too eye-catching.

As the saying goes, beautiful women are very dangerous, this little beautiful girl who looks like a loli is even more dangerous.

She has both a witch-like charm and a goddess-like holiness. The combination of the two temperaments is fatal to a man, and it is hard not to be attracted to her.

Along the way, several men have tried to misbehave against her. Some even just said a few words of teasing, they were torn by her canine teeth and sucked the essence.

One of Dragon Guard's ten dragon generals was picked up by her.

Yes, she is the **** witch of the blood race, the son of the blood king, she is extremely respected and noble.

It was she who threw the blood sacred treasure of the blood tribe just now, and saved the life of the Son of God.

"Giggle, God, you are too careless."

She nudged Lianbu step by step, Nana walked up, opened her lips, and issued a silver bell-like laugh, like a charming goblin, confusing.

There was a little mole on her eyebrow, and a ray of radiant radiance overflowed her body, adding a little bit of wonder.

Thousands of ice arrows were all intercepted by the blood soul beads, leaving ice debris all over the ground, the ice coldness in the air couldn't be thickened, and the temperature in the field was suddenly reduced by more than ten degrees, freezing many monks. Straight.

Because of the arrival of the **** witch, the monks were embarrassed and dared not speak.

A **** son who does not blink has scared everyone, and now there is a **** witch who eats people and does not spit out bones. All monks are scared. It feels like facing two killing gods.

The atmosphere in the field was very depressed for a while, and time and space seemed to be still.

"Well, it was a shortfall of success and almost killed the Son of God."

Many monks sighed and shook their heads slightly, very disappointed.

"Strange, the **** witch is here. What about her two quasi-gods?"

And the monk focused his attention on the **** witch and was suspicious.

The **** witch never acted alone, two quasi-gods old servants were always around, where they went. Now the two old servants didn't follow, it was strange.

It stands to reason that if the two old servants are not present, it would be better to kill the **** witch. And the **** son is still scared, and there is also the possibility of killing.

However, Sima Xuankong, who was standing on the iceberg, turned back and ran away.

"Hua Guo'er, look at where you are going this time."

Suddenly, an old voice rang out from the iceberg.


Suddenly, two old figures appeared on the iceberg, each holding an ancient scroll, which was urged by mana, and at the same time sealed off towards Sima Xuankong.

Suddenly, the monks were widened in surprise.

These two old monks are very familiar. It is the two quasi-god old servants of the **** witch, who have traveled a long way on the road to the mystery, near the top of the peak, and only half a foot away from the real god. It's so powerful.

Mantis catching cicadas, carduelis is behind!

When Sima Xuankong dealt with the godson just now, the **** witch also laid a net, and two old servants contracted to the iceberg.


Tianyu shook, two ancient scrolls rose up in the air, merged into the top of Sima Xuankong's head into one, brilliant, falling down, covering Sima Xuankong's whole body, he must be taken in.

Scrolls are engraved with ancient mantras, the blazing blood rushes, glitters, and contains the horrifying seal mana, as if it can devour all things in the world.

Compared to the seal scroll that swallowed up a helicopter on the island, the scrolls now held by the two old servants are more terrifying. They are the blood of the bloodline bottom treasure, from the hands of the first thirteen blood ancestors.

The 13 first-generation blood races of the blood race are so powerful, and Satan, the devil's king, is called a brother and a brother, and can stand against the gods of the Holy Religion.

Because this magic weapon is too powerful, only the divine realm can urge it, so it is divided into two parts, and the two quasi divine old servants each hold half a sheet.

When the scrolls merged into one, the void roared and burst into the blood like a fiery sun, which was beyond sight.

The monks were all cold, thinking that Sima Xuankong really was about to plant this time.

Wan Dao's blood was falling, and Sima Xuankong was trapped in the mud. The space around his body was banned, condensed into an iron plate, and he couldn't move. He must be included in the scroll.

It was so desperate that he did not give up to survive.

He forced his mana to run, his handsome face was sulking, and the icy cold air was raging. He wanted to freeze himself and merge with the iceberg.

No matter how powerful the seal of the scroll is, it is impossible to seal the entire iceberg.

Although his idea was good, but it did not work. Once the seal scroll was running, even the cold and cold air was swallowed in, he could not freeze himself.

In the end, with unwillingness and roar, his body flew up, and the mud cow melted into the scroll like a sea and was sealed in.

Two old servants flew down from the iceberg ~ ~ and landed on the side of the **** witch, handing the seal scroll into the hands of the **** witch.


The **** witch smiled softly and closed the seal scroll.

Then, she looked around at the monks who looked around, and said with an ice-cold expression, "Are you still apart? Wait for me to kill you clean?"

The monks dared not to speak, and all backed off.

The little ladies looked harmless to humans and animals, but in fact they were even more ruthless than the Son of God. Because she is a vampire, she lives by absorbing human blood, and draws energy from human blood.


Suddenly, the **** witch disappeared from the place, a burst of blood mist burst from the retreating monks, a bad-nuck egg's neck was torn, and hot blood was sprayed out.

The **** witch was sucking for a while.

After a while, a dried body fell to the ground.

"I was a bit hungry, but I'm full now."

The **** witch hit a full belly and patted a little swollen belly.

The monks almost didn't scare their urine, and all of them were straight forward.

"Am I so terrible?" The **** witch laughed softly, and her voice was as crisp and sweet as a silver bell, but it was very strange and scary. "I was really hungry just now. I really did n’t mean it. You all go now. Someone who just entered the ice cave, if you don't want to die, get out of me! "

"An ant, I'll go in and kill him!" Said Shenzi with a cold face.

He was almost killed by Sima Xuankong just now, and lost his face, now he is angry.

After speaking, he flashed into the ice cave.

"Who made me so arrogant and told me to get out?"

At this time, a voice suddenly came out of the ice cave.

The Son of God just rushed into the ice cave, just like he saw a ghost, his body stagnate suddenly.

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