Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 795: Almost succeeded


The man fell short of hatred.

He is about to fall to the ground, his figure is very obvious, a very handsome Chinese young man, face like a knife and axe, slender and upright, covered with blue cold mang, as if wearing an ice armor, Who isn't the rewarder who awakened the ice ability?

Yes, this person is Sima Xuankong!

He turned into an assassin and wanted to avenge his dead compatriots and companions.

The Son of God is one of his murderers, and the other is the **** witch of the blood race.


The monks also sighed, but unfortunately, the **** son was almost killed.

The Son of God is too powerful, killing people at every turn. Everyone has been dissatisfied with him longing for him to be killed.


Sima Xuankong regained his sword and split another shocking sword, but it was too late.

The Son of God was already on guard, and the followers around him moved quickly to fight back.

"I don't know the dog thing, I'll see where you run this time, go together and kill him!"

The son of God roared, kicked his feet, and rose to the sky, taking the lead to attack Sima Xuankong.


The golden spear pierced the void, brought a dazzling blood, and burst into the savage gas, piercing Sima Xuankong.


The spear's forward momentum is like breaking bamboo, Sima Xuankong's second sword split the shocking swordman like glass, and it was smashed.

"Go to death!"


The golden battle spear was soaring into the sky, piercing the void, because the blood of too much life was drunk, the spear tip was soaked in blood, and the cold metal luster flashed, like an ancient beast, with an extremely horrible breath.

The Son of God was extremely angry, with blond hair dancing frantically, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, wearing a suit of cold armor, a look of solemnity for nine days and ten places, so strong that it made people tremble.

He had been attacked once by Sima Xuankong before, and a bloodstain on his neck was not yet scabbed. I did not expect that he was attacked again now. It was more dangerous than the previous one and almost fell.

Sima Xuankong is not dead, he is sleepless!

I saw that the spear swept all the way, like a bamboo shoot, first smashing the sword stalks, and finally even the lightsaber condensed by the cold air in the hands of Sima Xuankong was smashed, and a spear pierced his heart.

"Ice Shield!" Sima Xuankong's eyes glowed, he didn't panic, he sighed softly.

As I saw, the sky was cold, and the void in front of him was frozen into an iron plate, the ice shield was several feet thick, and it was still thickening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His ice ability is even more powerful here, because the most important thing here is ice cold, inexhaustible and inexhaustible, he can change at will.

His ice ability can make him invisible in the ice and snow, and he will freeze himself into the ice and snow, his breath is restrained, and it is almost impossible to be found. Therefore, under heavy siege, he was able to escape many times. Even the gods of the Pantheon and King Arthur of the Knights of the Round Table were unable to catch him.

"Break me!"

The godhead roared and tried his best to make his whole body look, his handsome face was swollen, his bones crackled, his muscles were inflated, and his whole body instantly became much taller. His spirit was surging, his spear was pounding out, his blood was shining, It pierced the void, made a howling sound, and pierced the ice shield fiercely.


This spear, shocking to tears, suddenly smashed the ice shield several feet deep, and the blood-colored spear almost stabbed Sima Xuankong in front of him, shocking Sima Xuankong to his surprise.

"Go to death!"

The son of God was roaring, almost crazy, and the spear in his hand kept stabbing forward. The iron heart wanted to stab Sima Xuankong to death in this spear.

Sima Xuankong's ice power mana is running frantically, and the forest coldness in the sky is rolling in, constantly forming an ice shield in front of him, one foot thick and two feet thick ...

The Son of God was strong again, and eventually exhausted, even the golden war spear in his hand was frozen.

He was too impulsive and somewhat ambitious.

Unwilling, his body began to fall to the ground, and his teeth were bitten with resentment.

"God, watch out!"

The following followers suddenly paniced.

When the Son of God saw the clues, he suddenly felt a cold sweat.

The ice shield in front of Sima Xuankong was changing rapidly, and the sky was cold and turbulent, turning it into countless ice arrows, and the sharp arrows pointed at him.


Arrows move the world, killing the world!

Under the sky, the arrows of God are like a forest, each row of which is a few feet long, like a war spear. The arrows are sharp and unparalleled, and they are full of cold mansions.

"God, you kill my people, today I let you pay for your blood!" Sima Xuankong stood on the iceberg, his eyes were cold, his black hair was thick, his majestic shore was full of blood, and his terrible murderous gas pervaded the wild.

"Don't you like to pierce your heart? I have 10,000 ice arrows here, all aimed at your heart."

"Thousands of arrows pierce the heart, kill!"

His voice was sturdy and powerful, and there was a fascination through the golden cracks, causing the iceberg behind him to shatter a layer of ice debris.

He waved his right arm and pointed down violently at



At this moment, the horrifying killer was shocking, the sky was trembling, tens of thousands of ice arrows penetrated the world like locusts in transit, endless, intertwined with a horrible net, stabbed at the gods below with all the murderous spirit, all Align your heart.

The followers of the Son of God all acted, a personal shadow rose to the sky, lifted the weapon in his hand, and swept out the arrow rain in the sky, trying to prop up a blue sky for the Son of God.

But it was useless. There were too many ice arrows, which almost collapsed the void and was impenetrable.

Sima Xuankong said that there are 10,000 ice arrows, but in fact more than 10,000. His ice power mana is running frantically, and the icy cold air is like an assembly line, constantly turning into an ice arrow, the speed is extremely fast.

Puff puff!

The followers of the Son of God died one by one before going to school, and turned into a mist of blood.

At this moment, the Son of God is desperate!

And the casual practitioners who looked around were all smiling.

"Grandma, this product is finally dying!"

All the practitioners must have thought this way.

Unfortunately, the Son of God should not be destined, they were destined to be disappointed again.

Between the electric light and the flint, a blood-red bead suddenly burst into the air, fell above the head of the godson, and drew a trail of bloodlight, forming a blood-colored protection, guarding the godson inside.


The icy arrows of the sky are like hitting the bell jar, they are all broken, and they cannot penetrate this blood light protection at all.

"It's the blood soul bead of the blood race!" You Xiu exclaimed.

On the iceberg, Sima Xuankong also changed his face.

I saw that a beautiful young girl appeared abruptly in the field, attracting everyone's attention.

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